pafp fire burn and cauldron bubble 𖥸 'potions'


oh could i be the sky
Mar 15, 2024
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The great expanses of sand and gorse become less and less daunting with each careful investigation... The company of her siblings, and at times her cousins, are enough to temper her nerves into that of steel. Immune to the waves of grief and loss that had afflicted the camp before her birth, Mottledkit doesn't seem to pay much mind to the darkened patches of sand where bloody bodies had once been claimed as meals for slavering jaws.

Today, she sets about her afternoon with eyes scrying the camp for victims- they are not volunteers because she believes they owe it to her to listen- in an effort to get this delightful potion drank up from its puddle-ish existence. Turning to Meadowkit with a stern gaze of confidence and stubborn excitement, the shadow-dappled she-kit points towards their concoction with a devious grin. "What else we put in there? We got... some mud... I put...piece of a moss-ball for playful... Maybe we could convince momma to give us one of her whiskers! For good luck..."

Uncle Skyclaw could use some good luck... maybe they could make him drink it once it was complete. "We should get one of the warriors to drink... I bet it makes them really good at hunting," she suggests, drawing in a breathy giggle as she bumps against her sibling in her tiny fit of laughter.


Meadowkit is seemingly immune to the fear that grips some kits, that makes them pause at that great wall of light. She plunges into the great unknown every morning with no hesitation, excited every day to go out into camp and see what the warriors and the apprentices were up to today, to tilt her head and look up at the sky and watch the clouds drift lazily pass, to watch the birds fly overhead and daydream about the feeling of one day sinking her claws into their wings and knowing that she caught it and that because of her some kitten someday that was much like herself would go to bed with a full belly.

Mottledkit is a little more hesitant, but that's okay! That's what sister's were for right? For being there and making everything seem a little less scary because Meadowkit wasn't scared, she isn't scared of anything! (Well, except the dark... and monster, but that's besides the point!) She sits near her littermate and watches with bright green eyes as she mixes together a 'potion' for one of the warriors. "Hmmmm" she says contemplatively as she tilts her head to meet a hindleg so that she may scratch that hard to reach spot behind her ears as she thinks. "OH! I know!" she cries out "We should put a feather in it, that way it'll REALLY be a potion for good hunting!" and quickly she scurries to the fresh-kill pile to retrieve her ingredient.

When she returns only a brief second later, she gingerly places the feather on the top of their little pile. "There!" she exclaims, nearly blowing the feather away with her excited breath "All done!" Now they just needed someone to drink it Mottledkit says... Instantly her eyes are scanning the clearing looking for a vic-er volunteer. "HEY YOU!" she screams out at the closest (unfortunate) cat "YEAH YOU! Come here we need you to try this!" were they supposed to eat their horrible concoction or slather it on themselves? Meadowkit can barely suppress her own laughter to think on the matter, but when she looks down at what theyve made she decides that perhaps its best if they wear it so like it can soak into their skin or something. "Mottledkit and I worked very hard on this! Its a uhhhh a save!" she had heard that word once, she thinks, when she had seen Gentlestorm put a bunch of chewed up plants on someone. "Ya put it all over yourself and like you become the uh the BEST" At what? She had no idea. But certainly it would do SOMETHING, right?

  • oZHYGDl.jpeg

  • 79402766_SDCTSiSnicLgq5m.png
    A large fluffy red tabby kitten with a white chest, stomach, tail, muzzle and stripe running along her back. Her eyes are a deep, forest, green and in her pelt one can usually find flowers woven
    easy in battle + no formal training

⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ Sparrowkit was minding is own business when Meadowkit called towards him. He returned her scream with a gentle smile and trotted over, none the wiser. "Hi Meadowkit! Mottledkit!" Finally, his new little denmates were trying to play with him!

As Meadowkit speaks, Sparrowkit peers down at the puddle-ish thing to see what exactly she was talking about. Mud, moss-ball, and a feather - it's a weird concoction, but nothing he hasn't seen on his own pelt before. He remembers playing and rolling into the mud one day - the white of his fur was stained for days! A small giggle escapes his mouth at the thought, and he readily nods his head towards the two kittens. "Cool!"

"But.. what is a.. a save?" He ponders for a moment, eventually deciding it sounds like something Gentlestorm said once. He trusted Gentlestorm, so if the kittens were making what he makes, he could trust them too. Sparrowkit wonders what he could be the best at as he starts grabbing pawfuls of the potion and smearing it all over his pristine white fur that had just been groomed. "Like this?"

  • thunder-kit-transparent.png
    SPARROWKIT he/him, thunderclan kitten, 4 moons.
    a long-furred white tom with chocolate markings on his ears, tail, and a heart-shaped mark on his flank.
    loner heritage. adopted son of FLAMEWHISKER
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by ixora@.ixora on discord, feel free to dm for plots.