camp FIVE BELLS [🔔] Returning Home

Figfeather pads eagerly at Slate’s side. Now that they are back in the forest she can hardly contain her excitement, the familiar scent of SkyClan engulfed her and she was overjoyed to be met by familiar landmarks. Though even now she could not help but find it strange that she was only returning with Slate, no Orangeblossom, no Cherrypaw, no Greeneyes… all of them! Thank the heavens it really only was because they had stayed behind to help Stormpaw, but still she worries for them.

Fireflypaw has taken the lead, Slate and Figfeather’s scents have become muddled and no one wanted to give the SkyClan cats a scare when they scented unfamiliar cats on their territory. If anyone had attacked on sight Figfeather certainly would lose, her paws were worn and tired out as they’ve pushed extra hard the past few days.

At last they make it to camp, the gorse that lines the clearing all too familiar. Unable to contain herself her limbs quake with excitement, after Fireflypaw she bursts through the camp immediately met by familiar pelts. It was overwhelming- really, to see so many of them at once. Emotions override her usually calm disposition, tears swell in her eyes and she smiles big.

”Slate and Figfeather are home!”

  • >> The advanced journeying cats, Fig & @SLATE have returned home with @Fireflypaw !
    Anyone may post, but please refrain from double posting until @BLAZESTAR arrives in the thread :)
  • » Figfeather
    » SkyClan Warrior
    » She/her . AMAB
    » A red tabby she-cat with a mangled leg.
    » ”Speech”thoughtsattack
  • » A foe in battle whose ability to strategize can shift tides.
    » Excels in strategizing and pre-planning her battles.
    » Fights defensively and aid her clan to victory.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing
"Who?" Hawkkit's meow comes somewhat louder than she'd anticipated, leading eyes close to the camp entrance and down towards the little torbie squinting up at the trio with a quizzical frown. She knows Fireflypaw, duh, but she does not recognise the two cats trotting at his shoulder: a pretty she-cat with the sun in her fur and a hulking black cat with eyes like the dawn, both with a lot of herbs in their maws. Her ears prick upwards at the sight; would these be new nest decorations?

(Hawkkit has enough sticks and leaves in her fur to make a nest of her own, however she does not call attention to this fact.)

The names that spring up around her in cheers and questions, Hawkkit thinks, are familiar somewhere in her mind, but what she does know is that this trio of cats have disturbed her game of warrior with @wolfkit and @BLAZINGKIT — a decision which would no doubt lead to the trio underpaw and asking for playtime as penance for this sin.​

XXXXXA voice he has not heard in more than a moon lifts joyously over the ruckus of camp. Blazestar slips from his den, eyes wide as moons. “Figfeather!” One of his daughter’s kits—little Hawk-kit—noisily asks, “Who?” For the first time in what has felt like forever, Blazestar’s laughter feels genuine. He leans down to bump his muzzle against Hawk-kit’s shoulder, the gesture warm and affectionate.That’s Figfeather! She’s one of the SkyClan warriors who volunteered for the journey!” He slips past the playing kits, his expression like the greenleaf sun.

XXXXXWelcome home! I see you’ve brought as much lungwort as you could carry,” he purrs. “You must both tell me all about it, but—first—” His eyebrow quirks, and he pointedly looks through Slate’s massive dark figure and Figfeather’s slight golden one, searching for a ginger-misted pelt, for a small tortoiseshell figure, for the cats who had not entered camp yet—for a soft, cloud-like she-cat with eyes like holly.

XXXXX…Where is everyone else?” The smile dies on his face, whiskers beginning to droop. Dread pierces his heart, thorn-sharp. “Don’t tell me…” He begins to shake his head, the pessimism crashing over him like a familiar avalanche. He holds out the faintest hope, looking to Slate for an explanation.

Thankfully the lungwort stuffed their maws to the brim; they were unable to do much talking at all. Slate and Figfeather have never particularly talked about, well, anything. He doubted that a bright and optimistic warrior like her looked upon him particularly fondly ( not that he cared ).

Finally, the Maine Coon's hefty paws breach camp, led by the medicine cat apprentice himself. The clearing is a sight for sore eyes, so familiar and so foreign at the same time. After traveling around for over a moon and sleeping in many different environments, Slate would need to get used to his nest again.

After Figfeather exclaims, announcing their presence, Slate ducks his head to deposit the herb bundles onto the ground. Floods of SkyClanners, weary and exhausted-looking ( and slightly funny-smelling ) crowd them. Questions, celebratory words, praises... It's all too much. Slate needs a nap and some quiet right about now.

Blazestar comes to greet them, though as expected, he has questions about the missing cats. A dreaded look in the leader's eyes tells Slate that he is jumping to conclusions, and the lead warrior quickly opens his maw to clear things up, "The rest of our group is fine. A ThunderClan apprentice was injured, so they volunteered to stay behind 'n help carry her. They should be makin' their way back within the next few sunrises." That is, if they don't get killed by more dogs or eagles the longer they stay out there. Slate frowns softly, clearly bothered by his clanmates' decision to split up. It was not on SkyClan to take care of another clan's apprentice. ThunderClan preached so often about "saving" the other clans, so they could save their own cocky tails for all he cared.

His amber-colored eyes momentarily flick toward Figfeather, wondering if she would mention anything about Little Wolf. He assumes that the tough conversation would have to wait until later, but maybe the she-cat would offer to break the news to the leader instead of him. Any cat was more suited than him to address sensitive and personal subjects such as this.

  • 902PApF.png
    —— he/him; lead warrior of skyclan; former rogue
    —— bisexual; single; not looking
    —— hulking, scarred charcoal-black colored maine coon with amber eyes
    —— "speech", thoughts, attack
    —— link to full tags; @ on discord for plots.
    —— penned by beatles

Howlfire had been watching her children play amongst themselves when a familiar voice rang out around the clearing. An ear pricks, and she turns to see Figfeather and Slate entering camp with Fireflypaw. She's glad to see them well but can't help but wonder where the rest of them are.

The chocolate torbie rises to her feet slowly and pads over to greet the returning cats. She is stopped briefly by Hawkkit asking "Who?" chuckling in amusement at the question from her firstborn. Blazestar does a good job of explaining who she was, but that does not stop Howlfire from leaning down to add her own response. "That's Figfeather," She mewed, gesturing towards the red cat. "She volunteered for the journey and is a good friend of mine." Howlfire then makes a gesture towards Salte. "And that is Slate. He also went on the journey and he mentored me for a few moons while I was an apprentice."

Whilst she lets this information settle inside her daughter's mind, she lifts her head when Slate speaks, listening as he revealed that the rest of the cats were coming but had elected to remain behind to help a ThunderClan apprentice. "A shame they couldn't return with you but I suppose that is a noble task to stay behind for." Howlfire does not miss the way Slate frowned at the mention of them staying behind, assuming he must have had some issue with it. "How did the rest of the journey go? I take it that it was successful due to the bountiful harvest you have with you."
Wolfkit pauses from gnawing @BLAZINGKIT 's ear when a bright chime of a voice lifts over new-home (or actually just regular home, she has been told to call it). She'd been gnawing him because he was a no-good warrior who needed an ear-gnawing to learn his duties– but now that her game is interrupted she drops his ear and lifts her muzzle to the equally bright chime of a she-cat padding into camp, Slate in tow, Fireflypaw ahead of them both. Hawk-kit is the first to inquire about these strangers, these cats that Wolfkit has never met. She's met a whole lot of cats– many of which she doesn't live with anymore –but never these ones.

Apparently they'd lived here before. Even before Wolfkit? The girl blinks; she leans her shoulder into her brother's. She's unsure, and it's showing on her face. Mama and Blazestar and the journey cats are all very happy, though, so Wolfkit thinks she ought to be happy, too. After all, the journey was supposed to be some big noble adventure, even bigger and nobler than her kit games, so it's probably a good thing that these two came back in one piece. Wolfkit blinks up at the returners. "Hi Figfeather. Hi Slate. I'm Wolfkit."

Then her attention is refocused. Warriors can't distract her for long– she'd been busy playing. "I heard that on the journey they had to fight a bunch of bears and badgers and twolegs and stuff and they totally ripped them to shreds LionClan style," Wolfkit asserts to her siblings, ears twitching. She hardly realizes that she's lying– really her imagination is overactive, filling in the many blanks she can't possibly know about with images of divine bravery and strength. To back up her claim, though, she adds, "The birds told me that." Then, she attempts to resume her game, batting at Hawk-kit's tail (for her distinctly un-warriorlike pelt full of twigs and leaves, of course).

  • 72111278_0Dicsw9wHLezqWU.png

    — wolfkit
    — she / they / he ; kit of skyclan
    — longhaired lilac torbie with piercing yellow eyes
    — "speech" ; thoughts
    — chibi & reference by me
    — penned by meghan
THERE WILL COME A SOLDIER Wolfkit was incredibly wrong for gnawing his ear! He's an incredible warrior with a cool name and everything! Blazingmane of Skyclan, the best warrior to ever live and he was awaiting for his rightful promotion from Hawkkit to make him deputy or something. Maybe even leader but Blazingkit was laying on his side while Wolfkit gnawed at one of his feathered ears and lifted a paw to very lightly cuff her over the ears though notices that both his sisters had gotten distracted. He can't help but shoot a glare over to the weird smelling cats that had arrived at his new home, he was still plotting his way back to Muddyclan silently in his mind so he could steal a frog later on.

Although, it seemed that those arriving were happy to see these cats and Blazingkit frowns as he leans back into the shoulder of his sister. Her mother and grandfather answer Hawkkit's question of who these strangers are, Figfeather and Slate, the tabby tom blinking forest green eyes at the pair and pushing himself up into a more comfortable sitting position. "You smell weird." The tomkit says and as if to make his statement more true wrinkles his snout at the two individuals with a light shake of his head, it's not a warm greeting like his own sister but when she speaks up does he completely forget to introduce himself.

His pupils enlarging to mimic the moon itself when Wolfkit explains how these missing Skyclan warriors had fought every enemy known to them and the fur on his back prickles lightly, he tries to imagine Slate and Figfeather fighting off these ugly creatures that were a bajillion times bigger than them unable to stop the way his snout scrunches up. "Nuh uh!" He squeaks out at last and rises to his large paws before hearing Wolfkit say that the birds told her so, well, he couldn't argue with that logic. "Well... The birds told me... I would-" Blazingkit begins shooting a sneaky glance over to Hawkkit who was still distracted and did his best hunters warrior (it was very poor) only to stalk forward, he pounced with paws outstretched aiming to tackle @Hawkkit with a big grin "Beat Hawkkit in battle!"

  • blazingkit_cheeb.png
    ✧ 2 moons old
    ✧ skyclan kitten
    ✧ son of coyotehowl and howlfire
    ✧ brother to wolfkit and hawkkit
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ✧ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ✧ chibi art by meghan

Haste fills the wounded cat's paw steps as the news fills the camp with mirth they so sorely needed after their ordeal. The absence of the rest was noted immediately and Silversmoke held his breath... until Slate explained that their clanmates had stayed behind to help a ThunderClan apprentice. Odd eyes twitched, a tail lashed; were they stupid? "How heavy must a ThunderClan apprentice be that six of our own have to stay behind to carry them?" He huffed, bemused. Cherrypaw, Orangeblossom, Greeneyes, Bobbie, Duskpool, Chalk - had they truly forgotten that they were sent to find the only cure for a seemingly terminal disease? That being delayed could result in more deaths? That ThunderClan would not look upon their kittypets anymore kindly for this charitable act? He lowered his voice, a warning, but not towards Slate or Figfeather. "That lungwort better be enough to heal our sick." He would not forget the blood upon his clanmate's paws should their bleeding hearts have killed those truly in need. Silversmoke looked to Slate for agreement, nostrils twitching at the way he'd become so reliant on the other Lead Warrior to support his decisions. The rogue was still awful, he told himself, but it felt as if their shared experiences had made them more savvy to survival.

'At least it's the clan's survival now, and not just his own.' Slate had every reason not to return, a sickly clan was no place for a fighter - besides, a few sunrises earlier and Slate may have even joined the rogues. Silversmoke stood tall, tufted ears twitching as he tried to save his anger for those too far away to see it. Hope could be tasted on the air (Or was that the lungwort? It was refreshing, like fresh moss soaked in rainwater), and focusing on that was far more productive than simmering to a boiling point about the Journey cat's failures. He let out a long sigh, trouble brewing behind a wandering gaze. A smile split his scarred muzzle. After the rogues, yellowcough felt like a distant memory. It was rogues that had taken Brightshine, had tried to kill him, had reunited him with his siblings, had taught him that charity never came without sacrifice, had brought four clans to their knees. Seeing the bushels within his clanmate's maws, he was reminded that it was disease that had made them so weak in the first place. "Welcome back."


The journey. Fantastream herself would have volunteered to go but the idea of leaving her twolegs for such a long time was difficult for her to fathom and if she had never come back... she does not even want to think about how devastated Hon' and Dear would be. When she had stayed with SkyClan in ShadowClan's camp it had been for a mere week but when she had finally gone back to her twolegs nest Hon' had squealed, she had scooped her up into her arms and weeped into her fur. Dear had given her extra treats that day and had been more affectionate than usual. She thinks she had seen tears in his eyes as well but the force of his emotions were not as strong as Hon's. She had done her best to comfort them, she had purred and purred and purred and she had styed close to them for as long as possible but in the morning, when the door opened, she had taken the opportunity to leave, to go back to SkyClan. Though when she perched on the top of the fence and looked back to the their den she felt guilt for leaving again. But she had to... SkyClan needed her, needed every possible paw to help them rebuild their home.

So she went.

It is three days after the battle and her wounds ache but when looking at some others she knows she had gotten off easy. Walking alone these past couple of moons had been strange. She misses the presence of pale colored fur, blue eyes and comfortable silence. It is not just her walking buddy that she misses though. She also cannot get the image of beautiful orange fur and the most golden sunshine eyes she had ever seen out of her head, more than that though she cannot stop having nightmares about never seeing said cat ever again. In her dreams, the journey cats return but Figfeather is not among them. They never make amends, never go back to being even just friends. She would never get to say goodbye. She would wake from these dreams in a cold sweat, startled when she opens her eyes and is in an unfamiliar place. During her entire stint in ShadowClan, she had found herself wishing she was there with them.

When finally she makes it into camp she stops. There is an unfamiliar scent, cats crowding around something. Curiously she makes her way over and her ears flick at the mention of a familiar name. "Figfeather?" she says feeling as if she could collapse with relief. She was here, she was back. "Figfeather!" she calls out to the orange she cat and already she feels her eyes filling with tears of happiness. In that moment she does not care that the warrior had been avoiding her, does not care about the hurtful words she had said, she is just so happy she is okay. She makes her way forward and presses her nose to her shoulder, just like the way she used to do when they were friends. "I'm so glad you're safe" she says, her voice quiet, her words only for the golden she-cat to hear.


It was difficult for things to truly feel like they had gone back to normal. After all, had it really? The camp had been in shambles, and it still didn't feel quite right despite their past few days of work. Their friends were still sick. Brightflame had died...

On top of it all, their friends were still far away, off on a last-ditch effort to try and cure the ill and save their lives. It tore them apart, wondering whether they were all okay, when they would finally come home.

When a familiar voice called out, Sparrowsong hadn't quite registered it at first despite the way their head turned, eyes rounded. A golden flash of fur was what made their heart leap in elation, scrambling to paws that they nearly tripped over in their haste to rush over.

There were already tears threatening to blur their view of the molly by the time they reached her, forcefully pushing their face into her chest. "Figfeather!" they cried, breath hitching. "I missed you! I missed you so much!"

An uttered worry from Blazestar was what finally drew the tabby back, the realization that it was just her and Slate sinking in their belly like a stone. They're fine, the dark tom reassured. Just late. Someone had been hurt. A mixture of relief and worry squeezed at their heart as they reached up to brush at their eyes. They could only hope they would be home safe soon.


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Figfeather’s attention is first brought to Blazestar. She spots the young kit at his paws who he briefly stops to talk to, she’s startled to find she does not recognize any of the three kits piled around the vicinity. ’So much time has past… so much must have changed…’ Her panic with time dwindles though when a sudden realization hits her, Howlfire’s kits!

Blazestar approaches and she cannot hide her smile, ”There’s so much to tell you, all of you!” She agrees, tail swaying back and forth excitedly. Of course, Blazestar does realize most of the patrol has not returned… to her relief Slate is swift to explain, but he doesn’t mention Little Wolf. They share a knowing look, Figfeather knows he must remember their conversation before they got home… He’d tell Blazestar soon, they couldn’t keep him in the dark.

Figfeather tries to sweep the guilt away, but a tabby and cream pelt approaches. She smells familiarly of pine and sap, but the milk scent can’t be dismissed. ”Howlfire!” She greets with a rumbling purr, ”Filled with danger and adventure, I’ll tell you more about it over a piece of prey sometime- but forget that! You’ve kitted haven’t you?” Her eyes cannot help but flicker back towards her children again, they only stood several fox-lengths away. She needed to be introduced to them all... and besides, they were a really good excuse to not tell Howlfire about Little Wolf. Slate would tell Blazestar, then Blazestar could tell her.

Speaking of introductions a lilac kit stands at her paws, they look up at Figfeather and Slate with a greeting and introduction ’I’m Wolfkit’ her heart lurches, of course Howlfire would… It only made the marmalade tabby’s heart ache more. ”Hi Wolfkit. It’s nice to meet you.” She purrs, forcing herself to keep herself together.

Crouching down so that she was at eye level with the child she says, ”Oh like LionClan we did! Bears, badgers, dogs, foxes, cats as big as ten of us put together! You name it, we’ve fought it.” She exaggerates with a soft smile, what was the harm in a little wonder for a kitten so young? Besides… it wasn’t an entire lie, they had driven off their fair share of beasts during their time away.

A kit of vibrant orange approaches next to declare Figfeather and Slate smell weird, did they really? Figfeather hopes it’s not a bad smell… she had kept up on her grooming. With an awkward glance around she ignores the kits statement as the kit bickers with Wolfkit on who the birds spoke to. Instead of acknowledging the kit game she simply asks ”And who might you be?”

Silversmoke, prickly as ever… Though he and Slate could be a bit too much together sometimes she’s missed the tom’s witty remarks and intelligent mind. ”It’s less about carrying her and more about protection. You wouldn’t believe the dangers we had encountered.” Again, she bets if they knew about Little Wolf they would not question the choice in staying behind to help Stormpaw… In time they will know and understand the precaution. ”It’s good to see you, Silversmoke.”

A familiar voice mixed with the sight of a brown tabby can be heard through the growing crowd of cats. Her pelt prickles with excitement and she stands on her tiptoes to get a better look, ”Sparrowflight!” She laughs, over joyed as they press their head into her chest. Figfeather would give them licks on their forehead and Sparrowflight would be victim to her thunderous purring, she could not contain her joy. ”I’ve missed you too, we have so much catching up to do!” Her heart felt so full, she had not truly realized how much she had missed her clan until now, she could cry tears of joy!

Speaking of joy, Figfeather is rewarded yet again by the presence of another she’s missed dearly. At first she cannot believe her ears, was this real? Was this not a dream? Did she really stand here, finally reunited with them all? With Fantastream? How much she’s missed her sweet scent, the vibrant fabric she wore around her neck, the golden rays of her eyes that burned brighter than the sun. How foolish and mouse-brained Figfeather had been for pushing her away, during the journey she had felt terrible guilt… At last she could make things right.

”Fanta!” Figfeather yowls the name she had first known the kittypet she-cat by. She cannot help but pace forward and meet her halfway, she welcomes Fantastream’s nose to her shoulder and in turn Figfeather would lick her ears. ”I- I’m glad you’re safe too. Fantastream, I’m so sorry for how I left you.” She meows, there’s almost a plead in her voice… for forgiveness?

”The journey taught me lots of things- but one of the biggest lessons it gave me was to appreciate those you care for. I was so… I was so stupid Fantastream. I couldn’t sleep thinking about the possibility I might never see you again, that I ruined everything we should’ve been…” Figfeather gulps, tears burning in her eyes, ”Now that I’ve returned I vow to never loose appreciation again for those I love.”

Pulling away she looks into Fantastream’s eyes. She’s all too aware of the crowd and publicity around her, but in this moment it doesn’t matter. All that matters to Figfeather is her.


”Fanta… will you be my mate?”


  • » Figfeather
    » SkyClan Warrior
    » She/her . AMAB
    » A red tabby she-cat with a mangled leg.
    » ”Speech”thoughtsattack
  • » A foe in battle whose ability to strategize can shift tides.
    » Excels in strategizing and pre-planning her battles.
    » Fights defensively and aid her clan to victory.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing
When he'd came upon the two SkyClan cats on the highstones, Fireflypaw hadn't realized what the heck was going on- they didn't smell familiar to him, and he couldn't see them, so he'd panicked at first and nearly ran. Figfeather's voice was a welcomed one in the chaos, realization dawning on him. They'd returned, but where was his best friend? Greeneyes had stayed behind, they'd said. With Orangeblossom, with Cherrypaw, with Bobbie, with everyone else.. They were too good for this world, all of them.

As he pushes through the entrance of the den, in his jaws is grasped plenty of stalks of lungwort. He's giddy in every step he takes, every move he makes- he
looks energized, full of excitement as he makes his way over to his sister to bump heads with her in greeting. Everyone was welcoming back the newcomers, thankful for the Lungwort they'd found. Fireflypaw finds his agreement in his milky blue eyes, but he doesn't have time to waste.

"I'm sorry to disappear so suddenly. I need to treat our sick, pa." He meows softly to his father in passing, though he makes sure to turn back to
Figfeather and Slate with a smile. "Welcome back, once again." Before he quickly rushes over to the medicine den to begin his work.

// in and out!​
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Tears could spill from her eyes, they could leak and leak and leak and never run dry it feels. But she holds them back, desperate not to cry right here, right now, desperate to be strong. Figfeather is still the same cat, she knows, but the scent she had come to know is missing from her fur. She smells of clean mountain air, of forests and places unknown. She smells like adventure and for a moment she regrets she had not gone with but perhaps it is what the orange molly had needed.

When finally she pulls away it is because Figfeather is speaking, her words coming rushed and fast, an apology spilling from her mouth and tears brimming her eyes in the same manner they brim her own. She is sorry, she says, for leaving her the way she did, and the chocolate coated kittypet is shaking her head 'no' "There's nothin' to forgive" she says, her voice hoarse from holding back the waterworks that threaten to erupt any moment. She smiles but Figfeather is not done. She is speaking now about how the journey taught her things, things like not taking the ones you love for granted and while she speaks, Fantastream can feel her heart beating in quick succession to her words, picking up speed until finally... 'Fanta... Will you be my mate?' "Yes!" she cries out immedately, moving forward quickly in order to press her nose to her now mates cheek "A million times yes. I love you, Figfeather, I love you" and now the tears were coming and she does not care that there are others around them, does not even register Fireflypaw speaking or the cats that are no doubt watching. All that matters to her in this moment is her, is them.

  • Love
Reactions: dejavu and AVA

Twitchbolt had hardly been aware of how far down the road of pessimism his mind had wandered until something directly contradicted it. A voice broke through the bustle and dim-gloom of camp life, picking up the pieces that the rogues had strewn in their wake- a voice he had not been convinced he would ever hear again. Figfeather- at times the pale-sunset she-cat reminded him of her mother, and the warmth with which she regarded her Clan, her tact remaining despite the tribulations she'd undoubtedly suffered through in the last moon and beyond... that was one of those ways.

Characteristically wobbly, his grin was genuine as he tottered over, lagging a little behind the crowd who had used them. Slate and Figfeather, that was what she'd said- those two. Only those two. And Twitchbolt was glad to see Slate too, but in the moment couldn't hide the fickler of worry that danced in his chest, threatening to ignite and burst a firework-flash of frenzied terror. Greeneyes, Orangeblossom, Cherrypaw, Bobbie, Chalk, Duskpool- where were they, why- why were they...

Helping. Helping a ThunderClan apprentice, not wanting to leave her behind. He couldn't believe it, all six of them- but maybe it was a unity thing, some... some way of attempting to keep relations strong even when they'd finally start to split up. The enthusiasm of Twitchbolt's gait had slowed a little, though- tempered by worry- and then he froze on the spot.

Will you be my mate? His stomach lurched as if he was going to be sick, even though the victim- the recipient of Figfeather's confession was Fantastream, who stood a good few tail-lengths away from him. Stars- why did it always have to be so public? His skin purled beneath his fur, and instinctively he wanted to abandon the whole saying-hello thing to try and offer them the privacy he'd imagine anyone would want in a situation like this. But his limbs were frozen- it was like witnessing a horrible tragedy. Like when Blazestar had been trodden on by that monster.

"Um, congrats...!" he offered awkwardly, his tone breaking a little. Fantastream had accepted, and wasn't that wonderful? He wanted to explode. Frantic eyes found Figfeather, Slate- flicked between them at a speed that appeared dizzying. "It's, it's so good to have you back..."

He meant it, at least.
penned by pin ✧
They couldn't believe it. The minute the familiar scent hit his sensitive snout, he bounded out of the den they'd been previously clearing out. Tattered ears held high and blue eye glimmering with hope. Through the throng of gathering clanmates, he caught the familiar inky ears of Slate just as he dropped something. Wait, that's lungwort! He stood stunned from disbelief as his eyes registered the key to hope. Many had died and struggled for this moment, and the wispy cinnamon tabby could've wept with elation.

His joy was raw and startling as the sun, which bloomed in the ragged Skyclanner's chest. These journeying cats had brought on a beacon of hope through the storm. Sure, he didn't care for the old grouch much, and likewise. Still, he had hoped for the best during all of their tribulations. A small purr choked the tabby up as he dropped the earlier task and bounded over. A small jab of disappointment nagged him at the absence of some much-missed faces but they could respect their prior duties to the injured apprentice.

Easing into the crowd, they were able to snag a front-row perch not far from Figfeather. Capturing Slate's grumble of assurance appeased the splotched feline. I'm glad they're safe. They would have to wait to tell the others Skyclan's own trials when they arrived. A moment of vulnerability overcame him. I look like death itself... I hope they recognize me. Humility, hot and depressing, ransacked away their pride. Absently, he leaned to the side and flattened some out-of-place tufts, only to frown as they bounced back into frayed splits.

Defeated from the attempt at grooming his dirtied pelt, the warrior sunk for just a moment. He hadn't been there during the invasion and foolishly neglected himself. Leaving their apprentice and clanmates with another cat down when they needed them most. Focus. This isn't important right now. Shaking off his mental cage of gloom, he fixated on the traveler's return.

Facing Figfeather's heartfelt explanation, it excited them to know of their experiences, and eager for a welcome distraction. Her descriptions of the fights they faced stunned Dogbite temporarily out of his daze. Bears? Cats twice our size? They could understand clearly why the apprentice had to be guarded. That place sounds like a hellscape. Shaking off the scare of a creature feature, they nodded along, hungry for more information.

Decidedly, they stayed quiet so as to not interrupt and revel in the fact their clanmates were finally home. Dogbite's wide expression softened as Howlfire's kits quizzed Figfeather. Fueling a new onslaught of purrs within the pale cat. Relief fell over them and felt as soft as a newborn pelt. It was difficult to contain the happiness inside, but dutifully, he kept it locked in.

Not for long did the warrior have to uphold such a task as Figfeather reunited with Fantastream. Asking such a simple but stunning question that even left him unable to breathe. Shuffling back, the bedraggled tabby allowed them both the space they desired. Unwilling to butt in on their moment and politely, he glanced to the floor beside them. A touch too bashful to witness something intimate and wholesome directly. Once the love fest simmered down he gently meowed. "Welcome home, and congratulations to the both of you." Genuine happiness weaving its way through their croaky baritone.

  • ooc ;
  • 1000007505-png.1053

    ✧ 29 moons old
    ✧ skyclan warrior
    ✧ he/they ; single
    ✧ child of npc x npc
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ✧ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ✧ penned by tasmagoric
Last edited:

Figfeather's heart flutters, 'Yes! A million times yes. I love you Figfeather.'

The skin underneath her fur becomes flushed, a cheery smile that reaches out to cheek to cheek grows. How lucky she was to be forgiven by this beautiful she-cat, her greatest friend after all the hurt she must've caused. Figfeather will spend the rest of her life making up for it, she won't ever let Fantastream down again. "I love you too, Fantastream." Figfeather would lick her mate's cheek after she had nosed her own.

Figfeather turns to look at Dogbite, his congratulations allowing it to sink in how- well, public that had been. Twitchbolt too offers his own congratulations and a welcome back to Slate and her, Figfeather feels embarrassment creeping up on her, but the overwhelming joy she feels to Fantastream's acceptance to her proposal is enough for her to shake it off. "Thank you- thank you all... It's so good to be home."

Her eyes cannot help but glue back onto Fantastream, she gives her a wide goofy grin as giggles spill out.​

  • » Figfeather
    » SkyClan Warrior
    » She/her . AMAB
    » A red tabby she-cat with a mangled leg.
    » ”Speech”thoughtsattack
  • » A foe in battle whose ability to strategize can shift tides.
    » Excels in strategizing and pre-planning her battles.
    » Fights defensively and aid her clan to victory.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing
  • Love
Reactions: Fantastream
It had taken her awhile to get up; her abdomen has become so round that maneuvering is becoming more of a task. But she will not miss this moment. Her sister's voice, it echoes through the camp and fills her with determination. She eventually gets to her paws and slips out of the holly den, eyes immediately finding Figfeather and Slate. With a bashful smile, she approaches, knowing her sister will be surprised to see her in this state.

She only falters when Figfeather and Fantastream embrace each other in a loving moment. Oh! She thinks in surprise. She had not even known the two to be so close! They'd been friends, but she didn't know it extended to this. Still, she smiles, happy for her sibling but still not moving any closer for fear of breaking up the moment. "Welcome home, Figfeather," She offers from a distance instead, head ducking with embarrassment.

The presence of her sister whom she has so dearly missed could never ruin this tender moment. Hearing her voice Figfeather looks to her happily, her orange eyes shining somehow even brighter. Her heart skips a beat and she blinks in surprise, something about Butterflytuft was almost unrecognizable. It takes her mere seconds to note her swollen belly, heavy and clearly well along into a pregnancy.

”Butterflytuft-“ Figfeather breaks away now from Fantastream’s side and moves to stand closer to her sister. ”You’re with kits?!” Dumbfounded she cannot help but ask the question with an obvious answer. It suited her, the she-cat glowed and motherhood would be a role she excelled at. Figfeather purrs and moves in to lick her sister’s ear, ”Congratulations! When are you expecting them?” She looks as if she might burst at any moment- but Figfeather wouldn’t tell her that.
  • » Figfeather
    » SkyClan Warrior
    » She/her . AMAB
    » Mate to Fantastream
    » A red tabby she-cat with a mangled leg.
    » "Speech"thoughtsattack
  • » A foe in battle whose ability to strategize can shift tides.
    » Excels in strategizing and pre-planning her battles.
    » Fights defensively and aid to her clan to victory.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing