camp Fire & Silk ~ Intro



WE HAVE YET TO CRASH ✧°.☀ ————————————
Things in Thunderclan had been....well, shitty to put it quite bluntly. In her first moon of being a full-fledged warrior events had gone downhill rather quickly. From Emberstar literally dying, to the dogs taking over Sunningrocks, to Riverclan being their usual snooty ass selves in refusing to help; it was a wonder how Lilypad or any of her clanmates weren't all grey around the muzzles from stress alone. But now things seemed to be quieting down and Lilypad was more than happy to finally go back to some sense of normalcy, even if she was metaphorically avoiding eye contact with the looming sense of apprehension that seemed to be sitting on every cat's shoulders since they officially claimed Sunningrocks and the new code was put in place.

No hunting on another clan's land, it sounded simple enough to her, but there was always someone around to take the simple things and make them complicated, wasn't there? But today, she wasn't going to worry about that, at least not at this moment. No, instead all the young warrior wanted to do was enjoy the warm new-leaf day, find a patrol to either hunt or spar with, and then share a meal with her friends; one in particular cat in mind. Froglegs' nest was already cold in the warriors' den when she had woken up this morning, damn busybody was probably off on the dawn patrol or something. Giving her tiny body stretch, Lilypad would slip out of her own sleeping place and step out into the clearing of camp, squinting and blinking her hazel eyes a few times as the sudden brightness of the morning temporarily blinded her.

Lilypad was such a funny cat to look at, one of the smallest full-grown cats in the clan, but what she lacked in height she well made up for in optimism and surprising muscular undertones. She stood outside the den for several heartbeats to allow the sun to warm her brown ticked pelt before giving her chest a few licks for appearance's sake and then setting off towards a growing group of her clanmates, breakfast could wait until she returned from her morning duties. She still hadn't spotted her best friend's black and white pelt, so with a mental shrug, she would smile brightly at the cats of her clan and meowed cheerily, "Morning everyone! What's on the to-do list today? My paws are itching to get going."


No need to wait for those tagged!

[penned by zaeya - ]

There was a reservoir for anxiety in Frogleg’s mind, an unattended to thing, stagnant and ready to spill out at any moment. He used his friend Lilypad as a distraction, they were made warriors the same day and he had given her hell since before. Well- they both had a way of pecking at each other like a couple of birds.

" They should be itching to get growing!" he barked a jab at her height with a lobsided grin as he emerged with a stretch from a sunlit patch of grass. Long slender legs like crickets pop and crackle as he comically stretches his way towards the short brown molly.

" ~hunting trip? " he singsongs to her sarcastically, " you can catch beetles or somethin’ " he naturally tucks his ribs away incase she goes for a swift kick or jab.

Howlingstar can't help but let herself sprawl out on her stomach and soak in the morning sun's rays. Her eyes slowly shut as she listens to her clanmates chat and groom themselves as they wait for morning patrols to be sent out. A half-eaten mouse lies at her paws and she peels an eye open to see two clanmates approach. "Good morning," She trills kindly, a contentedness in her voice. It's a good day, she can feel it in her whiskers.

"Would you like to eat?" It admittedly feels odd to call the warrior by her name when her own daughter in the clan shares it, funnily enough, so she subconsciously avoids it if she can. So to let Lilypad know she's talking to her, she nudges the rest of her mouse towards her. She blinks towards Frogleg, offering a nod of greeting. "You two are more than welcome to go hunting, if you'd like, but make sure you wait for Flycatcher's patrols to make sure you're not placed on any!" It's an easy mistake for young warriors to make. They're so caught up in their newfound freedom, they forget there is still some order they must follow.
WE HAVE YET TO CRASH ✧°.☀ ————————————

A familiar voice touches her ears and her eye physically twitches, a look that was a mixture of pure chaotic mischief and untamed annoyance touches her normally cheery face. She turns to face Frogleg, both her best friend and the biggest pain in her ass, and the glow in her eyes only brightens as she actually has to look up in order to face the taller tom, "At least beetles are better than nothing. You'll scare off all the birds in the trees when you bonk your giant head on the branches."

Her whiskers twitch with restrained laughter, Frogleap was the only cat who could really get under her skin and jab just hard enough to both irritate her and put her at ease. Lilypad is still staring him down when the voice of their leader pipes up and she lets out a surprised squeak, whirling around and letting out a laugh of embarrassment for how childish they had both just been in front of Howlingstar.

Surprise would replace the mischief in her eyes as Howlingstar offered her the rest of her meal and then surprise morphed easily into warm admiration as a large smile touched her maw, "Are you sure? I can wait, but if you insist." She moves to sit before the leader, taking a bite of the mouse before also nudging it towards Frogleg, knowing he probably hasn't eaten yet either.

Lilypad nods eagerly at Howlingstars' advice, licking her chops before chirping, "We will, Howlingstar! Are you not joining any patrols today?" A giddy feeling would shoot through her at the idea of being on the same patrol as her leader, it would give her the chance to show what a useful and dependable warrior she was!

[penned by zaeya - ]
WE'RE GETTING LOST! "I would be careful, it's always who you underestimate that gets ya in the end." Killdeercry mused with a grin. Her head swayed as she lumbered over to her fellow Clanmates, nodding in respect to Howlingstar before firmly planting herself across from Lilypad and Frogleg. She did eye the other half of the mouse but, but she reassured herself it was worth to wait for a nice squirrel to fall in her paws. "I think Lilypad has major advantage with her size. Easy to use the chaos and crowd of a fight to get the jump on the enemy. And hunting? Well, I'd assume she's got a decent enough stalk, nothing could possibly hear or see her coming."

Although Lilypad's question did bring a bit of curiosity in her eyes. How often did Howlingstar attend patrols like the average warrior? She only knew the leader to attend outings that demanded the time of her busy schedule. She quietly hoped the discussion might encourage her to join them on a patrol together. "When was the last time you sat in the forest, breathed in with the breeze and enjoyed it? That's my favorite part of patrols."— tags

ROEFLAME — break the air to feel the fall.
Roeflame actually quite liked Lilypad, even if for purely superficial reasons.
The tabby warrior also wore the unfortunate title of being one of Thunderclan’s smallest warriors, and her clanmates were quick to find that it was a sensitive topic for her, even as a child.
Yet, it was a small and silent comfort to know that the runt-sized warrior was not alone in her particularly stunted troubles.
Still, the other was impossibly up-beat most of the time, a trait Roeflame found both envy and admiration in.
She’s eating her own prey nearby Howlingstar when the chatter begins, having been up since dawn at the courtesy of her former mentor, finding that she was still not too keen on the chilled early mornings. "I’ll come. I’ve been wanting to find a creek to dip my paws in anyways." Roeflame pipes up as she finishes her meal, getting up with a lengthy stretch against the suns warmth. When Killdeercry joins in with semi-morbid mumblings Roeflame quirks a brow bone in the warriors direction. "You think so?" The pale tabby then prompted in reference to Lilypad having an advantage with her small size. Roeflame supposed she never thought of it from that angle, she always wanted to be in the brunt face of a battle rather than utilizing the element of surprise.
WE HAVE YET TO CRASH ✧°.☀ ————————————

"HA!" Lilypad would snort as she threw a smirk of smug triumph toward Frogleg at Killdeercry's words and poked him in the side with her paw. "See? Keep underestimating me and you'll regret it." Her head was held higher now, her mood improving even more as Roeflame now joined them. Lilypad felt a sense of camaraderie towards the cinnamon-ticked tabby, after all, they were both small and unassuming looking to any cat dumb enough to equate their skill and usefulness to their size.

Flashing both Killdeercry and Roeflame a smile she would lash her tail behind her as she meowed, "Maybe we can go hunting if Flycatcher hasn't assigned us already? You and I can show this beanstalk here how hunting is actually done." The mischief in her gaze was unmistakable and her paws fidgeted with eagerness. Maybe they could even catch a pheasant if they were lucky! Wouldn't that be something to see? And the queens and elders would love the big pretty feathers in their nests!

Her haunches would wiggle, wanting to sprint out into the woods right now and start looking, but otherwise she remained seated waiting to see who of those around would join her on her little adventure.

[penned by zaeya - ]