private FLIP THE CARDS [✦] honeysplash

Even though Greeneyes witnessed her scarlet return, the young lead can still hardly believe Honeysplash is actually back. It feels like a dream, the familiar face returning after so long. Her disappearance feels like lifetimes ago. He’d gone most of his warriorhood and all of his council-ship without a mere glimpse of his friend. He’s gained an apprentice and lost his mentor, his brother too. He’s gone to the mountains and back.

And now she’s here. Broken, but healing. She sleeps under the medicine den’s roof, and has a ways to go before they can go trekking together again, but she is here.

Though the den permanently houses his other friend, it is rare for Greeneyes to step foot within its depth. Fireflypaw’s denmate has never liked him, he knows — for good reason, he supposes, believing what the medic claims his namesake holds within its meaning. Still, it could be ages before Dawnglare allows Honeysplash to properly sit outside, and he would like to visit his returning friend sooner, rather than later.

He waits. And it takes a bit, but eventually, he manages to pass the two medics. They’re heading out as he’s returning from a hunt, a mouse hanging from his maw. Dipping his head to the two of them in greeting, he continues on into camp, paws diverging from his original path to the fresh-kill pile and toward hazel instead. At the mouth of its entrance, Greeneyes sets the mouse down, a snow-masked face peering in.

Psst! Nana! “ he whispers out his call, careful to be quiet. Dawnglare and Fireflypaw’s other patients are bound to be resting. “ Are you awake? I brought you some food! “​
  • // @Honeysplash
  • 74596946_rY2pLJ2YZGmQ0CI.png
    ── Lead Warrior of SkyClan

    ── Daisyflight x Raven Ramble
    ── AMAB; He/Him
    ── A red tabby and white tom with bright green eyes.
    ── Mentored by Sheepcurl; Currently mentoring Falconpaw
    ── "Speech"; Attack
The medicine den had become rather lonely to say the least. Dawnglare wasn’t one for conversation and they were pretty sure Fireflypaw was just avoiding them at this point. Honeysplash longed to sit outside and enjoy the sunlight or the cold of snow slush under paw. Something- anything- just to feel like this place wasn’t suffocating. The scent of herbs was nauseating and they wished someone would come visit them.

The young warrior knew so many of her friends must be so mad at her. She had left without a word but they hadn’t know the truth! That she hadn’t left on purpose and more so just- was cat napped again by a two leg and brought to the other side of who knows where. It had taken her months to find her way back after a moon or more of being trapped inside a twoleg nest.

She sighed heavily to herself and burrowed her face into white paws for the upteenth time today. Honeysplash wanted to walk and do something, even if it was just to sit outside the medicine den. Though as she lifted her head to stare off into the brambles of the den once more- she heard a voice. Hope fluttered in her chest and she turned towards the sound, someone had come to talk to her!

They peered for a moment before spotting the white face and friendly green hues-, “Greenie! Oh thank the stars, please come in! They’re gonna be gone for a while,” She wagged her tail with slight excitement and waved her paw at the ginger tomcat for him to join her inside the den. She’d get up to greet him but she was certain that if she moved Dawnglare would get a spider sense and come raging in the den again.​


living in a world so cold

His friend is awake indeed. Greeneyes’ gaze brightens as he spots a near-match in optics, a smile growing on his face in greeting to Honeysplash.

Please come in! the returning warrior tells him, and the lead warrior’s smile falters. He’s only been in the medicine den’s depths a few times, and that was with Fireflypaw at his side, with a medic to assure his curse wouldn’t spill over onto herbs and patients alike. The red tom doesn’t want to make a mess of things, but how long has it been, since he and Honeysplash have been able to have a proper chat? Too long — he doesn’t even think Falconpaw was part of SkyClan when the cream and white cat had disappeared.

Picking up his mouse, a white paw gingerly takes a step forward into the den, making sure he’s not stepping on anything important as he enters the hazel bush. Though opting to stay as close to the den’s mouth as possible, he settles near Honeysplash, placing the mouse in front of her.

I can't believe you're back, Nan — You’ve been gone for so long! “ he says, though he’s sure that isn’t news to her. “ So much has happened since you left.

Having to adjust to the two moons he’d been away from the pine forest had been enough of a daunting task, one that he's still dealing with, in some ways. He can’t imagine how lost Honeysplash feels having been gone much longer; how many new faces and names she has to get used to, all while being trapped in the medicine den's confines.​
  • 74596946_rY2pLJ2YZGmQ0CI.png
    ── Lead Warrior of SkyClan

    ── Daisyflight x Raven Ramble
    ── AMAB; He/Him
    ── A red tabby and white tom with bright green eyes.
    ── Mentored by Sheepcurl; Currently mentoring Falconpaw
    ── "Speech"; Attack
Honeysplash watched her friend seem to struggle to step into the medicine den and she furrowed her brow slightly- oh maybe she should get up! Though before she could move the ginger and white warrior had come at least a little bit inside enough to put the mouse in front of her. The scent of prey wafted up to her nose and made her mouth water. Food hadnt been on the forefront of her mind as she was use to eating less and less with her time away. So suppose she just never noticed hunger much anymore?

The young warrior pushed the thoughts away quickly and looked to Greeneyes as he exclaimed to her that she had missed so much. A sorrowful look crossed her green gaze and she nodded “I know- i missed so much and i have so many questions! I wish more cats would come by to be honest,” She said sheepishly and smiled softly.

Please! Tell me all about what’s happened! How is Ora? How are you? Are you okay?” She asked a thousand questions at once and she put a paw over her muzzle with a sheepish chuckle, “Oh i am rambling, I’m sorry- I’m just- so excited to be home,” ​


living in a world so cold

When Honeysplash fails to take a bite of the mouse, Greeneyes nudges the mouse closer to his friend. She’ll need all the strength and energy she can get to heal from what misfortune had gone after her. The tom doesn’t have to be a medicine cat to know that much. “ Eat up, “ he encourages his friend, “ I caught this one myself! “ Would that help? The knowledge that he’d taken the time to catch it, to bring it to her?

The remorseful look spread across the she-cat’s face causes the tom to pause. “ Well, it’s kind of difficult, sometimes — “ Greeneyes offers to her wishes of more visitors. He wishes she would get more visitors too; the news that she doesn’t makes his heart sink. “ Dawnglare isn’t too fond of having an over-crowded den, I don’t think. And I doubt too many want to get on his bad side. But, I bet they’ll start coming around soon. “ Her siblings, her other friends, curious clanmates: they’re bound to be visiting her.

And her questions come quicker than he can answer them, one after another in quick succession. What’s happened? How is Ora? Are you okay? She stops herself with a laugh Greeneyes only echoes. “ No, no! You’re okay, I promise. “ He would be asking the same, if not similar. A hum marks his thoughts, eyes shifting to look at their surroundings. “ Where do I even begin? “ he asks, mostly to himself.

You’re sister’s doing okay, I think. Busy though. “ Greeneyes is the same, so she must be even more so. “ And me? “ Is he doing okay? With everything that’s gone on between the last time he’s seen Honeysplash and now… is he?

I’m… doing okay too, “ he decides. Though his nights are more restless than ever, though he’s gained more to mourn since his friends disappearance. Greeneyes is doing okay. “ Busy too. I’m a lead warrior now. And a mentor. And an uncle. “ He lists off his milestones nearly as fast as the red and white tabby’s questions were shared. He’s doing okay.

Falconpaw is my apprentice. He’s a good kid — I think you’d like him, “ Greeneyes says, giving explanation to his list, “ And… Butterflytuft and Dandelionwish had kits. Figfeather and Fantastream, too. So I have five kits running around calling me their uncle. “ Beryl eyes gleam at the mention of them, a soft laugh following as he thinks of the lot of them. They reminded him a lot of him and his siblings as kits — something that usually brings him comfort, but now, as he’s tasked with filling Honeysplash in on everything that’s happened, fills his eyes with sorrow.

And uh… My brother… “ he starts, only to pause, to take a breath. “ There was a storm. It was… It was very windy, and… Butterflytuft was sat outside of the nursery with some of the kits — Cherrypaw was one of them, I think — and then… then a tree fell and — Snowy, he pushed her out of the way. He saved her and the kits, and… the tree struck him. Blazestar gave him his warrior name, then, as he was dying. Snowpath. I miss him a lot but… But he did good, saving them. “ Though he wishes his brother could be here too, that he could’ve been a SkyClan warrior for a long while longer.

Sheepcurl... I lost her too. “ He might as well tell her that while he’s speaking of his brother. “ There was… There was a sickness that spread through all the clans. It was ruthless. And the cure was so few and far between that the clans had to send warriors out to find it. We went to the mountains. “ His words trail off at the statement — it seems so far away now, both the mountains and those two moons of traveling, a moment more dream-like than reality now. ​
  • // this is so late i'm so sorry
  • 74596946_rY2pLJ2YZGmQ0CI.png
    ── Lead Warrior of SkyClan

    ── Daisyflight x Raven Ramble
    ── AMAB; He/Him
    ── A red tabby and white tom with bright green eyes.
    ── Mentored by Sheepcurl; Currently mentoring Falconpaw
    ── "Speech"; Attack
  • Crying
Reactions: wolfie

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ- She listened very diligently to the ginger tomcat as he said he didnt know where to begin before launching into things. A lead warrior, uncle and mentor- wow. That was a lot. Though then listed who had kits in his family and she nodded along to his words, she was happy for them. They both deserved love, and she was glad they found someone. Also - Falconpaw- that was a cool name and he sounded like a good kid if he was assigned to Greeneyes. The young warrior then kept nodding along before her gaze adverted downwards to the medicine den floor.

Honeysplash remembered that windy day. She had been watching the world from inside that twolegden, praying like she had done every night to Starclan that her clan would be safe. The wind had knocked a tree into the house and they had to be elsewhere for a while, but that’s all she remembered. Though hearing of Snowpaths death made her heart sank, he - is- a good warrior and she hopes he is proud of their siblings. Of course, Blazestar was honorable and let him have his name.

Then there was the sickness. Honeysplash knew vaguely of the sickness that took many lives in camp. Chrysaliswing had visited her and told her, yelled at her really, all about it and how it was hard to have watched their clan mates die. She lowered her ears slightly and said softly, “Oh Greenie- i am so sorry,” She looked back to the ginger tomcat for a moment but couldn’t hold his gaze. She felt ashamed, she had missed a lot more than Chrys had let on.

Then she went to take a tentative bite out of the mouse even if her guilt made it impossible to eat. She’d feel even worse if he thought she didn’t appreciate his food offering. Honeysplash forced herself to swallow, “I am glad you’re still you through it all, Green,” she said softly and smiled a little.

  • HONEYSPLASH she/they, Warrior of Skyclan, 24 moons.
    A lithe, cream tabby cat with high white and green eyes.
    Younger siister to Orangestar, Applefrost and Apritcotflower and littermates with Blueberrybounce and Cloudberrythorn // Former mate to; Quillstrike
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by youwolf_1997 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.