camp flexibility, love, and trust // chatter

Jan 5, 2023
There had been another fresh snow fall just the other day and there was a solemn air to the clan. Everything seemed to just lull out and everyone was milling about for the day. They had been cat watching, wondering what the others were up to for the day and if there was anything exciting going on in camp. There had to be something fun right? Something someone wanted to talk about? Maybe that’s what they could use, a small circle of talking and just sharing. They were a clan! They had to act like it of course and she felt like they had a divide amongst them. Though she couldn’t quite put her paw on what exactly it was.

The young cream and white cat shifted in their spot in the medicine den for a moment before looking around. Like a kit looking for their over protective mother who would stop them at any moment. Dawnglare seemed to manifest at the mere moment anyone got up or moved, so she had to be careful. They moved for a moment to shift in their nest before getting up from the nest slowly. Their leg felt so stiff from weeks of not using it and it was hurting more than she let on. Though she didnt want to be a bother of course, so she merely moved along the ground quietly before leaving the den itself.

Out in the clearing, she shook out her coat as flecks of snow drifted from the top of the den and onto her coat. She looked up at the cloudy sky and it was a grey day. Everything had a layer of black and white to it almost like a filter. Honeysplash looked around for a moment before making her way to the prey pile for a measly mouse, she didnt want to take the plumper prey in case someone else needed it, and then found a spot to eat but something stopped her movements. Maybe she should- converse with the clan? Give a little sunshine to someone’s day?

She wasnt sure how well that would go over so she looked around once more before deciding to head for the warriors den. She settled outside of it, after pushing snow away from a patch of dirt so she could sit down without a wet butt, and wondered if anyone was still in the den. Honeysplash had her mouse between white paws and she looked at it before feeling like maybe eating wasnt the best idea. She felt nervous almost in a weird way and she couldn’t explain why. It had been a feeling she was growing use too, an anxiety induced feeling that ran rampant in her chest since she was kidnapped.

They pushed it down though to try to appear normal and pawed at the den with a pristine paw, “Anyone in there? I brought a mouse!” She called out and smiled a bit. Wondering who would be joining her for some evening chatter. ​


living in a world so cold
  • Angry
Reactions: DAWNGLARE

"I am." Chrysaliswing arose from the depths of the warrior's den, as the cold air tickled his whiskers, like fae of winter's tide whispering along his countenance. Leafbare had subsided its wrath for now, hoarfrost breath at bay, jaws sheathed but never plucked. The cold never bothered him much, for his wispy coat insulated him plenty. The problem with winter was how he stuck out like a tactless quip or a sore claw. White wonderland provided little solace for a tomcat of soot-and-flame pelt. If only he could shed his pelt for a transient, ermine fur.

He counted his blessings that Honeysplash had arrived - a midday's sleep had overtaken him, truthfully, though he didn't want it to seem like he was lazing about like the kittypets that had been branded on his iron tongue. (He had worked hard in the morning, but fatigue had washed upon his mind harder.) To mask this, he drew one deft paw over unfurled and tangled mane, dusting off the lint and stray moss threads. "Aren't you supposed to be in the medicine cat den? That acorns-for-brains Dawnglare is going to give you an earful if he catches you, y'know." Chrysalis elected to sit next to Honeysplash after he had come out of the warrior's den. Glancing up at the empyrean, mismatched gaze floated upon the tangerines that seeped into wistful blue. It was already evening... He had slept for a bit, much to his chagrin.

The warrior kept pristine paws tucked under him and a scrying eye upon from Honey's mouse, sitting in a loaf-like position. Typical of you to eat that when it could go to an elder or a kit.


there is a large part of him that doesn't think he will ever make it to the warrior den. in a few moons, he would be old enough to. but would he pass his warrior assessment? would his mentor deem him strong enough to protect his clan? probably not. he's never been strong. he's never been someone who could protect anyone. he couldn't protect his mom or his siblings. he couldn't protect himself. that little voice in the back of his head reminds him of that every chance it gets. he wishes he could go back to being... useful. he can't fight, he won't. his claws make him feel sick. but he could at least try to be useful in other ways. he is good at climbing. and running, kind of. and his nose is sensitive. that had to be good for something, right?

his head gently shakes and he moves to greet the warriors, ears pinned back as if he's scared to say anything. he does, even if he truly is scared.

"dawnglare is pretty scary so... I don't think i would chance it."

he's supposed to be resting, too, but he's not nearly as injured as others might be. he's fine. he will be fine.
A soft huff came from the young cream and white warrior as she flicked her tail back and forth idly. Of course she knew she was suppose to be in the medicine den! But she was just loosing her mind that she wasnt sure what to do with herself anymore. Her leg didnt bother her that much but she couldn’t put weight on it yet so it was some what hindering. Not too bad! Just a small visit couldn’t hurt right?

Though the cat who approached her was that of Chrysaliswing, with his snide comment from earlier, and they lifted their head a bit defiantly at the patched tomcat, “I’m not gonna be gone long! I can lay outside too! Maybe not walk the forest just yet but im getting there,” she muttered a bit sourly in response to Chrysaliswing and they flicked an ear at him as he settled beside her.

Then a young apprentice approached them, Drowsypaw they think as they were still trying to figure out the new apprentices’ names, and gave another huff though this time a little more exasperated, “I know, he manifests i swear from the air itself,,” She issued back to the apprentice and pouted a bit, “But a few minutes outside and bothering you two wont hurt no one but my pride mayby,”​


failed to be charming