❪ TAGS ❫ — The orange tabby tom didn't like this. He always tried to be on good terms with all of his clanmates (with the exception of Smogmaw), so for his longtime friend to give him cold looks and hardly acknowledge him seemingly out of nowhere made Roosterstrut uneasy. Had he done something? The warrior hoped not, but he would never know if he didn't approach Rainecho about it.

Padding up toward the multi-colored molly, Roosterstrut cleared his throat and murmured, "Hey, uh- Rain, can we talk?"

Once the pair managed to situate themselves in a relatively secluded corner of camp, Roosterstrut furrowed his brows and inquired toward his friend, "Is everything okay? You've just seemed a little... distant, I guess." He sincerely hopes that such an implication doesn't offend Rainecho; getting on bad terms with her is the last thing he wants. However, was it not true? The two of them had been talking a lot more for a while before, all of a sudden, the she-cat just... stopped. No acknowledging him, even while on patrols together. Roosterstrut understood a need for space, but if something was the matter, he just wanted to hear it directly from her just to reassure himself that he hadn't done anything wrong. Maybe he could help... if she'd allow him.


Its true, ever since she had heard that vile rumor she had not been able to get it out of her mind. Every single time she looks at one of Betonyfrost's kits she can feel the awful twisting of jealousy wringing her heart out like wet moss. It was a terrible feeling, one she didn't want to take out on kits of all things and so she was trying to make herself as scarce as possible these days. Avoiding patrols with Roosterstrut if she could, going out as often as possible, keeping her paws busy so that she wouldn't have to think about the way she had seen her friend look at the scraps of fur tumbling about in front of the nursery. What a fool she had been to think she could ever fall in love huh? What a big joke the universe was playing on her.

She is sitting in camp, picking at a meal angrily when he finds her. She doesn't look up, refuses to gaze upon that face that she had known since she was a kit, still playing pretend clan. They would always fight over who got to be leader in those games. She wishes she could go back to those days, where all she cared about was how many games she could fit into one day. 'can we talk?' he asks. The words draw her gaze up to study his familiar face and she is surprised to see anguish there. She bites her lip for a moment, thinking "Sure Roo" she says quietly after a few contemplative moments. He turns to walk off and she follows, albeit hesitantly.

When they finally reach their destination she sits, carefully curling her long fluffy tail over her paws and fixing Roosterstrut with her multi-colored stare. The concern in his voice makes her advert her gaze however. "What's wrong?" she repeats softly, bitterly, a small chuckle accompanying her words. Her eyes flash as they meet his once more "What's wrong is all the rumors floating around camp Rooster!" she says, exasperated. Could he really have not heard them? Did he really not know?
❪ TAGS ❫ — The tom had held out hope that Rainecho's reaction wouldn't be as explosive, but alas, she was angry with him. Sheer emotion simmered in her gaze, which stared him down like a hawk eyeing its prey. Dumbfounded, Roosterstrut's eyes widened and he instinctively flinched back a bit. Seeing Rainecho so upset was concerning to him, and the fact that the source of her feelings seemed to stem from him only made him feel worse. "Rumors? About me?" The clan must have done a good enough job of keeping them out of his ears. Roosterstrut is puzzled; what would there be rumors about? The orange tabby tom feels hurt, in a way — he never made up rumors or gossiped about his clanmates.

Whatever they were, they must have been pretty bad. Roosterstrut almost would rather not know, but at the same time, he feels an itch to find out what exactly was being said. ".... What are they saying?" Rooster nearly hesitated, not wanting to upset Rainecho even more, but this was the only way he could address them.