camp fly like the wind | blown away


May 3, 2023
I've been trying not to
The high speed winds were brutal today as he watched from inside the nursery. Twigs, leaves, and just about a little bit of everything unceremoniously blew about during powerful whistling gusts. He wondered what it would be like if he could float around like that. While queens huddled their kits close, Las Plagas stood near the entrance with wide curious eyes. Without so much of a second thought the patchy kitten darted outside the den as soon as the next powerful gale picked up. Snatched clean off his paws the gangly tom went rolling head over tail across camp like some strange tumbleweed, cackling all the while. For a moment he managed to catch his balance, teetering and tottering as the wind beat him from one direction to another. "H-Hey watch out!" He shouts over another gale that makes him tumble off his paws again. But this time he rolls straight into another cat, crashing into them and landing in a pile of tangled legs, laughing. "This is fun!" Sitting back up he rubs a dark paw against his cheek, trying in vain to fix his disheveled fur. He hoped these abnormal winds could stay forever.
Go off the deep end
H-Hey, watch out! Oh, far too late did they hear the kids warning call! Widened blue eyes turn to meet the laughing mess of the kitten, and strike! Las Plagas bowls them straight over, but their smile outweighs the brief flash of pain they have when they tumble straight in to the ground. They disengage from the other with a laugh that begins to bubble up, despite the winds that threaten to sweep them away too.

"That was awesome! You just flew!" they giggle, clapping their paws together at his small little show he had put on. "You think I can fly too?" they ask, eyes sparkling as they lean forwards, weighing their choices. I am a little bigger, but that shouldn't stop it! "You should do it again, again!" the winds were seemingly worse than yesterday, and for a brief moment they wonder why their twoleg keeps letting them out. Oh, well. They don't dwell on it as they watch Las Plagas expectantly, making sure he wouldn't get hurt, but also wanting him to do it again. I wish I was that small!
Dawnglare can appreciate most any newleaf breeze, points of solace in between periods of sweltering heat. The weather managed to remain comfortable most days, but there were odd things, as there was with anything. Any day the sun shined brighter than it ought to, a puff of breath between tussocks of dawn and white was a welcome fresh bereath of air. Just it though, this was more than a breath or gust. It was every part a storm brought on by divine will or divine punishment, he could not say just yet, for the howling drowned out the whispers below, and for now, he may only theorize.

After all, for the moment, the cause is unimportant when the effect sends little infected things blowing away. Potentially away from him! Such is remarked with glee, and the thought is enough to bring him crawling from his fox - hole of a den. A sleazy half - lidded grin is embeded on his features. Sweltering velvet - white form looms over whatever it was. This thing. Oblivious (no, uncaring toward the other present. Dawnglare has to wonder to what extent patheticness etched intself in this cat's soul for them to be bowled over by a ball of sickness as small as this one), Dawnglare would begin to nudge the kit in the direction of the camps entrance (exit in this case; his mind hums with warm exuberance. Problems were not always so easily solved within this cursed space, but here! An opportune moment. His grin is too - bright, gaze too - sweet. " Yes, again! Keep going, keep going. This way to where you belong ♪ " sweetly, he goads.
  • Haha
Reactions: Marquette

this wind was a bother. the long blue tufts that clung from her cheeks dance and lurch to whip into her eyes, nose, and mouth. eveningpaw continued to retreat to the apprentice's den, settle her fur back down, and then leave only to find the same conclusion. repeat the same motions. leaving, once again, she exited into camp in hopes of finding something to busy herself with that did not leave her with a mouthful of fur.

entering camp, she saw something of interest. a kitten bowled into browniepaw. briefly, shock crossed her face, but it was quickly replaced by a laugh when the other apprentice showed no signs of injury. las plagas cheered his enjoyment, encouraged by his good-spirited target. eveningpaw found a smile creeping onto her face despite her former frustrations with the weather. perhaps it wasn't that bad.

the tortie turned to leave, return to her task, but witnessed dawnglare appear and begin an attempt to shoo the child towards the entrance. eve's eyes widened incredulously, her paws moved quickly to form a block in the healer's path. "woah there, little tumbleweed! why doncha come this way. jump off that stump and you'll get some serious airtime!" she hummed warmly, angling her tail in the direction of the remnants of a pine jutting out of the camp floor. despite her bright voice, she shot a quick glance up to dawnglare. full of concern with the slight spark of anger, but was quickly returned to las plagas as she waited for an answer to her offer.


This kit again? Bobbie sighs as she pads uncomfortably over; my goodness, that patchy little thing was always in some kind of trouble and she always ended up chasing after him for some reason. She winces as a kitten kicks her directly between the comfortably covered notches of two ribs; her stomach is undeniably huge now and basically everything is uncomfortable. It feels as though it's come out of nowhere—clearly however much sympathy she had for Orangeblossom immediately before the other queen had her kits (who Bobbie wants to properly meet soon), it was not enough, because this was miserable. It was like she could never be comfortable!

Anyways, the lilac queen ambled over, a half-smile at the kitten's antics stationed on her soft face despite herself. That is, until that ridiculously ... creepy (she feels rude saying it, but it's true) medicine cat starts ushering him towards the camp's entrance. Bobbie speeds up, but a rather responsible-seeming apprentice with a very prettily colored pelt gets there first, much to her gratitude; Las Plagas was always biting/pranking/generally bothering the queens, but that didn't mean she wanted him to become fox food. The blue-and-orange cat offers a new playplace for the kit, and the queen follows her gaze for a moment.

"Oh, er, t .. thank you for handling that," Bobbie mewed quietly as the apprentice waited for the patchy creature's response, adding lightheartedly, "At least I know my kits will never be as much of a problem as him. That was responsible of you."
I've been trying not to
Scrambling to his paws he grins, teetering on from side to side in a minor bout of dizziness. "Maybe you could, try it out!" The willowy kitten exclaims just as Dawnglare enters the scene. Las Plagas' features sparkle with delight upon spotting the dawn kissed medic, dark jaws parting to greet the all too sweet tom. "Dawnglare!" Oblivious to the true intentions of skyclan's healer, a sense of glee seeps into his being. Who wouldn't want to play with Dawnglare? Several nudges coaxed the boy forward, in the direction of an area where all kittens were forbidden to go. Still, Las Plagas marched on. Blinded by pure innocent kit-like trust.

Nearly there. He stood close enough that a good gust could potentially blow him out of camp altogether. Yet a molly steps to disengage his current play partner, seeking to have him play by a stump instead. Disappointed by his adventure being cut short he looks between the two wearing a small frown. "Aw..but I wanted to-" The wind leaves no time for him to finish as another forceful gale whips through camp, snatching the kitten off he paws once more. Tumbling backwards he rolls in the direction of Dawnglare with a cry of surprise. Should the medic not move in time then he would land within a forest of soft ivory tresses. If not then he would simply keep tumbling until the wind released him a short distance away.

Regardless, Las Plagas shakes his head to clear the constant spinning of the world. "I'm not...I'm not a problem." He retorts. Staggering back to his paws he looks in the direction of Bobbie with a huff. It wasn't his fault other cats didn't know how to have fun. It wasn't. Refusing to let the worried queen dampen his spirits he looked around the group. "How come I can't go out there?" With a jerk of her head he indicates the exit.
Go off the deep end
  • Sick
Reactions: DAWNGLARE
"It's dangerous." Orangeblossom responds for Bobbie, pelt fluffed up against the turbulent gale as if it were a chilly leafbare breeze. It's not, but it provides some protection to her skin, and allows her to brush past Eveningpaw (ignoring Dawnglare entirely) and Browniepaw to stand next to her denmate. The deputy glowers down at the little kitten, ears twitching backwards as he tumbles across camp again, caught in another guest that makes her dig her claws into the soil. Orangeblossom's immediate thought is, admittedly, quite gory, but she dismisses the lesson with a shake of her head and instead opts for: "Hawks and eagles like this weather. They'll snatch a kit like you up for dinner if you aren't careful, and something tells me you wouldn't pay attention if I tried to teach you now, so we wait until you're four moons."

A familiar pelt arrives; one of her denmates, Orangeblossom, Bobbie's pale greenish gaze flicking to the shecat and back to Las Plagas, who's continuing to be windswept about camp. The queen squashes a giggle behind one lilac paw as the kitten bounces about like a leaf, attempting to conceal her amusement while the other queen imparts a rather intense lesson about exactly why Plagas isn't allowed out of camp. Her own heavy pelt is rumpled by the wind, and she compulsively smooths it down with a half-amused, half-concerned smile. Stars, this kit was always in some kind of trouble!

"Orangeblossom is right. It's dangerous to be out of camp for a kit like you. There could be badgers, or foxes, or-" She cuts off abruptly, clearing her throat and continuing, "Hawks, like Orangeblossom said."

"If the weather can best you, I've no doubt anything outside of this camp could too." He was a strong cat, not as purebred as his family may have liked but still displaying enough traits: the long, glossy fur; a tail that could wrap around his entire body, and a severe disinterest in the chills that the upcoming storm brought. Tussled strands of hair marked Silversmoke's body as he moved closer, sticking to the outskirts of the gathered circle whilst offering diligent nods to those among them (unsurprisingly, he left Dawnglare out of his round of stifled greetings). He wouldn't stick around for long, before being forced to bunker down, he desired to spend as much time away from camp as possible, both to recharge his social battery and to get as much training in as possible. "Don't take that as a challenge, you will die. Even when you're four moons old, best listen to your mentor's guidance until you're big enough to look unappetising to an animal hoping for an easy snack. Do you understand?" He tilted his head somehow, the lynx-like tufts of fur cushioning his cranium as it got closer and closer to his shoulder.