float on alright, already | whitepaw

Jan 14, 2024
Its been many sunrises since the good Windclanners drove out the bad guys. Thats what Cherrytuft had said, and thats what she had said when she returned to him in the aftermath, covered in scarlet and cinnamon fur blooming with scratches and dust. Spotkit isn’t a dummy. He knows what that is, now. It clings to the camp walls like an evil creature that would not let them live. It clings to where Sootstar was slain. It clings to everything and everyone.

The only thing left unchanged is Whitepaw. He likes Whitepaw, she is a good family friend. Cherrytuft has expressed to him over and over about how grateful she is for her, and how she views her much like a daughter. In turn, Spotkit grew up viewing Whitepaw as a sister, still a family friend, but she was the cat he looked forwards to see during nursery visits.

He finds her, in camp, and checks her almost instinctively for the scarlet flowers that had covered his mothers pelt, that had covered Sootstars pelt. He finds none. Ivory plush shines in the sun like it normally does. “Whitepaw.” he greets her in his normal, odd, monotone tone; but theres a trill in it, a purr of greeting. “Can you play with me? Pretty please?” he begs in a childish manner, planting his paws firmly in the ground. “You won’t have any time to play with me when you’re a warrior!” he complains good-natured-ly.

And then he stops. He thinks. Stares at her, for a second. “… What do you think your warrior name will be?” and thus he lunges forth to tumble over her paws with a small giggle.You should be called Whitefang, cause its cool.

  • @whitepaw
  • 76245576_FCJi2DzeAxPuyT4.png
    -> spotkit
    -> amab ,, he/him ,, 2 months
    -> kitten of windclan
    -> small & oddly proportioned cinnamon tom with high white
    -> "speech, afd9f2" ,, thoughts
    -> unknown sexuality ,, single
    -> smells like windblown heather
    -> art by meg
Ever since she first became an apprentice and was big enough for chores, Whitepaw always came back to the nursery to help the queens, from both doing simple fetching chores for Spiderbloom and Scorchstreak to often kitsitting the different litters that had bustled around the nursery before they moved to the apprentice den. It was simple most of the time, keeping an eye on the kits and hosting games. When the clans had split apart, there weren't many kits left, and most of the queens were still expecting or just nursing newborns. She enjoyed helping Cherrytuft during all of it, especially amidst the tense chaos when she tried to speak with her friends. Spotkit was very sweet and very easy to entertain. Plus, it was good to keep him distracted from the tension that enveloped the clan.

She was settled nearby when the small tom bounced over, with a purred greeting, followed by a small plea for playing. She smiled and rose to her paws. "Alright, we can play." She trilled back in response, watching with a soft and amused expression. "I don't think I'll be too busy not to play with you. I probably won't get an apprentice for some time, and besides Periwinklebreeze always has time to kitsit." She consoled as he suddenly paused, and leveled a small inquiry at her. She hadn't given much thought to her eventual name. The time still felt so far away. "I don't know, to be honest, I haven't given it much thought." She hummed, a soft giggle leaving her maw as he tumbled over her paws. She raised a paw to lightly swat at him with her claws sheathed, even as she considered his suggestion. Whitefang. Her nose scrunched just very slightly. It wasn't a bad suggestion, just one that didn't suit her. "I don't know about Whitefang. I think that fits a fiercer cat than me." She answered lightly. "Maybe... Whiteheart? Or.. something else." She muses out loud.
"You better n-not be too busy." he sticks her tongue out at her. "Cause' all the neeeew kittens are boring. They're little babies." especially with Spotkit being about two moons older than most of them. "My mama says hi, by the way. She told me to tell you when I saw you next." he nods as if hes delivering very important information, as if the fate of Windclan itself rests on these words.

I probably won't get an apprentice for some time. He looks up at her. Studies her face. "I don't want to play with Periwinklebreeze. I want to play with you." he says absent-mindedly, frowning. No apprentice for some time... He counts the moons until he becomes an apprentice.

"I'll take the fang name for you. Spotfang! Raaaah! Fear me!" he shrilly giggles as she swats at him, her paw just brushing the top of his head as he ducks."I think Whiteheart sounds boooooring. How about... Uh... What about Whitecloud? Wait- uhm, thats stupid actually. You should be called... Whiteblossom." its not fierce, or as cool as he wanted her name to be, but it fits her well, right? Spotkit thinks it does at least. He jumps at her again, trying to jump to softly bap her on the cheek.

Regardless if his paw touches her or not, he falls heavy on his paws. The thought comes back to him and he blinks up at her once more through narrowed blue eyes. No apprentice... Mentoring, im gonna be an apprentice soon... He's silent for a heartbeat longer before he opens his mouth to speak and his words just slightly waver, "Whitepaw, can you be my mentor when you're a warrior? Pretty please?" Surely Sunstar would let them, right?

  • 76245576_FCJi2DzeAxPuyT4.png
    -> spotkit
    -> amab ,, he/him ,, 4 months
    -> kitten of windclan
    -> small & oddly proportioned cinnamon tom with high white
    -> "speech, afd9f2" ,, thoughts
    -> unknown sexuality ,, single
    -> smells like windblown heather
    -> art by meg