first snow : magpiepaw

Magpie had made an remark on wanting to spend time with her without the other siblings, which was fine to Trout (but she wasn't sure how Freckle would react). Troutsnout waited for the waters to warm up so it would be a relaxing experience with the sun basking the waters and grass, she eventually found her way back to camp in search of her chimera colored sibling. It takes a moment but eventually the she-cat finds them doing some work and she talks to Magpiepaw's mentor to steal them for a little bit which they agree and move on. " The water is all warm and the sun is out, " She would state to her younger sibling as she uses a paw to gently ruffle the tufts of fur on the top of their head.

Troutsnout takes a big stretch causing her ears to pin back before shaking out her mane, and uses her tail to usher her little sibling along to the river. " Let's go before it gets cold! " The elder sister would coo with a purr as the warrior guides them to a part of the river that no accidents could happen with the sun reflecting on the ripples of the water, scales of tiny minnows glistening and a warm patch of land they could relax and dry off on after. It was a nice pace and she hoped that Magpiepaw would enjoy it just as much as she enjoyed spending time with them, and would tell her if anything was bothering them. She knew Kestrelpaw was taking it hard and became similar to her as a shell of her former self after their parents died. Trout just wanted the best for her siblings.
The day had been warm and the sun was out yet the young chocolate and black patched cat found things harder and harder to do. Sure they were upset about their parents passing but they had to be strong for the others. Troutsnout needed someone at their side, Frecklepaw especially needed them more than ever. Though they werent sure how well Kestrelpaw was fairing either but Magpiepaw would be there for them no matter what happened. They had to stay strong and not let the dire situations get the better of them. The young apprentice had been about to find their mentor when they had mentioned to them that their sister wanted to take them out instead.

Magpiepaw felt themselves stiffen at the notion. Troutsnout was becoming a quick and shinning star in the clan, and they had found themselves finding it harder and harder to talk to the she-cat. They were their sister of course, and they’d always love them, but it was becoming harder to do so. They just didnt know what to say to them and didnt know how to approach topics about their parents death or even normal mundane topics. It was like one wrong move and things would topple over like an avalanche.

Though as they walked through the forest, Troutsnout had mentioned that the water was warm and the sun was out. Swimming? Was that her plan? Magpiepaw flicked an ear a little bit as they did enjoy swimming. It was one of the few things that could calm and let things melt away for a while. The splashing, the coolness and the feeling of the water pulling at fur was just too amazing to pass up. Even if the aftermath of cleaning up white fur from being wet wasnt ideal- it was worth it.

I’m coming, im coming” They assured their sister with a small chuckle, though it seemed rather empty and fictitious. Magpiepaw wanted to enjoy this time together but the hindering feeling of their parents death rolled heavy on their shoulders. Like a boulder waiting to teeter and crush them without another thought. Though the tried to not think of it that way and kept following along for the river. Thankfully it wasnt a crazy place to be with shinning sun and shallow waters, nothing to risk danger of drowning.

The young apprentices’ multi-colored gaze filled with slight excitement, but they remained cool and calm in their body language. They had to be poise and hold out for Troutsnout, even more so for Frecklepaw and Kestrelpaw, and be strong. “Do you think there’s gonna be anything cool in the water?” ​


Of A Monster
Dark ears twitch at their siblings chuckle, as she glances over her shoulder. An chambray gaze studies the white, black and chocolate chimera for a moment before a question from her sibling catches her attention. Do you think there’s gonna be anything cool in the water? There was always interesting things in the waters but it was usually on the object side such as shells, rocks, but there was occasionally cool fish. The other day, they had found a pure white trout. Trout hadn't been there to see it be catch but she saw it once Lakemoon brought it back to camp. " There's always something cool if you look for it. "

The elder sister would respond with a purr as she places a paw in the water, allowing her temperature to adjust to the water's before eventually moving fully into the water. She stares down into the water past her reflection and looks at all the different assortment of shells, rocks, sand and more that she stood on. A pristine glistening rock catches her attention as she scoops at it with a paw and places it up on the shore near Magpiepaw. " You ever see a rock that shiny before? " She inquires with a grin at the chimera before looking back down into the waters, her long plumed tail laying gently in the water as she searched.

A soft smile is on her lips as she watches the waters ripple and lap around her legs, the waters reflecting the same as her eyes. " You know... Mom and Dad were so excited when they were expecting you guys. " Troutsnout murmurs softly as she remembers the excitement from their deceased parents, and her own when she learned mom was expecting. A stray claw flicks up a shell as she removes it from the waters and places it with the rock, shooting a quick glance at the apprentice before looking away. " Mom would not stop talking about it especially when you guys were born, I thought my ears were gonna fall off. "

She remembers Minnowfang nonstop talking about it as a hearty laugh leaves her lips, looking at her sibling as she leaned forward to gently toward noses with them. " I know it's hard without them, but they're always going to be watching over us. I'll never let anyone hurt you guys, you're my baby siblings. " Trout would respond with a purr before attempting to splash the chimera with water and stick her tongue out at them, sinking into the water and allowing the water to soak her coat before standing up again. Once she's standing up, a devious smirk lays on her lips as she shakes her coat out: water flying in all directions and hopefully attacking her baby sibling with the flying droplets.
Magpiepaw liked things in the water. They liked finding rocks and different shells, but their favorite was bones and different parts of animals long since deceased in the water. They tended to keep this collection to themselves and under their nest, but that was another thing to think about another time. Their weird collecting habits where neither here nor there. Still, the young cat watched as their sister wondered into the water for a moment before fully pushing themselves in it depths of the clear liquid. Troutsnout found a particularly shiny rock in the water and they peered over to look at it, and titled their head to the side.

The chimera then stood at the edge of the water for a moment before wading themselves in slowly. The coldness of the water touching their belly made it recoil and they gave a small huff in response, but soon they were a few paces from Troutsnout and looked down into the water themselves. The young apprentice watched little minnows swim by their legs for a moment and then dunked their whole face into the water to blow bubbles for a moment. Before surfacing with a small, fish skeleton they had spotted at the bottom of the river.

Magpiepaw coughed slightly and shook their face a little bit to dislodge water when their sister started speaking again. She said that their parents had been so excited for them, that their mother could not shut up about them and they couldnt even remember her voice anymore. They envied Troutsnout for this, that she would always know what mom sounded like or what she looked like or what have you. While themselves and their siblings would never be the wiser. They didnt even know if Frecklepaw or Kestrelpaw remembered anything either or if it was just them. Probably just them if they had to take a guess.

Their heterochomatic gaze flicked down as their sister went on about her ears falling off from Mossfansg’ chatting and they clenched their claws around a stone in the water- they didnt know what to say. If they had been so excited then why did they just up and die? Why leave them? Why go anywhere else than home? Though it was all fruitless thoughts and more so ones of anger than anything else. Troutsnout then said they were watching over them and they tensed even further with a small baring of their teeth, then why did Starclan let them leave? Why any of it happened in the first place?

Though before they could say something to their sister about missing their parents or being enraged they had left- she had splashed them with a front paw. The young apprentice blinked as their body got soaked form the splash and their fish wobbled where they had put it on a stepping stone, and glared at their sister, “Youre going to make me miss my fish!” They whined a bit and frowned slightly at the she-cat before rolling their eyes slightly. Then they went to pick up their fish to bring it to shore when they were then showered with water from Troutsnout shaking out her coat- after getting soaked from the water.

The brown and black chimera gave a soft curse and trotted to the shore for a brief moment, setting down their skeleton, before loudly splashing out into the water again. They went for their sister and jumped up to bring down their arms to splash her back with a small, albeit light, snicker, “You’re worse than a kit who just learned to swim!” ​


Of A Monster
Her words were followed by silence, but she was fine with that. She wanted her little sibling that he was loved until the moment they lost their parents even if the only got to spend three to four moons with them. How many moons has it been since they lost their parents? Her dark nose twitches with a slight scrunch as she ponders for a moment but it's too foggy of a memory to remember: she could only remember the brutally murdered body of her father from the rogues and when her mom collapsed after getting sick. Their father had been the first to pass when the incident with the rogues ran rampant then she assumed her mother passed not long after from heartbreak and succumbing to her illness.

A cough leaving the chimera sibling catches her attention and a frown scrunches her face slightly before seeing they were fine and it quickly relaxes. " Awee, this big sister is so clumsy~ " Troutsnout teases Magpiepaw after they roll their heterochromatic gaze at them, watching from the waters as they take their fish skeleton and eventually place it. An curse comes from her sibling and they eventually return to the waters, splashing them and water hits Trout in the face as she lets out a dramatic gasp. Her bangs cover her face for a moment as she uses a paw to push them to the side, snorting in laughter.

" Oh yeah? " The spotted tabby inquires after their sibling's statement, using a forearm and splashing a big chunk of water at the chimera. She watches as she completely soaks them and a toothy smirk in on her face, as she puts a white paw on her lip. " I didn't know kits could beat apprentices~ " Trout taunted as she bounced along the shallow waters, splashing water with her movement. She stops for a moment after prancing around and looks to the sky before back to her sibling. Am I doing good, Mom? The eldest ponders as she remembers the last moments of their mother who laid sickly in their nest and only found it in herself to smile when she looked at Magpie, Freckle, and Kestrel or her. Her mate had been ruthlessly murdered fending Riverclan, he was her light and soul and it shattered her physically and mentally.

[ ' If I go... will you love and watch them? ' The sickly voice asked her and Troutpaw bit her lip at her mother's question as she knew her mother was suffering and was waiting to be told she could be in peace. Her heart shattered at the question but she knew it would be the only time that her mother would be happy, and was it selfish for her to want the best for her family? " Yeah... I'll give the world for them. Sleep well mom. " Her words were forced as a faint smile comes from their mother, touching noses with Trout one final time as she finally succumbs to heartbreak and illness. ]

Did she do the right thing moons ago? Maybe or maybe not.

" I love you Magpiepaw, " Troutsnout meows softly as she wades up to her little sibling, attempting to pull them in a tight hug and nuzzle the top of her head. She would give anything for the happiness of her siblings: life, death, the moon and the stars, anything. She was willing to turn to a villain if it meant to see a smile on their lips, a true laugh and not to worry about the pain of their parents. " I'm always here if you need me. "
  • Crying
Reactions: Magpiepaᴡ
They gave an indignate snort at their sister as she made faux innocent of not being guilty for splashing them. Like she didnt know what she was doing! It was going to take hours to dry their fur now! While they loved the water, they didnt like being wet which was a contradiction in itself but that was besides the point.

Magpiepaw huffed slightly and narrowed their eyes at their sister for a moment before she then challenged their statement of being worse than a kit. They blinked and went to try to scramble away but they couldnt find purchase on the slipper river floor. So they ended up soaked from the large splash from Troutsnout and they gave the loudest, most inconvicenced sigh, "Like i said- worse than a kit!" They shook out their coat shortly thereafter and grumbled under their breath.

Magpiepaw had little memory of their parents. Having been so young, and they felt like their brain pushed all of it away anyway to keep them safe or something. Keep their feelings at bay like they always did. In a way they envied their sister cause she would get to have memories of them when they were alive. She would get to remember what their mother smelled liked, what she sounded like, what happened when they were named. They didnt get any of that. Only a name and vague stories told by others'. It was frustrating. They wantd to know if their parents loved them, hear them say they where proud, have a family like they other apprentices' did.

But no, they weren't that lucky.

Magpiepaw though was pulled from their brain by their sister coming up to them and they furrowed their brows slightly. What was she doing? They were not usually good with physical touch, they didnt know why, and they tended to freeze up in response. And thats what happened when their sister pulled them into a tight hug, nuzzling their head, and their pelt flamed up and they had to glance around to make sure no one was around. Sure they loved Troutsnout, but it would be embarassing to be seen by the other apprentices being smothered by their over protective sister.

The chimera cat stood there for a long moment before then pouncing on their sisters' shoulders with their front paws. They had been aiming to push her over into the water and then snorted a bit, before they adverted their gaze for a moment, "I suppose youre not so bad either" They coolly responded to the love word and gave a small shrug of their shouders. Magpiepaw shuffled the water a bit, pawing at the sand beneath, "And im for you too, cause im not gonna be a kid forever so you can't hide from me Their tone was joking and it was a little sheepish, and they stuck out their tongue at Troutsnout. ​


Of A Monster