Anyway, don't be a stranger
Aug 2, 2023
He's been doing what he's been meant to for basically his entire life. His home, most of the time, had enough going on to keep his interest. He would watch his siblings open the portal to the outside and go "ooh, wow! there's water falling from the sky! Does it always do that? Does it feel as funny and weird as when he was dunked in what he thinks is an entire lake because he rolled around in some tasty - smelling red stuff? Or could he handle the sky water? Could he climb that tree? And then he would take note of a trinket by the portal that he'd never seen before and run to it instead. He's pretty sure his brother didn't want him to go outside. He doesn't know why– of course he doesn't know, cause he's not old enough to understand him yet, but he figures it's a good reason. The one (or maybe two?) other times he had gone outside, his brother and his sister had both come looking for him and scooped him up real quick. Danger, maybe. Maybe he had to wait until he was their size.

But one day, the portal was open and guess what he saw: another cat! That's curiosity that couldn't be overriden by just any scraggly or furry or slimy thing. He didn't get to see other cats often! Hardly at all! sometimes through the windows, he could see them jumping around, but he's never talked to one, and he really wanted to, so, maybe he could go look! That's the plan at least, but when he gets out there, there's no cat anymore and his sister is totally yelling at him! He'll tell her what he's doing when he's older, he promises.

And there's a gap under the wood here, so... that's probably where the mystery cat went! He's just gonna say hi, and come right back!

...So, he ends up thinking that probably a few times, and now he's totally in the forest. That's fine. The forest is very cool. Presumably, that is, because he's never been here. Less fine is that he totally just crashed into someone. " Oof! Sorry! Oh– wait! " Someone! In the forest! " You're a cat! In the forest! That's so weird. What're you doing here? " He'd thought every cat was where he was, since that's where the food is and stuff!

  • OOC: SILLY GUY HAS ARRIVED. Fluid timing a bit before there is.. discourse about kittypet joiners LMAO
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  • 𝘼𝙍𝙀 𝙒𝙀 𝘽𝙍𝙊𝙏𝙃𝙀𝙍𝙎? CADET Kittypet; to - be daylight apprentice
    —— He / him, content with they / them pronouns; transgender male
    —— Currently 5 moons old. ages every 1st

    A shorthaired tortie mink tomcat of below - average stature. Endlessly curious about the world around him, prone to rambling, excessive, and sometimes blunt questioning. Cares deeply for his twolegs, considers them his brothers. Wholeheartedly believes that he will be like them when he's older.

"WAAH— I can explain, I can—" He spun around, pupils thinner than the eye of the needle as he tried to see who had bumped into him. The point's fur bristled and large ears flattened to the sides of his cranium, expecting to someone who did not want him to go into the forest. His owners had sanctioned him from there, his brother had sanctioned him from there, his parents had sanctioned him from there, and within that brief second, he swore he could feel his whole life crumbling down as he had to admit to all five of them that he led a double life as a clan cat. Instead, there was nothing at eye level, only the tiniest of voices that caused Momowhisker's case to angle downwards. "Woah you are... a young little guy aren't you?" He muttered under his breath, his wiry limbs giving him a noticeable height advantage over the small (compared to him) kitten. The swish of his ribbon-like tail began to slow to a worried wave and, just as the Daylight Warrior opened his mouth to ask what the child was doing, he was met with a myriad of observations that caused him to smile awkwardly.

Well yes, he supposed he was a cat in the forest. Sadness twinged at the word 'weird' but he did his best to hide it behind puppy-dog eyes, finding himself 'umming and ahhing as he tried to think of a reasonable explanation for the tortie. Could he trust them? He seemed young, harmless enough, but spilling the secret of his comings and goings felt like entrusting him with a deathberry and begging him not to feed it to him. Tentatively, he glanced towards the sky, catching the sun in its usual patrolling position. If others were going to be around anyways, then Momowhisker supposed it wouldn't hurt, just this once, to be truthful. "I am walking towards my clan, my uh... home away from home. I help them hunt and fight and mark their territory, all terribly, terribly important stuff. But you're... not from the clan, right?" He recognised the other Daylight Warriors, and had a good bond with most of them, he'd have recognised but it felt impolite not to ask. When he received his answer, regardless of how long-winded it may have been, the lynx point nodded. With an air of nervous playfulness, Momowhisker asked, "So! What are you doing here?"


Among the arms of the pines, a bristles form bounded- from branch-to-branch he moved, muscles bunching. It was the perfect way to start his day, as far as he was concerned- relaxing, while also warming his muscles up for the day. Any grip on relaxation he'd had, though, was swept away by the tidal-wave of a yelp- alarm. There'd been a trespasser problem, recently... or at least a bunch of loners who seemed intent on leaving their- their kits on the border and tiptoeing along the scent line. From his vantage point he got a wide-eyes view of the situation- though, thankfully, the cat he did recognise out of the two wasn't... bleeding out or dying from dog-wounds or anything...

Just... talking to another cat. The other one smelled a little bit more strongly of Twolegs and kittypet-food than the daylight warriors did. Hs wariness hadn't lessened very much, muscles twitching and bunching a little as he called down to the pair, eyelids flaring wider. "Hi, Mmm-Momowhisker...!" he called, iris-dwarfed pupils flitting with a fleck of suspicion over to the other cat. He didn't look aggressive... but you could never be sure who was a dog in the skin of a cat, blinking shyly, bumbling around... friend'y on the outside, but couldn't it be a façade...?

"Who's, uh, this?" he inquired, eyes faintly narrowing- before he forced them wider again. No need to be suspicious. Yet.
penned by pin ✧
Oho! Caught with his head in the bag! So, apparently this guy has something to hide. Must have something to do with why they're in the forest. Something shady, he bets. Cadet observes them raptly as they recover, stumbling on their own words and then some. Cadet's not judging though, cause he does that sometimes too. The tortoiseshell blinks up at him expectantly.

The assertion makes Cadet frown. Not because the mystery cat is wrong, but because the truth makes Cadet antsy. Not like thats his fault, so Cadet wouldn't be mad at him or anything. The tom straightens himself up instead. " Um, yeah, but I'll be plenty big soon. Bigger than you, even, " he informs them logically and conclusively. It's one of the few things he could answer logically and conclusively and not with a bunch of ooh, what if–'s attached to it. Cadet focusses on how funny this mystery cat's face is instead of how he may possibly sort of be worried about this (absolutely fool-proof and true) answer. The young cat tilts his head as he awaits an explanation to this cats suspicious misdoings.

He's already opening his mouth to ask what a clan is, but thankfully they answer for him. " Home away from home? " he echoes, awestruck. That sounded impossibly cool and important. He's always wanted to be impossibly cool and important like that. " Whaaat? Ohmygosh. What do you hunt? Who are you fighting? Where's your territory? It must be so important, " it had to be, because he's never heard of any of this stuff in his entire life! They even nod all important - like.

Cadet's eyes are practically shining, so much that it takes way too long to catch the weird cats question. " Oh, me? Ohhh, I'm... " What was he doing here? Clanning (whatever that is) totally. " Um! Chasing you! I mean– maybe it was you. I didn't get a good look, but it was probably you! I wanted to talk 'cause I don't get to talk a lot. I mean, I talk all the time but the ones I usually talk to can't talk back...? And also they don't really understand me, but I know they try really hard to and they care a lot, but– wow, this is so cool. You're so cool! "

He takes a moment to catch his breath. Wow, clanning was hard stuff. He's thankful his breath is well - timed enough to get to see another new cat (friend soon? Hopefully?) " Oh wow, are you Momowhisker? That name is soooo weird, and cool! You're very cool too, other stranger! You're soo scruffy. Sorry, is that rude? I don't talk to other cats often. Or like, ever, " Cadet says. Again probably. Is he repeating himself? He does that sometimes. Is he being annoying? Okay, but he thinks in some cases being annoying is necessary to learn what you need to learn. " You have weird eyes, too! Cool weird eyes. Very cool. So how do I join this uh– clan? " He totally forgot the scruffy cat asked a question, too. A pause. Then he remembers, " I'm Cadet! "

  • OOC:
  • 𝘼𝙍𝙀 𝙒𝙀 𝘽𝙍𝙊𝙏𝙃𝙀𝙍𝙎? CADET Kittypet; to - be daylight apprentice
    —— He / him, content with they / them pronouns; transgender male
    —— Currently 5 moons old. ages every 1st

    A shorthaired tortie mink tomcat of below - average stature. Endlessly curious about the world around him, prone to rambling, excessive, and sometimes blunt questioning. Cares deeply for his twolegs, considers them his brothers. Wholeheartedly believes that he will be like them when he's older.

✿—— she arrives just as the first bits of conversation are draining from the air, the small tabby glancing between twitchbolt, momowhisker, and a white-mottled stranger. the strange cat is small, perhaps even smaller than bobbie herself, and clearly quite young—not much older than her own newly-graduated kits, if she had to guess. a jaunty bandana is slung about his neck, and she glances down at her own buckled red collar and back up at the tableau before her. green eyes drift towards momowhisker, himself bearing a collar, and blessedly familiar twitchbolt—she forgets he's a lead warrior, sometimes, with both how twitchy and how young the bicolor tom is, but it's visible now. cream-tipped paws are set solidly on the ground, the warrior nervous despite her strengthened stance; despite her anxieties, the young cat appears pretty harmless.

"uh, who's he?" she's speaking half to the pair of warriors and half to the stranger, head tipped towards the trio—before she can speak any further, the tortie's speaking matter-of-factly, answering some question she hadn't arrived in time to catch. with one rounded ear inclined to the stranger—a kittypet, she judges by his appearance, not too different from herself only moons ago—the tabby takes a moment to brush pine needles from her thick fur, suddenly all too aware of her mussed fur from another climbing attempt. he assails poor twitchbolt and momowhisker with a barrage of questions and, perhaps still acting on nursery instinct, the warrior replies, "we hunt a lot of things—birds, m-mostly, but some other prey too. we sometimes fight the other clans. our territory is here, from the edge of thunderclan's territory to the b-beginnings of the twolegplace."

it's with a certain detached wonder she finds herself so easily adopting the "we" pronoun, assimilating herself into the masses of warriors; informing a cat as unknowing of clan life as she'd only been moons ago. it feels strange, a sense of deja vu hovering over her, though she'd been nearly delirious with pain and hunger when she'd found herself on their borders, as opposed to this bright-eyed young one. tentatively, she offers the kittypet a smile, hoping to act as a friendly face; she must be wary, of course, but that didn't mean she couldn't be friendly. to his second barrage she again answers, the faintest traces of amusement creeping into her tone, "if it wasn't these two, it was another one of our p-patrols—do you normally only talk to your housefolk?"

just as she answers his second flood of questions, he pauses for a moment to catch his breath and then storms right on, to her ear-twitching humor; it's charming, in a strange way. perhaps it simply reminds her of her own kits, or the many others she'd been minding only a few sunrises ago. she finds her voice again, wondering how in the name of the stars he can talk so fast, "i don't imagine twitchbolt has much time to focus on his fur, with his d-duties," she tips her head to the scruffy young tom, a reserved respect in her eyes; he is a cat she trusts to carry out the duties of a lead warrior. the tabby replies once more, "well, i guess you'd have to talk to our leader—that's really more yours to answer, isn't it, twitchbolt? s-sorry," her mew is sheepish, a final answer as she glances back to the kittypet, "nice to meet you, cadet."

  • ooc: ——
  • ❀ bobbie — for her kithood love of bobby pins
    she/her ; cisgender female — skyclan — queen — 39 ☾s
    —— bobbie is a beautiful but insecure lilac tabby, dotted with white patches and with pale green eyes. a queen of skyclan, she's sweet and kind if prone to melancholy; the heartbreaking end of a lifelong romance has left her scarred..
    —— smells like sweet lavender & tea leaves ; sounds like sansa stark ; speech in #D64933, thoughts in #B1C797
    —— peaceful / healing powerplay permitted ; attacks/contact in underline ; won’t start fights ; will flee ; will show mercy ; won't kill or maim
    —— pansexual panromantic monogamist, divorced, not looking ; open to friendships, enemies, casual interactions, plotting ; not open to unplanned romance & unplanned battles
    penned by dejavudesklamp9 on discord for plots
  • shhh don't look here (battle info will go here at some point)

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Judging the situation, this feline was clearly not one... brimming with aggression. His neck twitched, an eyelid fluttering, as he sat thoughtful on the question- enough time for Bobbie to take charge, making up for the lagging gap in Twitchbolt's thoughts as he was complimented. Cool. Cool, weird eyes. He'd heard that before, oddly... usually from a kitten's mouth. And- and scruffy. He bristled a little at that, inwardly thankful for Bobbie assuming (at least aloud) that it was something to do with his duties, and not... a tumultuous upbringing that he'd only mostly moved on from.

Join- Bobbie looked to him, and the look on his face was almost as if he'd been struck around the skull. "Uh- yeah," he said, almost stupidly. Right. He was... he was in charge now, in situations like this. Supposed to- to make decisions about who could and couldn't do things, extend the realms of his suspicions to actual judgement. Besides the worst-case-scenario fears, though... this one didn't seem like a frothing threat. Not... now, at least. Oh, what if he was wrong? They'd have his head, they'd throw him to the moors to die, they'd...

"Um- well, you're... definitely enthusiastic. If- if you want to join, then- yeah, you'll have to talk to our leader." he swallowed, going over the rules in his head. What would he want to know if he was a... naive kittypet who had never spoken to anyone except his housefolk? "But- but, you have to know... um, this isn't... a fun game, alright? Most of us... don't have twolegs, and live in the forest. This is our, our- survival. And if you join the Clan, you- you- you have to take your duties, and our... our customs... very seriously." He hoped, oh-so-desperately, that it was a sound explanation. "Sss-so... so, are you... prepared for that?" Cadet had to know what he was getting into. Loneliness was a fine motivation, but... Stars knew how long that'd last.
penned by pin ✧
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He doesn't really expect any of his questions to be answered. Well, he supposes the chirps and warbles his brothers level at him could have been answers, but Cadet has no chance of understanding them, not right now, at least. Receiving tangible, comprehensible answers from someone is incredibly shocking thanks to this, and honestly leaves him a bit starstruck. The look he fixes on the tawny she - cat is probably a dopey one, with wide eyes and a half -parted jaw. " Oh wow, " This was a lot of information. " Birds? Isn't catching birds impossible? I mean– they can fly! Wait, can Clan cats fly? Do I get to learn how to fly? Or can only you guys fly, and the other clans are ground dwellers. By the way: other clans? ThunderClan? Can they shoot lazers from their eyes? So are you guys FlyingClan? No, FlightClan. "

He smiles right back at the she - cat. See? Friendly! Friendly nice smiling guy who you should totally let join you all!. " Um, yeah! Well kinda, I don't really, um– I don't like to say Housefolk it sounds really detached you know I– I've known them my whole life, they're my brothers and sisters! But um– yeah, I cant– they can't understand me really, but it'll be fine it won't be, um, forever " Cadet screws up his face. He stuttered a lot– he does that sometimes. Sometimes his chest gets all scrunchie and he has to... slow down. The tortoiseshell screws up his face for a moment; lets his shoulders do the relaxing thingy. Clans, right.

His head tilts toward the aforementioned "Twitchbolt" in a silent question. Duties? Was this guy super important? " Your leader? " he breaks his own silence with a gasp. Woah. Enthusiastic, that's him. He's enthusiastic about plenty of things. Cadet stares at Twitchbolt like they have the answer to all his problems hidden deep within their eyes. He could talk to a leader. Though, what if their leader found them totally annoying? Oh that'd suck. That'd suck a lot. He should listen so he knows what to say to this leader. Cadet blinks furiously.

This isn't... a fun game, alright. Cadet blinks. They don't have twolegs. The boy gapes. " But, how– " Nonono, listen. He mashes his lips shut. Lots of information. A ton. " Oh wow. Okay. Oh wow– yes. " He's getting it, is he getting it? He would try his best to get it. That's what he can always promise, that he tries his best. " Y-yeah! I'll do it. I'll learn. I'll learn plenty, I'm really good at learning. You won't– I mean, I'll do my best! "

Oh, and also, to the nice lady: " And nice to meet you... you! "

  • OOC:
  • 𝘼𝙍𝙀 𝙒𝙀 𝘽𝙍𝙊𝙏𝙃𝙀𝙍𝙎? CADET Kittypet; to - be daylight apprentice
    —— He / him, content with they / them pronouns; transgender male
    —— Currently 5 moons old. ages every 1st

    A shorthaired tortie mink tomcat of below - average stature. Endlessly curious about the world around him, prone to rambling, excessive, and sometimes blunt questioning. Cares deeply for his twolegs, considers them his brothers. Wholeheartedly believes that he will be like them when he's older.

Bigger than you, even. The lynx point's muzzle curled into a proud smirk, his serpentine body shifting to its full height. His ears gave him most of his height, almost as large as his face but half as expressive. "If you say so," he mused, finding himself easing into the conversation when, suddenly, Cadet began to talk again. And talk some more... and some more. Eyes grew wider as he was assaulted with question after question, it became no small relief when Bobbie and Titchbolt were able to intercept. He recalled tidbits with nervous laughter, he was cool? Nice. His name was weird? Not so nice. "That's... slightly offensive..." he murmured under his breath, rolling his shoulders. It was something he could live with - it wasn't like older and more authoritative cats hadn't said the same to him. Stretching back on his haunches, Momowhisker patiently waited for the two warriors to finish explaining SkyClan to the stranger, head bobbing whenever he heard a point that was particularly important: talk to the leader, don't treat it as a game, take your duties seriously.

Once, he had only been able to do two of the three required tasks, clan-life providing too much of an insight into the world outside his gilded walls and yet seeming like an adventure all the same. It'd been the shelter that had solidified how little choice the cats out here had but to be wild and be happy. His cage was not one so readily escapable, he had a family to think of and Twolegs who would raze the forest down if it meant finding him, but whatever he could do to keep SkyClan healthy, he would do in a heartbeat. "So, you can be a Daylight Apprentice! Train with us in the day, be with your Twolegs at night... if you want to of course. Oh and also, we're SkyClan, not FlightClan. Oh and... lasers?" He tilted his head, the word absent from his Kittypet lexicon. He was dealing with this conversation back-to-front, wasn't he? It seemed reasonable, Cadet was like a verbal hurricane and Momowhisker wasn't sure where he'd land once another gale of questions came through. Still, he beamed with sincere optimism towards the other, selfishly excited to get to be alongside another Daylight SkyClanner. Too often they came and went, Cadet seemed too passionate to let this opportunity slip away though.

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