fly on the wings of love | storytime

Howlfire was not entirely sure how the topic of conversation wound up leaning towards hawks and other predatory birds that could threaten the clans. The younger members of the clan - and a few curious daylight warriors - had begged her for a story and Howlfire was happy to oblige them. However, as was the way with young kits, the story went slightly off track and they started talking about birds and how one of the queens had told them they would get carried away if they were being naughty.

Howlfire chuckled in amusement as one of her listeners furiously denied the claims of the queen. "Oh, no, that queen was absolutely right," Howlfire told them. "If you're naughty and not looking where you're going, a bird will swoop in and carry you away. Trust me I know - my brother almost was carried away by one." Although there was a hint of playfulness to her tone, she was serious too. As a kit she could remember Burnstorm almost getting carried away by a hawk. He hadn't been acting naughty as her words warned but had gotten distracted and strayed away from the rest of the family. Snowpath had fortunately been there to save the day, rescuing Burnstorm from the talons of the bird. The irony of Morningpaw dying to Snowpath's claws and her own mother losing a life in a similar attack was not lost on Howlfire.

SO WHAT DO I DO WITH THIS? — While far from one of the kits that was usually so enraptured with tales of things like hawks and their vicious talons, Pollenpaw could admit she wasn't wholly disinterested. She always enjoyed hearing stories from those older than her, and there was amusement glittering in her yellowish-green gaze as she noticed the crowd of kits around Howlfire. They were all so attentive that it was hard to think they didn't have the attention span of full grown warriors - right up until they began talking about various birds. How quickly the original story was forgotten, prompting a snicker from Pollenpaw where they sat nearby.

Her amusement faded somewhat, though, when she heard Howlfire's comment about Burnstorm nearly being carried away into the sky. The thought of such a thing was enough to make her heart skip a beat, even with how much of a fierce warrior she purported to be. The talons of an imaginary hawk swiftly cut their way down her spine, prompting a tremble through her before she closed her eyes and took a deep breath. There was no reason to panic when Howlfire was simply sharing stories. Especially not when she would willingly throw herself into the fray if a real hawk ever came along and tried to stir up trouble within Skyclan - right? "Funny, I figured not looking where you're going would just end up making you walk right into somebody in camp. I didn't know it could summon hawks at the same time..." There was faint humor in the words that left her muzzle, though they were partially an attempt to settle herself as well as the kits that were gathered around.

  • shorthaired cream tabby with low white and green eyes flecked with brown
    11 moons old; ages the 25th every month
    lesbian; currently not looking but open to crushes
    daughter of mottledove and beetleback
    littermate to aspenpaw and pipitpaw
    currently being mentored by dewcatcher
    easy to befriend and laidback; quick to childish anger
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed
*✧・゚ The torbie listens intently to Howlfire’s story, though as the queen speaks her thoughts are drawn far away from the initial warning of danger, and instead Sangriakit imagines flying. If a big bird were to swoop in and carry her away, then she would get to see the rest of the world. She would get to see all the other clans’ territories, and all the tops of SkyClan’s trees. She would be able to go on an adventure—just like Figdeather did! Except she wouldn’t have to look for a plant, and she could spend the time exploring every part of the world. Howlfire’s warning seems entirely lost on the kit, and rather than reacting with fear, she leans forward with wide green eyes, her multicolored tail flickering back and forth with amazement.

Just as she’s about to say something, Pollenpaw speaks up instead. I didn’t know it would summon hawks, the apprentice says, and of course Sangriakit doesn’t catch the humor of it. She turns her gaze upon the apprentice, her mouth falling open. "You can summon them?!" Her eyes widen, brows shooting up in surprise. If she’d known she could summon big birds this whole time, she wouldn’t ever look where she was going! To test it, though, the little kit squeezes her eyes shut and chooses a direction to walk in, making sure she doesn’t open her eyes even a tiny bit.

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ- Having been walking past when Howlfire made an amused comment about Burnstorm and hawks, they couldn’t help but snicker slightly. The young warrior approached from Howlfires left and smiled as Pollenpaw mentioned summoning them. Could one summon hawks for real? She’d never tried so who knows if it was true or not. Then young Sangriakit looked horrified with the answer from Pollenpaw, questioning if they could be summoned.

Deciding to play along, the cream warrior mused, “Oh yeah, i hear there are some Windclan cats who have the power to summon hawks,” They, of course, where entirely joking. There was no cat in the whole forest who could have the power of hawks. Though it was funny to think of such things, “How do you think they got to Burnstorm?

  • HONEYSPLASH she/they, Warrior of Skyclan, 27 moons.
    A lithe, cream tabby cat with high white and green eyes.
    Younger siister to Orangestar, Applefrost and Apritcotflower and littermates with Blueberrybounce and Cloudberrythorn // Former mate to; Quillstrike
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by youwolf_1997 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


𓆩 ♕ 𓆪 Oh, now this is fascinating. Hollykit has heard of hawks, of course - huge birds that can black out the whole sky. The warning of being carried away is lost on the kit, her eyes sparkling instead with wonder. "Where will they take me?" she pipes up, eyes wide. The idea of flying across all the forest sounds like quite the adventure. "Everywhere? To the sun and the stars? Can they fly that high? I think so." With a hawk at her command, she could go anywhere.

"Ah!" He squeaks as Sangriakit begins to test the hawk-summoning method, turning his eyes to the sky. "Don't see any yet..." She'll keep an eye out, and then she can catch a ride once they've been summoned. It's the perfect plan; hawks have two talons after all, one for Sangriakit and one for her lookout. He keeps his eyes to the sky, watching diligently - refusing to get distracted by Honeysplash's words, merely casting an offhanded, "Who's Burnstorm?" in the direction of the warrior, unable to resist the urge to question. Someone carried off by hawks, he assumes. He doesn't make the connection between their words and Howlfire's, only knowing of one brother his eldest sister could be referring to. He'll have to ask Fireflypaw about hawks later, he notes to himself.

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  • HOLLYKIT ⚔︎ she / him, kit of skyclan, three moons.
    a small, fluffy kit with mottled fur and deep green eyes.
    bobbie x blazestar; littermate to lionkit & candorkit.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by SATURNID ↛ saturnids on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
Like the other kits, Lionkit found themselves entirely enthralled with Howlfire's tale of hawks and death-defying escapes. To know that there were birds larger than cats out there, circling and waiting for the opportune moment to make a meal out of them. Lionkit knows that Mama fought off an eagle once and escaped with scars, ones that she had shown them by brushing aside her thick mane of fur. She was one of the bravest cats they knew!

When his older sister mentions that her brother was nearly carried off by a scary hawk, Lionkit's eyes widen with surprise. "Whoa... really?" The kit mews, trying to picture the medicine cat apprentice being lifted into the skies. Poor Fireflypaw! At least he was alright now. "Is that how Fireflypaw got scratches over his eyes?" Lionkit inquired to Howlfire, genuinely believing that the point-patterned tom was who she was referring to. To his knowledge, only Fireflypaw and Howlfire were Blazestar's other kits.

They glanced in Hollykit's direction as they mentioned Burnstorm, a name brought up by Honeysplash, before looking again to his sibling for answers. Yeah, who was that? Was that an old SkyClan warrior before his time? He must have been pretty brave too, narrowly escaping a hawk's talons.


At Pollenpaw's comment, Howlifire smirked, giving the apprentice a playful wink. "That's just what they want us to think." Whilst some of the kits seemed to be genuinely enraptured by the story, she was glad that some of the older listeners could jump in too. She smiled along to Honeysplash's words, not realising the weight in which they might have carried, until her half-siblings gawked at her. Hollykit had asked the question but Lionkit was also staring just as intently at her.

"I, uh..." Howlfire stumbled, at a loss for words for a moment. It hadn't come to her mind that her half-siblings would not have already known of their ThunderClan kin. She assumed Bobbie might have told them, but by their questions, she guessed not. "Tell you what, if you get Candorkit with you two, I'll tell you everything about him."[/font]
Most of the reason Fluffykit is content to remain in the nursery forever is the threat of predators. Lurking in the sky, under the brush, in holes in the earth, they’re everywhere outside of camp. She listens to Howlfire’s story with big, round eyes, imagining screeching hooked beaks and reaching talons. Pollenpaw suggests it’s possible to summon hawks, and Fluffykit puts a paw over her eyes just as Sangriakit exclaims her excitement. “Why would you want to summon hawks, Sangriakit?” Honestly, her cousin can be so mousebrained sometimes… but she wouldn’t say that allowed, because that isn’t nice. She would feel bad if Sangriakit knew she felt that way.

Honeysplash insists that WindClan warriors can summon hawks, and she shakes her head fervently. “I’m glad we don’t share a border with them,” she mumbles. And Sangriakit has the little babies all stirred up. Hollykit and Lionkit both begin to pepper Howlfire with questions. She doesn’t know the answer—come to think of it, she doesn’t know any Burnstorm, and she has no idea how Fireflypaw got those scars on his eyes… she peeks at Howlfire, curiosity glowing in jade eyes—through the frightened beads of teardrops, of course.

  • ooc:
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  • Fluffykit, she/her w/ feminine terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 4 moons old, ages realistically on the 9th.
    — mentored by n/a ; mentoring n/a ; previously mentored n/a.
    — skyclan kit. butterflytuft x dandelionwish, gen 3.
    — penned by Marquette.

    lh chocolate tortie/cream chimera with jade eyes. frightened, clingy, anxious, gentle.