private first flight // ivorykit


Mar 19, 2024
// @ivorykit

Scarletkit can’t say she’s all that fond of new cats. She knows the kits who have been born in this nursery and have grown up alongside her. She’s comfortable with them, at least. But this new cat, she’s not so sure about, so she’s avoided the white-pelted kitten as much as she could. Until today, when she wanders into the nursery intent on taking a nap, and the only cat in there, of course, is Ivorykit.

“Oh,” She chirps in surprise, faltering in her steps as she eyes the other. Split-colored eyes flit around for something else, a distraction, but there is none. Her attention settles once more on the other kit, and the more she looks at her, the less like a stranger she seems. She looks just like any other kitten. “Um…Ivorykit…wanna play?” She offers finally, her tail-tip twitching to and fro. It could be fun…and they don’t have to leave the nursery, not if they don’t want to. “I have a mossball in my mother’s nest,” She adds on, tufted ears perking as she takes a step towards the nest she shares with Moonwhisper and her siblings, although her eyes remain on Ivorykit.
Ado—no, she’s Ivorykit now, she reminds herself for the thousandth time—has spent lots of time with the other kits by now. Scorchedkit is her friend, and she certainly considers Tornadokit to be her friend; the others are at least acquaintances, in her eyes. But some queens are less approachable than others. She finds herself pale under the icy glow of Moonwhisper’s gaze, and her kits seem similarly stand-offish. She’s never tried to approach any of them on her own, and when Scarletkit tentatively creeps over to her, Ivorykit’s curled ears flick with surprise. “Play? Uh… yeah, sure!

Scarletkit is pretty, with a lush tortoiseshell coat and blue-tinted eyes. Ivorykit watches her step toward the nest she shares with Moonwhisper, dark eyes glued to her dappled pelt. “I, um, haven’t played mossball before,” she confesses. “We didn’t have moss at my housefolk’s nest.” She pads closer on hesitant pale paws. “Can you teach me?

  • ooc:
  • Adora . Ivorykit, she/her w/ feminine terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 2 moons old, ages realistically on the 16th.
    — mentored by n/a ; mentoring n/a ; previously mentored n/a.
    — thunderclan kit. npc x npc, gen 1.
    — penned by Marquette.

    lh white she-cat with curled ears and brown eyes. compassionate, righteous, naive, idealistic, self-doubting, self-destructive.

Scarletkit reaches her nest and paws out her mossball, eyeing the other incredulously. “You’ve never played mossball? What do you kittypets play in your nests, then?” Every ThunderClan kit knows how to play. She supposes it’s up to her to teach her then, because if not her then who else?

She plucks the ball up in her mouth and trots closer, feathery tail sticking straight up in the air as she gains some more confidence. She drops it and mews, “You can play lots of ways, but we’ll just play an easy game. I try to swat this at you, and if I hit you, I get a point. You have to dodge it, and then try to hit me with it. First to three wins.”

As she grows more comfortable with Ivorykit, she visibly relaxes, and an easy smile comes to her face. She cocks her head to the side and swished her tail. “Does that make sense?” The girl proceeds to scoot back, biting her tongue as she focused. “Okay…here I come!” She chirps and bounds forward towards the mossball. She swings a small paw out and swats it as hard as she can towards her denmate, grinning.