pafp flying paper kites ☀︎ adoption

He has not felt very alive for several days now, Sunfreckle closes his eyes at night tucked and curled around the kits in the nest and awakes in horror to shove his nose into tiny bodies and feel some kind of pulse, some warmth of life before drifting listlessly back to sleep. He does not want to be here, he is terrified that at any moment he will wake to find cold and curled little bundles at his side; he's found it has ruined his attachment to them entirely. He wants to love them, he wants to be happy they are there but he can not bring himself to even look at them too intently without wanting to cry out in despair, to wail for the losses to come. It's left him a wreck, disheveled and fixated in his nest save for a few sporadic moments. There's a very rare terror now with each blink, each closing of his eyes, each momentary lack of presence. He sees visions of shadows swallowing the kits whole, he sees the nest fill with more blood than it can contain and spill over, he sees sharp claws and talons reaching through the darkness to grab them. Brief and horrific moments flit through his head throughout the day, Graystorm's battered body, Howlingstar torn open, Flamewhisker's face as she bursts into camp exclaiming that Morningpaw is dead, Dovekit limp at his paws, there is a monster leaving smoke trails as it takes his other daughter away...
Sunfreckle's head jerks upward as a figure fills the opening of the den, he tenses as if in preparation for some kind of attack before relaxing when the dark stripes of their leader focus into a crisp image before him; sometimes it takes him a moment or two to realize who was there now, some kind of panicked delay in his head.
The part of him that is who he was ushers him to be polite in greeting, the part of him that is so terrified of death stalking every corner now has little patience for it and he gives a low and rasping, "What?" in hello; his tone not unkind but strained and unsure as though he expected some horrific news to be placed at his paws. The kits mewl as if agreeing, he jolts in surprise, remembering they are there again. He'd had to be guided back to the nest on several occasions now, though he doesn't remember it.

//Imma say this is set before her life loss!

Seeing her friend in such a state has been difficult for the woman. Sunfreckle, who normally radiates the warmth of his namesake, now rarely shows his face anywhere. The cheery chit-chat they'd once shared has diminished into silence. She tries not to hover, but sometimes she feels like she must check in often just to be sure he's nursing his kits. She can't help but wonder if Wrenflutter and Tansyshine worry, too. She's sure they've taken on some amount of care of the tom's kittens to make sure they're groomed and fed when he's having his moments...

She's lost in thought as she meanders through the woods in search of prey. What she hears instead of the rustling of undergrowth, however, is the desperate mewling of a kit. Ears pricking, the tabby quickens her pace. Another kit abandoned on our territory? It can't be! This is the fourth one since leaf-bare! But alas, when she pushes through a clump of ferns she finds the tiny cream and white tom-kit. He's alone. Howlingstar practically deflates and gives a small, sad shake of her head as she pads forward. He's right around the age of Sunfreckle's kits. That's that, then.

"Oh, my dear," She hushes, leaning down to nose him a few times, checking him for injuries. "Let's get you someplace safe." Instinctively, like she's done with so many kits before, she grasps his scruff and makes a beeline back to camp. Her mind races - Sunfreckle has been in such a bad spot will he react? With quick pawsteps, she hurriedly pushes through the bramble tunnel and glances about, noting the curious looks she receives. She can answer questions later. First, this kit needs milk.

Which brings her to the nursery's entrance. With a furrowed brow, she lowers her head to the ground and releases her hold on the kit. "I found him in the forest. He needs a queen, Sunfreckle." Sure, Wrenflutter and Tansyshine could take him, too...but he deserves littermates. With Sunfreckle raising him, he'd have siblings to grow up with. Ears pinned, she awaits his response, tail flicking nervously at her heels.

☼—— The kitten's mewls grow quieter when he feels a nose pushing against his thinly furred flesh; he has no way of knowing that the nose belongs to the honorable leader of ThunderClan, or that it is checking him for injuries. He is a simple creature now, who cries out when he feels the deep need in his belly he cannot yet name as hunger—and he does that now as he swings from Howlingstar's jaws, crying softly for food. The golden-furred tom-kit continues to quietly cry out as she speaks, knowing nothing of the circumstances surrounding the red-furred cat curled in the nest before him, knowing nothing of anything now. An oversized cream-banded tail hangs beneath his small form, almost comically outsized for his young body, as the yet-unnamed kitten wriggles slightly.

He has only known an ambiguous warm mother-shape in his short time upon the earth and then its absence, the vague smell of milk and dusty fur and then it was gone. With the loss of the mother-shape, so went the milk—he does not know what hunger is, cannot name it, but he voices small pathetic cries in response to the gnawing in his stomach. He is young, very young, but in this short time he could not tell the length of he has begun to know an unhappy need in his belly and a coolness in his small limbs without parents to warm him. All he has left of them is the brilliant hue of his pelt, bright as sun-fire, bright as daylight; bright as the sparks cast by a dying fire.

He has no name, no milk, no warmth curled about him, and so he cries.

  • ooc: ——
  • hGDbrni.png
  • ☼ emberkit — for his bright pelt & in honor of emberstar
    he/him ; amab, will come out as genderfluid ICly — thunderclan — kit — 1 ☾s
    —— emberkit is a young kit with a radiant white-splashed cream pelt and soft blue eyes. the adopted son of thunderclan's lead warrior sunfreckle and his mate rabbitnose, he is sweet, honest, and as bright as his namesake, if somewhat lacking in an attention span.
    —— smells like winter air & sweet smoke ; sounds like young bran stark ; speech in #A7CAEB, thoughts in #e98b27
    —— peaceful / healing powerplay permitted ; attacks/contact in underline ; won’t start fights ; will flee ; will show mercy ; won't kill or maim (kitten)
    —— too young for romance ; open to friendships, casual interactions, plotting ; not open to romance, battles
    penned by dejavudesklamp9 on discord for plots
  • shhh don't look here (battle info will go here at some point)

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  • Love
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He did not see the squirming bundle Howlingstar held until she'd all but set it down right next to him and he stared with wide green eyes at the living, breathing kitten wriggling about and noisily inching closer as though it were a viper coiling to strike. His ears pin back, there is a brief twitching of his lips as they curl and then stop as if fighting the impulse to hiss almost reflexively but he stops himself as a slow dawning realization settles like chilling water down his back. The kits at his side looked just as healthy, just as energetic as this one; he had not touched the cream kit once but its enthusiasm for life was already made clear as it squeaked. Sunfreckle's wide eyes narrowed and then his ears flicked upward as if compelled by something outside his own will.
His head dipped in silence, tiny scruff clamped between teeth loosely to pick up and then promptly tuck the kit next to him alongside the other two where he blended in almost seamlessly as though he belonged there from the start; his chest hurt suddenly, a tightening he could not determine if it was grief or relief that clutched him so. It was like a veil lifted, he blinked and the world seemed briefly sharper suddenly and the kits all looked like kits and not blurred patches of color he could not bear to feel attachment to less they leave him.
When had Sunshinekit had such a cute spot upon her flank, had he ever realized Rainbowkit's colors were an almost perfect mesh between himself and Rabbitnose's own? The new one had such a thick coat of fur already, mimicking his own despite not being from his own blood and Sunfreckle choked back a hiccup of a sob, tucked his leg up to push the kits closer and lowered his head to start aggressively grooming each one to the sounds of mewling protests.
He'd let his own distress hurt them, he'd not given them any attention since they were born selfishly because of his own worries and fears and he couldn't keep doing it, he couldn't keep refusing to love them. Love was forever, even if life wasn't. Whether within a few days or several years from now-he wanted them to not remember him as not caring when they finally left or when he left before them preferably.
"I...I'm sorry. Of course...of course I'll take him." He fit, like a tiny puzzle piece-just seeing another kit there in the absence of the two he'd lost was overwhelming, but positively. The red tabby didn't expect to be dragged up from his stupor with such swiftness that it left him disoriented. Kitten fur was darkened with spots, he was not aware he'd started crying until he worriedly nudged his nose to figure out what was raining down upon them. Embarrassed he turned and rubbed his face into his shoulder before regarding the kits once more.
Rabbitnose had named them when he had panicked and pushed away from them at their initial birth and he would always regret not being able to enjoy the moment of bestowing onto them the name they would forever be known as; picked lovingly between both parents. But with this new one, he had that chance at least and he blinked back tears to consider the pale cream fur that almost seemed to catch fire as the sun from outside filtered in past Howlingstar. "...Emberkit. May you burn as brightly as she once did."
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It would be some time yet before Rainbowkit understands that his father does look at him the way he ought to. Eyes sealed tight, still, Rainbowkit can't contemplate the way their gaze doesn't linger now. The warmth of fur to press himself into and the milk that keeps him alive is enough. He squirms beside his sibling, warming himself amongst them and his father both.

The bit of the world he can experience is present in his ears, and faint scent– something new, as unknowingly, ThunderClan's leader is there with a kitten, and that kitten is crying. In response, he would mewl too, lifting his head the amount he hardly could toward the noise. He is too young to recognize the sudden clarity in his father's eyes, but perhaps in response to his realization, he would cry again, the fur of his pale flank burrowing further into the warmth.

The world itself seems to stutter. And then, he has a brother. He slots in like he was meant to be there the entire time. Approving, maybe, a thoughtless squeal is free from his maw. Rainbowkit settles once more, and their family is complete.

☼—— The cream kit's pitiful mewls quiet and then silence almost entirely as he is tucked against a warm new shape, nestling into the warmth and finding it to be comforting and seemingly endless. He's only vaguely aware of the two other tiny forms wriggling at his side, does not know they have become in the span of a sentence his new siblings; they mewl thoughtlessly in welcome. A soothing warmth washes over his forest-chilled limbs, and he squeals softly in contentment as he snuggles against his new father's flank. He is far too young to be aware of much of anything besides the quieting of the gnaw in his belly as he finds new milk-scent, far too young to know how his tucked shape has impacted this little family.

Suddenly he feels a tongue rasping quickly over his small shape as he's nestled closer to this new and reassuring warmth; perhaps he lets loose a few soft mewls of protest. They fall quiet as his forest-rumpled fur, without a parent to attend to it until now, is smoothed and he is consoled. Unbeknownst to him, he is named; he has no idea of the significance of the name he now bears. But now he is Emberkit.

  • ooc: ——
  • ☼ emberkit — for his bright pelt & in honor of emberstar
    he/him ; amab, will come out as genderfluid ICly — thunderclan — kit — 1 ☾s
    —— emberkit is a young kit with a radiant white-splashed cream pelt and soft blue eyes. the adopted son of thunderclan's lead warrior sunfreckle and his mate rabbitnose, he is sweet, honest, and as bright as his namesake, if somewhat lacking in an attention span.
    —— smells like winter air & sweet smoke ; sounds like young bran stark ; speech in #A7CAEB, thoughts in #e98b27
    —— peaceful / healing powerplay permitted ; attacks/contact in underline ; won’t start fights ; will flee ; will show mercy ; won't kill or maim (kitten)
    —— too young for romance ; open to friendships, casual interactions, plotting ; not open to romance, battles
    penned by dejavudesklamp9 on discord for plots
  • shhh don't look here (battle info will go here at some point)

Mousepaw’s nerve endings are frayed like exposed wires as she watches Howlingstar take the squirming kit to the nursery. Her father is nursing the other kits now, but there is still an emptiness in the emerald depths of his eyes, and his exhaustion is palpable. Mousepaw fears this will bring back the horrifying panicked state he’d been in after their birth. She lingers outside the nursery, her heart hammering in her chest.

To her surprise, Sunfreckle does not ignite at the question. He sees the little kit—strangely, he looks like he belongs to this litter—and accepts it without any alarm. The kit fits right beside Rainbowkit, aptly named by Rabbitnose, and immediately latches. Mousepaw feels her entire body deflate with relief, and she pads into the nursery at last.

She presses her nose into Sunfreckle’s shoulder fur before gazing at her tiniest siblings. Rainbowkit gives a little squeak, as though he’s sensed a change, a new body to wriggle against. “…Emberkit,” she murmurs, trying the name out. “You’ll fit right in, Emberkit.

  • mousekit . mousepaw
    — she/they, apprentice of thunderclan
    — pansexual ; single
    — long-haired blue tortoiseshell with white and green eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Rai