development fire on fire would normally kill us // contemplation [rta]


frondfeather & 30 moons & female & she/her & riverclan warrior

Whatever it was frond had been expecting of their travels - well, it certainly hadn't been this.

The cats she called her own - friends, family, her loved ones even if it was only in that inevitable way it'd been growing up alongside them; they were no longer a whole. The ripple colony was no more - perishing under the weight of riverclan just as their mountain home had succumbed to the snowmelt, crashing down like sheets of pouring rain. It is not that she is alone of course - there are still others, just not as many. Just not everyone. Though they have not been swallowed up by the earths grasp but by their own choices, they have been taken from her nonetheless - and she can only mourn.

She'd chosen riverclan the moment the elders had - in her eyes, it'd been a given that they'd succeeded their power, that she had a new council to follow. She hadn't understood the animosity the others had - hadn't seen the violence coming until it was too late. It hadn't mattered in the end - she'd made the same decision she always would have - her loyalty to her home coming first. Ripple colony, riverclan - it didn't matter on who's orders she moved. She was a loyal soldier - she would follow their commands to her grave if need be.

Body moves on autopilot, claws sinking into tender flesh as she crunches through snowfall and frost, crimson staining the ground as the mouse falls limp and lifeless - green eyes are, for a moment, unseeing. And then she breathes, and the moment is over - jaws wrapping delicately around her catch as she dances her way back over to join the others - confident. Composed. The same cat she has always been - will always be - even on her own.

" I'm surprised it didn't hear me coming - silly thing, what's the point of such big ears if you don't use them? " she says, an attempt at casual conversation to distract her weary mind. 'It doesn't matter' she reminds herself, and she does not allow her iron resolve to slip.

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'


// @DAWNSTORM - optional bestie tag but no need to wait <3
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die with memories , not dreams .
As harrowing as it was, doing daily tasks like this left a bitter taste in his mouth, brushing up against Frondfeather, Dawnstorm hummed softly. “Quiet.” He supplied, referring to her hunting skills with a languid blink of his hues. It was hard, wishing things to return to normal, but nothing would, at least … he still had them. It was the only thing that was keeping him grounded despite the heavy weight of exhaustion behind pulsating hues.

“Continue?” He inquired, empty-pawed and prickling to catch something before they returned, or risk scorn, Dawnstorm would stay out the entire night if he had to, returning in the morning with a freshly caught animal. If he had to stay out longer—days before he caught something, then he would do so. Better cold than feeling things that he unfortunately still couldn’t figure out, frustrating him to no end.

They were broken. Left to pick up the tattered remains and succumb to scrutiny. They would never be RiverClanners. That much was true more than ever. He was alright with that. He would continue forward.
thought speech
*+:。.。 Like hell they wouldn't be Riverclanners! If Silverbreath had anything to say about it, he'd do his damndest to ensure the former loners found their place among their clanmates - for they all were clanmates! All this stress about who came from where was exhausting, shouldn't it matter more where they put their loyalties first and foremost? You didn't need to be a Ripple colony cat to betray Riverclan, any cat was capable of it. Frankly, Deacon and Sasha had never liked having to conform, their betrayal was no surprise...but couldn't it also be said that maybe Smokestar was a bit too stern with demanding indoctrination so quickly from cats still mourning the loss of their own community?

Ah, Silverbreath wasn't the greatest at taking big triumphant stands, but he could at least do his best to ensure the former Ripple colony cats knew they certainly had an ally in him.

"Agreed! Don't sell yourself short, Frondfeather, you've got some impressively stealthy paws, even my ears couldn't pick up any sound from your steps" Silverbreath would purr, poking his head from the bushes as he approached the two felines. He would eye Fronfeather's catch momentarily, his stomach aching at the scent of fresh meat. "I'm glad one of us managed to catch something, I'm virtually useless today I'm afraid. Too damn cold" he'd sigh, letting out an exaggerated - brr! - as he shook out his uselessly thin fur.

"How about we try nearer the river's edge? I'm dying to check if there's any sign of a trapped fish or something" he suggested, licking his lips at the thought.

    DMAB— He/Him — Bisexual
    35 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Father to Carp-paw, Mentoring Goldenpaw
    Riverclan — Warrior

    Physically hard | mentally hard
    Attack in bold #7d7d7d
    injuries: None currently