pafp flower in your pocket [pelt decorating]

Jul 24, 2022
Spring is in full bloom, flowers bursting to life all around the river territory, and Crappiepaw could not be more overjoyed with the turning of the seasons. Sure, they have noticed a profound decrease in their ability to smell—and breathe normally—since the flowers began to crop up, but it is worth it, they think, to see such beautiful colors. And they simply cannot help but to pick a few (quite a few, in fact) before they begin the walk back to camp.

Their return to the temporary camp is quiet, inconspicuous, but already they are looking around. Searching. The sight of a silvery she-cat draws their attention—she is pretty, like the flowers that have begun to sprout all across the territory. Her pelt is colorful, almost matching one of the blooms that they carry in their mouth. So they change course, veering off to join the fluffy apprentice. As they approach, Crappiepaw drops their bundle of gathered flowers to the ground, nudging at them with an alabaster paw. "Catfishpaw… right? I found these. They might look good in your fur."

// @Catfishpaw
[ my my, cold hearted child ]
you are the dancing queen

Sitting pretty in camp was not a hobby of Catfish's... however, to pretend it didn't often occur would be to deny the truth. But, once again it was never on purpose, her catching other cat's eyes was all incidental. It did benefit the molly though, she loved having cats come up to her to talk and such. Some might then argue she was suited for being a social cat, like how a Shadowclan cat was dark to hide in the mud, Catfishpaw was shiny to attract conversation.

And when the older apprentice came into camp with a bushel of flowers and the idea of them being good in her fur her she broke into the largest smile, "I would hate to take some without doing something for them, maybe, I could put some in your fur?" As much as the molly liked being pretty, she loved making other cats even prettier.

young and sweet
it was not a rare sight for the leader to see : a pair of felines lying side by side, paws gliding over the soft petals of recently - picked flowers and occasional plucked feather to be woven into the others fur. the younger generation seemed to have a much better eye for beauty than he at that age — tangled in beetle wings and leaves, curls trapping the undergrowth he’d once raked through. crappiepaw had amassed a bulk of brightly - colored flora and catfishpaw seemed enraptured, smile bright as the gleam of sun on waves and cicadastar feels his heart soften, if only fractionally. the tom straightens where he stands nearby, tilts an ear at their friendly conversation.. truly, he was just happy the alabaster - splashed tortoiseshell was making friends.

he appears like a serpent, silent as a shadow amidst the sea of bustling riverclanners, " i trust you’re both finished with chores for the day? " cicadastar murmurs, only speaking once close enough for his rumbling germanic vocals to ring clear — not the ghost of firmness, though he doubted the two would slack off so blatantly. the leader is already lifting a singular paw to brush over a brilliant blue flower, it’s bright green stem verdant and strong.. to catfishpaw, he would toss a smile, ice - pale gaze glinting, ” because.. this would certainly bring out their eyes, yes? “ he’d an.. unconventional eye for beauty — she would know better than him, anyway.

  • i.
  • ˖ ⁺ 。 ˚ ⠀ CICADASTAR⠀⠀−−−c−−−⠀⠀king of the rivers.
    m. he / him. black smoke & tortoiseshell chimera with intense salt - blue eyes. a handsome, looming tom bearing patchwork black - silver curls that fall over his slim figure in loose, shining rivulets, broken with white and glossy from his fish diet. descending from a heritage of overtyped oriental shorthairs, cicadastar stands unusually tall amongst his peers, and holds himself with a tragic grace, poised and prim and ever - aware of how he is being perceived.

    gay, mated to smokethroat. smells like wet stone & moss.
    speaks with a german accent. 43 moons, ages every 50 posts.
    penned by antlers

  • cicadablueoutline.png

  • "speech"

It seemed many cats in RiverClan shared Fernpaw's intrinsic appreciation for the beautiful things of the world. He was ever appreciative of the sight of a particularly shiny stone or a gleaming fish-scale; that much was obvious with a mere glance toward his nest, overflowing with pebbles of various colours and stray feathers. Flowers, though... they were undeniably lovely, but so impermanent. Fernpaw had never bothered to collect them because of how quickly they lost their lustre- but overhearing the conversation between Crappiepaw and Catfishpaw made the act of flower-picking suddenly make sense in his mind. They weren't meant to be kept, not suitable for preservation- but they could brighten up a pelt for the day with mere petal!

"Oh- good find, Crappiepaw!" chimed the flame-painted tom, greeting his friend with a smile before awestruck eyes fixed upon the blossoms. At Cicadastar's suggestion, his ears pricked up- and, looking between the flowers and the tortoiseshell once again, he fervently nodded his agreement. The flowers would suit them just as well as they would suit Catfishpaw.
penned by pin
Catfishpaw smiles at them, accepting their offer, looking eager to have her fur decorated. She accepts, but feels she must reciprocate. They blink at her for a moment, wide green eyes overtaking their expression. "Oh, if you want to. I am… not sure how good they will look in my fur." Sheepishly, they glance to the flowers, hoping to spot one that suits the color of the other apprentice’s pelt. A soft pink bloom catches their eye, and they lift it with an affirmative grunt. It is perfect for her! "How about this one for you? I think pink suits you very well."

Cicadastar’s question is not accusatory, but they find themself growing a bit anxious anyway. Does the leader not trust them? "My mentor said that I am done for the day," they mumble in response. They hope that Cicadastar will not ask them to fetch their mentor; the older warrior is not the greatest cat to be around, and Crappiepaw cannot imagine having to bother them during their downtime. But Cicadastar continues on, pointing out a flower that may match their eyes, and the calico nods in approval.

Fernpaw approaches next, seeming interested by the flowers just like Catfishpaw. He compliments their flower-finding, and Crappiepaw perks up just a bit. "Thank you," they chirp, smiling at the ginger tom. Eagerly, the calico gestures to the bundle of flowers on the ground. "Would you like some flowers in your fur, too, Fernpaw?" They can see how good some of their flowers would look, green stems to match green eyes, strewn through contrasting orange fur. Yes, they can make their vision a reality on Fernpaw as well, if he agrees.
[ my my, cold hearted child ]

the sound of their friend makes their ears perk up. she made her way to crappiepaw, gaze lowered for a moment before they watched quietly ( not that they'd watch any other way ). gently she nudges crappiepaw, before she takes a flower petal she found and pushes it on her head with a smile. they only step away from their friend to brush against their dad before stepping back. they wanted more petals... or even a full flower. but they hadn't wanted to bother crappiepaw. they probably were annoyed enough with quietstream always following them around.

It was nice to see Crappiepaw with such a tangible spark around them, an unmistakeable glimmer in their verdant gaze. The sight brought the small tilt of a grin onto Fernpaw's face, his expression teetering from a comfortable smile to one spurred on by something. He glanced at his paws, examining his fur colour- then his attention flickered back over to the gathered plants. He fixed Crappiepaw with a thankful look, then, dipping his head.

"If you can find ones that suit me, then yeah, 'course I do!" he answered, padding a little closer. As if his eyes had a mind of their own, his vision flickered through every detail of the flowers, drinking in their beauty. It was only the movement of a pelt In his periphery that pulled his attention away, and he watched as Quietstream took only a single flower petal, holding it on their head. A spark of awe lit his gaze. "Oh- Quietstream, is that all you want?" It looked nice, but- Fernoaw could say for certain he wanted many flowers in his pelt. He could not imagine feeling differently.
penned by pin
you are the dancing queen

"Well like, first of all, Crappiepaw there is no way you can pretend like flowers won't look good in your fur. Not only do flowers look like great everywhere, your fur is just as nice as any other Riverclanners." she shifted through the flowers as she scolded the other apprentice, trying to find the perfect flower for them. Her eyes flicked up and down trying to figure out just which one would suit the best (there were too many good options to choose just one it seemed) but, as she tried a pink flower was then offered to her. Her eyes light up at it "Oh! I love pink, you know pink would probably look good on you as well."

While it had started with two it seems in Riverclan it never stays that way. Soon Cicadastar is joining the two of them, a welcome presence in Catfish's books, she thought he was pretty cool. His question did make her hesitate for a second, wondering if she did actually do all that was set out for her that day. But, upon thinking about it, she nodded an affirmative. Then she looked down to the flower that was offered by the leader. Her gaze was first on the blue of it, and it puzzled her for a split second. Maybe she was misremembering what her eyes looked like? Then it clicked, the stem! She wouldn't be one to argue with the odd tastes of the leader, especially when he was right, "I have never thought about the stems being apart of the colour! You're so right though!" Her green eyes were full of enchantment at this little gathering that was starting to take place. "Do you have any favorite colours Cicadastar?" she started to mentally pick some flowers out for the leader, but chances were he may like something she wouldn't have even considered.

After grabbing the blue flower to herself to keep track of her attention turned to Crappiepaw again and the new arrivals of Fernpaw and Quietstream. She bit her lip as she surveyed the coats of fur around her, looking up and down at the collection of flowers and then to the canvases again, "A nice white flower would look good on you Fernpaw!" she tried to see of Crappiepaw was also thinking something similar as she tried to follow their gaze across the flowers.

young and sweet
In every situation you give me peace
Attracted to the group by the lovely assortment of blossoms, Sablepaw wandered over. Her periwinkle gaze swept over the vibrant petals laying at the paws others before glancing up to see them placed delicately behind tufts of fur. "These flowers look nice on all of you." She compliments, noting the way each flower seemed to pair well with the cat donning them. It made her want to try wearing a few flowers for a change. Her paws shuffle against the ground prior to speaking up, nervous about the possibility of being rejected. "Could I um...can I have a few flowers for my fur too? I-if it's okay." Sablepaw asks, looking over at Crappiepaw and then around the circle.
Don't gotta be afraid because you're in the lead
Contrary to what Quietstream believes, the calico does not begrudge them for following him around. He enjoys the idea of having a friend, especially one close enough to make him comfortable enough to consider touching them. His friend places a flower petal atop their head, and his muzzle pulls into a gentle smile. "That is a pretty color on you," they say to Quietstream, an ear flicking happily. Fernpaw suggests that she could use more flowers than just the one, and he agrees—he makes a mental note to find more flowers for his friend.

Fernpaw’s body language is all excitement and enthusiasm as he agrees to being decorated with flowers, and Crappiepaw cannot help but to grin in return. Their paws move quickly and carelessly, eager to find a fitting flower. They end up with three of them, lifting the white blooms to compare them against the orange-furred apprentice’s pelt. "This one suits you. And this one. And this one, too." The flowers they choose have long stems in bright green colors,

Catfishpaw scolds them for their self-deprecation, and the calico looks down to their own chest, eyes narrowing. "You think so?" She seems to think that their pelt looks good, but they cannot help but to think that she is lying to them to make them feel better. But they are glad that the silvery she-cat agrees with their choice of flower; pink suits her perfectly. She claims that it may look good on them as well, and Crappiepaw places a paw beside one of the pink flowers. The color contrasts nicely with their pale fur, and they nod at the other apprentice. "Pink might look good on me too, I agree."

Sablepaw chimes in, claiming that the flowers look nice on everyone, and Crappiepaw inclines their head in thanks. "Of course you can have flowers," they say, because it should be obvious. No one else has been denied flowers, and they are in a good mood today. Why not share with everyone? "I only have one purple flower, but I think it would look the best. What do you think, Catfishpaw?" The torbie is quickly becoming their favored consultant, and they await her opinion with ears angled eagerly forward.
[ my my, cold hearted child ]