follow the leader (moss-gathering)

// @Daisyflight @TWITCHPAW @sheepcurl @GREENPAW

Nervously, Butterflytuft picks her way through the pine forest, head low in its usual state and mismatched ears flat against her head. She knows there's moss this way...or- or is it that way? Gah! Usually she's so good at this stuff, but she's so wracked with nerves she can hardly think straight! Some patrol leader she is! Turning to look over her shoulder, she almost pleadingly looks at her mother for guidance. She's no good at being a leader. Maybe one day she can lead something as simple as moss gathering, but it's her first time and she hates it! "Um....which way is that big, creaking tree again?" She asks bashfully, a paw shuffling against the ground.
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Greenpaw's demeanor is the opposite of his older sister's, the tom practically bouncing alongside Sheepcurl as they follow behind Butterflytuft. He thinks this is neat - that his sister is leading a patrol, and that he gets to come with!

However, even through his own excitement, it's clear to Greenpaw that - despite the familiar faces around her - that the new warrior is still nervous about having to lead this patrol. He moves to walk beside her instead, hoping it brings some comfort to the tortoiseshell.

She asks about a creaking tree, and bright eyes light up further.

"Oh! I know!" He then pauses, an uncertain look on his face. Should he be sharing this information with her? Or was Butterflytuft expected to know this already, since she was the patrol's leader. He glances back to look at Sheepcurl and Daisyflight. "Or, uh... Maybe I'm thinking of a different tree?" That should be enough of a cover, right?

He wants to help her out still, so, Greenpaw leans closer to his sister. "It's over there," he whispers to her, lifting a paw in the direction of the tree as he pretends to step forward.