camp FIRE AND STONES ❤ learning how to hunt again


Loss of memory had its pros and cons, but mostly cons. She didn't know who her family was, what happened to them, her identity, and her friends. She didn't even know where she belonged and where she was when she had awoken from her coma about a moon ago. Her memories had never improved, but luckily, her body did. She decided to discharge herself from the medic den and relearn how to hunt by herself. Why would she ask for help? That was an apprentice's doing and she was an adult. She didn't even tell anyone she was leaving to go hunt. The tabby-patched female was itching to move her body and she was sick of living off of prey that was hunted for her. She didn't know them, she felt bad for taking food from them. It made her feel useless, like a parasite.

The wind blew past the trees, brushing the long fur back on the she-cat. Petalnose faced the wind, parting her mouth to digest the scent in her mind. White paws gently trek in the direction of the scent, making sure to face the wind. Her gaze scanned the area, keeping her body low and twitching her ears around until she heard movement. She focused her ears in the direction of a batch of reeds. She stalked until she could see the mouse, slowly positioning herself to pounce.


Petalnose crashed upon the reeds to clasp the mouse in her hands. However, the amount of brush underneath her made her weak body stumble and let go. She charged after the mouse, grinding her teeth in anger and cursing to herself. The mouse darted across a frozen part of the water, not deterring the brown tabby to chase after it. Crash. The whole front of her body got dipped in the water, quickly pulling herself back up with her hind end and backing up until she was safe.

Petal spit out some water, rubbed her eyes, and then shook her body. She spat out multitudes of curses and dug her claws into the ground angrily. She shivered, cold from the frigid water that soaked the front half of her body. A tear fell from her cheek, bowing her head to the ground in defeat. However, she quickly pushed her sadness away when she heard someone approaching. Her dry fluffy tail fluffed in embarrassment, her ears flattened against her head as she waited for the other cat to reveal themselves.
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It was the cracking snap of ice that caught Wolverinefang's attention, ironically on the hope that some weighty prey had been foolish enough to go trampling around on the ice. He knows he's not lucky enough for something like that but he figures he'll go check anyway in case someone is in trouble. He was able to drag Smog out of a sinkhole of sand not too long ago but he's unsure if he'd be equally useful when it comes to the water. Thankfully he doesn't have to test that today because he finds a half soaked molly on the land already. Off the type of his head, he doesn't recognize Petalnose but that's not surprise. If she's been a prisoner of the medical den, he's been one of the nursery after his mate's delivery. It feels good to be out, even if nothing of any real fruition will come of it. Her frustration and the faint scent of mouse wiggles his nose as he puts two and two together.

"Yeah, that's how my hunting is going too...," the bulky tom admits wistfully as he drags his wide paws through the piling snow. He shrugs his shoulders like it's no big deal even though he's sure they both know that it is, especially at this time of year. Wolve makes a halfhearted attempt to scout around the river's edge but naturally the prey has hauled far off and he turns back with a lazy smile. As girl crazy as he's been in the past, he's sure his mate wouldn't like him offering his fluff to anyone but her and his kids nowaday so he advises, "You smell like a medicine den escapee. You should probably get back there before you freeze in half." While that'd be an interesting sight, he wouldn't wish death by this burning ice water on anyone so far. A bad cold is more likely but he likes to exaggerate for fun.
Splashing draws Clayfur’s attention to Petalnose’s predicament—he assumes that it’s prey, like Wolverinefang, and he rushes in the direction of the noise. It wouldn’t be the first time that a rabbit attempted to cross a thin patch of ice and fell through, and Clayfur is all too willing to risk catching a cold from the icy water if it means that he brings a large piece of prey home to his clanmates. He hasn’t been able to catch enough extra prey to return the favor for Clearsight yet, but the idea of surprising his not-mate with breakfast in his nest is very appealing. He can hear it now, the soft thanks that the tom would offer him.

When he spies the source of the sound, though, his thin shoulders slump with disappointment. He’s been aware for a while that fishing doesn’t really work like it should anymore, and the chance of actually catching something generally isn’t worth the risk that comes with plunging one’s paw into near-frozen water. Petalnose has been in the medicine den for a while, though, so he’ll give the she-cat a pass. She seems to be soaked past just her paws, though; it looks like she may have fallen in. "Are you okay? The water’s, like, way too cold to fish in right now," he says, a gentle reminder in case she isn’t aware, and a warning to Wolverinefang. Not that the former ShadowClanner is likely to try his paw at fishing anytime soon, Clay thinks.

He agrees with the new RiverClanner, though; Petalnose probably shouldn’t be out here in the freezing cold. He steps closer, hesitantly, to stand at her side. She must be so cold. "You should definitely get back to camp, yeah. Especially now that you’re, like, all wet and stuff." They don’t need any more sick cats around the place, so he’s eager to get the she-cat somewhere where she can dry off and maybe get some rest. He aims to rub his shoulder against hers, hoping to warm her up at least a little bit. Unlike Wolverinefang, he doesn’t have a mate to make jealous (that he knows of), so he doesn’t shy away from physical touch. It’s the easiest way to keep the other warrior warm, after all.
An unfamiliar face made the Molly more uncomfortable, backing away one step and examining the bulky Tom. But she managed to relax her body despite the embarrassment she felt. She noted the smell of the nursery upon the male which she had assumed why she didn’t see him either. The smell of kittens delighted her mind, something she wished she herself could someday offer the clan. He was probably happy, which made her hide a faint smile to herself but it quickly drew to a frown. She hoped happiness would come to her some day.

Petalnose did exit now and then to sunbathe so there were some faces she atleast recognized a tad, now and again she had a conversation with another. She sure didn’t see the Tom among those faces. She assumed she missed him every time. Wonder circled her mind if this warrior knew her name, knowing that a lot knew hers. Petalnose would feel bad if he did, as she always had when someone knew her name but she didn’t know there’s. It felt wrong. It felt rude. It was also so unfair to her, most of her clan mates probably knew more about her than she personally did. She wanted to ask if she knew him, but that question sounded rude in the context of her being soaked in water and irritated. She was too cold for introductions in the first place, she did want to warm up, tongue drawing across her chest in attempts to groom some water off. “I think I’m well enough not to be in the medicine den. I’m a waste of space at this point.” She put bluntly, trying her best not to come off as tense toned. “I feel better.. just a bruised ego. I got.. weak, sitting in the medic den won’t heal that.” She added with a sigh, shaking her fur once again. Her body ate away at her muscles as she stayed sedentary, so the she-cat was frail underneath the long coat.

Her gaze shifted to Clayfur, more embarrassment seeping into her. She wanted to crawl into her own skin, cringing to herself. Fox dung. Was the crash really that loud? How much attention would it bring? She nodded at the suggestion of at least going back to camp, it did bum her out to end her hunt so early. If she just hadn’t crashed face first, maybe she would’ve eventually gathered a patrol, or, moved to another prey in the area. “T-Trust me, I wasn’t trying to fish! There was a mouse I was after. I just- didn’t think before I stepped on the ice. I wasn’t fond of it getting away.” She explained, her tone quickened from her embarrassment. She laughed in a nervous manner and cleared her throat, adverting her gaze anywhere but them.

Muscles tense as the other tom made advances to warm her up, telling every muscle in her body to not move away. However, despite being internally panicked, there was a sense of comfort and relief from the warmth of a shoulder. She instead gently leaned in, sniffling softly from the sadness she had masked earlier. Hoping they brushed that off as her being cold, letting her body shiver to cover it up. Guilt fluttered in her stomach, guilty for all the warmth and hospitality her clan mates had offered her lately. She wanted to return that, and her only chance.. gone. Now she brought more trouble to the table. She’d now have to think of a way to thank the two males. Words weren’t enough. Maybe when she’d get this down she could offer a free meal. “T..Thank you.” That was all she could offer for now.

In every situation you give me peace
Ebony paws carried the ivory striped kitten in the direction of her father, licking her lips clean from the remnants of prey Wolverinefang brought to the nursery. With a rumbling purr the girl arches her spine, rubbing along the length of the older tom's side before settling between large front paws. Wearing a cheerful smile she glances up at him. "Thank you for the food daddy. It was delicious!" Sable mewls in appreciation before leveling her gaze once more to rest upon a sopping wet warrior. Periwinkle eyes sweep over the molly slowly from nose to tail, quietly listening as she explains trying to capture a mouse. But what really piques her interest is talk of the medicine den. "What is it like in the medicine den?" She always held curiosity over the places deemed forbidden to enter.
Don't gotta be afraid because you're in the lead