private fingers in a fist like you might run | harrierstripe

i'm no good man, you won't forget—————————————————
Thunderclan's territory was odd. It felt claustrophobic a lot of the time, shielding the Windclan cats from their most beloved sky and making sure they were constantly watching the shadows that the trees cast down on them. It would have been awful to stay on the territory no matter what, but having to come tails tucked between their legs and bloody from rogues of all things made it just all the more sour. Goldenstrike felt smaller than ever, what warrior couldn't defend their home? Not that he blamed any of the other warriors, except maybe Snakeblink, but it was easy to find fault in him so he hadn't given it another thought. But, he kept replaying that night wishing he could have done something different, if maybe he had chosen a better opponent then something good could have happened?

Maybe he was such a bad hunter because he never got out of his own head. It was hard to focus on proper technique when you weren't focused on the prey right in front of you.

His claws sliced through the air as the bird flitted up and away from the lilac tom. He snorted in frustration. He hadn't caught anything in days it seemed. Everything in the forest was too small to catch easy and it always ran under something before he could get close enough. He missed the hares in the plains, they at least were big enough for him to catch, even with poor marksmanship. His chest dropped and raised as he caught his breath, eyes closed, trying to focus. For a brief moment in time he felt maybe a small amount of peace, then he heard a stick snap. First his large ears found the sound and almost as quickly his whole body raised in attention to the location. If it was a Thunderclan cat he was just going to bolt, he didn't want to talk to them, or for them to see him doing anything. Despite being allowed on their land he still felt like a trespassing kit that was to be scolded as soon as he was spotted.

His hackles were just beginning to rise with the tension when Harrierstripe burst through the bushes. All his attentiveness dropped in a second as he rolled his eyes "Oh. It's just you," he said coldly "Looks like you don't haven't been having anymore luck than I have, huh?" the chimera looked like he had been hunting for a bit now and yet he didn't have anything to show for it.


rude words i said, i'm still a mess————————penned by WriteAboutRadish

If he had known Goldenstrike was here, perhaps he would’ve turned and stalked the other way. Instead he is practically nose-to-nose with the gray cat. Coldly the warrior acknowledges him, Harrierstripe does worse by merely snorting in response. His paws lift to move over foliage and twigs with the intention of getting out of here, but Goldenstrike speaks more.

Harrierstripe laughs, ”I’ve not even been trying. Hunting in these woods is easy, not that hard.” A boldface lie, Harrierstripe has caught not a thing since arriving here. Prey had too many places to hide and cower, the prey in WindClan was far more respectable. ”I’m not about to let ThunderClan do all the hunting for WindClan.”
  • » Harrierkit . Harrierpaw . Harrierstripe
    » WindClan Warrior
    » He/him
    » A black and chocolate chimera with golden eyes.
    » "Speech"thoughtsattack
  • » A foe who uses jeers and jaunts to distract his opponents.
    » Excels in using terrain to his advantage.
    » Fights to outwit and see another day.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing

i'm no good man, you won't forget—————————————————
He quirked an eyebrow at Harrierstripe's bold statement, still unamused at the his presence but starting to formulate an idea. "Prove it." a challenge, one that he assumed the tom's pride wouldn't allow him not to take. Sadly the game, if Harrierstripe would play it, wouldn't be just for fun, it would benefit Goldenstrike to shadow him. If Harrierstripe was telling the truth Goldenstrike could reluctantly learn more about hunting in the undergrowth. If he was lying... well making Harrierstripe look like a liar and a fool would be a good use of an afternoon.

He didn't wait to hear a response from the other cat before he started walking away, assuming the tom would follow, "There won't be anything left here after your galivanting, but you probably knew that already," he added the last part snidely, making sure to look right into the other cat's eyes as he said it "But, the forest is big so I'm guessing we can find at least one or two more rodents. Whatta ya' say?" he finally paused to make sure the other cat was following him before he leaped into a bush to start their little adventure.

rude words i said, i'm still a mess————————penned by WriteAboutRadish