the leader takes the river rock with narrow eyes and flat ears, whipping his tail against the flat stone behind him. as there always was, his tongue burns with " everyone old enough to swim gather beneath the river rock. " his head aches and the blazing sun helps nothing, burning the backs of his eyelids whether his eyes are closed or not. exhaustion, he thinks — perhaps irritation, still burning in each hair of his body, ” the gathering is this evening ; cindershade will be taking my side as deputy until smokethroat is cleared. this moon i want lichentail, dovethroat, saltsting, willowroot, salmonshade, ripplewave, shellsong and pikesplash. “ he scans for familiar pointed blue fur, ” lichentail — your punishment is lifted. “

the mottled tom settles atop his stone, sweeps his tail aside to sit himself pretty amidst the looming tower, ” as i’m sure most of you’ve heard, boneripple has fled our territory. her scent last trails towards twolegplace — if you scent her, follow it. if it’s stale, report to me immediately. a grit of sharp, jutting teeth, ” if you encounter any skyclanner on your patrols, inform them of her disappearance.. but be wary. “

” ravensong has informed me of a new, contagious illness in skyclan. should he need you, you are to go with him for herb patrols whether assigned by snakeblink or not. “ he needed those paws, but the medicine cat would need them more. it was a quick thing ; a brief note, skyclan has a sickness. should it be any more serious than that, they would surely discuss it at the gathering.. his ears threaten to lower, some odd, twinging anxiety dripping cold into his stomach the longer he mulls on it. his voice, flippant and casual, he hopes to keep everything moving, do not cross our river border — those attending our gathering tonight, do your best to keep distance. “ if it could not be avoided, it could not be avoided. the gathering was a time of sworn peace and moonlight ; sacred. he would not do starclan the displeasure of riverclan’s absence.

” this past moon, we’ve faced tragedy — an influx of foxes has begun to plague our lands.. perhaps a family. until we can properly investigate where they are staying, no less than three cats should be out at any time. mentors, keep your apprentices in sight “ a brief pause. something coos abovehead, it’s sad, drowsing song croaking from the wave of willow trees at his back. the phantom stares ahead, ” and keep an eye out for houndstride. “ eye close against the blaring sun and suddenly he is elbow deep in riverwater, curls splaying to either side of his malnourished form. the birds sing, but it isn’t right ; it’s the wrong song, he thinks. that same, crooning dovecall. too haunting for the water - reflected, sunbeam smile in his minds eye.

he opens his eyes, clears his throat.

” now.. we have a two apprentices to be named this moon. carpkit, ratkit.. please step forward. “

the first — a rambunctious molly, eager eyed and loud, friendly as could be. a friend to cicadakit, and if his gangly namesake had been anything like him, that in itself was a feat, ” carpkit. you have reached the age of four moons, and it is time for you to be apprenticed. from this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as carppaw. your mentor will be snakeblink. i trust he will train you well. “ the child would need to be wrangled, that much was for certain ; a brief flick of icewater eyes towards his lead, he inclines his ears, tries to read his expression before pressing on.

after a moment, the leader would look away, back towards the kits that dot the front of his river stone, ” ratkit. you have reached the age of four moons, and it is time for you to be apprenticed. from this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as ratpaw. your mentor will be salmonshade. i may she pass all she knows onto you. “ the round - eared child was not much less rowdy than carppaw, but with hope, the dappled molly would be able to shape her into something alight, a spirited riverclan warrior.

his head pounds. that bird — that bird still calls overhead. a soft, rolling cah - hoo, ” if any of you show signs of cough or fever, inform snakeblink of your condition and see ravensong. “ eyes lift, aiming to find the medicine cat amidst the crowd. bird call trills, ear - shattering. his head spins. clipped, he addresses him, ” do you have anything to add? “

  • i. speaking to @RAVENSONG
    @Cindershade as deputy, @lichentail @SALTSTING @dovethroat. @willowroot @salmonshade @PIKESPLASH , ripplewave ( npc ) with @otterpaw and shellsong ( npc ) with @DIPPERPAW . apprentices allowed at attending mentors discretion!

    lichentail’s punishment is lifted!

    @CARPKIT to carppaw — assigned @Snakeblink
    @Ratkit to ratpaw — assigned @salmonshade
    @DIPPERPAW — assigned shellsong ( npc )
    @Squishpaw — assigned goosefur ( npc )
    may be reassigned in the next post depending on mentor availability < 3

    he / him. tall, elegantly curled smoke tortoiseshell chimera with intense salt blue eyes. his structure sings a feral sort of hymnal, presenting an almost dangerous sort of beauty veiling what monstrosities lie beneath the ivory of his skull. jutting jawline and a squared chin, sunken cheeks drawing a shadow beneath high, sharp cheekbones with tall, angular ears settling high atop the flatter slope of his cranium. he is beautiful ; lucifer in the eyes of an envious god. for all his looks, his expression is lax, void — corpse - eyed and hollow until spoken to, sparking the undead to life. he is tall, lean, cut - glass pretty ; he smiles with too - many teeth, blackened frostbite pulling back his maw to bear canines setn beneath curling whiskers, pantomime skeletal. a predatory gracefulness from the lines that press the image of exhaustion beneath ice water hues to the slow, sure gait in which he walks, nameless strength poorly concealed within the hard lines of his physique. descending from a heritage of overtyped oriental shorthairs, cicadastar stands unnaturally tall amongst his peers, always holding himself with a tragic sort of grace ; poised, prim, and uncannily aware of how he appears.

    ─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── smells like wet moss and meadowland thunderstorms.
    ─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── notoriously paranoid and closed off, cicadastar will tend to lie, assume, and jump to conclusions whenever it suits him. any 'suspicious' ic actions he witnesses or hears about will have a strong effect, and will have ic consequences! if you're unsure of an interactions outcome, please feel free to send a dm!
    no character opinions represent my own.

  • " speech "

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Reactions: Kangoo
This was the gathering that Ratkit had been excited about, the hushed words from the queens talking about how old she was, and how big she was getting, and how she would be an apprentice soon. So when Cicadastar called for the meeting to begin she quickly moved forward, rounded ears pricked and motioned towards the leader, worry flickering through her face as everything was said. Cats were going to the gathering - that was fine - but SkyClan was sick - that wasn't fine - and there were foxes, Boneripple was gone, and Lichentail was no longer in trouble. So much happened, so many things that she normally wouldn't have listened to, wouldn't have had to care about. But then the bi-colored tom got to the part about apprentices and Ratpaw's breath caught in her throat.

She couldn't help but puff out her chest in pride when her own name had been called, and a smile slapped itself onto her maw as she stepped forward, eyes watching as Carpkit got her name, became a proper apprentice, and then eyes snapped forward when she was addressed, head nodding slightly as she looked for her now mentor. Ratpaw. She was an apprentice now.
  • [ooc]
  • ratkit is a three moon old kitten of RiverClan. She is an all white cat with rounded ears and orange eyes. She is currently a weak swimmer, weak hunter, and a weak fighter. She is loyal to RiverClan, is bisexual and is currently NOT looking for a relationship. She is OPEN to plots and private threads, but CLOSED for injuries. PEACEFUL POWERPLAY IS ALLOWED.
  • a reference image should go here (I do not have one teehee)
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Carpkit hadn't been to many meetings. Well, none, really, she was a kit until now. Until now. The entire camp could practically hear her buzzing with excitement, stuck between her fathers paws. Much of what was stated wasn't entirely listened to- perhaps the sick part, but nothing much else. The smoke's ears twitched and she fought to keep the grin off of her muzzle as Cicadastar finally cleared his throat. Business time! Such a big word for Carpkit, too.

Then she- and Ratkit- were being called up. An excited glance was strewn towards the other, then up towards Cicadastar. From this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Carppaw. Carpkit's- no, now Carppaw's chest, swelled with an excited breath. A cleared throat from behind her- her mother- briefly made her hold it. She dipped her head to Cicadastar, then turned to find Snakeblink- briefly grinning wildly at Ratpaw. When she found the lead, she stepped over, stretching up to bump noses like she was instructed to do. Nearly actively buzzing in front of him- what a feat.


——————————————————————————————— sinkin' in your ocean
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Cicadastar calls for a meeting and its only like clockwork that Salmonsahde moves forwards, a dappled pelt recently smoothed down from the river muck. He dives right in, talking about the gathering and who would go- Cindershade takes over as temporary deputy, her eyes try to find the night-pelted woman. It's a very high grace, even if for a couple hours. Perhaps a deputy position would fit her well in the future. He lists the others and she's somewhat surprised to hear her name amongst the sea of others, an ear flicking in acknowledgment. Salmon has had no ambition to attend the gathering, even since the very dawn of their creation.

The next news: Boneripple had abandoned Riverclan. Salmonshade was not close to her by any means, mostly staying away from the shadow-born warrior. Though she cannot say she hated her, she cannot say she liked her much, either. She had traded a cattail for a beautiful shell, and it was about the most that the dappled molly knew of the other. Though… She does not take abandonment lightly and her fur slightly raises along her back. And towards the twolegplace no less, a cowards way out. Disgusting, disgraceful. A wild-born cat mingling with a kittypet. Her nose turns upwards. More bad news, a plague, keep your distance. Her fur prickles, and then even more bad news comes. In the wake of Houndstrides disappearance, they have to look out for foxes. And him. She tries to do her best to remember brown tabby fur, but a face is lost to time. Eventually, maybe somewhere. She hopes he is safe.

But Cicadastar has ceremonies, and this is typically where she tends to zone out. Carpkit gets a mentor and her whiskers slightly twitch in amusement, its not Petalnose as her mentor but Snakeblink. Ratkit is next- You will be known as Ratpaw. Your mentor will be Salmonshade. Her blood freezes near instantly- surely its a mistake, she hopes its a mistake, but she does not know their black and white leader to make many mistakes. Her neutral face falls, her even cool in the meeting broken once more. She recovers near instantly, squaring her shoulders back, licking her chest fur down as if nothing happened at all. Fox-dung. What was she to do? She hasn’t ever had to teach another cat- besides having Cranberrypaws mentor dump her on her, and giving Squishpaw some pointers, but she doesn’t count that as mentoring. Salmon had taught herself through trial and error, never much good at land-hunting, switching to trying to fish during starvation periods of the Marsh Group. She had no mentoring skills and yet here she was, expected to raise a child herself. Raise one to be a warrior- Her jaws hurt from clenching her teeth so hard, she releases them and rises from her sitting position, striding towards little Ratpaw whenever their eyes meet. She leans down, aiming to just briefly touch her nose against the others. She pulls away quite fast and seats herself again, right next to her new… apprentice. Its an odd thing, now. “We will leave immediately after this and return for the gathering.” her voice leaves no room for protest.

Stars, what has she gotten herself into?

  • dg5qxk9-f1e272c6-c705-4449-95a5-6dfb1b0a3b3c-removebg-preview.png
    -> salmon ,, salmonshade
    -> cis female ,, she/her ,, 30 months
    -> warrior of riverclan ,, former marsh grouper
    -> fluffy & dainty chocolate tortie smoke with low white and blue eyes
    -> “speech, ff91a4” ,, thoughts
    -> lesbian ,, single
    -> smells like warm flowers & freshly cut grass
    -> image by @wrendoings [ disc ]
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⋆。˚ ☁︎ ˚。⋆。˚☽˚。⋆ He doesn't look for Saltsting— well, that's a lie, actually. He does look for Saltsting, but he pretends otherwise, and he sits not far from Salmonshade. He makes sure to give her space, though, since that seems like something she might appreciate, and she isn't someone (Saltsting) whose irritation would entertain him. Still, despite his resolution to continue ignoring him, he can't help glancing his way when Cicadastar announces he will attend the Gathering. Serpentine-shaped envy coils in his belly before he stomps it out. What's there to be jealous of? Smelling WindClanners?

If what he says about the contagious illness is true, it's probably a good thing Fallinglight isn't going. He has to wonder why they're going at all, but maybe they're not worried about it yet— maybe Ravensong already has a treatment for it. Regardless, it mollifies him slightly to be left behind.

Carpkit and Ratkit are now Carppaw and Ratpaw, and he watches them greet their mentors, remembering what it was like when he was in their place. Their excitement's clear, and he finds himself grinning despite his lingering discomfort.

  • ooc:
  • FALLINGLIGHT / / 11 moons old / / amab and uses masculine pronouns; will be startled by the use of any others.
    — warrior of riverclan / / earned warrior name early at 10 moons / / skilled but not experienced / / mentoring [n / a].
    — npc parents / / father died in the great battle and mother left when he was apprenticed / / no contact w / siblings.
    — flirtatious & disastrous bisexual / / fairly indiscriminate (even when he should be) / / closed to long-term romance.

    a fairly trim, athletic cream tabby and black chimera with high white. fur is thick and a bit sharp, though tends to soften and curl primarily around his face and tail when wet. eyes are a bright, gleaming blue at home with the river on clear, sunny days. he is rarely without a devil-may-care grin, though despite his daring personality, has yet to accumulate noticeable scarring.
  • dear shell, of course saltsting gets to go and i don't. i hope he's miserable. it's only fair after everything he's said to me. anyway, at least lichentail's free now, but i'm not counting on an improved mood. i wonder whether carppkit's going to do well with snakeblink as a mentor— he looks like a walking eye sleep-crust some days, and she's got a lotta energy.

Ravensong's head jerked to attention at Cicadastar's prompt. Inside, the young cat's mind was whirling—why the decision to go with the Gathering as planned? If this cough was as contagious as green cough, they ought to forgo or at the very least thin out their ranks. Surely StarClan, in their infinite wisdom and care, would not strike them down for protecting their own health. Our organs are not made of stars, Ravensong's lip curls. Thinning is not an option either—he knows how Cicadastar's mind works.

Tongue presses against the back of his teeth and he is silent for a heartbeat. What else to add? That he was woefully unprepared? That he had no answer to ending the plague? That nothing worked? He had always feared the river, but he hoped Cicadastar was right, that the river would keep them safe.

"Yellowcough." He says, barely a whisper and just like that, a new word, a new condition is born.

He clears his throat and raises his head to speak louder. "It is known as yellowcough." Yellow, the contrasting hue within his limited visual spectrum, that battles the blue he can see. Blue of the river. The blue will keep us safe. His fur raises and he looks more like a porcupine with the way he bristles. Ravensong licks his lips and seems to calm. "It is not to be taken lightly." That is all. He meets Cicadastar's eye. He will not alarm them with the reality that he cannot cure it.

  • IMG_0250.png
    LH BLACK POLYDACTYL MALE (CARRYING CINNAMON, DILUTE) a tall, slender creature with pitch-black feathery fur, large ears, and a sharply angled skull held up in an aloof manner. smells of dried herb, speaks with a low and rumbly accent and walks with an elegant slinking gait.

    born in twolegplace and orphaned at a young age, he joined riverclan at its inception and began training as a drypaw warrior known for a bitter temperment until beesong made him his medicine cat apprentice. after his mentor's untimely death, he had been named ravensong at the moonstone, young heart revitalized with anger and guilt. he is a somber and thorough medicine cat that guards every word spoken in the confines of his den.

    secretly loves "the stars but not so much what inhabits them"
    openly suffers from chronic migraines
    single, but "it's complicated"
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( ) she finds herself zoning out as cicadastar begins his speech. it's not that she doesn't enjoy meetings- it's nice to hear the goings-on in the clan, but the sun blisters down, and cica seems to be droning on and on. she'll blink back into focus when she hears her name, ears twitching in acknowledgement. it's been a while since she's participated at a gathering. she vaguely recalls exchanging insults with some lowlife windclanner. hopefully it goes better this time.

two apprentices are appointed, and the femme will offer them a smile, flicking her tail with an encouraging look. it's always good to have fresh blood training. next, the river king drones on about their traits, and she watches him vaguely. he looks skinny, tired, and he keeps tossing his head as if distracted. theres a haunted look in his crystal eyes, something not uncommon, but multiplied today. the sun does him no good. as cicadastar wraps up the meeting with a note about a new illness, willowroot feels her focus pulled sharply back to reality. yellowcough, ravensong says, not to be taken lightly. greencough and whitecough she knows of- yellowcough sounds sinister, brings about images of plague and death. her feathery tail wraps around her stomach instinctually. it seems she has once again chosen the worst time to bring new life into the world.
In every situation you give me peace
Dark paws lead the grief stricken apprentice toward the general direction of the meeting once Cicadestar called it forth. Ebony ears lay flat against her helm as the announcements commence, one of those being the disappearance of her mother. A thick layer of embarrassment blankets her as she looks around. Listening to snide comments muttered within the crowd, witnessing relieved and or disgusted expressions contort their faces. It was still so hard for her to process. There were too many questions left unanswered. Why did she leave her? How come she never expressed her intentions to do so? She knew, to some degree, of Boneripple's growing discomfort within the clan. But to abandon her without a single goodbye hurts more than the toughest of Cindershade's training regimens.

Mist gathers within the corners of her eyes but she dares not cry. Not here, not now. Though she longs to defend her mother's honor in some way, Sablepaw's mouth remains sewn shut. Her resolve damped by the fact that she had run away, an act that would be deemed as nothing but cowardly to the highest degree. Somewhere along the lines there is a round of cheering, praise for new upcoming apprentices. But she's too tired, numb to the world she glances absently in Carp and Ratpaw's direction as the celebrations begin to die down and Ravensong speaks up. There is a sickness, something dangerous though the severity of the matter hardly reaches her ears.
Don't gotta be afraid because you're in the lead

Boneripple, gone- no matter the reason, much of Fernpaw's attention was settled upon what she had left behind. Who she had left behind. Stalkingpaw and Sablepaw were to cats he considered good friends- the latter had become a close confidante over the moons. He sat next to her at this meeting, a small sentinel at her side, a brand of fire that wouldn't be extinguished. She'd been there for him in a time of need- in his greatest time of need. Dragging him away from that fox, giving him a lucky stone in the wake of his warrior assessment's failure, talking through with him in the wake of losing half of his vision... he knew she was trying to be strong, like she always was. But he was there for her to lean against, if she needed it.

New apprentices- the lively Ratpaw and the rambunctious Carp-paw. He knew at least the latter would be a great deal of trouble... and it was odd that he, twelve moons their senior, would be sleeping in the same den as them. Embarrassment prickled beneath his pelt at the thought, though it was soon smothered away- and then, completely trumped by the tenseness of what Ravensong spoke of. An illness- Yellowcough.

Fernpaw felt himself tense- not to be taken lightly. Report to Ravensong with any symptoms. Fernpaw felt contaminated in his own skin, a dull worry rising that he was already ill- that it was already too late. It'd be rather in line with his luck, wouldn't it?
penned by pin
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Tragedy strikes again, and again, and again; Snakeblink tires of it. Cicadastar’s demand that cats leave camp in groups lightens a little of the weight, but only because it potentially alleviates future grief: what good does it do Houndstride, ripped from them so suddenly? Or Boneripple, who either fled or was taken from the clan, both events that could have been prevented by more cats accompanying them? And now sickness—

Stars, he longs for a true break. A quiet, easy day of sunlight, plagued by neither death nor literal plague.

But there’s no time; the world goes on no matter, and it’s up to them to make it easier to bear, and to prepare the new generations for the parts of it they could not make gentler. Cicadastar names him as mentor and Snakeblink feels the responsibility of it settle over his shoulders; he meets his leader’s eyes for a moment, trying to communicate his pride more than his anxiety, before the weight of it bows his head down.

He turns, seeking his new apprentice in the crowd, and finds her already hovering next to him with barely contained enthusiasm. His whiskers quirk in amusement before he reaches back, hesitating only a second before touching his nose to hers.

——————————————————————————————————— so god damn lonely

  • Snakeblink • he / him. 43 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo

The Gathering is always the aftermath of these clan-meetings and so she was eager to attend if only to hear who might be going. It wasn't that she had any great love for the massive throng of multiple clans but... it was a good source of information. Cindershade being named as interim deputy for this one served as no surprise, not after rumor of Snakeblink's awkward social stumbling. What did come as a surprise was her name listed among the attendees, quickly followed by a formal release from her punishment.

Boneripple's disappearance had worried it might have extended a guilt by association, that she might yet be lumped in as a traitor since the former ShadowClanner had fled... (It seemed out of character, to her... Boneripple was stubborn but the blue molly did not think her a complete fool).

A relief settled over her shoulders, a tension she had admitted to in passing with the few souls she felt she could trust with her confusion and frustration. It was a great burden to be shed... of the paranoid certainty of eyes prying at her every step.

But good news was not all that remained, as the dark-furred healer announced an invisible threat... Yellowcough? Why did it not sound familiar... was this something new, something more sinister? Tilting her head to consider it, the way he spoke so few words left so much room for assumptions and anxiety... Though she suspected the withdrawal of specifics a tactical one.

She clears her throat, the implication of a cold encouraging the nervous prompt... If there is sickness spreading...

Will have to hunt more... food will keep the sick stronger... An assignment to herself for herself alone... Another duty to attend to, for the good of the clan, as always.​
Iciclefang listens to Cicadastar’s summons with a passive pale gaze. She’d known about Boneripple’s disloyalty for many moons, had always questioned the former ShadowClan medicine cat’s motives for coming to their watery borders. It feels good to be right, but only for a heartbeat—for when she looks for the cats she’d left behind, she sees Sablepaw, sitting despondently beside her brother. There’s something about seeing his fiery flank brush her dark one, seeing the concern in that single round emerald orb, makes her hesitant to revel. But both Stalkingpaw and Sablepaw will be better off for it, she tells herself, conscience clearing at once.

There’s an interlude—ceremonies for the excitable young kits. Carpkit becomes Carppaw, apprenticed to nervous Snakeblink. Salmonshade is quiet but dignified when she is trusted with Ratpaw. Iciclefang’s eyes glimmer with amusement—part of her had wondered if she’d receive that apprentice, but it seems it was not to be. Salmonshade is certainly a more experienced warrior.

Then there is more dire news—disease in other Clans. She looks to Ravensong, wondering if this is a repeat of the greencough the forest had been sickened with seasons ago—but he names this yellowcough. She purses her lips, eyeing him. He tells them it should not be taken lightly, but he offers little else. Perhaps, she thinks, there is nothing else to offer, nothing concrete. She has half a mind to ask him after the meeting, but… she dismisses the idea. Though her respect for the dark-pelted medicine cat has increased immensely, she’d be silly to consider him her friend. Cicadastar orders them not to leave camp alone, to stay within the borders. Iciclefang finds herself glad she was not chosen to go to the Gathering tonight.

  • iciclekit . iciclepaw . iciclefang
    — she/her ; warrior of riverclan
    — lesbian ; single
    — short-haired tortoiseshell with white markings and ice-blue eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Pin

Dovethroat comes to the meetings as a matter of formality. It seems rude not to come, even if he has little involvement with most of it. He is still too young (and perhaps not trusted enough) to have an apprentice as of yet, and he has no family members to speak of that were awaiting promotion by the leader. Very little earnest emotional attachment is given to the meetings of RiverClan by Dovethroat, and yet he comes regardless.

It has nothing to do with keeping a watchful eye on a particular, leggy black tom that insists on being important, or whatever, every single time there is one. When Ravensong is called on, Dovethroat lets out an impossibly quiet huff of air. Nobody hears him but himself, and somehow that is more embarrassing.

He watches Ravensong as he speaks, his eyes curious. In an instant, Dovethroat can tell that Ravensong has just made that word up. But of course, he says nothing. And hardly reacts.


It was a slight suprise to see Boneripple disappear, although it wasn't enough to make her head jerk back or eyes widen. Leaving after a punishment put in place didn't really seem that ironic to her. If it was Lichentail, she might have peaked questions upon the situation of abandonment of clanship. Sure, it didn't seem the nature of Boneripple would do such. Although, the patched feline did hear the words of Boneripple being of Shadowclan for a time. It wasn't impossible that she would just up and leave a clan she supposedly swore "loyalty" upon.

Then of more bad news.. A sickness.

Her tall frame stiffened in her straightened postion, eyes fluttering in bewilderment as her mind spiraled with concern for her clanmates. Images of weakness and death within her clanmates caused every muscle in her body to tense and her breath to be held for a heartbeats pass. Fearful she was not but concern and worry did seep into her inner emotions behind her unmoving stoic expression upon hearing from her leaders news. Weakness before leafbare wasn't of good timing. Fatalities across clans were possible to see along with the struggle to feed as healthy warriors slipped from headcount. Seeing Aspenhaze and even Pikesplash weak with sickness striked tension within her.

Atleast.. the apprenticeship ceremonies were enough for her to slowly lossen up, kneading her paws leisurely. The unruly kitten who was not of the first to prey upon her tail was now apprentice, given to Snakeblink. She wasn't of certainty with the pairing, although with Snakeblink's experience she did still have faith for the senior lead to handle Carpkit.

Then it was Ratkit- now Ratpaw. A youngster she had taken liking towards, which was of rarity. Petalnose tried her best to distance herself as she was a made target for disrespectful play, the reactions she displayed were of entertainment to most of them she swore. It was an exception to Ratpaw, one she particularly enjoyed interacting with. Salmonshade was gentle of nature it seemed, someone she would trust with this young soul. A dip of her head was made in approval.


LAKEMOON — me and the devil, walking side by side.
Lakemoon knew this moon’s meeting would be a long one- so much had happened in only a pawful of quarter moons, it felt as though the entire forest was drowning in the universes wraith.
The silver warrior has little interest in paying much attention, her mind wandering elsewhere- across the river where her kin dwelled, sap-soaked and possibly disease riddled.
It’s as these thoughts play in her mind that Cicadastar brings up Boneripple, and Lakemoons ear would instinctively flick, as though the news had jolted the warrior back to the present.
She was aware of the former Shadowclanners desertion, but hardly surprised. After Hyacinthbreath, Lakemoon held little hope for their former enemies turned refugees- yet the mention of the traitor did spark sudden shame in Lakemoon herself, pooling at her cheekbones and threatening to show itself on her stony expression.
She felt like a traitor at the moment, for wanting so badly to cross the river and hide in the shrubbery until a member of her family stumbled upon her, like Howlingstar had done once before.
Things were different now, though, and Lakemoon wouldn’t let herself even dream of it.