flowers in the sun [deersong]


Ever since meeting her, Deersong had found her way to Johnnys mind often. The shecat was very much a mystery to the bobtail, not having seen or heard from her before her mysterious appearance outside of the nursery. In reality hehad a million questions, but none of them were suitable to be asking someone he'd only just met. Instead, he tried to focus on what he did know, and what he knew was that Thistle had been good to him.

The piebald tomcat had taken Johnny off of his fence and shown him a world with more meaning than anything the bobtail had ever known. Skyclan and it's people gave him a sense of purpose and community he'd never been able to experience before, showing him that somewhere in the world, there were cats with values and morals akin to his own. Cats who were willing to fight for the right thing, who would protect and care for one another. Maybe it sounded a little cheesy, but to Johnny it meant everything. He'd spent his life surrounded by kittypet and strays, all playing by a different set of rule with a different understanding of what was important. While he'd had friends and aliies he cared about deeply, those he felt a true connection with were few and far between.

Until Skyclan. And he had nobody but Thistle to thank for that. The tom had had seen something in Johnny that day, had plucked him from the fence and opened his eyes to the world beyond his twolegs fence. Not only did the bobtail have immense respect for the lead warrior as a cat, but for whatever reason, Thistle seemed intent on befriending him. Potential, he'd say, but Johnny would only ever respond with the same 'im just like any other cat'. He honestly didn't see what was so special about him, but at the same time, did he really care? The koi had always been alone, always fighting the good fight with no support. He was always the cat taking care of everyones problems, the cat that had everyones back and was always first to throw himself into the deep end for someone in need.

For the first time in his life he felt like someone saw him. Hell, Thistle didn't just make him feel seen, he made him feel encouraged, like he was finally getting some kind of support and didn't have to hold the weight on his own.

So yes. Maybe Johnny was a little attached. Maybe he had a friend that he could finally look up to and rely on instead of having to be that for everyone else. And maybe that made Thistle important to him- and by extension, Thistles family.

Deersong had seemed like a lovely shecat when he'd met her. She looked at her children with adoration, and more than once Johnny had wished he hadn't interrupted her and her mate, because there was a look about her like she'd wanted to reach out to Thistle to, and the koi tomcat had very much felt like his presence had stopped her. But Johnny didn't want her to feel that way. What if Thistle kept trying to bring him around his family? He wanted Deer and Evening, and Coyotepaw to know him enough for it to not be weird that their dad/mates friend was always tagging along like some lost puppy.

So, of course, the most logical option was for Johnny to actually spend some time with Deersong without Thistle around. The daylight warrior and her had to have a reporte of their own, a relationship that wasn't just founded of the enigmatic piebald lead, but two cats who were -first and foremost- clanmates who'd be looking out for each other from now on.

Besides, she was obviously precious to their lead warrior. He couldn't imagine a cat like Thistle choosing a mate half-hazardly, and that automatically made her something Johnny wanted to look after, to help keep safe.

To his pleasant surprise, Deer was outside of the nursery again when he made his way into camp, only this time there wasn't a crowd surrounding her. Maybe this would be a good time then?

"Hey, Deersong!" he called brightly, the short, stocky tom bounding toward her with a bounce in his step, a familiar, lopsided grin plastered across his muzzle. "Nice day we're having, aye? Would you care to come for a walk with me? Damn paws still have energy to burn, and I wouldn't mind someone to talk to- if your feeling up to it. No pressure."

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( ) The voice that called out to her was one that had just become familiar to her. Sea-glass eyes opened slowly, both from the sunlight and because Johnny had roused her from the nap she had been taking. But Deersong didn't appear bothered, on the contrary, the smile she gave the energetic tom was one as warm as the new-leaf sunlight as she slowly rose to her paws and stretched. Her frame was slender, more so than it had been in the past due to how little she had eaten these silent moons, but if she was going to rejoin her clan, what better way than to spend it with the very cat who had supported her beloved when she could not?

Once fully to her paws, the cream, and mocha molly would purr softly, a rumble barely audible unless you listened close enough, "What it is, Johnny?" Her strange slang flowed from her maw as easily as water from a stream, "A walk sounds like a groovy idea. Time to get these muscles back to work anyway. Wanna try some huntin' while we're out there?" She moved to stand beside the koi-furred tom, her expression only one of whimsical patience as her half-tail swayed gently behind her.



Just hearing her agree to accompany him feels like a victory, and he gives himself a mental slap on the back for not scaring her right back into her den. Johnny wasn't an idiot- he knew he could be a lot for some cats. He had an endless sort of energy to him, outgoing and exciteable, eager to please and not afraid to get his paws dirty. More than once in his life he'd been told he should have been born as a dog, and he could see how a cat might not always like that kind of energy surrounding them.

Luckily though, Deersong seemed willing to humor him.

"I'm always down for some huntin'- stars known I need the practice." he replied with a chuckle. "I still haven't made a kill you know- unless you count the sick vole i dragged in, which I don't. Dawnglare can thank Auburnflame for not having to deal with any sick cats that night." he replied, wincing slightly as he recalled the scrap of sickly smelling fur that the other tom had pulled from the pile, explaining to him that it was diseased and no good.

He should have known, but Johnny had never seen or smelled a vole before that day.

"Where do you think the best place to hunt is this time of year? The rockpile? Near the river?"

( ) A soft laugh would lift into the air as he told her about his misadventure with prey and she tilted her head softly, "Life is all about learning. If you don't make mistakes, you won't learn anything." Her tone was calm, and pleasant as she walked beside the tom. At his question about the best hunting spots, she would half-close her eyes and tilt her head the other way, as if the breeze would whisper the answer in her ears, "It's warmer out. Most things start to gather around water once things new leaf comes. So maybe we try our chances near the river."

It had been a while since she felt the cool water on her paws anyway, maybe it would help her get back to normal. Her eyes looked around camp slowly, as if looking for some cat in particular, but she wouldn't stop moving as they headed towards the camp entrance. Once outside, she would take a deep cleansing breath of the spring air, letting it rejuvenate her, and put a tiny pep in her step as she turned towards the direction of the river, "You're settling into Skyclan alright? Every cat treating you alright?"



"Your right about that. I've got a list longer than my arm of things not to do while out huntin'." the tom replied with a good natured laugh. And eventually, if he tallied up enough things of 'not' to do, he'd only be left with the things you 'should' do. Maybe it wasn't as efficient or badass as just having a natural skill for it, but he didn't mind taking the longer path so long as he got to where he was going- even if it was getting a little frustrating coming back empty handed time and time again.

More than one cat- Thistle included- had notice he didn't eat with the rest of the clan, and a large reason wy was because he didn't feel like it was right. How could he take without giving back, especially when he had a bowl of food waiting for him at the end of each day?

"The river sounds good to me. I wouldn't mind gettin' my paws wet either- I know only the Riverclanners are supposed to like it, but my twolegs put a little pond thing kiddy pool out in the garden for me during the summers. Kind of fond of the thing, to be honest." he said, shooting Deersong a playfully conspiratorial glance as they walked along.

"You're settling into Skyclan alright? Every cat treating you alright?"

"Well, as good as can be expected. The settlin' in parts fine, but I can't say every cat's been thrilled to have another Daylight Warrior join Skyclan. Not that it's disuaded me from stickin' around, a you can see."

No, Johnny was a stubborn man when it came to the things he considered important, and it was going to take more than a few surly cats to drive the bobtail off.

"Most of the cats have been great, though. A couple of apprentices even helped me fix up my fur the other day before I had to head back to my folks."

Truthfully, Johnny had more to look forward to now than he did in the last two years and some of his life. As much as he loved heading back home after a long day of work to greet his twolegs and spend the evening with him, his dreams were always filled with the pine forest, paws itching to return.

"What about you?" he asked, glancing toward the shecat with a gentle look, flipping the question back on her. "How life been treatin' you lately?"

( ) Deersong would listen in amused silence, her pawsteps seeming to barely brush the ground as they walked and a few more laughs would rise from her as Johnny agreed with her sentiments and ideas.

This was nice, she concluded not long into their walk. It had been so long since she simply took a stroll with someone, let alone went hunting. And much like Johnny, she almost never ate with the rest of the clan. Deersong shared that thought with Johnny, that the act of eating together was a privilege only awarded to those who actually contributed, and that was something else she had failed at these last few moons.

She had been lost in thought, still listening but also struggling with her own memories when Johnny turned the question of well-being back onto her. Deersong would seem to hesitate, looking up at the trees overhead and seemed to analyze every sprouting bud before answering, "I'm out." A simple and soft answer, because being out of the nursery and walking through the woods again was such a huge step for her. She felt them then, the black inky tendrils that always seemed to be grasping at her in the back of her mind, beckoning her back into the solitude of the nursery.

But the look on her face would remain dreamy as she spoke again, "I am lucky, to have my family. Most cats don't even have that." And it was true, Deersong didn't take that for granted that she had a strong support system to help heave her out of this funk she was in, and yet...

Looking up at the sound of rushing water, Deersong would smile softly and she moved into a small trot. Once at the river's edge, she would look back at her new friend, "Do you know how to fish?"

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Johnny didn't know Deersong, and so he couldn't pretend to know or understand the troubles that were plaguing her. Still, he hummed twarmly at her response of being out, because even if he was a stranger to the depression and worries spiralling within the shecats head he could see the efort it had taken to accomplish this much.

"You are. And I'm no expert but I'd say that's a damn good first step." he repied, hoping the encouragement helped.

"I am lucky, to have my family. Most cats don't even have that."

"Aye, I don't know them well but your children seem lovely. And Thistles been a big help- I wouldn't have even known about Skyclan, let alone had the thought to join if he hadn't show up by my fence that day." Johnny replied. "I think that's why I like it here so much. My twolegs have moved around a lot, so while I've had friends I've never really had much in way of family. Skyclan kind of helps fill that space for me."

He knew it wasn't the same, that having a mate and kits of your own flesh and blood was a bond that ran far deeper than the friendships he'd make here, but it helped. It gave him something to watch over, to help grow and make happy. It was far more fulfilling than sitting on his twolegs fence all day to guard the yards from critters and strays looking to make trouble.

As the river came into view, Johnny would pick up his pace to match Deerongs, lips tugging into a familiar, lopsided grin as the smell of fresh running water filled the air.

"Do you know how to fish?"

He replied with a shake of his head, liquid gold eyes alight with interest.

"There were a few garden-ponds that kept fish in them, but they belonged to the twolegs so I never tried hunting them. I was more likely to chase a cat out or trying then I was to join them." he chuckled. "I'd be interested in trying it out though, if your offerin'."

( ) The smile Deersong gave to Johnny was warm and grateful, aqua eyes slow blinking to express said gratitude at his words. It truthfully meant a lot to her, to hear that she was making progress, no matter how small. She listened with silent curiosity as he spoke about his feelings toward their clan, and her smile only deepened in warmth.

It made her happy to hear yet another cat finding their home within Skyclan, it meant her home was growing in the right direction. She would blink down at the water as Johnny stated that he did not know how to fish, and she would blink at her companion, "To be honest, I'm not real good at it myself. Just the bare basics." She stepped back and waved Johnny to stand beside her, "The important thing is to stay real still and make sure your shadow doesn't hit the water." She would trot a little way down the river bank and slip ever so slightly due to the muddy area, "Ope, and don't fall in." She would add with a small laugh.

Crouching low to the ground, Deersong would tilt her head whimsically and cooed, "You try first, I'll catch you if you slip."



As Deersong went on to admit she was hardly the professional herself, Johnny offered her an amused twitch of his whiskers. "No worries. By the time we're done practicing we'll be catching fish left and right." he said as he stepped up beside her, playfully puffing out his chest and gazing across the river at the opposite bank and calling out, "You hear that Riverclan? You can eat your hearts out."

As she began explaining what to do and not do, it was clear that the bobtail was listening intently, nodding along as he soaked up the information. A fish would certainly be an odd first prey item to take back to camp, but then again, it wouldn't be a feat that most other cats could claim, which had Johnny intrigued.

"Alright, here goes nothing." the short, stocky tabby said as he positioned himself along the bank as he'd been instructed, careful to keep his shadow off the water and balancing his weight onto his hindlegs so that his front paw was free to spring at a moments notice.

While normally a fidgety, energetic cat, there was no denying that Johnny knew how to focus when it was asked of him, patience born of sheer determination settling over him like a blanket as molten eyes watched the water below.

When at last he made his move, paw darting out to try and scoop up the fish he'd spotted, he almost had it. He felt his claws catch on the things scales, saw the flash of silver as it broke the surface of the water, but at the last minute it managed to wrench free, falling back into the water with a gentle splash before disappearing into the depths of the river.

"You slimey little bugger!" he called after it with a growl despite the amused grin plastered to his maw. [/b]"Almost had it! Your turn- show me how it's done."[/b] he said as he stepped back, sunny gaze shifting to land on Deersong

( ) Deersong would watch with patient amusement, and as Johnny swiped and missed another laugh would bubble up from her chest. Well, at least it was a start. She would turn to the water now, eyes focused as she waited for a fish to enter her view and when it did she would flash her paw out-

and spectacularly splash the water, missing the fish completely and only scattering water droplets onto both of them. She would let out a startled mew and sit up straight to shake and wipe her face. "I guess we're both pretty bad at this, huh?" She would turn to Johnny then and tilt her head, "I knew there was a reason the river never called to me."

Looking back over her shoulder to gaze at the trees that grew tall and proud within their own territory a thought crossed her mind as she turned back to her friend, "Want to keep trying to fish? Or try a different prey?" She had heard that Orangeblossom had given him some climbing lessons recently, maybe they could snag themselves some eggs or even a bird or two? Her whiskers would twitch at the idea, bird had been turning into her favorite prey anyway and this would give her a real chance to stretch her legs and tap back into her old skills.