Apr 16, 2023

When asked a few months ago, 'Hey, would you like to join the creep colony of cats in the forest?', it would've been the easiest decision of Momo's life to say no. There had been no simpler life than that surrounded by free food and adorned in pillows that would make even a queen jealous, but there wasn't much beauty in the mundane. The windows had grown too familiar after a while, the garden free of any new scents to spice up their life. Out in the wilderness, there was something new every day (and they still had the safety blanket of a nightly home should things go wrong). It would be asinine to deny its challenges, but through each bloody battle and twoleg threat, there was love. He'd never met cats that would die for one another before, their loyalty warmed his heart better than any homely hearth could. To remain a partial kittypet was to remain an outsider, but Momowhisker wasn't sure he minded - observing the strong bonds was fulfillment enough. The oriental's movements had grown more stifled since the meeting passed, his conversations more strained with lies as they ever had been before. It was hard to proclaim he hated Twolegs when his neck was adorned with a shiny collar, and his fur was forever preened by their intervention in his life.

A scrawny mouse was placed upon the freshkill pile by the blue-eyed Daylight Warrior, his eyes forlorn as they wandered upon the dwindling camp. They flashed a grin at a cat that gave them less than stellar reception and began to strut toward the center of the camp where a few warriors and apprentices had congregated. 'It's fine. I still have a home, nothing will go wrong if I get captured. I am safe.' Selfish words were often the easiest to think. Momowhisker stood at his full height as he tried to get the group's attention with a series of tail whishes and clearing of a throat, his eyes refusing to settle on just one of a great many cats that stood before him. "Oh we're so gloomy. Is it gloomy? It feels really gloomy." StarClan's flaming pelt, of course it was gloomy. As their heartbeat quickened their grin stretched wider to try and counter it, "I can help! Ooh, I know a good few stories about the greaaaaat beyond. Please, gather around!"

'On second thought, maybe don't' To be a performer with performance anxiety was to be like a cat that couldn't count its whiskers, his heart raced but his expression beamed with a confidence he truly did not feel. Perhaps it would get easy, should his storytelling become easier a hit amidst the small crowd.
( ) Deersong had simply been laying in loaf form and listening to the quiet murmuring of her clanmates. Her half-closed eyes only enhanced the expression of air-headed whimsy that the former queen usually held on her face. Aqua pools would slowly move over to the form of Momowhisker, head tilting to the side in curiosity as they spoke. Stories? How long had it been since she had enjoyed a story?

Her mind started to wander for memory, but after a few heartbeats, she mentally shook herself and rose to her paws, walking over to the younger tom. Offering him one of her easy smiles, she would coo softly, "I'd love to hear your stories, brotha'. Might help with the bummer vibes lately." Her strange dialect rolled off her tongue in her characteristic coo. Settling down in a comfy spot, Deersong would wait to see who else joined,

ocean breathes salty
Still being new to the clans, Selby was not yet entirely familiar with the religion they followed. He knew it had to do with their fallen companions guiding their paws through life, but he wasn't sure how much stock one needed to put into those myths. As a loner, tales of a 'great beyond' were more for comfort than anything to dedicate real faith to, but from what he could tell, the clan cats seemed to take it very seriously. Since it did seem like something he would need to know at some point, Selby came around and took a seat. "I'll listen," he said, dipping his head to Momowhisker and Deersong. "I have to admit that I don't know very much about this kind of thing, but I'm happy to learn."
✦ ★ ✦
The voice of his clanmate, loud and promising entertainment, is enough to draw Cloudberrypaw from his perch within the pine needles. He objects to being called gloomy, but that’s likely an accurate description of the entire clan right now. White paws hit the ground with only the smallest of sounds as his weight shifts across the dirt. He slinks over to the three gathered cats, deciding that he may as well listen to whatever Momowhisker has to say.

Selby, a newer face around the clan, confesses his lack of knowledge, and the blue-furred apprentice frowns. Do any of them know about what story their clanmate is about to tell? "The great beyond?" He cocks his head, ears shifting as he moves. He shoots a halfhearted glare in Deersong’s direction when she refers to the kidnapping of their clanmates as “bummer vibes”. What a rockmuncher.
[ just a side character ]

Sparrowpaw was comfortable where they sat near the others, enjoying the idle chatter while they gazed up at the pine branches that waved in a warm breeze. Leafbare was well and truly over, wasn't it?

A voice, loud and sudden startles them into a full-bodied jolt, the apprentice now sitting upright where they had been previously laying. Wide eyes snap over as the tom continues, their fur laying flat but their heart still fluttering. Gloomy? What?

Although they didn't move from their spot, their head remained turned toward the collar-studded feline, expression crinkled with a mixture of confusion and interest. What kind of stories, then? What was the great beyond?



Sprawled in odd comfort, lying on his back and soaking the sparse sun-beams in a position that did not look even slightly comfortable, Mallowlark watched the upside-down figure of... a Clanmate jabber about gloominess. Well- it made sense, didn't it? Some couldn't grin through their distress like the black-and-white tom could- and they certainly had a good reason to be distressed. Those hairless, splayed paws of two legs... fleshy, greedy... and he'd hear of the traps, heard of the Shelter. Whisked away by slender beings, the tendons that connected you to your clan splitting, cleaving...

A maw filled with tunnel-dirt might be better, because at least they you'd be dead.

"Like StarClan?" he questioned, signalling his caught attention. Afterlife had been the first thing to occur to him- no unpredictable feat for Mallowlark, particularly. The possible conclusion that this Clanmate may be referring to lands beyond those claimed by the five factions was far beyond him. Dead air occupied the expanse of his mind that ventured into no-man's-land.

Somewhere in the daylight warrior's wails, Momowhisker had a point.

The camp has been gloomy as of late. Newleaf's green wave has brought its infection with it in the form of missing clanmates and moor-dweller refugees. A constant worry looms over Greenpaw, one that he tries his best to keep down in the midst of everything.

Momowhisker's loud words only continue onwards. The daylight warrior asks them to gather around, for he has tales of the Great Beyond to tell. Greenpaw doesn't really know what that is - his mother never said anything of it, the clan never spoke of it, Fireflypaw didn't recite Dawnglare's tellings of it. One of the moor-dwellers speaks - Dawnglare's mate, another figure to bring dread to Greenpaw at their presence - and chimes in about StarClan, so Greenpaw figures the Great Beyond must be something similar.

But, he doesn't truly know, does he? And he won't until Momowhisker tells his tales, it seems. So, Greenpaw settles among the crowd, waiting for the daylight warrior to begin.

.°☀ But every time I see you cry

Gloomy was hardly the understatement of the year. Camp had been depressing almost and there was then a bright cheer from a cat near the center of camp and it caught the attention of the young cat. Darker green eyes looked over curiously as Momowhisker talked about stories and cats started to gather together in the anticipation of a story from the daylight warrior. Something about the 'beyond'? She blinked a few times before rising to small, white paws, and headed over to the group and settled down beside her brother. She tilted her head to the side at him for a moment before turning her attention to Momowhisker to see what sort of things he had to talk about from this 'beyond' genre.


With these wings of mine I'll stay awhile .°☀

  • //
  • BANANAPAW named by her mother Alice
    — she/her, 12 moons, single
    — skyclan daylight apprentice, mentored by Sharpeye.
    — self-doubtful, overlaying smile, very closed in

    primary character, high activity. penned by wolf_.​
  • banana.png