twolegplace FIRE AND BLOOD | skyclanner

It wasn't until he felt his four paws touch cold stone that Silversmoke realised he didn't have a plan.

He had practically run to the dastardly Twoleg nests with all the gumption of one ready to kill or intimidate and yet, staring down the buildings now, decorated with spider webs and orange monstrosities, there was a sense of discombobulation that felt as if Halloween branches had wrapped around his throat. Too many SkyClanners had died here, too many more had been whisked away by Twolegs never to return. Was it really worth adding himself to such a number in pursuit of a dead end?

Silversmoke let the question fall to the back of his mind, pushing himself deeper and deeper into the land he feared when he was reminded of Doeblaze's face, the panic she had felt at the idea of the creep knowing where she was. Another voice crept in from a long time ago, exercising caution: Fireflyglow, but he pushed it down too, reminding himself that caution had contributed to Dawnglare's death just as much as the hound had. Wariness of his temper and irrationality had made his clan inactive, somewhere in the streets he used to roam, he imagined an ill-tempered and irrational cat, wanting nothing more than to make his clanmate's life hell.

He'd never been cautious of Dawnglare, he wouldn't be cautious of the stranger. No matter who they were, no matter what they looked like. 'Maybe I should've asked Doeblaze what he looked like before I came here.'

Nearly serpentine in his movements despite a lack of subtlety, the silver tom peered into a nearby alley, eyes narrowing at the darkness in hopes of seeing a stranger's shape. He hated how familiar it looked, the way the dumpster was positioned, the way that the darkness swallowed the red and grey walls with an ease that left the stripe of blue fur upon his spine bristling. How had this place ever been his home?

[ open to anyone in the area !! ]

Today, Disco roams further in to the Twolegplace than normal, a silly walk with some silly friends that have long since abandoned post... They're not quite sure why they haven't returned to where the grass is greener, but whose to say this won't be another fun adventure? Especially so when they stumble upon a blue tabby...

This cat smells very much like the one that had almost gotten squashed on the thunderpath about a moon ago... If it wasn't for Hickorys quick thinking, of course- Disco had been too far away to truly do anything. Something jogs their memory about their little chat with Hickory, how they had called the one they saved a clan cat. They tilt their chin up as they approach, cautious, but curious. "Hellooooo!" comes Discos friendly chime, low to the ground in a display that would hopefully entail they mean no harm. The strange cat seems to be searching for something, peering in to an alleyway with a bristle. "What're we looking for? Who're we looking for?" the latter is mostly meant as a joke, willow-y tail sweeping behind them as they sniff at the ground.

Nothing. Or at least nothing that Disco could smell aside from the acidic tang of where the twolegs throw certain remains in... They swing their head back to the tabby, tilted in genuine curiosity.

  • 87696424_VkvDGDofPQujZeZ.png
    disco ✧.* smoke
    amab nonbinary ✧.* they/them ✧.* 25 months
    kittypet ✧.* former rogue
    tall black smoke with dappled white flecks and silver-y eyes ✧.* adorned with a rhinestone studded collar
    "speech, ff7396" ✧.* thoughts
    single ✧.* pansexual
    smells like vanilla & mint ✧.* warm & comforting
    penned by chuff