pafp flashbacks | near accident


May 3, 2023
I've been trying not to
By now Plaguepaw would have been dragging his paws and groaning during the entirety of their outing. Gifting his poor mentor complaints about nearly anything if it meant turning back around and going back to camp. But now that Doompaw was an apprentice he found himself complaining less, too fixated on having his friend patrolling at his side to mope over Quillstrike's presence. Although it did not completely remedy the issue, pairing up with Doompaw so frequently certainly helped. The grizzled black tom bounded ahead wearing a broad grin, shooting past Quillstrike to catch up with his fellow apprentice. "Yeah so like I was saying, I've been to the riverclan border recently. What about you amigo?" He questioned enthusiastically, eager to hear Doompaw's answer. His nose wrinkled as he recalled the brief encounter with the water dwelling cats, tail flicking from side to side. "They smelt horrible too. I don't know, old prey or something." He wasn't sure how they were able to walk around one another constantly smelling like that.

Regardless, something else immediately catches his attention, causing him to fixate on the brown furred creature. Plaguepaw halts entirely, staring at the strange animal. It looked like a squirrel that managed to swallow a snake. A thin, lithe animal with tiny rounded ears. A weasel. "Mira!" The word is whispered swiftly in a low, hushed tone as he bumps Doompaw with his shoulder. "I wonder if we could eat it..." He mumbles thoughtfully, attempting to picture the taste of its meat on his tongue.

Suddenly his long limbs snap into motion, thrusting him toward the now fleeing weasel due to his noisey approach. "I'm gonna catch it!" He tosses back over his shoulder. Although its spoken like a wordless challenge to see which one of them can grab hold of the little predator first. Plaguepaw's forked tail streams behind him as he darts after his prize, paying no mind to the hardened back path it skittered across to reach safety near the deeper recesses of twoleg place. Although his paws do falter at the sudden rush of heat radiating from the thunderpath and he inevitably freezes at the sound of a monster's blaring call, blasting sensitive ears. Screeching tires force him to pin his ears back as the monster swerves to and fro. Dark limbs buckle and collapse suddenly, leaving him crouching into a tight ball as the car passes over him harmlessly and keeps moving. Quick, shallow breaths leave his parted maw and wild blue green eyes dart over his shoulder to watch the monster continue roaring down the path. What was that thing? (@QUILLSTRIKE mentor tag @DOOMPAW best friend tag)
Go off the deep end
What he’d really wanted all along was to be able to leave camp, but since his revelation on the outing with Pearlkit, the world looks a little different. SkyClan is not a temporary place for him now—for better or worse, it’s his home, and there’s no mother out in Twolegplace waiting to come collect Abysspaw and him and take them away. There’s now only one real thing to look forward too—complete freedom as a warrior, and he would take that freedom by force if he had to. He and Plaguepaw are a boisterous pair for two young, inexperienced mentors, and the two of them trot happily ahead of them on their border patrol.

Ain’t been there yet.” He lifts a hind leg to scratch an ear and scowls in the general direction Twitchbolt has gone. “He keeps sayin’ we’ll go, but…” He shrugs, grinning at Plaguepaw’s admission. “Bet they all smell like fish!” Nevermind he’s never tasted or smelled fish. He’s heard the quiet jabs from the other warriors—must all be true to some degree. He hops around, light on his feet, listening to his friend’s stories. “I ain’t been anywhere special, but I’m learnin’ to climb trees. Oh! I fought this big old rogue off, he was huge… and I chased him away all by myself,” he boasted. “Orangeblossom was there watching.

He is startled out of his talk when Plaguepaw halts. Something strange-smelling, long and brown and almost mouse-like, slithers out of the grass. He exchanges wondering looks with his denmate before crouching. “That thing’s uglier’n you,” he says, elbowing his friend affectionately. “Bet you can’t catch it!

But just like that, Plaguepaw is off, shooting after the weasel with quick, churning paws. Doompaw hoots excitedly and follows him without considering Quillstrike or Twitchbolt, adding the slap of his pawsteps to Plaguepaw’s. “We’re gonna get ‘im!” He calls, and before long the soft, needle-scattered earth turns hard and unwelcoming under his paws. It’s familiar, reminds him of a dawn long ago, when he’d been hauled to SkyClan’s camp—but the glaring bright eyes of the monster looming before them is not familiar.

Doompaw has never seen anything so immense, almost like a felled tree, but it growls and heaves like Slate choking on a prey bone. His fur stands on end, his paws frozen to the asphalt beside Plaguepaw’s, weasel hunt forgotten. The two of them are just barely avoided by the creature’s massive rolling paws—it skitters, toddles, like Duskpool had on the patrol when he’d been ill. His breath comes in quick pants. “Uh…

  • doomguy . doomkit . doompaw
    — afab, he/him, apprentice of skyclan
    — unknown sexuality ; single
    — short-haired blue tortoiseshell with white and green eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette

Twitchbolt had always been prone to anxiety stemming from the Thunderpath- mainly regarding monsters, one of which he'd seen treading on Blazestar and whipping a life right out of him. It was one of his earliest memories as an apprentice, and... not a particularly fond one. And so, even though Twitchbolt was afraid of rather a lot of things, monsters were very, very high on that list. He and Quillstrike had their paws full with these new apprentices- lively and disobedient. Plaguepaw had always been rambunctious, and Doompaw.... well, Twitchbolt was swiftly approaching the conclusion that he possessed all the fear that did not dwell within his apprentice.

No need to worry, though. He could hear their apprentices nearby, chattering away (and doing very little hunting...)- it was only when he caught the sound of paw steps getting further and further away that he set wide eyes on Quillstrike. "What are they doing?" he hissed in panic and frustration to his friend, soon to run after them.

The bicolour tom burst from the undergrowth as soon as he heard the monster's shrieking tires- instinctively, he yelped in fear and horror, squeezing his eyes so tight that it was a miracle he didn't knock his eyeballs back into his skull. Plaguepaw and Doompaw's fates hung in purgatory until Twitchbolt's eyes peered open- they were stood, still blinking, still breathing. Flame spewed from his maw. "Get off of there!" he shouted, voice peaking with worry and anger, a concoction he'd felt all too frequently lately. "Now!"
penned by pin ✧
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OOC- sorry for lateness!!!!!!

How. The. Fuck. Did Thistleback deal with this?

Granted, Quill hadn't been anywhere near as chatty as his own apprentice, likely far more prone to just trying to abandon his task in lieu of following Twitchbolt (paw back then) around instead, but he couldn't imagine his mentor had been enjoying himself anymore than Quillstrike was right now. Plaguepaw never listened to him, was constantly getting distracted by anything they could use as an ecuse to not be paying attention, and was always questioning him as if his word wasn't enough.

Oh, not to mention the lovely reminders that his apprentice would have prefered a certain Daylight Warrior instead of Quillstrike as his mentor.

How had Thistle never clawed him for being such an insolent little shit?

He groaned as the sparrow he'd been about to pounce for flew off after a particularly obnoxious bout of laughter from Plaguepaw and Doompaw off in the distance, and the chimera straighened up with a sigh that was borderline growl.

"What are they doing?" his friend hissed to him as the sound of their raucousness began to fade, and the dark tabby couldn't help but huff and lash his tail. "With the way our lucks been so far they're probably picking a fight with a badger." he replied sourly, trying to come up with the most inconvenient option he could.

And while it had been meant as a wry joke at the expense of the two mentors, Quillstrike didn't exactly place it beyond the realm of possibility. He could actually see their apprentices deciding to do something dumb like 'earning their warrior names early' by trying to fight off some ridiculous predator, and the thought had him moving just a bit faster.

The blaring of a horn had him skidding to a halt alongside Twitchbolt on the edge of the road, every muscle in his body drawing taut in horror as mismatched eyes stared on, unable to tear themselves away despite the fear clawing its way up his throat, and-

It missed.

It missed.

The relief only lasted as long as it took for Twitchbolt to call out to them again, frantic order to move, and then it was gone, replaced instead by kind of fury he'd never felt in his entire life.

The raven tabby sprang across the blacktop toward the apprentices, quickly shoving them back toward Twitchbolt with sharp "Move it!" in case they happened to freeze. Only when they were safely back on the edge of the forest did he speak again, stepping forward and drawing himself to full height over the two.

"Are you kidding me?! What are you two even doing over here? You were supposed to be hunting- not screwing around like kits!" he growled, neck fur spiking up in agitation and causing the blue feathers to prickle alongside them.

"Do you have any idea how close you just came to getting yourselves killed? Because no medicine cat can fix what the thunderpath and it's monsters will do to you!"

skyclan - male - 16 months (Feb 17th) - bisexual - homoromantic - a very tall, dark chimera tomcat with mismatched eyes and several scars. has bluejay feathers woven like spikes along his spine and neck.

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