follow this heart that escapes me ✘ riverclan patrol


He was starting to wonder if Lichentail intended to ever put him on a patrol again at this point, but he couldn't necessarily blame her nor her insistence on accompanying him. Had he not done similar with Cicadastar before? Guarded him and kept him close to camp and their territory for fear of a border skirmish wretching him away with cruel claws? Assigned him cats he knew would fight viciously if backed into a corner without so much as a moment of hesitation? It was certainly a large patrol he'd been given as well, especially for ThunderClan of all clans - he was not particular at wits with them at the moment but Sunningrocks still remained a tender spot for most of RiverClan. His deputy had more of a vendetta than he had it seemed, not by much though.
Cicadapaw is tagging along due to Iciclefang's move to the nursery and he's rather pleased about it if he's being honest. He hasn't had much of a chance to spend time with his kits the way he'd like between them all training and how much has been going on.
His paws slip along smooth stones, he moves with the confidence of one who had traversed this spot countless times over and he had, essentially, it was probably the border he had grown most familiar with. At one point he'd been barred, though not explicitly stated, from even looking in WindClan's direction and so he was sent this way often.
His lone orange eye darts over to the three apprentices present on the patrol, "Beepaw, Cicadapaw, Minkpaw, why don't the three of you tell me about ThunderClan." It was always good for cats to be at least mostly aware of other clans, their highest authority figures, the cats most notorious and known. When it came to a battle or skirmish, knowing your enemy was as important as being capable of fighting - you could gauge whether or not an opponent was too much for you depending on their training and lineage. Howlingstar's family, for example, were mostly lead warriors for more than mere nepotism and facing one when you were newly made a warrior would be biting a bigger fish than your mouth could hold.

  • Patrol Tag- @CICADAPAW & @BEEPAW & @Shadestone & @robinheart & @willowroot & @minkpaw & @DEWCLOUD & @lichentail

  • 57913530_r2t3y4lghl4FDra.png
    —⊰⋅ Leader of RiverClan
    —⊰⋅ He/Him
    —⊰⋅ Black tom w/vitiligo & one orange eye.


Robinheart trails alongside the patrol, keeping somewhat close to Willowroot out of familiarity while keeping a watchful eye over Lichentail - not that the deputy needs extra eyes on them, but after the rogue attack Robinheart can't help but be wary. Smokestar had extra lives to spare should some funny business occur whereas Lichentail and the others did not. The likelihood of disaster befalling the patrol was near zero so the tortoiseshell tries not to linger on the what ifs and instead enjoy the time out of camp... though she wishes stone blue fur was brushing against her side rather than reeds and grasses. Focus Robinheart. You'll see her later.

Curiosity draws triangular ears higher as Smokestar asks the trio of apprentices to tell him what they know of ThunderClan. Fondness swirls in citrine eyes as Robinheart spares a glance towards Willowroot, remembering when the smoke molly would ask her questions about the territories when she was an apprentice. One day Robinheart will have her own apprentice and she'll get to ask them questions and watch them grow into capable warriors. She looks forward to that day.
( penned by kerms )

Minkpaw walked with her head and tail held high. Some would call her stride a prance, the young molly called it walking with purpose. Her and her mentor had been chosen for Smokestar's patrol, after all. That was important. She was important. It's only right that Smokestar recognizes that. He knows what an asset I'll be to the clan when I'm older. And she had a chance to show off, too! Her eyes glittered as the leader glanced back at her and her fellows. She searched her memory for any interesting tidbits about their eastern neighbours.

"Howlingstar leads them, and has for awhile. They live in the woods, and they're big. Not as strong as a RiverClanner who's trained against the river currents though, I bet." She snorted, imagining the brutes floundering in the icy water. Her gaze darkened briefly. "They're thieves," she spat, lashing her tail. "The sunningrocks are ours by right." They're ruining them with their dirty, ThunderClan paws. We'll make them sorry when we take it back. Minkpaw refrained from baring her fangs, breathing deeply through her nose. She glanced at her fellow apprentices, openly staring. Do they know anything I don't?
જ➶ Sunningrocks is a place she can say for sure that she enjoys being able to visit. No matter the time of day and especially now that the rocks are starting to warm up. Prey is coming back in droves to the forest and she scampers around one on of the rocks. Sticking her paw into a crevice she smacks around, frightening the mice that scurry to get away only to come right into her clutches. Only managing to truly grab one of them since she only has one mouth. Still it is for her clan and she is proud of being able to catch it. Her eyes flick around, looking for a place to set it when the strong smell of Riverclan crosses her nostrils. Oh. Amber eyes flick over across the waters and she sees the patrol there. A lot of them. A big patrol. Here gaze slowly blinks and for a moment she is a little perplexed at how big they are but then again it might be a lesson for the apprentices. A small smile pulls at her pale colored maw as she drops her mouth and steps toward the edge of the rocks. Waving her tail brightly she calls out a greeting. "Hey, Riverclan! How are the waters treating all of you?" The young apprentice doesn't want to cause any issues with Riverclan and honestly she finds them interesting since being found as a kit and being brought into the life of a clan cat.
⋆ ✧    ·   ⋆ ✧    ·   ✧ ⋆     ·   ✧ ⋆
Her abundance of caution would have to be forgiven... Rogues, though driven out, had wreaked havoc on her clan for a lot longer than she would've liked. Paired with the less-than-perfect news of Smokestar's life count, Lichentail was adamant to do anything in her power to prevent another loss anytime soon. She was not eager to assume his throne so quickly and he had a penchant for dropping on the ground dead anytime she let him do his own bidding.

Plus... this was ThunderClan. In the freshest moments of new-leaf when it would be most ideal to have those damnable rocks back.

Smokestar seems to be relatively at ease... about as unbothered as he had been when he'd shrugged his shoulders to admit his very first death. Goes on to ask the apprentices for what knowledge they had. Minkpaw seems more than eager to answer and for the most part, has a good summary. Thieves was an apt description... one she would've posited herself if asked.

Across the border there is a flicker of movement where a young ThunderClanner goes about their day, digging eager paws between the stones and chasing at rodents with thoughtless delight. It's certainly... frustrating to behold. It isn't a lack of manners that prompts her not to answer; there are plenty here whose throats had not been torn open a moon ago that could respond...

She opts to flick her broken tail in greeting before glancing towards the rest of their patrol with a small tilt of her nose towards Dustpaw, 'Go ahead, be polite.'

the river dwellers were a bunch she tried not to converse with. gatherings were forced civility, outside of the circling of trees they had a trigger thinner than a strand of fur. always over those stupid rocks, if only they knew what horrid luck they brought the forest. they’d laugh, most likely- maybe they can have the rocks and see how they fair with wolves.

leafhusk’s tail swishes back and forth inches above the ground, her eyes lingering across the rocks instead of hunting with dustpaw. lingering around here was risky, she hoped they found something quickly and scurry back into the undergrowth. the wolves were nighttime predators, so they could spare a few chances here.

she recognized a few riverclanners from the twoleg bridge sunrises back, oh, how quickly things change. splashing around in shallow one day, and it’s back to the thick tension. like a snap of a twig. nonetheless, leafhusk smiles kindly and dips her head in silent greeting.

"lots of riverclanners out today." she pointed out, leaning towards a clanmate, keeping her voice purposefully low.​

Is this a test? The grey and white tom can’t help but wonder as he follows the RiverClan patrol.

The former Ripple cat still feels this way of nearly every patrol he’s sent on, but especially so on this one. It’s Smokestar who leads him to ThunderClan’s border and it’s Lichentail in tow, both faces amidst a blood-torn confrontation, one a casualty to the Ripple Colony’s last breaths and Dewcloud’s friends turning against all he’s ever known. Judgment focused his clanmates’ gaze upon him more often than not — he didn’t doubt it sharpened the Star and the Moon’s sight too.

Silent and overly aware of every paw-step he takes, Dewcloud walks with his patrol. His paws slow as Smokestar begins to speak — words for the apprentices in the group, but still he listens.

The apprentices’ answers might be useful for him anyway, might feed him extra information he might not have. The warrior’s interactions with the opposing clan have been few and far between, so listening might help. It’s nothing much of note, Minkpaw’s words, save for accusations of thief. Lazuline eyes look to the Sunningrocks across the way, to the thieves that stand upon them.

One speaks — an apprentice asking of RiverClan’s waters, and Dewcloud looks to Lichentail, to Smokestar for direction. It’s Lichentail’s motioning to the patrol that allows for the tom to dip his head at the ThunderClanners in greeting. “ Fine, “ he speaks, his answer short and swift. ​
  • 75352150_Hn9XRmIkP7Stkt4.png
    ── Warrior of RiverClan

    ── ??? x ???
    ── AMAB; He/Him
    ── A gray tabby and white tom with blue eyes.
    ── Mentored by the Ripple Colony
    ── "Speech"; Attack