pafp Follow me through the sky // Checkup

Drizzlepaw has felt belief like he’s never felt before with the lost clanmates returning to them. Sure, there were still a couple missing, and unfortunately one dead as well, but overall it was a net positive. He didn’t attend the vigil, as he wasn’t connected to her in any way due to his late arrival, and he worried his presence might be unwanted. He hopes that any guilty feelings with fade with time…it was no one’s fault, only the twolegs could be blamed.

There was one cat he was worried about the most though, that being Bananasplash. Her situation was a bit unique as she was abandoned by her twolegs specifically, and he couldn’t help but feel contempt for her previous owners. She was a very nice cat, and if they couldn’t see that, then it’s their loss. It’ll be nice to see her around more, either way!

When he finds the warrior, his face lights up. “Hey! I’m so glad to see you again.” He purrs. “I’ve been wondering how you’re doing…if you’re up to talk about it?” Maybe he’ll check up on the others or some of the new cats too.

// OOC : Wait for @Bananasplash first!

.°☀ I'll believe it all

Ever since returning from the shelter, Bananasplash hadn't really been herself. She seemed more down than usual and her smiles were bleak instead of full of light, and she walked with her head low and ears back. The pale warrior had been laying on a rock in the warm sun for a while now and lifted their head upon scenting someone approaching, ears perked up instantly. Drizzlepaw! They loved the tabby apprentice, he was always such a delight to be around. She offered a smile when he approached though it wasn't quite up to her gaze.

"Hey you! I'm happy to see you too! Been avoiding me huh?" She playfully mused to the apprentice and lifted her head fully from her spot on the rock then shifted over to gesture with her tail, "Come, come join me," Bananasplash made sure there was enough room on her rock for the spotted cat to join her up on it and then looked at Drizzlepaw when questioned.

How she was doing. How was she doing? Bananasplash looked down with an uncertain look to her white face, she wasn't sure in all honesty. She felt..numb almost? The whole ordeal was just something she didn't want to think about and the trouble with Quillstrike and Pigeonsong didn't help the situation either. She gave a sigh and her shoulders relaxed slightly, "I do want to talk about it but- it is complicated..cause I feel kinda of numb to it now?," She wasn't going to lie to the spotted cat and it felt good to get it off her shoulders.


There's nothing I won't understand .°☀

  • //
  • BANANASPLASH named by her mother Alice and for her spirit and confidence
    — she/they, 14 moons, mated to Quillstrike, crushing on Pigeonsong and Chrysalis
    — skyclan warrior, mentored by Sharpeye.
    — quick witted, sweetheart with a bleeding heart, optimistic

    primary character, high activity. penned by wolf_.​
  • banana.png
"O-Of course not!" Drizzlepaw exclaims bashfully at Bananasplash's teasing, before realizing she was only jesting. He shakes his head at how dumb he feels before he stops himself. It's fine, and it's even better that she seems okay for the most part. She's definitely handling the situation better than he ever could. When he's asked to join her, he does so, immediately enjoying the sun on his pelt.

He can see her strife very clearly on her face, and he gets it. He'll probably never be in her paws (at least he hopes so), but trauma was something he was very familiar with, even with how young he is. He doesn't feel like he's that young sometimes, when he thinks back on his life prior to the clan. At least it was over, for both of them.

"You can always confide in me if you want," he offers heartily. He's always willing to lend an ear, to anyone in SkyClan. It makes him feel closer to his chosen family. "I'm sure you are having complicated feelings! I know I would be too. Numb doesn't sound...great, but you have the time to gather yourself until you're ready. And I'm sure most of us will wait for when you are."