Flores delicadas [prompt]

From what few flowering blossoms that Softkit had seen prior to Leafbare's arrival, she thought that flowers were rather nice objects to look at, and, even, touch - which made them vastly different in turn from crunchy leaves or the snow that now drifted through the air and stuck to the ground. It would appear as though the snow that was newly introduced was quickly shoving the remainders of any colorful flowers out the door, a true tragedy in the eyes of one as young as and with so little appreciation for other natural occurrences that Softkit was.
The kitten had been surveying the ThunderClan camp from where she sat at the edge of the nursery, taking in everything that there was to take in of the natural hustle and bustle of a typical day within ThunderClan - warriors going about their duties, apprentices in groups chattering about their training, elders soaking up the warmth that the sun provided in such a cold time. None of these things were strange or out of the usual, and although Softkit didn't want to admit it, she was rather bored of just sitting and watching with nothing to show for her time spent doing such a thing.
With a hefty sigh for such a small kitten, Softkit got to her paws, ready to admit defeat and return to the innards of the nursery where she could curl up next to her father and sister and spend the rest of the day huddling for warmth with them, when a burst of violet caught her eye and she stopped. Not far from the nursery, under a small cluster of branches, was a small sprig, saved from the all-encompassing snow by the sticks that were above it - precariously so, and Softkit watched in horror as the sticks shifted, threatening to collapse under the weight of the white powder.
Trotting towards the small flower with the intent to save it, Softkit felt slightly crushed herself when the sticks gave way and the snow fell atop the flower when she was only centimeters away. A frustrated frown crossed her face, and although she knew that it would most likely be in vain, she carefully began to nudge aside the snow, ignoring the burning cold feeling that attacked her paws as she did so.
She has vague memories of being in the nursery with her littermates, with Little Wolf’s first litter, and of being bored of the usual kit-games that so entertained her siblings. Don’t get her wrong—follow the leader and hide and seek are as fun as mossball on the right days and with the right cats, but as a child she’d watched the warriors and apprentices leaving camp with an almost lonely wistfulness. It had been a reminder of how small she was, how ineffectual, and she sees some of that in the kits who occupy the nursery now.

Mousenose just happens to catch a glimpse of puffy, pale fur moving away from the nursery. She pauses grooming her unruly fur, blinking bright green eyes in her direction. “Whatcha doin’, Softkit?” She heaves herself to her paws, padding over to peer at whatever the kit scrapes at. “Oh! What are you digging for? Your little paws are gonna freeze off if you keep doin’ that!

, ”
Howlingstar's thoughts go the same direction as the young warrior's. "Softkit, you're going to catch a cold out here!" She calls over to the youngster from where she sits beneath the Highrock. She glances around camp for Spiderlily, wondering if the child had slipped out of the nursery while he napped, but she is already on her paws and padding towards the pair.

Her ears prick as she notices Softkit digging through the snow, something akin to sadness on her face. "What are you doing, little one?" The tabby comes to a stop next to Mousenose and lowers her head to sniff tentatively at the small pile of snow. Perhaps a moss-ball had gotten buried in the middle of a game? She remembers when her own kits had been this small, all those seasons ago, and how upset they'd become when their toy had bounced just out of reach. She lifts a paw, preparing to help dig if the situation is precarious enough.
Softkit hadn't thought that her little adventure would garner the attention of anyone, much less a few adults, and she looked shyly at Mousenose and Howlingstar as they approached with concern and care.
"It is cold, but I'll be careful," she said to Mousenose, and in having stopped her digging for a moment, she shook out her paw as if trying to get it warm again. "There was... a little flower. I thought it would be nice to save it since there are so little flowers left, but..." Softkit's downtrodden expression returned, and she motioned towards the small pile of snow. "Then the snow fell on it before I could get to it."
to be reborn , you have to die first .
He appeared without a sound, standing behind the flock of concerned felines, only now making his presence known with a rumbling hum, coming to stand beside the curious kit. The ghostly tom had been terrified, waking up to see no one, but skulls staring back at him, but a kit can only do so much before growing bored, no matter how fearful that future continued to be, not for himself, but for his kits.

He wondered if he should ask his mate for games to play, stimulating enough that they wouldn’t grow tired. His lips puckered in thought, pinkish hues narrowing. If the other boasted about that strategic game, then well—Spiderlily was on his own, wasn’t he? Idiot. He thought with faux annoyance, hidden affection smoothing the terror that had gripped him so harshly.

“Let me see your paws.” He rumbled, gesturing toward the ones she had been digging with, aiming to warm them with his own. It was then that Spiderlily noted the small pile of snow. “That is the beauty of rebirth, my dear.” He hummed, gesturing toward the burrowed flower. “Perhaps we can see if it’s still salvageable.” It was fascinating, something Spiderlily always found the most peculiar about death. The chance of being reborn anew, but even that was a fleeting thought, one born out of hallowed grief for lives that have been lost. “What do you wish to do with it?” He inquired. “To pluck it and press it as a keepsake, perhaps?” He rumbled, helm tilted.

“Even so, my little one, there may be few now, but come greenleaf, I’m sure it will override our territory with flowers.” He spoke with a reassuring purr.
thought speech
Of course a kitten would be so easily distracted and enthralled by something as unique as a flower in leaf-bare. The tabby tilts her head gently, frowning. But the kit's father is right; the cycle of the seasons, of life, is a good lesson for kits to learn. "The flowers that die in the cold season will grow back even brighter in newleaf, you'll see," She mews to reaffirm Spiderlily's sentiment. She gives the queen a smile, blinking, "I'm sure you'll be able to take her out to pick as many as she likes, right? She'll be an apprentice by then, after all!" How quickly she had grown, too! Another litter approaching training is always something to excite the leader, and she's already begun to think of potential mentors for the little she-kit.