sensitive topics flower for my valentine ⸸ gone

TW- Vague description of being hit by a car!

It is times like these that he remembers why he prefers Starlingheart's company to most. She is quiet, never pushes him to speak and respects his oddities as he rambles at times unprompted whenever the urge hits. Gathering herbs with her is usually the highlight of his day but he can not help but feel a sense of dread prickle through his fur as they approach the thunderpath. He's no fool, he knows not to wander onto the burnt tarmac that scrapes paw pads and radiates heat like a blaze, but even being near it often made him uneasy. Magpiepaw remembers the time they stayed here long ago to hide from the bears, he remembers settling in a tunnel head bowed and wondering when they could go back to camp, the monsters rumbling overhead a reminder of how close they were at all times to being simply splatters upon the roadside. But one thing he learned long ago is that remaining off the thunderpath guaranteed safety, so when a patch of bright flowers caught his eye he could not help but toddle over to investigate them despite the close proximity; monsters rarely left their den - they lurked on the edges but never once had he seen them venture into the woods, so assured he was of his safety the distant rumbling did not even earn an earflick as he dipped his head to pick up a light blue bloom and raised his head to turn back to his mentor with the faintest flicker of a smile on his maw, his thoughts wandering to her face when Duckshimmer placed a bloom upon her fur and cooed and he had every intention of making this one a gift as well as he turned to trot back. A thump sounded, rolling weight over gravel and grit, a crunch of something heavy slamming into the earth nearby.
Magpiepaw turned, blue-violet eyes widening in dawning horror at the sight ahead of him.
A twoleg monster off the path. It was tilted slightly from the change in incline, but it had dettached from its home - it had broken free somehow. Every fur on his body rose on end, instinct screamed at him to run and he took a step, stumbled, his head bobbed and nose kissed the ground; it had finally happened, his inability to walk or run without faltering would cost him everything.

It happened very quickly. Black and white fur rolling across the ground, limp body tossed carelessly to the side from the force, the screech of tires and sound of debris flying from spinning wheels. The monster comes to a stop, metallic slam as it burst open and a tall lanky twoleg leaned out and stepped onto the ground with both leather clad paws. His mind is gone in that moment, he is only vaguely aware of the sensation of being lifted, raised upward; taken. Was it StarClan come to fetch him, Starlingheart's warmth swaddled around him like a newborn kit in the nursery, was he to be reborn again with limbs that worked - a body that obeyed him? Magpiepaw didn't know, but what he did know was it was cold, it was dark. Door slammed, the monster's guttural purr rose up as it sputtered smoke and ash and in an instant it was gone and a blue flower lay crushed on the stone path.

  • PAPF - @Starlingheart

  • 75204717_KgcjQ7iJ5YDThlB.png
    —⊰⋅ MCA of ShadowClan
    —⊰⋅ He/They
    —⊰⋅ Black tom w/a white throat and blue-violet eyes.
    —⊰⋅ Has mild cerebellar hypoplasia (Wobbly cat syndrome)


Today was the kind of day that most creatures would be found curled tight in their nests. Somber, dark clouds gather in the sky and tell of an incoming storm. The birds are quiet, and the only sound that cna be heard is the chirping of frogs and the roar of an occasional monster on the nearby Thunderpath, creatures both indifferent to the weather. Starlingheart doesn't mind it, as long as they were home before rain broke she was content to pick her way across the territory with her apprentice at her side, sole green eye scanning for the usual patches of herbs that she had grown familair with. Some things were still coming back from leaf-bare, and some things needed to be left alone in order for it to keep up a steady supply.

Whenever they come to the thunderpath, that usual sick feeling of dread settles into her stomach. Her mother had died here and it's funny how much she remembers of that awful day when she would give just about anything to forget it. She tries to put the memories out of her mind and with a shake of her head she brings herself back to the present, crouching next to a patch of herbs, frowning when she discovers it had been stripped back by a creature that was not her nor her apprentice.

Her apprentice. She lifts her head and watches as he ventures closely to the thunderpath, nerves making her tail flick steadily behind her but he was a grown cat now. He knew the dangers of the path and knew that as long as he did not venture onto it he was safe. He puts his nose to a clump of blue flowers and when he lifts his head again a smile forms on her lips at the sight of the happiness on his features. When he moves to come back to her, she straightens as well, intending on meeting him in the middle.

Then it happens. The monster comes out of seemingly nowhere. It jumps off the path in a way she had never seen before and it heads straight for her apprentice, hunting him down like he is prey. "RUN!" She screams and at the same time she's running forward, nearly tripping over herself in her desperation to get to him, to save him. But she's too late. The monster collides with a sickening thud and she watches with absolute horror as her apprentice's black and white body goes flying through the air. A scream, gutteral and desperate, leaves her jaws again and she changes trajectory only to go skittering backwards when a twoleg emerges from the belly of the monster and she watches, helpless, as it scoops him up and takes him away.

When it's gone, she walks forward, legs stiff and eye glazed over with shock to the flower he had left behind. The only thing left of him. She leans down, presses her nose against it and then, before she can stop herself, her shoulders begin to shake, and she starts to cry.

// a patrol is now free to happen along this scene! </3

  • PSgWDJV.jpeg

  • 80989743_Y4EI15MsrzJWZG0.png
    A skinny she cat with short black and white fur littered with scars and one singular green eye.
    Easy in battle + has little to no formal battle training
there was only one thing anyone could ever count on in this world, and that was everyone died. a lot of cats were lucky to even live, especially when constantly st each others' throats. prey never being steady. predators. monsters. twolegs. everything always worked against them. but even then, there was only ever one promise anyone could ever keep. and that was the promise that the kiss of death would seal their fate. it's inevitable. some are scared of it. some welcome it and others just don't know how to feel.

chilledstar in this moment, just does not know how to feel. they're not scared to die, they've done it before. over and over again. it hurts, it haunts them. but at least they know when the pain is over, that they're going to be safe. some cats don't find comfort in that at all. they're scared of the pain thst comes before. they're scared of the uncertainty of the afterlife, whether they believe in starclan or not. they don't know magpiepaw's feelings about death. he's logical. he speaks his mind, and says what is simply is. but that doesn't mean he couldn't be scared of dying himself. he's seen many die, it comes with being a medicine cat. made to save many, but even like this... he can't save himself. in the end, no one can. and thus... he's gone.

it happens so fast that chilledstar can't even gather their thoughts. they leave the patrol theyre leading, and find themself staring. starlingheart is there in moments, and the monster is fleeing as if it didn't just murder a feline upon the thunderpath, taking the body with it. all that's left is a crumpled flower, and a broken hearted medicine cat. it's like losing a child for starlingheart, they think. because she's had to raise magpiepaw to be a fantastic medicine cat. he has been a fantastic medicine cat and now he has to go home. to the stars. where he is better off in a place that cats, and monsters alike, cannot pick him off like vultures. he is safer there than he's ever been here... that does not make it hurt any less.

"...l...little bird..."

they can't stop their tears. they'd tried. they've tried to be level-headed and calm. a leader always has to be. can't grief. can't cry. suck it up and be perfect but... they can't. they just can't. for just a few minutes, they want to break down. about everything. the biggest straw to break the camels break. the dam has finally crumbled. they feel like they cannot breathe, and yet at the same time, it feels like too much air at once. why couldn't medicine cats have more lives? why couldn't they all?

" high, and free, m-my little bird..."

they manage, rubbing their tears roughly as they step back. there's nothing more they can do. their stomach hurts, and they simply have to let this be. he's gone. he cannot be saved. and as much as they want to save him... they can't. utterly useless to him, in the end.

"i'm... i'm so sorry, starls... i am so so sorry."

there's not even anything to bury. this feels wrong. and unjust. but they can do nothing.

———————---***ALL OF MY FEELINGS ARE GONE***———————---

  • black feline with a white marking across their face, a white chin, a white right front paw, and blue eyes. chilledstar is covered in scars, the most prominent ones being the one across their face, and the one across their neck.
    45 moons old; ages the 3rd every month
    they / them pronouns
    aromantic / homosexual ; currently not looking / looking
    child of JAGGED and RAVEN
    shadowclan ; loyal to shadowclan ; other info if applicable
    mildly difficult to befriend ; trusts barely anyone; trusts no one outside of shadowclan
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed
Last edited:

[ ༻❄༺ ] One thing was for certain, to live in the marsh one had to accept that at any moment one of them could be next. Could be anything, they lost so much. From the deaths of Comfrypaw and Nettlepaw, to Rosemire and Roosterstrut's dissappearance, the marsh was harsh upon them all. Yet, even then losing someone was not easy, nor will it ever be easy.

Everything had been pleasant today, prey running overwhelmingly well as if Starclan had blessed the clan with this much prey, perhaps their way of congratulating the clan for surviving yet another harsh leaf-bare. Everything was going fine, they were thriving, the clan was why, when they heard the screech of a monster, heard Starlingheart's yowl and Chilledstar approaching the scene just like she had, were she so horrified to see what happened. Magpiepaw gone, Starlingheart's apprentice gone. She was stunned. Even if she had hardly an interaction with the older apprentice, he had been an excellent medicine cat.

So why would starclan take him away. Yellow eyes stare blankly at the crumpled flower that laid in the awake of where Magpiepaw had once been. She hardly knew him like Chilledstar or Starlingheart had but, it still never made it any less easier to know another was gone. Snowpaw's gaze flicked to the thunderpath and then back to the medicine cat and leader. "I'm sorry" she said calmly, even if she hardly knew the tom, just as she hardly knew Nettlepaw, Starlingheart loved Magpiepaw, and Snowpaw doesn't know how it might feel to lose someone so close, but she was sure it was painful.

  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Snowpaw She/Her, apprentice of Shadowclan, 8 moons.
    Lithe long hair blue lynx sepia with high white, and yellow eyes. Stubby tail, permanent resting bitch face
    Hailfreckle x Mudsplash
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

જ➶ Personally he didn't know rather hearing someone being hit by a monster was worse or if it was seeing it happen in front of their very eyes. He didn't try to compare the two but bring close by as he was he definitely heard something. A sickening sound and the squealing of those rubber paws. It had made him pause, eyes flicking up from where he had been watching a snake slither through the brush. The acrid tang of the path laid heavy on his tongue and he shakes his head slowly before finally deciding to go and see. To finally lay his eyes on the scene of a twoleg picking up the mangled body of their medicine cat apprentice. Swallowing thickly he just watches from his place as what he assumes is already just a lifeless corpse is taken away from them. The twoleg deprives them of a proper burial and that burns in his chest. His gaze slowly flicks over to Starlingheart and Chilledstar. Their tears heavy. But Marsh finds himself unable to weep.

This is the reason why he keeps a distance away from the thunderpath. Too many cats have been lost here. Too much reckless behavior and he will not be one of them. His paws shuffle and shift before he pulls his ears back against his skull. Shadowclan. Will they ever see better times or be doomed to the gloom of their unforgivable start? Whichever he hopes that Magpiepaw is accepted into the ranks of Starclan. They did nothing wrong but be one of their chosen.

Magpiepaw should have known better then standing that close to the thunderpath. Everyone knew how dangerous it could be, and Lividpaw knew to be cautious when being at this side of the border. To never stand too close. It was unpredictable and he for one did not trust it. It was awful what had befallen their medicine cat apprentice but perhaps this was starclan's own will for things to have happend this way. Magiepaw had been a decent enough medicine cat in training but maybe he hadn't been good enough in starclan's eyes so this was a way to get rid of them. Not one worthy to take over after Starlingheart who barely even could walk properly. If that was the case, then this could very well be starclan who lay behind this. It could very well be for shadowclan's own good for this to have happened.

Lividpaw trusted starclan's judgement knowing them to be wiseful and even though it was shame that Magpiepaw was gone after having served the clan for a such long time like they had it wouldn't take long for them to get replaced and a new one would stand in thier place. Starlingheart would get over this and train a new one and shadowclan would contunie to stand strong. Maybe this time it would be the right one to take over after their medicine cat one day. It just hadn't been Magpiepaw.

He watched his clanmates grieve in silence while he took his time instead to wonder who would be the next one to fill in this one's paws. Hopefully Starlingheart would pick a new one soon after starclan had send a message of who the new one was going to be.

TW for mentions of implied cannibalism (im sorry), death, grief

maggotfur 18 moons female she/her shadowclan warrior
"....if I die would you eat me."
"... If I was hungry enough,"

A question once asked, perhaps in jest or perhaps not - a strange sort of understanding shared between two kittens born into the wrong time. Hunger gnawing away at empty bellies as famine swept through shadowclans land, milkteeth tearing into ice and bones and bugs. She'd thought once, the answer to be easy - even if she'd never truly stooped so low, so desperate as to sink her teeth into her own kind, food was food - and if it weren't she, it'd be the birds he'd loved so much that would feast instead, and she on them. But nobody will be eating today, carrion birds or not - no.

There is no body left.

He is gone quick as a flash of lighting - bright and silent, followed by the echoing pang of thunder. The thunderpath is such a beautiful thing, black as ight and as rotten a stench as the death it carries upon it's surface. Each life it's claimed left behind by the monsters responsible, a ragged patch of mush and blood and bones killed for sport not sustenance. Its disgusting, the cruelty - and yet she loves this place as much as any other. Bones and bodies, a perfect hunting ground for additions to her throne, a secret meeting place once shared between two curious souls.

And now, it feels hollow, tainted. By memory of what was, what could've been.

"I'm going to die soon."
"Thats a shame... Starclan will have to get past me if they want you though,"
"Please do not fight StarClan, I think they will not let you in if you do and I would like all the cats I like there eventually."

Perhaps, this was what Magpiepaw had meant. Maybe their definitions of soon had simply been... different. A single bird lay prone in the pile, oilslick feathers and milky eyes - an omen he'd said. Nothing had happened though, yellowcough had claimed many, but not him. Things had been fine, they'd been fine. She'd sought out his advice, as always, found answers to the things she'd sought - even if he'd thought her mouse-brained for her confusion, but really emotions had never been her strong suit.

And yet, now he is gone. Dead probably - the thunderpath is cruel like that. Had snatched all nine lives from briarstar before her kins very eyes, and while that had been far before maggotfurs time, even she had heard the tales. The twoleg takes all of it, leaves nothing behind but blood and flower - a pitiful offering of consolation for their loss. There is no enemy left to fight, starclan or otherwise.

She doesn't remember moving - whether she'd walked or run is a mystery to her, known only to those who'd born witness to the mollys state of panic. To here, she's simply there one minute and at the thunderpath the next. But it's far to late - the patrol was to far, and really what could they do against those awful beasts? Knowing it was impossible doesn't make it any easier to stomach, doesn't make it any easier to accept. For a moment, she stands stock still, tall figure towering over her clanmates as she stares.

She feels lost, something she hadn't known she'd had shattering in her ribcage, and suddenly pale cheeks feel wet. The girl blink when the world turns blurry, again and again until at last tattered mind makes sense of things. She is... crying. Maggotfur has never cried, not once - not when hunger gnawed at her insides as she watched Snailcurl feed every kit but her - not when she'd finally understood that she wasn't an orphan after all, she was just unwanted. No, not even when her reality had been shattered by the knowledge that windclan had stolen away halfpaw, that sunflowermask would've known - that they had betrayed her.

She has never cried, not until now.

Once the tears start, they don't stop. Long limbs give out at last as sliver frame falls to the ground, shaking and shivering with silent sobs and staring listlessly at the medicine cat and their stupid flower. Her best friend is gone.

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'
A N D - I F - Y O U ' R E - B L I N D - T O - T H A T , I ' M - F I N E - W I T H - T H A T
// mobile

⋆⁺₊ ☾ ⁺₊⋆  Magpiepaw is gone. It happens in an instant, all of it. The collision, the screaming, the monster taking the body. What a terrible way to go, they think.

Swansong's paws move across the moor-grass like a ghost. Like a vulture, drawn to the scent of blood. It is not the first death they have witnessed, nor will it be the last. They greet it as they do all things - with a sleep-addled stare and a dreamy sort of distance.

Magpiepaw is gone. They did not know him very well at all, but they had admired him for a long time. He spoke with the marking of the stars in his throat, even before they claimed him. They did not know to be jealous, then, young as they were. The stars had not yet left their mark upon her. He was wise, Magpiepaw. He saw more than any of them, with his too-wide eyes. They did not know him well, but they wanted to. Were they intimidated, or merely too detached to try? It does not matter now.

Magpiepaw is gone. There is no body.

Starlingheart weeps upon the Thunderpath. Chilledstar, Maggotfur. Strong cats, not those inclined to break. How terrible a death this is, how terrible a loss. They cannot muster up any tears. Maybe it is because they did not know him well; he was a stranger to them. They mourn the loss of what could have been, and yet they do not weep.

Magpiepaw is gone. Swansong feels empty and hollowed out, as she does for all the deaths she has witnessed. It is a strange feeling.

Yet she has a duty, and she cannot ignore it. Her mouth moves as if of its own accord, her body pulled towards the lone flower of a grave like a puppet on a string. Like sleepwalking. She is outside herself as she speaks. "The stars called him back..." Back to where he came from, where cats like Magpiepaw are born. He saw too far beyond, and so the beyond called him back. It will happen to her one day too. To Starlingheart, to Poppypaw... To all those cursed by the stars gentle grasp. A prayer tumbles easily from her mouth. "May they guide him to peace, wherever his body may lie."

Magpiepaw is gone. They crouch to see the lone flower left in his place. The medicine cat clings and sobs. Starlingheart will need a new apprentice, they think. They know that they should not think such things at a time like this, and yet... Why else would the stars take him back if not because this path was wrong? He was not the medicine cat ShadowClan needed, it seemed. He had grown awful bitter about his role, as late. Perhaps he rejected what the stars had given him. How terrible.

They feel calm. They should not feel calm, yet it does not bother them. This is the will of the stars, and they have long accepted the ruin the stars bring. Hollow eyes cast over to the mourners, to distant grieving faces. They are of a different sort from these living cats. Their voice is steady. "...My condolences," they murmur, barely a breath upon the wind.

  • // cw for dissociation
  • 65035420_GiaBine7dcKpkS2.png

  • SWANSONG ☁︎ she / they, apprentice of shadowclan, thirteen moons.
    a pale, silky-furred cream tabby with droopy blue eyes.
    dreamy and detached, more ghost than cat. known for her perpetual sleepiness.
    halfshade x smogmaw, littermate to applejaw, garlicheart, & ashenfall.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by SATURNID ↛ saturnids on discord, feel free to dm for plots.