firewatch | intro, rain


i wished i snoozed
Apr 26, 2024

It had been sunny out. Keyword being had. Dogwoodkit started the day like most others, yawning and stretching striped paws out into the world. Then she would say please and thank you for some breakfast and then the world was hers for the taking. Most of the time that looked like playing mossball or hide and seek, but now she was big. A whole three moons, which she could nearly count to, she was ready to tackle the world head on and that meant exploration. Now when one's world is still very small, exploration doesn't mean the same thing as it does to a full grown warrior. No, for her exploring meant tiptoeing around warriors, looking in the medicine den, and pushing the limits on what still constituted as being in camp.

Yes it was quite the time to be alive. The morning kept chugging along as did Dogwoodkit. But, as the day aged the clouds turned grey and heavy. Now a seasoned warrior would see the clouds and understand that they meant rain, the small curly cloud-ball of a kit did not know such things and therefore when a fat raindrop splashed right on the tip of her nose she was rather taken aback. She was right at the edge of camp, possibly as far away from the nursery as she could have found herself. Now sometimes rain starts as a drizzle and then breaks out, this rain however was in quite the rush. As soon as one droplet hit the kitten thousands more followed.

Quickly little feet tried to run to the nursery but legs of warriors and apprentices also trying to take shelter made that into a challenge. By the time she reached the shelter of the nursery she was soaked to the bone. She looked like a wet mossball standing at the mouth of the nursery, tears threating to spill over she whimpered into the open space "I'm cold." most know the molly to never cry, it was something she hadn't really needed since she learned to use her words. But, it would seem unexpected interruptions and uncomfortable fur was the little fur-ball's breaking point.


Unexpected rain was never anyone's favourite thing, Owlheart particularly didn't enjoy it due to her longer coat. It hung heavy and weighed her down, generally displeasing. The warrior was taking time to herself in a secluded area in camp, trying to be outgoing was starting to weigh her down just as much as a hypothetical wet coat. That brief enjoyment of solitude was interrupted when one rain droplet became dozens and she became part of the masses around camp that was trying to find shelter out of the rain.

She had intended to find her way to the warriors den, sure it was going to be crowded with everyone trying to avoid the rain as well but that's where her nest was. Wandering past the nursery she paused at the sound of whimpering. At first she thought whoever was causing it to be further inside the shelter of the nursery. Blinking in surprise at the sight of a small wet mossball of a kitten only at the mouth of it. Owlheart wasn’t experienced with kits and she did debate leaving this situation in more capable paws but it felt cruel to ignore someone so upset.

Hesitant paws moved the warrior so she could stand by the mouth of the nursery with her, an excuse to not be in the crowded warriors den was welcomed. “The rain should pass soon” she offered quietly, eyes searching the den for the sight of one of Dogwoodkit’s parents or a queen. They could surely do a better job at comforting a child than the tabby. Owlheart was willing to try her best though, a fluffy tail hesitantly curling itself around her “did you see anything interesting today?” she asked in an attempt to distract her from the uncomfortable feeling of being wet and cold.


✧ . Having been visiting Butterflytuft in the nursery, Greeneyes hadn’t seen the sky’s shift from clear to cloudy. It’s when he’s on his way out that the rain starts, that his ears pick up on the sound of wind tangled into the storm’s song. Unease spikes quickly, and the lead warrior finds himself stepping backwards into the shelter of the nursery. It’s safer here than… than out in the middle of camp.

He’s not the only one to take shelter here. A nod is given to Owlheart in greeting, before his gaze is cast downward at soaked fur and a quivering maw. Poor Dogwoodkit had been caught in the rain. “ You look cold! “ Greeneyes agrees, “ It really came out of nowhere didn’t it?

Like Owlheart, a snow-masked face lifts, searching for the kit’s mother in the nursery’s depths. She shouldn’t be too far — unless Heronstep had been caught in the rain too. His attention returns to the kit, now wrapped in the new warrior’s tail.

You’ll warm up soon, I promise! “ he chirps, paws shifting as he looks toward the nursery’s opening, toward rain and rain and rain. It’ll let up at some point, he knows, but it doesn’t still his unease, and like doesn’t quell Dogwoodkit’s either. “ Did you know that it can rain while the sun’s still out? It doesn’t happen often, but when the rain stops, the sky almost always earns a stripe of bright colors! It doesn’t last for long though — you have to be real quick to spot it! “​
  • 74596946_rY2pLJ2YZGmQ0CI.png
    GREENEYES AMAB. He / Him. Lead Warrior of SkyClan.
    ✧ . A red tabby and white tom with bright green eyes.
    ✧ . Daisyflight x Raven Ramble
    ✧ . Mentored by Sheepcurl ; Former mentor to Falcongaze
    ✧ . Peaceful and healing powerplay permitted!
    ✧ . Penned by Abri@_abri_ on discord, feel free to dm for plots!
    ✧ . " Speech " ; Attack