pafp FIREWORK // climbing competition

// please wait for @LIGHTSTRIKE .

“Ready….set….go!” With her muscles bunched, Stormywing launches herself up the tree, a competitive smirk sitting on her face. She doesn’t remember who challenged who to this race. All she knows is she is going to crush him. With a grunt, she sinks her claws into the bark of the Great Sycamore and hauls herself higher, pushing off with her hind legs to propel herself again. Barks sprays the ground beneath her as she scrambles upwards like a squirrel, her tail lashing to and fro to keep her balanced.

She slides onto a thick branch when she’s a few fox-lengths up, golden eyes shooting down to try to find her opponent. Surely she’s left him in the dust? Her overconfident mind tells her so, at least. Where is he? She rears onto her hind legs, forepaws bracing the tree trunk again in preparation to continue her climb, but first she just wants to spot him.
WE HAVE YET TO CRASH ✧°.☀ —————————————————————————————
Stormywing was the competitive type. Possibly the most competitive cat in the Clan, if he were to be asked. Lightstrike knew that. He knew that well. Competition was fun, climbing was fun, and goofing off with friends was fun, so why not scale the Great Sycamore for the heck of it?

The golden tom was grinning his familiar stupid grin, and it was aimed directly at the molly by his side. A challenge, but of the friendly sort. She was focused on the tree towering above them, which was fair enough, honestly. When she began the countdown, his muscles bunched and his eyes flicked away, and at the shout of go, he was only moments behind her.

With the head-start of being the one to call the shots, Lightstrike was left squinting up at her hindquarters as bits of bark and dirt showered down upon his face and stung his eyes. "Hey mud-toes!" he shouted to her once he'd scrambled upon a branch to suck in a breath. Stamina was never his strength. "The goal's to climb, not to blind me!"

He began to fling himself further up the trunk regardless, heart pounding and clenching with determination. The logical side of him knew he wouldn't win, as he was up against Stormywing of all cats, but he'd be damned if he didn't try. Regardless, the gap between them was growing.

As if to rub more dirt in his face, he saw her own peek over the edge of a branch just a few bounds above him. As he pulled himself further up their eyes met, and something akin to a grimace crossed his face. He'd lost, no doubt. Out of breath and a little sour but trying not to let it get to him, he clawed his way up to the branch she perched upon and practically draped himself upon it with a heaving sigh.

"I don't..." he began, trailing off and swallowing another breath. "I think you're descended from squirrels, not lions, you fuckin'... freak..." An admission of defeat. Another sigh. "You win. Race some other poor sod. Think I'll stay here f'ra minute."

[penned by its_oliverr - ]
.i'll be your calm, ———


——— before the storm!.
———————— ————————
An amused laugh left Batwing as he happened upon the scene. Vision was turned towards the two younger warriors scrambling for purchase on icy bark and cool wood, Stormywing shredding the tree, and Lightstrike scrambling up after her. He sat in the frosty ground- was there snow today?- vision tilting back towards them. Their conversation was barely heard, on account of how breathless Lightstrike was, but he still looked onwards.

His muzzle turned, tilted down to his apprentice- who was hopefully in much better shape and was eager to leave camp. "Climbing isn't required to learn, but if you wish, I can teach you." He hummed softly, vision turning back towards the tree as he spoke to Tigerpaw. Tail flicked. He could almost see the shadow of his brother up there, but he ignored the pressing feeling in the back of his mind. He lifted his voice to call towards the two of them upon the Sycamore. "Well? How is it? Slippery?"

@tigerpaw. app tag


She was in much better shape. Back to her energetic, chatter box, and unfocused state. She was still skinny, flank pressed against bones, but they did not poke out anymore, they were no longer a bulging insecurity. She was bigger now too, her tail was longer, her limbs were longer, but there was still that awkward disproportionate state of her still growing.

She had definitely missed a lot of training so as Batwing said let's go, she was surely behind him. Green optics were lively, unlike when flamewhisker and batwing had first witnessed her, and her steps were bouncier. Cold bit at her ears, but she tried not to focus on it too much.

They approached the clearing where they were supposed to do- what was it exactly? She didn't know, but Batwing turned her attention towards the great sycamore and that's when she noticed two cats climbing it and sitting atop a thick branch.

"Teach me! I want to learn everything." Tigerpaw insisted, grinning as she approached the great sycamore. "Is it as easy as it looks?" she asked, stretching up the tree so her back paws were on the ground and her front on the tree.

Stormywing snorts in amusement at her companion's joke, only pausing long enough to stick out her tongue at him like a kit. He's closer than she would have liked, so she doesn't hesitate to get going again, tensing her muscles but she notices the look of defeat on her face. He slips onto the branch they now share and hangs over it like a limp carcass, which of course draws a chuckle from her.

"Givin' up already?" She huffs, trying to hide her out of breath pants as she peers down at him. He calls her a freak, but she can't take it as anything other than a compliment, so her grin stretches wide across her face. "You were a worthy competitor," The tabby tells him with a tone of faux nobility, lifting a paw to place it comfortingly upon his shoulder.

She glances down towards the ground and spots Batwing and Tigerpaw watching, and can't help but puff out her chest in pride. "Enjoy the show?" She calls down, tail flicking where it drapes low off the branch.
make peace with your broken pieces .
He stood, watching the others below with an amused expression, knowing Spiderlily would enjoy the thrill of competition—climbing, no less. He rumbled, shaking his helm. The ghostly tom had great pride in his climbing skills, although shaky, Whitelion applauded him for his determination for someone as bulky as him would have ended in quite the disaster.

“Very well.” He commented from below, helm tipped to watch, not before a golden hue slithered to Tigerpaw. “Afraid not, little one.” He answered. “But surely with enough practice from Stormywing, you will become a champion in no time.” He commented.
thought speech