camp Follow This Deviant Divine Philosophy (intro)


Anxiety-Ridden Extrovert
Mar 3, 2023

Something was amiss in Thunderclan’s camp, a strange phenomenon which no one could properly explain. The apparition had been there for four moons, living its life like it wasn’t an oddity, and obviously its new clanmates had been playing along. After all, who would disagree with the sun?

Yes, a piece of that flaming orb must’ve fallen to the earth, sprouting paws and acting as if it was a cat, but its coat gave it away. The same shade as the ball that hung in the noon sky, shaggy and ill-fitting for a creature so small, complimented by eyes the same as its backdrop. Born of the sun, but broke away to find friends on the surface, as was its nature.

At least, that’s what Shinekit was told when he asked his mother how he’d been made.

The living flame fled the confines of the nursery, schedule almost the same as his celestial parent (if a little earlier). The sky was turning from murky sea-blues to brilliant pinks, and the boy wanted to help everyone get ready for the day. There wasn’t much he could do yet, but every meager attempt was a way for him to build precious social capital (and maybe make some new friends in the process).

The first cat that caught sky-blue eyes would be subject to solar fur barreling towards them, and the kit would drop the first of that day’s gifts at their paws. “I saw this fall off the moon last night! If you take it, you’ll have good luck with whatever you need to do today. Do you like it?”

It was a rock.

//feel free to have your character be the one receiving the gift or someone else watching!​

it was early in the morning when the warrior was drawn from her nest. the past week a solid rest was rare, almost ironic considering her eyes were always threatening to shut. nightbird left the den with a squinted gaze. despite only just beginning to rise, the sun seemed bent on making her want to remove her own eyes today.

approaching the fresh kill pile, she glanced over it almost lazily. no matter how foolish it felt, she had silent hopes that new-leaf would have it overflowing. it wasn't. a sigh passed her lips as she walked away, ready to groom out her increasingly messy pelt, when all of a sudden something was flying in her direction. it was small, but she still froze whilst trying to focus on the swift-footed creature, fur along her spine spiking.

it slowed to a stop, not a rabid squirrel, but rather a kit. it was almost worse. nightbird glanced around for a queen to call it back, but then shinekit threw something at mismatched front paws. fell off the moon, they said, it will bring good luck. another glace was casted to the side, but there were no mothers searching for a member of their brood. sending a few blinks down to the kitten, stared at the "moon" for some seconds. "the moon, huh?" she said with raised eyebrows. did she like it? well, it was a rock. there were many other rocks, nothing seemed too special about this one in particular. this child was either a blatant liar, or had a very active imagination. both made her uncomfortable. "uh, yeah sure kid. love it even," her eyes did not stop looking around for help even when she spoke. someone needed to come retrieve this child.
[ ☾✩ ]


Squeak Squeak

Mothpaw had been silently watching from where she hid, blue gaze glittering in silent amusement at Shinekit for approaching Nightbird, even offering up a rock to the warrior, and then she noticed how the ebony furred warrior was frantic in search of someone to rescue her from the kit's grasp. Slowly the apprentice got onto her paw and made her way over before squeaking in a slight delighted noise. "F-from the m-moon you say?? How a-amazing" the she-cat said in a soft spoken manner, hoping to drive away the attention from Nightbird so she could make her escape. Her cream dipped tail swayed with interest as she would crouch down to be at level with the small little ball of flames.

"I-its super p-pretty, d-do you have a-anymore?" she asked warmly ears swerved towards the kit before quickly making a glance towards the warrior, wondering if the other would quickly run away or stay and attempt to entertain the kit more.

A blank slate of a brain drunk in all the information provided by Nightbird’s reaction to his gift: The way her eyes danced back and forth, as if wandering without purpose (or, more accurately, seeking a different purpose). Her nonchalant attitude, her short and simple responses. Did she not think it was from the moon? Was that the problem?

To be completely honest, Shinekit wasn’t entirely sure where the stone had come from. He’d heard a noise last night, and when the shaft of sunlight had woken he’d found a rock that he was reasonably sure hadn’t been there before. That was good enough for the child, but it seemed adults required more reason.

An invisible brow furrowed for a moment before faltering. Nightbird said she loved it, so what was the problem? “I’m glad you like it, I’ll make sure to bring you lots more if I find ‘em!” Thankfully for the she-cat, that was a promise Shinekit would likely forget about before the end of the day.

Two tiny solar flares perked up from a head of fire as Shinekit heard the approach of another cat. Turning, sky-blue eyes were soon stuck with attention on another she-cat who seemed closer to his age. This one seemed more interested on the origins of his glittering prize, at least. Sitting down, the shaft of sunlight puffed out his chest in pride, playing right into her plan. “Yup! I heard it fall and everything. It made a big noise, and I noticed it glowing!” Some historical revisionism from an overactive imagination was to be expected from a kit his age. How would the story change next time?

At Mothpaw’s request, though, the bundle of solar energy suddenly wished he hadn’t found it in the first place. He had no more to give! What to do? He could try and break the one Nightbird had into two pieces…but that’d be like taking half of her gift! Sky-blue eyes shone with the briefest hints of panic before Shinekit spoke. “Umm…I don’t have any more moon rocks, but I think normal rocks are just as cool!” a flame-pointed paw scrambled over the ground nearby until he picked something out. Sliding over the lumpy thing, an apologetic voice tried to assuage someone who was not taking this nearly as seriously as he thought. “This one’s all bumpy, so that’s how you know its from here. Moon rocks are smooth, y’know.”

And like that, another hypothesis was born. The moon was a smooth circle, right? It stood to reason that everything up there was smooth to match.​