fly in my room ;; deer watching

anytime she wandered out into the territory to hunt, she’d take a quick detour to watch the hoard. the last quarter-moon the molly felt determined to track their movements, wanting an estimate on how long they’d be here. also, it was difficult to ignore them, their stench rotted her taste buds and ruined most hunting patrols for her. soft pawsteps guided her across the undergrowth, until she stopped a pawful of tail-lengths away. a giant hoard, like she’d seen many times before. their bodies gathered around the frost, idly picking at it with their hooves. she takes note of the direction their facing, lowering onto her belly to shield herself.

deer can be described as tall, regal creatures. their long limbs carry them through the forest, striding through like they own the place. kings of the forest— it’s not something leafhusk would deny. the way their heads bend down to nip at the foliage appears delicate. she wonders what they think about, do they know their intruders? would they even care? one of them made eye contact with her, a female, she assumed. the doe’s beady eyes stared holes into her and she felt judged. a monarch looking down at her lowly peasant like a worm. leafhusk pinned her ears back and silently hissed at her until the doe’s attention finds something else.

a soft rustle of movement catches her attention, and she flicks her tail to shush whatever it is. "quiet. i’m watching the deer’s movements." she stage whispers.​

she doesn’t like this. none of them do, but sandthorn’s demise still bleeds behind her minds eye when she lowers her guard enough — the top - encompassing white and the way blood stood so stark against it, the audible crack of her spine and beat of heavy hooves away. they hadn’t even noticed. they were beasts ; no better than the foxes or badgers that plague their forests, except that their brutality was something it didn’t seem they could control. freckleflame found that she didn’t quite care if it was or wasn’t. the herd was nearby now ; it seemed like they always were, towering limbs of pale brown and tall, jagged antlers, stretching out like the arms of a barren tree. they mill about and despite her fear, there was little that could be done until they moved on. their best bet? ignoring them.

freckleflame leaps from where she’d been crouched nearby in wait, pinning a mouse beneath large paws and snapping its neck to —

quiet. her fur bristles, the steady drip of blood on her tongue breathing metal breath her nose when she gives an annoyed huff ; when her eyes lift, leafhusk was still tucked against the ground, staring out into the open field. the herd bustles on the other side of the undergrowth and freckleflame preferred that protective wall to stay there, to keep her thoughts and worries at bay. her thick tail flicks, ” im sorry t’ break it to you, miss deer whisperer, but this is a huntin’ patrol. she snaps back, dropping her catch and covering it with leaves and bramble until she could come back for it. only then does she look up — leafhusk was crouched in the leaves, ears flat and puffing low hisses towards a doe that.. as she approached, the tortoiseshell realizes had been far too close. her heart ticks upward, but a harsh swallow keeps her panic from boiling over. seaglass eyes dart away towards leafhusk, unable to take in the sight of those heavy hooves, ” you better watch yourself around them, too, or the next move it’s gonna make could be your last.. besides, why do you care what those dumb animals are doing anyway? “

  • i.

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    f. she / her, daughter of sunfreckle and rabbitnose. large, fluffy cream - ribboned tortoiseshell with seaglass eyes. larger than life! each and every part of her is broad ; wide in everything from her face to shoulders to her feathered tail, something reminiscent of her father’s kittypet heritage in the square of her chin and hulk of her figure. she appears illusionarily fluff - ridden at first, thickly pelted in shades of fire and soot, long & tangled, knotted with undergrowth — seeming soft and pudgy, and she is.. that figure curving into hard, hidden bulk along heavyset flanks and well - muscled limbs. a characteristic lack of personal space leads her to a slouching, touchy posture, often inclined to lean or bump against her peers.
    prone to bouts of explosive emotion. all opinions are solely in - character and during these times, often untrue or said only in anger.


Like Freckleflame, the memory of Sandthorn's death is not far from Flycatcher's mind. He can remember the broken body of poor Sandthorn, a young warrior snuffed out before she had time to shine. He watches the herd from across the field. Although they have many reasons to fear the beasts, Flycatcher can admire their beauty too - or at least he can from afar. "I agree with Freckleflame," Flycatcher mewed, glancing between Leafhusk and the mottled she-cat. "We have hunting to do and should not linger here long, lest they try and charge us again."

The last thing Flycatcher or any of them wanted was to see another clanmate injured or worse to the deers. "I suppose the one good thing about you studying them so intently, Leafhusk, is that you can watch and see if any of them seem particularly jumpy."[/font]

⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆ "aren't they all particularly jumpy? i swear, the wind blows wrong and they scramble like a bear's on their tail." they were odd creatures. dangerous enough to crumble a thunderclan warrior, but they certainly didn't act like it. these deer were nothing like the boars that had roamed their territory moons ago, those things knew just what they could do to a creature as small as a cat.

maybe she could thank starclan that the deer were here and the boars hadn't returned, but was it really that much of a favor? they crushed herbs, scattered prey, it was only a matter of time until something bigger and badder came to hunt them down. a creature that could take down a towering stag wasn't on nightbird wanted to face, it was time they moved along.

but leafshade was content watching them, away from their bone crushing hooves. she sat in wait, for what nightbird had no idea. freckleflame was sensible enough to talk some sense into her, flycatcher sensible enough to agree. "let's get moving before a mouse runs under their feet, that'll really have 'em spooked."
  • ooc ↛
  • NIGHTBIRD she/her, lead warrior of thunderclan, 30 ☾'s
    a small black smoke molly with a single white paw and pale silver eyes.
    mate to raccoonstripe / / mentor to palepaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ see battle info here
    penned by vayle@vayl3 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
Tybalt followed Leafhusk's gaze. It seemed pointless to him to spend time studying the deer. A smarter warrior would keep well away from them. They were large, flighty animals who could easily stomp a cat into the dirt if they were too slow to get away. He didn't understand what Leafhusk found so interesting about them. They were too big to hunt, and flighty enough that they'd scare the prey away if they startled. Amber optics narrowing, he turned his attention to Leafhusk. "What's the point of watching them?" he asked, unconvinced that they could capture anyone's interest for very long.
she hadn’t been on the patrol that killed sandthorn. despite witnessing the horrific aftermath, it did appear that she wasn’t cautious. deer are unpredictable, and as nightbird put it, jumpy. leafhusk still takes minor offense over the implication that she’s being stupid— she figured her intentions were clear with how discreet her body language was. she thought the hunting patrol had been large enough to slip away for a few moments, and turns out, it hadn’t been.

"i’m trying to learn about them, maybe we can figure out where they hangout most. and i’m still helping the patrol, someone should keep lookout like flycatcher said." she explains, keeping her gaze fixated on the same doe from before, who was now pawing at the frost to pick at some grass. "they currently live with us. makes sense to try and figure out our neighbors." the molly adds with a playful lilt of her tone, turning her head to look up at the gathering of cats.​

✧˖*°࿐ They certainly do need to focus on hunting while they can, especially considering that it's still Leafbare, and daylight hours are relatively short; that much he agreed with, and he was more than content to get back to it. Although he also hadn't been on the patrol that Sandthorn had been, like the other warriors, her death is still at the front of his mind, making him extremely wary of the deer. He hadn't stopped like Leafhusk had to watch; keeping the herd in sight or having them somewhere where he could quickly turn to look was well enough for him. The tom's focus had been kept on their goal until the other warriors had begun talking, and he steps closer to the others, amber gaze flicking out across the grass to the deer, watching them graze.

There really was a grace about the large, pale creatures; but it was hard not to think about what would happen if a cat was caught in the wrong place at the wrong time.

"It isn't a terrible idea for someone to keep an eye on them, but I worry how quickly you'd be able to move if one of them were to spook, even at a distance," he mews gently.