- Jun 16, 2024
- 153
- 28
- 28
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Rank Gender Pronouns Apprentice Genderqueer He / Any |
Affiliations |
Former WindClan N/A |
Biographical Information |
Ages Every Created 8 Moons 1st 06.16.24 at 4 ☾ |
Names |
Apprentice Vulturekit Vulturepaw |
Kin |
Fathers Siblings Unknown Michael Periwinklebreeze Bilberrypaw Dustpaw Mourningpaw Weepingpaw |
Education |
Apprentice Periwinklebreeze N/A |
Roleplay Information |
Penned by
Status Last Updated |
Type |
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Vulturepaw is a spiky-furred black tabby with piercing amber eyes.❝ None of their words seem to placate Vulturekit — he's baring his teeth toward them, telling them they don't understand. Bluefrost stares at him, wondering about his origins, wondering about the place he'd come from, the trenches of DuskClan's hidden scrubland whereabouts.
Just what did Thriftfeather save you from? ❞
— Bluefrost on Vulturepaw after hearing him say that he is cursed.
Vulturepaw is currently a moor runner apprentice of WindClan. They were born to an ex-kittypet named Michael, alongside their two siblings. Fearing that he could not provide for the kittens, Michael entrusted them to the care of Periwinklebreeze. Newly named as Vulturekit, she is brought to WindClan with her siblings, causing much uproar - though ultimately, the kits were accepted into the clan. Periwinklebreeze moved to the nursery to care for them, taking on the role of a queen.
During his kithood, Vulturekit survived both a wildfire that destroyed the moors, as well as a kidnapping by the rogue group DuskClan. After his return with the assistance of Bluefrost and Thriftfeather, he became more frightful and sullen, convinced that he was beset by bad luck. This unlucky streak continued with a bout of yellowcough caught by both himself and his new mentor, Periwinklebreeze. Even after both had recovered, tensions ran high in the clan. Thriftfeather's arrival pit Vulturepaw against his clanmates, defending the rogue's right to stay with his and Bluefrost's kits. Though he still finds respite in the lush greenery of the moors, Vulturepaw has lost much of his trust in WindClan.
Contents1. Detailed Description
1.1 Scars2. Personality
1.2 Body Language
1.3 Inventory
2.1 Faith3. Interaction
2.2 Quirks
3.1 Skills4. Relationships
3.2 Combat
4.1 Kin5. History
4.2 Other Cats
5.1 Backwritten6. Trivia
5.2 Played
6.1 Playlist7. Gallery
6.2 Theme Weeks -
Vulturepaw by Eomora
⤷ technically: LH black tabby (carrying solid)
Scars gained:
- None yet.
Vulturepaw has a very distinctive posture; he lives up to his name with a perpetual hunch. He keeps his head low and his shoulders raised in nervous anticipation. Twitching whiskers skirt the moor-grass as he walks, head swaying side-to-side to survey his surroundings. His movements are serpentine, careful and creeping - but swift, when need be. Restless paws often scuff at the ground, fiddle with rocks and grass-stems. His tail snakes across the ground, twitching and lashing with every emotion.
- A ruddy brown feather which he was led to by Thriftfeather.
- A collection of flowers often kept in his nest.
Vulturepaw is a dour young cat, jaded beyond his moons. He is scarcely seen with a smile - and if you were to listen to the apprentice den rumors, you might think him incapable of it. A worried frown seems to be permanently etched into his face. He is anxious to a fault, pessimistic and always catastrophizing. This worry spills out in bitingly blunt words, projecting his own fears onto others as he criticizes their every reckless action.
Beneath his gaurded exterior, there is a deeply caring cat. Vulturepaw has a strong sense of empathy, worrying over clanmates and outsiders alike as though they are kin. To his constant frustration, however, he struggles to express these feelings in any way that comes across. This leaves him awkward and snappish, lashing out over his own perceived feelings. With all of the violence he has witnessed, he has become distrusting despite his care. A cat constantly at war with himself, Vulturepaw fears that he will never truly be able to connect with others.
Amidst all of this inner turmoil, he finds comfort in that which is tangible. Emotions are hard for him to deal with, intentions impossible to parse out. He is grounded by things that he can touch: his dad's soft fur, the petals of a flower, rain upon his muzzle. These are the few rare things which can draw a smile from Vulturepaw.
Fear is the primary emotion that drives Vulturepaw. His mind is a mess of racing thoughts, over-analyzing every action of both himself and others. Constantly on guard, she is always waiting for something to go wrong, always anticipating her own mistakes. This pessimistic worldview is born less of cynicism and more of a misplaced worry. They are incessantly negative as a way of lessening the blow when things do inevitably go wrong. It is a form of overpreparation, a coping mechanism for the terrible things that he cannot properly handle.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque bibendum porttitor accumsan. Duis sodales, massa quis lobortis pellentesque, ligula nibh sagittis metus, a pellentesque eros lacus eget justo. Aliquam tincidunt cursus diam, et elementum dui faucibus rutrum. Etiam convallis mi eu leo porttitor fringilla. Curabitur gravida molestie dapibus. Suspendisse mauris lacus, ultricies ut purus laoreet, euismod lacinia dolor. Aenean tincidunt magna nec egestas accumsan. Nam vulputate dolor suscipit venenatis hendrerit.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque bibendum porttitor accumsan. Duis sodales, massa quis lobortis pellentesque, ligula nibh sagittis metus, a pellentesque eros lacus eget justo. Aliquam tincidunt cursus diam, et elementum dui faucibus rutrum. Etiam convallis mi eu leo porttitor fringilla. Curabitur gravida molestie dapibus. Suspendisse mauris lacus, ultricies ut purus laoreet, euismod lacinia dolor. Aenean tincidunt magna nec egestas accumsan. Nam vulputate dolor suscipit venenatis hendrerit.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque bibendum porttitor accumsan. Duis sodales, massa quis lobortis pellentesque, ligula nibh sagittis metus, a pellentesque eros lacus eget justo. Aliquam tincidunt cursus diam, et elementum dui faucibus rutrum. Etiam convallis mi eu leo porttitor fringilla. Curabitur gravida molestie dapibus. Suspendisse mauris lacus, ultricies ut purus laoreet, euismod lacinia dolor. Aenean tincidunt magna nec egestas accumsan. Nam vulputate dolor suscipit venenatis hendrerit.
- Believes himself to be cursed due to his bloodline, with bad luck following him no matter what he does.
- Has a fondness for watching plants grow, and can often be found cataloguing the various sprouts in WindClan's camp. Very perceptive to changes in the environment.
- Enjoys drawing shapes in the dirt, though this hobby has waned as he's grown older.
- Has a marked fear of fire and illness, and will avoid any possible exposure to either.
Vulturepaw is bisexual with a masculine preference. He is too young for proper romance, but has a burgeoning crush on Deerpaw.
- How easily do they trust / make friends?
- Other things if you want
Sounds breathy and high pitched. Their voice comes out as a nervous warble, cracking in times of extreme emotion - which are an all too common occurance for the nervous young feline. Tends to mumble and mutter. Has a stutter, struggling the most with the harsh consonants of t, d, and k/c. His dysfluency is more pronounced in times of stress and less so when focusing on controlling his voice.
Smells of peat and heather. A rich, earthy scent.
speech is #a89272 Thoughts are italicized. Physical Interactions are underlined.
- Poor combat. Cowardly and untrained, Vulturepaw is more likely to run than fight back.
- Excels in speed, quick and viperlike in his movements.
Combat difficulty is extremely easy. Vulturepaw avoids combat training and fears violence. He refuses to harm another cat, making him a defenseless victim in battle.
Vulturepaw will not start fights. She avoids them at all costs, and will refuse to participate if possible. He will flee; it is always his first course of action in the face of violence. When faced with a wounded cat, Vulturepaw will show mercy and attempt to prevent further harm, no matter who the injured may be. He is a bleeding heart, with sympathy even for those he fears. -
MICHAEL x UNKNOWN • Adopted by Periwinklebreeze • Gen 3 ↟
⤷ Littermate to Bilberrypaw and Dustpaw
⤷ Adopted Sibling to Mourningpaw and Weepingpaw
Close to Periwinklebreeze, Bilberrypaw
Admires Rattleheart†, Wolfsong*, Milkthorn
Friends with Deerpaw, Gravelspark, Brackenpaw, Brokenpaw, Splinterpaw
Enemies with Thistlepaw
Wary of Thriftfeather, Bluefrost, Dimmingsun, Scorchstar, Celandinepaw
Fearful of Sunstar*, Sootspot, Privetfrost, DuskClan
Kin ✎
Character ✎
Character is PREFIXSUFFIX'S RELATIONSHIP. Put characters here that you simply need to yap about! Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque bibendum porttitor accumsan. Duis sodales, massa quis lobortis pellentesque, ligula nibh sagittis metus, a pellentesque eros lacus eget justo. Aliquam tincidunt cursus diam, et elementum dui faucibus rutrum. Etiam convallis mi eu leo porttitor fringilla. Curabitur gravida molestie dapibus. Suspendisse mauris lacus, ultricies ut purus laoreet, euismod lacinia dolor. Aenean tincidunt magna nec egestas accumsan. Nam vulputate dolor suscipit venenatis hendrerit.
Character ✎
Character is PREFIXSUFFIX'S RELATIONSHIP. Put characters here that you simply need to yap about! Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque bibendum porttitor accumsan. Duis sodales, massa quis lobortis pellentesque, ligula nibh sagittis metus, a pellentesque eros lacus eget justo. Aliquam tincidunt cursus diam, et elementum dui faucibus rutrum. Etiam convallis mi eu leo porttitor fringilla. Curabitur gravida molestie dapibus. Suspendisse mauris lacus, ultricies ut purus laoreet, euismod lacinia dolor. Aenean tincidunt magna nec egestas accumsan. Nam vulputate dolor suscipit venenatis hendrerit.
Other Cats ✎
Character ✎
Character is PREFIXSUFFIX'S RELATIONSHIP. Put characters here that you simply need to yap about! Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque bibendum porttitor accumsan. Duis sodales, massa quis lobortis pellentesque, ligula nibh sagittis metus, a pellentesque eros lacus eget justo. Aliquam tincidunt cursus diam, et elementum dui faucibus rutrum. Etiam convallis mi eu leo porttitor fringilla. Curabitur gravida molestie dapibus. Suspendisse mauris lacus, ultricies ut purus laoreet, euismod lacinia dolor. Aenean tincidunt magna nec egestas accumsan. Nam vulputate dolor suscipit venenatis hendrerit.
Character ✎
Character is PREFIXSUFFIX'S RELATIONSHIP. Put characters here that you simply need to yap about! Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque bibendum porttitor accumsan. Duis sodales, massa quis lobortis pellentesque, ligula nibh sagittis metus, a pellentesque eros lacus eget justo. Aliquam tincidunt cursus diam, et elementum dui faucibus rutrum. Etiam convallis mi eu leo porttitor fringilla. Curabitur gravida molestie dapibus. Suspendisse mauris lacus, ultricies ut purus laoreet, euismod lacinia dolor. Aenean tincidunt magna nec egestas accumsan. Nam vulputate dolor suscipit venenatis hendrerit. -
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam tortor felis, maximus in pulvinar eu, pharetra nec velit. Aliquam sit amet enim eu nisl aliquet vulputate. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed vel dolor sem. Etiam varius massa in metus posuere auctor. Vestibulum finibus erat in blandit placerat. Nulla facilisis dui vel fermentum gravida. Morbi laoreet magna a magna mattis, nec porta urna sagittis. Proin tincidunt sem dignissim, viverra risus consectetur, mollis orci. Nulla imperdiet congue dui. Etiam sed ante nec lacus dictum porta. Sed eu ligula ullamcorper, laoreet sem sed, blandit purus. Nullam varius ut enim id ornare. Duis at porttitor turpis.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam tortor felis, maximus in pulvinar eu, pharetra nec velit. Aliquam sit amet enim eu nisl aliquet vulputate. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed vel dolor sem. Etiam varius massa in metus posuere auctor. Vestibulum finibus erat in blandit placerat. Nulla facilisis dui vel fermentum gravida. Morbi laoreet magna a magna mattis, nec porta urna sagittis. Proin tincidunt sem dignissim, viverra risus consectetur, mollis orci. Nulla imperdiet congue dui. Etiam sed ante nec lacus dictum porta. Sed eu ligula ullamcorper, laoreet sem sed, blandit purus. Nullam varius ut enim id ornare. Duis at porttitor turpis.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam tortor felis, maximus in pulvinar eu, pharetra nec velit. Aliquam sit amet enim eu nisl aliquet vulputate. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed vel dolor sem. Etiam varius massa in metus posuere auctor. Vestibulum finibus erat in blandit placerat. Nulla facilisis dui vel fermentum gravida. Morbi laoreet magna a magna mattis, nec porta urna sagittis. Proin tincidunt sem dignissim, viverra risus consectetur, mollis orci. Nulla imperdiet congue dui. Etiam sed ante nec lacus dictum porta. Sed eu ligula ullamcorper, laoreet sem sed, blandit purus. Nullam varius ut enim id ornare. Duis at porttitor turpis. -
- Silly fun facts! Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam tortor felis, maximus in pulvinar eu, pharetra nec velit. Aliquam sit amet enim eu nisl aliquet vulputate. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed vel dolor sem.
- Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam tortor felis, maximus in pulvinar eu, pharetra nec velit. Aliquam sit amet enim eu nisl aliquet vulputate. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed vel dolor sem.
- Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam tortor felis, maximus in pulvinar eu, pharetra nec velit. Aliquam sit amet enim eu nisl aliquet vulputate. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed vel dolor sem.
▶ SONG NAME - ARTIST Talk about how this song applies to them. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam tortor felis, maximus in pulvinar eu, pharetra nec velit. Aliquam sit amet enim eu nisl aliquet vulputate. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed vel dolor sem.Theme Weeks
▶ SONG NAME - ARTIST Talk about how this song applies to them. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam tortor felis, maximus in pulvinar eu, pharetra nec velit. Aliquam sit amet enim eu nisl aliquet vulputate. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed vel dolor sem.
▶ SONG NAME - ARTIST Talk about how this song applies to them. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam tortor felis, maximus in pulvinar eu, pharetra nec velit. Aliquam sit amet enim eu nisl aliquet vulputate. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed vel dolor sem.
Cryptids: Mothman
Pokemon: Absol -
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