she had yet to reach the height her brothers have achieved ; still stout, a squarely - built jut of bone and pinkish - veined membrane. she still feels too fragile, bladed at the edges of skin anemic pale. the warmth of changing seasons had eased the brittle ache in her paws but she remains pallid still, a cygnet splotch wading in the shallows with alabaster curls spidering in into loose coils at her concaved flanks. the water is cool still but she braces herself against it, against the eager lap of waves at her elbows that sways her body with each ripple. sunlight blisters against pebbles splotching patchwork over the river floor, sand dusting into clouds with each searching scratch of claw against moss - lined stone.

she’d been searching for what seemed like hours ( though really, she thinks as she glances towards the gleaming sky, it was hardly midday ), but she knew it was here. the waters whisper to her, shadows flit about the darker waters and burst with a glittering of shell and scales. she thinks of what tigersplash had said to twinklekit — whichever calls to you, and the dark of the river does. it beckons her by name, by breath ; reverence bursts off the rippling surface and glints a rainbow pattern across a nearby jut of stone where a familiar white - tabby lie sprawled across the flat slate. lampreylike, thin and bony as she but twice as long in height.

a particularly harsh wave pushes her towards him, still damp and half in the waters when she speaks a sudden ” snakeblink.. “ shudder - breathed to the resting warrior, a sudden wisp of voice from the blind side of his shoulder. when he eventually cranes to look at her, rabbit vein eyebrow whiskers will be pulled in a soft, near pitying way over tender gaze of bleary rose, ” i need your legs. “ it lingers for a beat too long without explanation. for a beat, she only gazes at him with her same stony expression, dove dark eyes flitting down to the tabby’s tendril - like limbs. after only the rushing of water passes, she blinks slow and encouraging — uses the kittish charm she was quickly growing out of to her advantage when she tosses her head towards the deep water, taking a deep, rasping breath before : ” for the, um, deep part of the river. there are no good stones or shells in the shallows anymore but i know there’s a really pretty one out there, the river says so — will you help me look pleeease?

  • i. With the water no longer cold the hunt for shining stones and shells can begin once again - a good flat shell packed with mud helps add another layer of protection to the base of a den in case of flooding!

    she’s gonna control him like a mecha from the shore < 3 please wait for @Snakeblink , pre sickness.

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    frail alabaster molly with lilac striping and watery amber eyes..
    she is pallid ; platinum splotched with ribbons of dovey lilac curls, wisped ends like memories of a distant shore. feather breath and elderdown fur conceals a body worn fragile by tumultuous youth, too thin in some places and round with baby fat in others. her face is short - muzzled, framed half mast by eyes coined rheumy, rosen amber. the anemic pale pink at tender paws and nose tell a lifetime of sickness, obvious by the feathering weakness and crackling in whispery tones ---------- ° ❀ ⋆
    currently exhibiting symptoms of whitecough. this includes a running nose, wheezing, sluggishness, and labored breathing. please keep contagion in mind.


Sunlight ripples over Snakeblink’s back, melting the very last of leaf-bare from his flesh as he lounges over a flat stone in a rare break. One that is not meant to last, as he feels an anxious jitter invade his limbs at the thought of his own inactivity. He should go fish, or perhaps he ought to teach Turtlepaw how to dive after fish now that the water has warmed, or—

The weak sound of his own name pulls his attention away from these concerns and towards the small, delicate form of Shellkit. He’s been distantly aware of her splashing around the shallows in that way every adult has of keeping a distracted ear on kits not their own in case of troubles, but did not expect her to approach, let alone with such a strange request; most kits do not find him particularly appealing company, unless it is to bite his tail or try to make him eat dust by running between his legs. Perhaps the queens have been keeping him away from the nursery as an act of mercy, in hindsight.

”My legs…? I would, but I am afraid I am quite attached to them,” he says slowly, humoring what he assumes to be a kit’s whimsy. ”Although I am sure yours shall grow soon, unless you take more from Smokestar’s side of your— oh.” He pauses and clears his throat at her somewhat fanciful explanation. ”Yes, yes, of course, I am sure I can help with that.”

Climbing to his paws, Snakeblink makes a show of stretching his front paws, then back, as if preparing for a great undertaking. He slips into the water, careful not to splash her, and slithers into deeper water before stopping with the realization that he doesn’t know what constitutes a good stone or shell for her. He glances back at the kit, ears flicking back.

”I am afraid the river is not telling me much. Would you tell me what I am looking for, exactly?” Should he just have told her to climb on his back so she can look while he does the swimming part? No, no; she could too easily have slipped off his bony back, and Hazecloud would have him flayed alive if she so much as heard about the idea anyway.

——————————————————————————————————— so god damn lonely

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    Snakeblink • he / him. 51 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo

Aspenhaze watches the soft brown kitten play in the water, smile joyful instead of something more playful. It’s more relaxing times like these that makes all the pain of clan life worth it. Even if they’ll never be personally blessed with a child of their own, at least they can always watch the kits stumbling around without a care in the world, while they can.

They almost have half a mind to go into the water themselves when Shellkit is hit with a wave, but Snakeblink is also present and is closer, so they settle themself back down. Aspenhaze lazily puts a paw in the water, testing the temperature out for themself as they ponder if they’ll join in the shell search. Probably a better use of their time, so why not?

They scour the shallow part, and just as described, there isn’t much on the surface of the river. Deciding to put their own long legs to use, they go in a bit deeper, and end up getting distracted by a shiny rock instead. It’s still something though, yes? So they take it in their maw and paddle back to shore. “Love being tall,” Aspenhaze jokes to themself after they set it down to dry.​

The rapidly warming temperatures pull a sigh of contentment from the warrior's maw. The final rippling waves of leaf bare and its fickle weather seemed to be behind them and Sablemist was glad about it. For a while she sat by, watching with brimming amusement as Shellkit brazenly asked for the use of Snakeblink's limbs. Kits explained things in the most interesting ways at times. Regardless, the lead warrior is quick to assist the curly furred kitten and Sablemist's attention flows from the leggy tom to young femme. "Will you really only stop at one?" She questioned, standing upon her own long limbs to begin the slow wade into the water. Perhaps she could snag a stone or two to decorate her and Ferngill's nest.

Her movements are deliberately slow to prevent the stirring up of silt to make the water murky. A smile stretched across her dual toned maw as she spotted a stripped shell. Not necessarily what she was originally going for but it was pretty regardless. It would make a fine addition to their collection. With a careful scoop of her paw Sablemist dislodged the shell and flicked it upward to be caught in her maw. Turning around she placed her prize along the shore before returning to continue her search.

≖≖ riverclan warrior / eighteen moons old / she/her ≖≖

-ˋˏ ༻ ❆༺ ˎˊ- Shellkit was weird. Pinekit had drawn up that conclusion the first time she had met her, which was…
Stars, she had known Shellkit her whole life. The lilac kitten consistently left Pinekit puzzled, the way she talked, and walked- Shellkit wasn’t like her brothers or cousins, she and her siblings were different in an inexplicable way, Shellkit most of all.
That said, Pinekit didnt necessarily consider that a bad thing, not at all! Her denmate was an oddity to her, and she actually found herself quite drawn to the unfamiliar.
Crabkit and Crabkit were getting obnoxious, so the patchwork kitten was quick to toddle right off towards another source of entertainment.
I need your legs.
Shellkit’s request to Snakeblink from nearby earns a quirk of the tortie’s brow bone, and she is quick to scamper over to learn more.
As Pinekit approaches, she can hear Shellkit telling the warrior about the river telling her something.
The river.
“The river can’t talk to- hey, wait up!” Insistent on being included in the activity, Pinekit would be hot on Shellkit and Snakeblinks heels. When Sablemist slips into the water after the lead warrior, Pinekits eyes stretch into awesticken discs- turning to Shellkit with a pressing question on her tongue.
“How’d you get ‘em to do that?” The prompt is spoken in a badly-executed whisper, jutting her chin out into the water where two warriors now scoured for shells.

  • PINEKIT she/her, kit of riverclan, 2 moons.
    plush-furred tortoiseshell she-kit with white dipped forepaws, tail tip, and muzzle and round, honey hued optics.
    daughter of Iciclefang && Stormywing ࿏ sister to Cragkit && Crabkit
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Noor@toyangel on discord, feel free to dm for plots.