Alabaster paws carried the flame hued tabby towards the center of the camp where Flycatcher usually sat. Even though he hadn't been there for the past few days, it still felt weird to not hear him list off the daily patrols. Thankfully, he would be recovered here soon, and they had managed to escape being seriously injured. The lead warrior sat down, flicking her plume-like tail over her front paws. "Gather around for the daily patrols." she called out, even though most of the warriors were already padding over. The last time she had done this was when Howlingstar had been deputy, and Trufflepelt had seriously injured her. The feeling of everyone staring at her felt weird, but not as strange as it had the first time many moons ago.

"Silverlightning, I want you to lead the patrol along the Skyclan and Riverclan border this morning. Take Rabbitnose and Burnstorm with you." Hopefully Skyclan had been successful in driving out Windclan. Her pelt twitched at the thought.

"Finchcatcher, you are in charge of the dawn patrol to the Shadowclan and Windclan border. I will send Killdeercry and Pebblestep to go with you. Keep an eye out for any signs of bears...Hopefully they do not decide to come over here on our side of the Thunderpath."

"I will lead the dusk patrol along the Riverclan and Skyclan border. Shiningsun and Batwing, you two will join me."

"Little wolf, you will lead the dusk patrol to the Shadowclan and Windclan border. You may have Honeywish and Kindleheart to help you. The last time we saw them they were trying to cross through our territory to attack Skyclan...they may be on edge, so be careful."

"Wolfwind and Basilwisker, you two are in charge of today's hunting patrols. You may choose who you bring, and I wish you good hunting."

"Redwind, I would like you to hold a training session. You may choose which skill you would like the clan to brush up on."

She replayed her words in her mind, and when she was satisfied she would do a small nod. "Thank you all for listening. For those hunting, good luck...and for those patrolling, I do expect everyone to be on good behavior."

dawn sky: @Silverlightning @Rabbitnose @BURNSTORM !
dusk river: @Flamewhisker @SHININGSUN @batwing
training: @Redwind

War weighin' on my heart but I can't fall
Movement from the corner of his eye gathers his attention long before the lead warrior's words do. She settles within the middle of camp, then calls every warrior near as she begins to list off who she had in mind for various patrols today. To his surprise, Flamewhisker chose him to lead a patrol down to skyclan. A twinge of pride warms his chest despite his features remaining stoic and stony. It would be his first time leading a patrol anywhere. Silverlightning's chin lifts marginally higher in acknowledgement of the ginger molly's wishes. "Very well." He murmurs, pivoting slightly on ashen paws to seek out his apprentice. He'd heard what happened when Sootstar came seeking passage through their territory to lay their claws upon their neighbors.

Much like Flamewhisker, he wondered how Blazestar and his clan fared against the moorland queen. With a whisk of his long plumed tail he finally spots Mousepaw in the crowd and nods to her. "If you've not eaten this morning I suggest you do so now." Turning his attention on Burnstorm and Rabbitnose next he continues. "I will be waiting by the entrance." He murmurs and turns to leave, slipping past a throng of cats.
Seekin' shelter from the storm on this blank road

Raccoonstripe is out of commission and thus she has no warrior to tail for patrols, no mentor to take her out training and she is left sitting with no tasks to accomplish and at the same time avidly avoiding the medicine cat den because she doesn't want to hear the griping and complaints echoing within it.
Moonpaw quickly spots her mother in the crowd and pads over, tail raised and movements swift, "Little Wolf, can I come with your patrol?" Her mother is without an apprentice currently, she remembers Ragwortpaw's body brought to camp and blinks to push the image of it out of her eyes, so it means it might not be that big a deal if she went with? She is not very familiar with neither Honeywish nor Kindleheart but she is adamant on doing something productive today that isn't cleaning out dens.
Patrols. The last one he had went on was dreadfully boring- Skyclan hadn't done much in the way of aggression, besides one or two. He wonders how that turned around for them when Thunderclan warned them of imminent attack. This time it's Riverclan and Skyclan, and he's on Flamewhisker's team. His ears twitched as he was assigned, then dipped his head towards the deputy. "Sounds good to me." He called.​

Despite all that she had lost recently, life still went on. She was still expected to get up in the morning, see the empty space that her brother had left in the warriors den, remember that she no longer has an apprentice to wake, and go about her life as if that was completely normal. She had been allowed to grieve, for a few days, but after that she needed to be strong. For my kits. She tells herself but as she looks at her mother and her siblings she realizes it is for them as well. For her Clan. When she comes to receive her patrol assignment for the day she smiles brightly at Flamewhisker, a close friend and as the red colored she cat gives her her assignment she dips her head gratefully, green eyes searching for Kindleheart and Honeywish to inform them that they would meet back here before dusk when suddenly a familar voice pulls her attention.

Her daughter, Moonpaw stands before her and Little Wolf rumbles a purr of greeting "Of course you can" she says, delighted by the idea. It had been a while since she had gotten to patrol with any of her children and she was looking forward to the opportunity to catch up. "Perhaps if Raccoonstripe is okay with it we could even go hunting before then" she knows the older apprentice must be going stir-crazy, being stuck in camp and all. Her brother too. Maybe they could bring whatever they caught to him in the medicine cats den and share a meal before their patrol at dusk...
The multi-color feline listens as patrols are given out. Her eyes flicker towards Redwind with curiosity before looking to the other apprentices she sat with. “Oh! I sure hope it’s sparring!” Bouncepaw states her bias. It had been awhile since she faced another apprentice one on one. Maybe Redwind would go with that. Of course, hunting would be just fine too. Or maybe they would pick something entirely different.
WE'RE GETTING LOST! Her call for the patrol was met with a confident nod. Finchcatcher... she wasn't all too familiar with the tom, but trusted he was a good choice to lead. The
burly she-cat approached him, glancing around for the other young warrior- Pebblestep.

"Boars, bears, why can't we just have the forest to ourselves?" Her complaint was to no one in particular. Though on the topic, she would direct her apprentices to fulfill the chores within camp. They had joined her on the last patrol with SkyClan, she figured they could use the break.— tags