camp FLESH AND BONE [ moving nests ]


09 - 02 - 24
Mar 26, 2024
The honor of stepping up to the next den went unprecedented. Pride radiated from Darkthistle as he collected what trinkets he had from the apprentice's den, giving some minor nods of farewell before he was padding towards the warrior's den. Trinkets and moss in-maw, he stepped into the den, eyes adjusting to the light. Ears twitched and rotated as he looked side to side. Packed. It's packed in here, but there's more spaced. He thought to himself, stepping through the nests around the outside.

Nose shifted to press to ground, scenting who's nest was who's. And when he finally came across a nest of a scent that didn't agree with him, Darkthistle picked his head back up, legs shifting. Paws tucked under moss bed, kicking a particular nest aside and he went about laying his own down. To most, it may not be obvious who's it was, but those who slept near or close to Sunshinespot would recognize the discarded moss as their own. Still relatively new to the warrior's den themselves, his nest was just exterior to the circle.

Once Darkthistle was satisfied with his nest, and trinkets placed within how he had them in the apprentice's den, his vision looked up as he planned his next move. Perhaps picking a comfortable spot for his vigil.

// @sunshinespot but no need to wait!!
// after the meeting but b4 the vigil​
Some of the new additions to the warrior's den were less than.... pleasant to be around. Darkthistle and Smokefur were nasty siblings with some of the worst attitudes he'd seen. He wondered if it had been the right call to make them warriors and not to hold them back for longer as punishment, and while he wouldn't voice such thoughts aloud to go against the word of Howlingstar, he was proven right when he spotted Darkthistle kicking aside a nest. Whose it was didn't matter as it was still a blatant show of disrespect from the newcomer.

Not very nice, is it?” Rowanthorn mews at the ebony-pelted tom, pawing at the remains of the discarded nest. “Do you miss your apprentice chores already? Why don't you go fetch some moss to make a new nest?” He orders, unimpressed with Darkthistle's antics. Perhaps Howlingstar or Flamewhisker would love to know what the new warrior was up to.

  • // #FF7661
  • A muscular and chubby scarred chocolate tabby tom with striking copper eyes.
  • ROWANTHORN — 23 moons, warrior of ThunderClan. Ages every 31st.
Sunshinespot hoped with his sister now being a warrior, he wouldn't feel so lonely in the warrior's den. Doepaw would be right behind them, now - Bravepaw too. For the first time in a moon, the mottled tom has felt the barest sense of excitement, rather than dragging hesitation. It, reasonably so, dampens when he arrives to the den to see pieces of his nest kicked aside and Darkthistle sorting his own in the same spot.

Upset, he was - but a backbone he did not have. Sunshinespot ticked his tail back and forth, the taut skin of his scars feeling present somehow as he tried to decipher why his nest had been chosen. Rowanthorn speaks up, and the tom shakes his head towards the older warrior. "Hey, hey," Sunshinespot tried to midigate the conflict, his lazy smile making itself seen within his expression. "It's all good. I was... uh... needing a new nest, anyways," he lies, and it makes his stomach turn. Sunshinespot doesn't want to ruin his new companion's first night as a warrior, even at the expense of himself. "And - Emberface wouldn't have fit here anyways. Yeah," again, he tries, but in truth he fumbles still and it's clear that he doesn't speak the truth with his defense.​

☆⋅⋆ ── she still simmered from the meeting, insides hot with some unjust feeling. briarsong had already found a spot for her nest, it wasn't far from where darkthistle kicked one aside to make room for his own. as rowanthorn spoke, a yellow gaze shifted over to the tabby with a languid slice.

"he only moved it, you're being dramatic." she huffs, words taking a slightly sharper edge than her usual distant drawl. and he was. if a shifted nest was the biggest problem thunderclan's warriors faced today, she'd take that as a good sign. even the nests owner agreed. sunshinespot's lazy defense brought the beginnings of a cocky grin to her maw. "see? even sunshinespot agrees that there's bigger mice to catch."
  • OOC ⋆ ─

  • QhhzAbz.png
  • BRIARSONG she/her, warrior of thunderclan, twelve moons.
    a well built solid black longhair with white markings narrowed yellow eyes.
    NPC x NPC / / former apprentice to saffronpounce
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ battle info
    penned by vayle@vayl3 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


Much Darkthistle, Briarsong, and Emberface, he too was moving his nest into the warriors den. His departure from the apprentice den had been sweet and simple. There were no close friends to say goodbye to, no trinkets to collect. Despite his hatred for cleaning nests, he had always kept his nice and tidy. He had already heard other warriors grumbling about how he wasn't allowed to put his nest near the center, and quite frankly that was fine with him. He would rather sleep on the outskirts anyways. It would be nice to not wake up with sore sibs from getting kicked by some sleeping apprentice in the middle of the night.

But to his disappointment, the warriors den was almost just as crowded as the one he had left. His ear twitched with disapproval, but he placed his nest in an empty spot anyways. It wasn't without checking the scents of the nests around him though, the last thing he wanted to do was sleep next to Stormywing or Bigfang. The glares from the grey and white she-cat hadn't gone unnoticed by him, but he didn't care. He meant what he said, or he wouldn't have said it. Why waste words that had no meaning?

Golden eyes shift to see what his brother was up to. He watched as Darkthistle kicked aside a nest, and he narrowed his eyes curiously. He couldn't smell who's it was from over here, but now he was very curious. Before he could ask, Rowanthorn was quick to complain. The smoke hued tom waited quietly, listening as Sunshinespot pitched in. 'Oh, I see now. Good job Darkthistle.' He thought, flicking his tail ever so slightly behind him. "Yeah, he's just making room. It's cramped in here." He pitched in with Briarsong. "See, Sunshinespot wants to share with Emberface anyways. He said it himself, two cats wouldn't fit there anyways."

BUT I'M JUST SO OUT OF MY DEPTH — A sudden commotion - albeit, a restrained one - from the warriors' den was enough go grab Coalkit's attention, the young tom having still been lingering outside of the nursery post-meeting. Sleep was just beginning to whisper tauntingly at him, and as much as he yearned for the warmth of Roeflame's nest, his curiosity won out in the end. Bright green eyes peered around as he approached the warriors' den, hesitant even though he knew there wasn't really any reason to be. It wasn't as if he was banned from ever approaching the den, he just couldn't go making himself a nest inside. Coalkit still found himself holding his breath as he took in the situation, attention darting from Darkthistle, to the discarded nest, to Sunshinespot.

The voices of Smokefur and Briarsong alike caused his dark ears to pin back, disapproval a storm in his gaze even towards the group of adults before him.

Though Coalkit prided himself on his intelligence, a smarter cat his age likely would've turned and let it go. After all, his place was in the nursery. However, he was also extraordinarily stubborn. So much so that his muzzle was opening before his mind could catch up, fluffy tail lashing about behind him. "Darkthistle still should've asked before he moved anything." Did becoming a warrior suddenly drain you of common courtesy? Perhaps he was less eager to become one than he had initially thought. "How would you feel if somebody just came along and tossed your nest out somewhere else? I wouldn't want to have to be the warrior to do all the reorganizing." His muzzle snapped shut a moment later, a look of brief surprise and apprehension in his eyes that didn't match his scathing words from earlier. Still, he stood by what he said - most of the warriors in front of him were acting more like his denmates. Didn't they deserve to be lectured the same as them?

  • 81641257_cc6OVDHQigHNM4a.png
    shorthaired black smoke with forest green eyes
    amab; goes by he/him pronouns
    5 moons old; ages the 5th every month
    homosexual; not yet interested in romance
    son of leopardtongue and batwing
    brother to bravepaw, cougarpaw, hazepaw, foxpaw, and hopekit
    extremely difficult to befriend; cold and blunt
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed
    all opinions are ic
*+:。.。 It was sad, seeing his den-mates leave, but Wrathpaw couldn't say he wasn't happy for them! A new chapter in their lives, and one well deserved! Although the clan didn't seem to agree with him on that stance. Still, Wrathpaw was beginning to think the clan didn't have their priorities very straight. After all, no one was more loyal to Thunderclan than Smokefur and Darkthistle! They were both so cool, how could you not be honored to have them in your ranks? 'Sides, Thunderclan as a whole didn't exactly have the best track record for supporting the right cats, so he didn't believe those who mumbled their disappointments over Darkthistle and Smokefur's passionate personalities - the cats who complained probably also thought kitty-pets were worthy members.
Lazy jerks like Roaringpaw and Ploverhop were more deserving of praise than Smokefur and Darkthistle? Give Wrathpaw a break!

Wrathpaw was growing more and more confident by the day. Instead of standing by the sidelines, fretting over what was right or wrong, the boy would focus instead on what was true. "But that's why Darkthistle is so nice, he made sure Sunshinespot wouldn't have to worry about gathering his nest together" Wrathpaw said, nodding to himself. Yeah, surely that's what Darkthisle had intended to do! And even if that wasn't fully the case...Wrathpaw would look warily at the scarred tortoiseshell, "Besides, he should've known to scoot his nest to make room. It's not nice to hog all the space" Not nice? Lazy? It was like a curse through his kitty-pet veins! Even those born from them were untrustworthy. He would bet that even if Darkthistle had asked, the other tom would've taken forever to move their nest aside.

Turning his attention back to the older, darker-pelted new warriors, Wrathpaw would wave his tail in a happy greeting. "I'll miss you guys! I wish you didn't have to go!" he's quick to divert attention away from the kitty-pet, especially before Coalkit starts to get the wrong idea.

Sunshinespot's attempt at avoiding an argument from breaking out doesn't go unnoticed. But the subtle crack of his voice and the stuttering of words tells Rowanthorn everything he needs to know. He wouldn't let this slide, however. If the behavior is not corrected, it will only continue. Words would go in one ear and out the other with this bunch, and seeing an apprentice chime in on their defense makes his skin crawl. ThunderClan was the noblest Clan there was, and nothing about their wicked words and smirks was noble. Even young Coalkit had more sense than they had, it seemed.

His copper eyes land on Darkthistle's nest, and an idea pops in his mind. He was just moving it. Briarsong's voice echoes in his head once, and Rowanthorn is suddenly getting up and walking towards the bedding. “Ah, see, Darkpaw, The older warrior begins, acting as if using the wrong name had been a slip of the tongue. He doesn't correct himself. “Your nest is far too close to the center, let me help you with that.” Rowanthorn could be nice, too. In the same way the newly-made warrior had done so rudely, the brown tabby kicks his nest away with as much disrespect as he had done to Sunshinespot's own.

  • // #FF7661
  • A muscular and chubby scarred chocolate tabby tom with striking copper eyes.
  • ROWANTHORN — 35 moons, warrior of ThunderClan. Ages every 31st.
⁺₊⋆ ☀︎ ⋆⁺₊ Narrow blue eyes watch the chaos with obvious annoyance, but she had no right to voice the harsh words in her mind. Her place in all of this was evident as she stood outside the warrior's den with Coalkit and Wrathpaw. Though clearly one more cat shouldn't be allowed inside.

She could hardly stomach Darkthistle's blatant disrespect for his peer Sunshinespot, much less the fact that he had so much support? Do rules and respect not matter as much as she believed? Her eyes latch onto Rowanthorn like a beacon of hope in all of this nonsense.

'Your nest is far too close to the center' She's definitely heard some other warriors talk about such a topic a few times in the past. This feels so oddly targeted; she isn't sure why. What's the difference between these warriors, other than age or skill? "That's really nice of you, Rowanthorn. Darkpaw must have forgotten that only seasoned warriors sleep close to the middle."

It must be the sudden recognition from Howlingstar to make the young warrior feel like he has earned his place in the warrior's den when he has just gotten there; ah that makes much more sense. "Darkthistle your nest should be way far by the edge nowhere near Sunshinespot, you play too much."
Cats are quick to snap back, others quick to defend. There is... a smug look of satisfaction upon his face as they nearly go to battle for him. Rowanthorn thick himself slick enough to order him, to which Darkthistle slowly tilts his head. "No, I think there's plenty of moss here." He said innocently, gesturing to the pile he had just unceremoniously made. The victim spoke- Sunshinespot is as weakly spined as Darkthistle thought, and that smug satisfaction curled on his muzzle, dark ambers glowering in amusement.

"See? I was just doing Sunshinespot a favor, after all." Darkthistle chuffed. His head tiltied towards Briarsong, then his brother- who he stepped to bump shoulders with- spoke up in agreement. His eyes turned towards Rowanthorn with a slow tilt of his head, smug smirk wide on his muzzle. There is no shortness of annoyance when a tiny fly spits words far too big for it's mouth. Amber eyes shifted towards Coalkit. "Didn't you just hear, kit? Sunshinespot said it fine." He dismissed. "Go back to the nursery." Darkthistle spoke.

Ego grew as Wrathpaw spoke, but in his distraction, Rowanthorn's clumsy paws decided to trip over his nest. Eyes shifted towards the rustled nest, then looked up towards the older warrior with raised brows. "Are you done throwing your tantrum?" He said, voice turning sickly sweet. Paws were swift to nudge moss back into specific place, just where he had put it before, then sat his rump in it, even if it meant shoving Rowanthorn out of the way. "We should call you Everkit Two, since you like throwing tantrums like one. Everkit One is taken, though." Darkthistle said, his eyes lighting back with amusement as he looked towards the other.

Wrathpaw, Briarthorn, Smokefur. The 'warriors of justice' would not be able to stand against Darkthistle's tirade when he had his friends here, ones who knew Thunderclan better to be pure without kittypets. His head turned towards Dwindlingpaw, eyes sweeping over them in scathing observation, then, "I'm so glad you just remembered my name, Dwindlingpaw." His voice was still sticky-sweet. "But you need to check your eyes. My nest isn't anywhere near the middle. Besides, Sunshinespot has anywhere else to make his nest with Emberface." His tail flicked towards the meeker warrior. ​