FLOATING AWAY &. stretching legs

With the new season that rolls in on the marshes comes warm weather. The apocalyptic blanket of white that once covered the camp has now receded, leaving muddied grass and new growth - evidenced in the flowers sprouting around ShadowClan's camp, a marvel of color only recently observed by the void-furred apprentice.

But the new season's growth doesn't stop at bursts of color sprouting from the earth. No, new-leaf brings a new group of apprentices to Eeriepaw's sleeping grounds - an already cramped den under brambles, further cramped by the four, five, six students that have joined them in the past moon. He's lost count of the new sets of paws now, but knows there will only be more to squeeze into the den with each moon that passes.

And Eeriepaw too, is growing. Always growing, spindly limbs forced to curl in tighter against him each time he settles into his nest, to make room for more and more and more. Joints begin to ache each morning as he rises to navigate over sleeping forms in the apprentice den in an attempt to leave for training with Spectermask, and he almost always ends up stepping on someone's tail in the process. Frustration to start his days off with - never ending, only going to get worse with the next set of apprentices to move in.

Something needs to change.

So, when the apprentice den is finally empty of its inhabitants, Eeriepaw slinks back in to retrieve his nest and the bird skull he keeps within it. Spider-like form moves to drag his belongings out of the shadows of the bramble bush - opting to settle his nest outside of the apprentice den instead, just along the edge of it. His legs would have plenty room out here - never ending room to grow.

After straightening his nest out to his liking, the apprentice carefully places his bird skull within it and makes sure his avian friend is safe, before he lays in the nest himself. Free to sprawl out without his paws hitting someone else, Eeriepaw stretches his legs in triumphant delight. What a good idea this was, for he'll be able to watch the camp from here too!
Though it feels like only yesterday he had been released from the confines of the medicine den, he knows it's been over a week, and he knows even further that he has been slacking on Eeriepaw's training even if they go out near every day. But today... The sun warms his back, abyss soaking it in, and he cannot help but feel a little lazy. They groom their chest fur with a peaceful look on their face, and they're glad that new-leaf has come sooner rather than later. He wasn't quite sure how much longer the shadow-dwelling cats could go with the feeble scraps sitting on their pile, Specter would be lying if he said he hadn't felt any hunger pains.

And with Chilledgaze becoming... Chilledstar... It's another can of worms to be opened later, but for the most part he knows the Clan would thrive under their rule.

Black fur, just barely standing out from the shadows, catch their eye as they turn their head, intrigues them. He blinks as he realizes it's Eeriepaw, his own apprentice, oh... Specter stands in a huff, long legs striding over to meet him and gaze upon the nest that the other had brought out. Theres a skull sitting on top of it which causes the rare chuckle, tilting his head as he stared down. "Whats your plan with this one, kid?" his tones lighter when he addresses his apprentice, wanting an explanation.

... Hopefully no one was bothering him in the apprentice den. Specter would make sure there would be hell to pay with that kids mentor.

chilledgaze becoming chilledstar was certainly its own can of worms. they hadn't been back from the moonstone that long, yet there was still so much to do. to pick a deputy. to gain more lead warriors. there was so much more they didn't dare list in their brain, as they'd get overwhelmed way too quickly. they seemed to be running around like someone on a mission. it was less chaotic than a chicken without a head, but it also seemed a little disorganized. it wasn't their fault they didn't know how to do this.

the sight of their best friend makes their eyes brighten. they eagerly made their way over to them, pressing their body against spectermask's an almost inaudible purr rumbling in their chest. they weren't a very physically affectionate cat to begin with, but somehow that rule was bypassed for spectermask. chilledstar's brows then rose as their icy gaze moved to the skull upon eeriepaw's nest. he always was an odd one, but who were they to judge? they thought it added to the ambience of the clan.

"nice touch, don't you think?"

they ask specter, bumping their head against his.

Eeriepaw couldn't have chosen a better day to move his nest out into the open air. A warm breeze finds its way through the camp, giving way to a moment of serenity the apprentice hadn't seen for ShadowClan in a long while. This is nice. He could get used to this, to the warmth in the air, and his new spot to sleep.

He lays his head down against the cushion of his nest, eyelids growing heavier and heavier...

"What's your plan with this one, kid?"

The apprentice opens his eyes, dusk-shaded gaze lifting to meet his mentor's face. He is no longer tired; instead, he finds excitement in sharing his idea with Spectermask.

"More space," he says, long tail flicking behind him. "Legs're too long."

Eeriepaw stretches his legs out further - as if he really needs to prove his height. Though he isn't quite as tall as Spectermask yet, he's been quickly approaching their height since practically the day he'd arrived in ShadowClan - the difference diminishing further with each day. It's really only a matter of time before he catches up, before he stands taller than his mentor.

Another face arrives, that of Chilledgaze. Chilledstar. A correction that would take some time to get used to, but one that Eeriepaw welcomed. They point out his bird skull, and the apprentice picks it up between his teeth, bringing it forward so the new leader could give it a closer look.

"This is Friend," he tells them, as if introducing one's bird skull was a typical talking point in a conversation. But, Friend's home has been within Eeriepaw's nest for as long as he's had his own, so it holds enough significance to be worthy of a name.