border FIREFLIES — o, joining


* ✰. — starry-eyed ❞
Mar 16, 2024
With his twolegs allowing him to roam more freely nowadays, Comet was taking every liberty to explore the world outside of his comfy abode. Don't get him wrong; his people were good to him and kept him fed, but the outside was much more... interesting! He had even chased after a bird that morning, though of course was nowhere near close to catching it. Comet wasn't even sure what he would do if he did catch that bird; would he eat it? What would it taste like?

His curiosity had also been roused when his neighbors mentioned in passing the presence of feral cats who resided in the woods. They were fierce fighters and skilled hunters who lived amongst the leaves and grass with no twolegs to care for them. How did they do it, especially when it rained or when snow covered the ground? The youth had inquired more about the neighboring cats, but they only knew so much. Maybe... maybe if Comet sought the wild cats out himself, they could answer his questions! It would be fascinating to learn more about the colonies that lived just beyond the treeline.

The lilac tabby had squeezed out from underneath the fence, though to his dismay, a thread of his knitted sweater had come undone and was now dangling off. Aw, shoot. Oh well. Comet regarded the trees with wide eyes, amazed as he had never seen them from this viewpoint before. It only took a few more paces forward before a strong, foreign scent hit his nostrils... "... Hello?" Comet reluctantly meows, freezing in place and looking around warily as pawsteps begin to approach him.

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    he/him; kittypet
    shorthaired lilac tabby with green eyes and low white; wears a gray collar and usually a sweater
    "speech", thoughts, attack
    link to full tags; @ on discord or dm @beaaats for plots!​

Normally the she-cat would have made it to camp by now, but a late return home the previous night meant a late rise, and she was still learning how to bounce through the trees. Unabashed by her slow arrival at camp.

A meow from down below had caught Peachpaw off guard. Blue eyes watched the tabby tom for the branches above as he called out into the unknown . A smile broke out on her face, and then a few giggles managed to escape. Peachpaw wondered if she looked like this kitty pet when she first came to the woods too.

"Hello," she called, mimicking him. "You're a bit far from home," she sang at him. She couldn't help but tease. Well aware that she should be interrogating the young other cat, regardless, the pale cat remained up above until the other could make his intentions known below.


Plaguepaw dragged along reluctantly behind Quillstrike, making a minimal effort to mark trees as his face brushed against rough bark. He was supposed to be hunting if he remembered correctly. Maybe, he didn't know anymore. Either way, he hoped that as long as he was doing something the bristle backed tom wouldn't fuss at him too much. As pine needles rained down from above his attention is drawn to Peachpaw as she leapt from one branch to another, stopping as a call gently rang through the forest. Dark ears flicked, rotating in the general direction of the voice before trekking forward to catch up with his fellow apprentice.

Turquoise eyes stared silently for a moment, letting Peachpaw take the lead in speaking as he analyzed the younger tom. A collar and strange twoleg pelt clung to him. It was evident this was a kittypet. "Really far." The patchy tom murmured, head cocking as it lowered to encroach upon the newcomer's personal space. "You sure you don't wanna head back while you still have the chance?" It was a genuine question. As well as an offer. One he thought the tom should accept if he had any say about it. Why come out here to the forest when they could be living their best life with their twolegs?
-ˋˏ✄┈┈┈┈ skyclan apprentice / twelve moons old / he/him ┈┈┈┈
The voice sounding from above caught him off guard. Comet cranes his neck, staring upward with shining green hues filled with awe. Whoa. How did they manage to get up there? That was the highest that Comet has ever seen anyone... ever!

Trying to focus on what the she-cat said as opposed to standing there dumbfounded, Comet swallows and replies nervously, "Kind of. I mean, not super far. My house is over there." The tabby gestures with his tail in the direction of the twoleg residences. He's not far, and yet he feels as if he's stepped paw into a different world entirely.

Eyes flick toward a new figure now, an older but still relatively young-looking tom that sported a collar. Huh, that's peculiar. Was he a kittypet, too? His rugged, outdoorsy scent suggests otherwise. "Are you guys... the wild cats?" Comet inquires, his knowledge of the fabled ferals clearly limited.

Glancing from the tree-bound she-cat and back to the dark-pelted tom standing before him, Comet frowns slightly as his words suggest a vague malice. What did he mean, "while you still can"? Were they going to hurt him for coming too close to their territory?

The lilac tabby fights the urge to shrink back, wondering if it would be better to appear confident or submissive. "I've heard about you. I was just... curious, I guess." Comet admits truthfully. He wasn't trying to disrespect them! "I understand if I can't stay here." If they were to tell him to turn around and flee now, he would. Comet was young, small in comparison, and probably could not defend himself to save his life. To stand up to these cats would be risky and idiotic.

  • formatting got screwy on mobile 😭

  • * ₊ ☾

    — he/him; kittypet
    — shorthaired lilac tabby with green eyes and low white; wears a gray collar and usually a sweater
    "speech", thoughts, attack
    link to full tags; @ on discord or dm <@345328664789123072> for plots!​
"Wild cats?" Orangestar echoes from a low branch nearby, a small flicker of amusement crossing her features as Peachpaw and Plaguepaw accost the kittypet that has wandered over the border. Her attention roves over him: young, ears twitching, curved defensively but not outright cowering. He looks to be about Springpaw's age, or maybe a little younger. She clears her throat, "I suppose we are."

Orangestar descends from the tree, taking a deep breath as she straightens at its roots; while she has shaken the worst of her whitecough case, the lingering sniffles are cause for annoyance. Her torn ear twitches backwards briefly.

"SkyClan is known to accept kittypets into our ranks." She explains, her tail sweeping across her paws as she sits down. "Peachpaw, here, visits us during the day to train and hunt with those of us who remain overnight. But it's not an easy life. You risk injury, or worse; but SkyClan cares for each other as if we are kin."

  • // @Springpaw
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    ORANGESTAR ✧ she/her, leader of skyclan | nine lives
    " a scarred white-and-ginger she-cat with brown eyes."

    — single ; mentoring springpaw
    — speech is in #E3B2A9
    tags | art by pin
A more mature voice makes its presence known from the boughs of the towering evergreens, and by the time Comet looks back up to see who is addressing him, he catches sight of a longhaired molly. Her fur was of the purest white, accompanied by splashes of ginger. Wow, she was a beautiful cat.

Her taller stature and scar-torn features intimidate him, though Comet is more reassured when she calmly answers his questions and takes a seat, directly engaging him. "SkyClan..." The kittypet echoes, taking mental note of the group's name. Then, he realizes what the older she-cat had just informed him — SkyClan accepted outsiders. Comet glances in Peachpaw's direction as her name is mentioned. She was a pet like him, who spent time in the forest during the day before traveling back home at night. "You mean... I could join you guys?" A young tom like him? A house pet who had never roamed outside his own backyard before? That sounded amazing! Maybe he could learn how to hunt for birds and climb trees like they did!

As the molly had mentioned, living as a wild cat came with its risks. Those scars that many of them had came from somewhere, surely. Comet pondered for a moment, weighing the possibilities; staying confined to his backyard and never exploring beyond it or learning the ways of the wild cats and discovering a life much more exciting than the life of a shut-in. If he got hurt... Well, he didn't know what would happen. He had never really gotten hurt before. Maybe Comet would have to just find out. "I think I'd like to join SkyClan... if that's alright." Comet decides, dipping his head respectfully to the other.

He is grinning, paws barely able to contain his excitement. Comet felt the urge to dash in circles to celebrate his new membership. However, it is then that he realizes that he hasn't even introduced himself. Whoops. "Oh, uhm, I'm Comet by the way. What are yours?" The lilac tabby tom meows, sweeping his gaze over all of the cats present.

  • *

    he/him; kittypet
    shorthaired lilac tabby with green eyes and low white; wears a gray collar and usually a sweater
    "speech", thoughts, attack
    link to full tags; @ on discord or dm @beaaats for plots!​