private FLOATING DREAM \ flintpaw

Someone'd been sitting sentinel by the medicine den, recently. The den they were raised in, the three of them... now only two, a shadow-ghost sister whipped away in the cold night wind. Wherever she'd gone, Nettlepaw was glad that Flintpaw had not gone with her. For a little while he'd feared it- that his brother had gone traipsing after Granitepelt, latching onto what he'd said. Deep, deep down... Nettlepaw knew the temptation. Knew how much a moment of weakness could spur you forward. It could shove you so far, it was too late when you realised where you'd ended up.

If he'd given in when Granitepelt had been exiled- and it had almost happened- he would never have been able to live with himself.

"Here, again?" he asked Flintpaw, plopping himself down next to her. The smell of herbs wafted toward him, and Nettlepaw took a deep breath in, mind immediately transported back to lying at his mother's belly. And there was a shape striding toward him and his littermates. Deep green eyes, a pelt like Flintpaw's. The face was soon blinked from his memory. "Didn't you get sick of this place when we were kids?"

Nettlepaw's voice was slightly jovial, but equally sincere. He looked forward into nothing, zoned into a land unseen, deep in the shadows of the night. There lay another question buried deep, deep, deep in his words- indirectly.

penned by pin ♡