camp Flitter || o. Creaky branch//prompt

Sep 19, 2022

Squeak Squeak

Camp was quiet, majority out on patrols or busy sparring in the sandy hollow which made things peaceful... well, almost. Mothpaw was relaxing in her usual spot while the sun peeked through the canopy, its rays of light hitting her fur whillist providing warmth, and her teal blue gaze staring across the camp, watching as cats went and gone on their ways too focused on work over chattering up one another. Though she knew it'll change but in the meantime the girl would enjoy the silence until...a sudden creak made her fur slowly began to catch her on edge as she began trying to find where the noise was coming from.

Jumping onto her paws the she-cats ears flatten on her skull as another gust of wind made the branch creak once more while she continued to scan for the noise, she'd never heard of such noise before, of course there was the creak of when a twig snapped underneath the weight of one paw but a branch that still clunged to its tree was the least expected thing she would've thought of until she finally saw the branch dangling slightly while the wind played at it. Soon the scary noise of the creak grew to that of a hushed laughter from the wind and its tricks and she couldn't help but feel embarrassed.

She continued to watch the branch as it creaked continously and she wondered if soon others who'll notice will be driven mad by the noise, and yet she wondered to herself what would happen when it soon looses the last of its hinges and fall off to land on an unexpecting victim and she couldn't help but imagine it happening, one of the warriors just returning from their trips as finally the branch snaps off to fall on them, of course it wasn't big enough to cause damage but it was enough to cause some form of irritation and she only hopes it wasn't a kit that ends up the victim of the creaky branch.