Aug 10, 2023
Soft daylight. That was the time of day it was- the waning sun dipping below far trees, casting speckled shadows on the river territory. Reeds gently swayed in the wind. As the sun hid itself for nighttime, the cooler temperatures were returning. Despite the greenleaf heat, the dusk breeze carried the cooler air. It ruffled Carppaw's pelt, her ears twitching as she tilted her head up from where she was sitting- watching and waiting for the stars to reveal themselves. And slowly the sky yawned open, revealing the moon and it's accompanying twinkles.

A hum distracted Carppaw. Her head turned towards her grandmother- an elder, in the Riverclan. She sat next to the young apprentice. As old of age as she was, the elder looked prideful- scars tattered her muzzle, eyes closed as she lifted her head to the cool air the night welcomed. Black tabby fur rippled, the soft dusk that inched towards night making her a perfect picture of camouflage. A tiny smile settled on Carppaw's lips, and she leaned in against the elder, pressing the side of her face against her.

"You're an apprentice now, aren't you, my dear Carp?" The elder rumbled softly. Hearing that nearly set the apprentice back into motion, but she forced her body to relax. "I am. I have a super cool mentor and my own nest now." Carppaw responded. A chuckle followed from the elder, soft and slow- like a well earned melody. Her name wasn't Carppaw's name sake, and it certainly wasn't her siblings, either. The elder's name was ancient, almost as ancient as her, coming from long before the clans were a think. Duck Call, she was so affectionately named. Given a suffix by the clan, as right of living here. Duck Call's head tilted and turning, pressing her nose to the top of Carppaw's head. "That's very exciting. I have a present for you."

That set Carppaw into motion. Buzzing, practically, with excitement as Duck Call pushed to her paws. She meandered back into the willow branch den. Carppaw inhaled and exhaled, slowly, trying to regain control of herself before she lost it and started barking with excitement around camp. Duck Call returned with something in her mouth, and slowly settled it down at their paws. A feather and shell, tied together. The feather from... her eyes widened slightly. "A dpve feather, and a shell, for you. To mark going forward, yes?" Duck Call stated.

Carppaw grinned, picking up the combination. Duck Call stepped around her, assisting in tucking the kestrel feather into her fur and tying the shell to her tail. Briefly uncomfortable, but Carppaw would grow used to it, she was sure. "Thank you so much, grandmother. I love it." Carppaw pressed into Duck Call gently. The elder chuckled softly, then let a yawn split the air. "I must retire, child. Do visit me soon, okay?" Carppaw nodded in response, a small promise, before heading towards the middle of camp. Mostly to show off, but also to relax in the cool air before having to head to bed.

// tldr; carp's grandmother gave her a shell and a feather as a 'graduation' present (graduation from kit to apprentice lol)


——————————————————————————————— sinkin' in your ocean

Fernpaw kept it no secret that, even in his newfound somewhat-maturity, he still enjoyed the art of collecting and the natural beauty that the world could craft. Some cats liked weaving their shells and stones into intricate patterns, but Fernpaw was more inclined to collect and preserve things just the way he found them- but it did mean he never used his collection for anything, and all it ever did was grow in size until- in darkness- it appeared another cat slept beside Fernpaw, his hulking hoard silhouetted in the night.

Never would he be found accessorising with shells, but he would never begrudge anyone the idea- least of all Carp-paw, who stood proudly in the dusk air with some marked new additions to her pelt. Fernpaw's face brightened at the slight of the feather specifically- it was an unusual one, almost bearing tabby stripes. "Looking smart, Carp-paw," he complimented; she was settling into her newfound independence as an apprentice quite well. "Where'd you find those?"
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