fire from the ash — skyclan border patrol

She hasn't been to ThunderClan in a while. The last time would have been ... Stars, it would have been before Morningpaw's death, wouldn't it? It feels like ages ago, though it's hardly even been a season. So much has happened since then, so much has changed- Orangeblossom takes a deep breath, pausing for a few moments to stretch out her bad leg before she continues the last few fox-lengths to the border. She's been lucky to avoid cramps thus far, but she should have known she'd get the entire way here and home without feeling the strain of using the injured muscles.

"This is the ThunderClan border," she explains to Eveningpaw, not drawing attention to her limp despite its relative obviousness. Snorlaxmoon and Violetpaw likely already know this, but her apprentice is new to the rank. News of Emberstar's death has yet to cross into the pines of SkyClan, so the deputy is completely unaware of their neighbour's paradigm shift as she continues, "Do you remember who their leader is?"

  • @eveningpaw @SNORLAXMOON @VIOLETPAW no need to wait for reply :]

  • orangeblossom, deputy of skyclan
    — mentoring eveningpaw.
    ✦ 26 moons, she/her
    ✦ fluffy white and ginger cat with brown eyes. torn left ear, scar on right foreleg. injured!
    ✦ bi, single. @ on discord for plots.


eve hung close to orangeblossom, she had never been this far outside of skyclan's camp before. despite curiosity running deep, a little fear managed to seep in. it was good to be a little scared, prepare for the worst. she was just being helpful. if a monster decided to come out of nowhere to attack, eveningpaw would be ready!

however as they neared the border, her fears seemed to dissipate. thunderclan's territory seemed a lot like theirs. lots and lots of trees, she wondered if they ever climbed them. she nodded as her mentor announced that this was in fact the border, sending a pale blue gaze across, trying to spot one of it's residents. she had never seen one before, did they look the same? maybe they grew an extra set of paws and that was where they got their name, cause with that many paws your steps had to sound like thunder.

caught in her imaginative trance, she nearly missed orangeblossom's question. right, serious stuff. "of course i do!" eve stated, head held high. she then began quickly racking her brain, their leader. something that ended in star for sure. she thought hard, before memories of the day she became an apprentice popped into her mind. her very first training session, how could she forget. "it's emberstar! she's the one who made that big rule!" she finally blurted, tail fluffing up behind her.


Unenthused to be part of this patrol, the grey tom follows behind, holding up the end of the patrol.

He thinks he needs to get better at the days he shows up to SkyClan. Between the clan's meetings and patrol assignments, Snorlaxmoon seems to have bad luck with both of them. Having been caught in a name change and now a patrol to StormClan's border, certainly there would be a way to avoid these things.

But, Thistly did say that Snorlax would need to be going on patrols in order to eat from the kill pile, so... at least he had a treat to look forward to after this.

Boredom hits as Sherrif Orange begins asking questions to the youngest patrol member - Evie, one of Thistly's kids, if Snorlax remembers correctly. Stuff about the clan on the other side of the border, information that the daylight warrior does not care for. However, as a big rule is mentioned by the kid, intrigue hits him. Surely, there weren't that big of rules the clans all held as important, were there? Had he missed something?

"Big rule?" he repeats, sleepy eyes blinking towards the kid, "What big rule?"

Burnpaw was still expected to go on patrols whenever he could, which he didn't mind. Patrolling took his mind off of all the things going on around him. His mother's pregnancy, his mentor's death. The dogs that haunted them. He has to admit that he is afraid of them and so he does not wander far from the patrol in his search for prey. His nose is turned up into the air when he catches a whiff of something else. Sky Clan. The furr on the back of his neck stands up ever so slightly. He does not want to run into his father or his siblings right now, not while he felt this terrible. Seeing them would only make him feel worse. He wants to turn around, to leave the border where his sister had been killed but voices drift to his ears. Sky Clanners. Suddenly, they are there and he is sinking backward, trying to hide in the shadows but he hears something that makes him step out of them.

"What big rule?" he asks incredulous "What rock have you been hiding under?" Was SkyClan really filled with this many mouse-brains? His lips pull into a sneer. "Surely you're joking right?" he wants to correct them about their leader as well, bitterness tugging at his heart, but he's not so certain he wants Sky Clan to know all of their business. It wasn't his place.
War weighin' on my heart but I can't fall
Long limbs trail behind the young dark furred tom, patrolling this side of the forest and hoping they do not come across any dogs during their outing. Hooded eyes gazed upon the boy as he briefly wondered why he'd stopped, now slinking back only a handful of steps before ultimately calling out across the border. Ah, skyclan. Well, their presence was certainly more welcome than vicious hounds. Silverlightning casts his attention over the invisible line separating them, watching silently as Orangeblossom quizzed one of their little ones. Emberstar's name tumbles from the girls lips and Silver makes no move to correct them. Howling Wind has taken up the mantle of leadership and he would leave that in secrecy. The other clans did not need to know of anything happening within their borders.

Grey eyes trail downward, landing upon the agitated figure of Burnpaw as he sucks in a gentle breath. "I believe they are referring to the rule of strict loyalty to ones clan, Burnpaw." The man murmurs in his usual casual tone before turning toward his pupil. "Tell me Mousepaw, what mode of travel does skyclan use that differentiates them from the rest of the clans?" (apprentice tag @MOUSEPAW !)
Seekin' shelter from the storm on this blank road