private FOLLOW ME, SET ME FREE [✦] briarpaw

Being an apprentice is boring. It's a revelation that comes to Screechpaw as sickness and rogues subside, as the camp returns to — mostly — normal days. You'd think with Chilledstar as his mentor, that his time as an apprentice would be at least somewhat exciting, but it felt like these days, all he was doing was training he didn't need to be doing and chores he didn't care for.

Just like he's meant to be doing now. Screechpaw would rather be off on his own right now, wandering past the camp's confines with the marshlands properly under his feet. Instead, he's stuck in camp, gathering old moss from the nursery — a means to keep him busy that bites at him and leaves frustration welling up as he throws another clump of moss at the haphazardly strewn pile his half-hearted effort has produced. He's had enough of this — had enough of getting moss stuck between his claws, getting his fang tangled in gross old nests.

His task is basically done anyway, isn't it? Save for the mess of a pile he's created, save for the fact that he probably has to get rid of all this, save for the fact that the nursery is void of fresh bedding. Someone else can do it. He needs a break.

The apprentice retreats from the nursery, sun-splashed tail lashing behind him as he turns toward the camp's exit instead. A walk would do him better than stupid moss, anyway. ​
  • // @Briarpaw.
  • 74597074_cdZpRJwV0JQAuyC.png
    ── Apprentice of ShadowClan

    ── Forestshade x Vulturemask
    ── AMAB; He/Him
    ── A black/red tabby chimera with mismatched green eyes.
    ── Mentored by Chilledstar
    ── "Speech"; Attack
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BRIARPAW — hello, my old heart.
In a sad truth, Briarpaw wouldn’t be able to recall a time she had spent with Screechpaw where it was just the two of them, bonding.
No, her interactions with her brother included mostly of small corrections, scolding looks, an actual effort to keep him from causing too much trouble.
When the ebony apprentice watches other littermates interact, she often cannot help but feel a spark of envy for them. Why couldn’t Screechpaw simply behave? Why couldn’t they spend quality time with one another?
It’s a thought that sings often from the back of her mind until Briarpaw is reminded exactly why, as golden-flamed optics watch her brother leave his mess behind to go venture.
While her sibling is fast, Briarpaw has a knack for her element of surprise, trotting from just out of his peripheral to abruptly join him only a whisker-length from freedom.
"Is that fair to the queens?" She prompts, though her tone has not taken a sharper edge yet, the apprentice still makes a point to step slightly in front of her patchwork littermate, stark hazel eyes gazing pointedly into his.
"You know better, Screech." Her head reclines slightly, as if verging on exasperation.


Shadowed fur doesn't catch his eye until it's too late - until a voice that doesn't belong to him breaks his stewing silence, causing the tom to jump back in alarm. "Ah!" Flame-sparked paws stumble backward, his fur bristling as wide-eyes dart toward the cat who'd blocked him from leaving the camp. Of course.

"Oh. It's you," he mutters, a frown pulling at his face at the near-mirror in front of him. Of course, it's Briarpaw that stops him, so close to the camp's exit. Did his sister have anything better to do? A hobby of her own that didn't consist of watching him all the time? Training? Something? It feels like all she does some days, is find fault with his actions.

Is that fair to the queens? she winges, and no, of course it's not. Screechpaw isn't dumb, but he'd had enough of the chore, and there were plenty of other apprentices to cover for him, weren't there? Stars, even Briarpaw could, if his sister wanted to.

"I know, I know," he huffs, tail swaying behind him as he clambers for a lie, an excuse. "But... But I've already worked for so long, Bri! I'm supposed to be training with Chilledstar, like... like right now! I can't be late, you know - they'll be so mad!" Would that be enough of a plausible falsehood to allow him to go free? To walk far from camp, and away from Briarpaw's watch?

"I should really be going now," he tells her again, paws shifting to move closer toward the camp's exit. ​
  • 74597074_cdZpRJwV0JQAuyC.png
    ── Apprentice of ShadowClan

    ── Forestshade x Vulturemask
    ── AMAB; He/Him
    ── A black/red tabby chimera with mismatched green eyes.
    ── Mentored by Chilledstar
    ── "Speech"; Attack
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BRIARPAW — hello, my old heart.
The shadowed apprentice remains stone-faced as her brother jumps in surprise, eyes narrowing at his dismay to her arrival.
When the excuses begin, Briarpaw cannot help the incredulous quirk of her brow bone, the frown that slightly tugs her lips down.
He tries to shuffle away, and Briarpaw only takes another long step forward, further blocking his exit.
"I’m not a mouse-brain, Screechpaw." The more responsible sibling replies with a light roll of honeyed optics.
"Do you really think Chilledstar would rather have you leave a mess for the queens to deal with?" When she catches the scolding tone on her tongue, it is hard to suppress the inner wince she is struck with.
Where is Forestshade?
"I’ll help you finish if you promise to knock this stuff out, you cannot be so irresponsible forever, you know."
A compromise, her brothers olive branch.
Briarpaw’s words are accompanied with slight tilt of her head, urging the other to accept.

Frustration grows as his sister mirrors his movements, stepping forward as he does to block him from leaving. " Briar. Move. " She's not a mouse-brain, Briarpaw insists, but of course she is. Of course she is, for not moving out of his way. For obsessing over his every move, like she does.

A flame-marred paw stomps against the ground, a frown pulling at his own face. " Why do you even care? " he asks in response to her own question, because... because she shouldn't, and Screechpaw thinks she even cares more than Chilledstar would — the leader is too busy to even be aware of a messy nursery, he's sure of it!

Screechpaw just wants a break; just wants to be away from the stench of the nursery, somewhere in the depths of the marshes instead. Why couldn't his sister understand that?

She'll help, she offers, and Screechpaw wonders if this is the only way he'll get out of this — if there's any other option that doesn't require his littermate kit-sitting him. A promise to knock this stuff out, is asked in return, and, well... what is there to knock out? It's not his fault he always gets stuck with the dumb chores, is it? As the leader's apprentice, he should be doing all sorts of cool stuff, he thinks. Not cleaning out the nursery.

A huff escapes his maw, an annoyed flick of his tail following as an idea churns in his mind. " Fine, fine. I'm sorry. " he mutters, looking to his sister. " Lead the way? "

Maybe if he's lucky, he'll be able to escape the moment she turns her back on him. ​
  • 74597074_cdZpRJwV0JQAuyC.png
    ── Apprentice of ShadowClan

    ── Forestshade x Vulturemask
    ── AMAB; He/Him
    ── A black/red tabby chimera with mismatched green eyes.
    ── Mentored by Chilledstar
    ── "Speech"; Attack

BRIARPAW — hello, my old heart.
Youthfully rounded features are almost eerily stone as the adolescent watches frustration swell in her brothers gaze, the way he demands for her to move.
Why do you even care?
Briarpaw lets both of their exchanged words sit in silent air for a moment, darkened optics flickering to and fro within Screechpaws as she ponders a response to him.
"Because I’m your sister." Spoken pointedly, and her tone only just shying away from sharp.
Who else is going to make Forestshade proud? Look out for you?
She does not speak her thoughts aloud, but they are loud behind gold-stricken pools. Finally, Screechpaw relents, tells her to lead the way.
"You think I won’t chase you down? We both know I’m faster." There’s a tinge of amusement in her tone, but the raven apprentice rolls her eyes. "Go. We’ll be quick."
If Screechpaw would cave in and listen, Briarpaw would be on his tail, a troubled frown creasing lines around her muzzle.
