FOLLOW YOU TO THE RIVER &. skyclan patrol

The air is warm against Cosmosbloom's fur as he leads his patrol towards the pine forest's edge - a divide between River and Sky.

"Quite... Quite the weather today, yeah?" he asks his patrol-mates, cloudy tail flicking behind him at his attempt for small talk. The silence they sit in had begun to eat at him, repitious thoughts grating to his mind. A chant of his patrol members' names had died down, now a chant of the extra mission the deputy had tasked him with: important news to share with the river's inhabitants, information he can't let himself forget.

He's grateful for the breeze that sweeps over his thick fur as they near the border, a brief cooling against his thick fur. The days are only going to get warmer from here, the warrior knows. Soon he'll yearn for this day's weather instead of dreading standing in it.

As they finally near the border, Cosmosbloom looks to his patrol, ginger ears twitching as nerves begin to rise once more. "Well, uh..." What does he say now? Certainly the three he's brought along have been on plenty patrols to know what to do. "Get to work, I guess?"

// @REDSTORM ! , @TALLULAHWING , @FIGFEATHER ! retro to skyclan's most recent meeting!​
Tallulahwing hides her smile, immensely amused by the young tomcat's attempt at conversation. She gives Figpaw beside her a secretive smile and purrs, "Why, darlin', the weather is simply to die for. Almost warm enough to fancy a swim, don't'cha think?" She's teasing. The torbie would not willingly wet her paws in a thousand years. She passes by the younger warrior, bumping her dark flank against his white one in a friendly manner. "Get to work, he says! You're becoming quite the little patrol leader, aren't you, Mister?"

She does as ordered, waltzing toward the nearest clump of foliage. Despite her lackadaisical mannerisms, the torbie warrior's ears are pricked for the sound of RiverClan footfall. This border seems to be patrolled more often than not now that their little medicine cat apprentice had gone missing. Tallulahwing feels for them, though she has to think SkyClan's missing cats are a bigger problem than just RiverClan's single disappeared feline.

Crappiepaw, for one, is grateful for border patrols. Although he cannot smell exactly where the scent markers should be, it is simple enough to follow the lead of others, and eventually they have memorized which exact spots to mark. Their eyes are much sharper than their ears, after all, and though their brain may be filled with quick-moving thoughts, in danger of being sucked down the whirlpool of their mind, it is still sharp enough to recall the right spots.

It is no surprise when the border with the pine forest reveals cats of the pine forest—SlyClanners—and Crappiepaw lifts their head to glance at the rest of the patrol that they are walking alongside. "SkyClan," they say to alert the others, ears tilting forward as they shift to face the group of cats across the river. Their pale paws move restlessly even as they pause in place, kneading at the softened dirt. "Talkative today." It is an observation, but not an unkind one; sometimes the border patrols of other clans are all too keen to pass without a trace, to go along in silence or perhaps merely a head nod toward RiverClan. Today, though, the SkyClan patrol is having some sort of conversation amongst themselves that the little calico cannot quite catch.
[ dancing in the panic room ]
In recent weeks, Ravenpaw is always interested when SkyClan comes to their borders. He listens with pricked ears at the silly mumblings of one of the warriors. The white warrior with the colored ears seems nervous—he reminds Ravenpaw of Dovepaw. The black apprentice sauntered over with his own patrolmates, standing by Crappiepaw's side. Not close enough to make it seem like they were close, Ravenpaw was wary of the lung-wheezing apprentice.

"So..." Ravenpaw cleared his throat, elongated and round ears laying against his skull. "Have you found your missing cats yet?" He always had to ask. He was always so curious about it since every patrol remarked that another one of theirs had left.

SKY HIGHWell, there was no missing the SkyClanners that day. Crawlingroach did prefer the melody of conversation, it broke up the mundane of the day and made things socially warmer in his view. Not only that but it made it easier to track a patrol if there was a din of chatter. Which was perhaps why it had been easier to locate the neighbours thanks to the torbie she-cat and snowy furred tom.

Sidling up near the pair of apprentices he then offered a friendly wave of his tail in greeting. "Hello SkyClan! How's the prey running?" He queried cheerfully despite pondering the matter relating to missing felines. From what he had gathered the situation had become dire for them and he honestly felt for them. To have so many clanmates snatched away... it was chilling to say the very least. "I'm sorry to say but we haven't seen any of your missing clanmates over here. Has there been anymore news about what's been happening?"
જ➶ Ebony ears twitch as she hears the call that Skyclan has been spotted on their patrols. Truthfully she doesn't know how to feel about them. From not getting their help when it was needed to other things that span back in her life. She is not...thrilled to see them given that a Skyclanner killed her sister's mate. But she supposes that the past is where it belongs. Moons ago. Shaking her head she sighs as she steps forth with a cold gaze of burning orange. She looks at them with little eager to conversate and they are already talking about their missing clanmates. Right Skyclan is missing two as far as she knows. Really she hasn't been looking for them but if they show up she will he sure to report it. Flicking her slender tail the woman dips her head in greeting, more inclined to letting others talk. There is already a lot of it going on and she has to agree with Crappiepaw. A talkative bunch they are. Curling her tail around her paws she yawns softly, wondering when they can get a move on. "Have they seen Gloompaw? I think they are a bit more important." Former medicine cat apprentice just disappearing.

Though even if they weren't the former medicine cat she would still place a Riverclanner above a Skyclanner.

A sheepish smile is given at the daylight warrior's words. Quite the little patrol leader, she calls him, and certainly, Cosmosbloom has a ways to go, before he's good at this.

He can't help but wonder why leading patrols isn't included in apprentice training - maybe he'd feel like he knew what he was doing on these things, then? Or... maybe it is something included, and somewhere in Cosmosbloom's shift from one mentor to another - and then to a third - it was forgotten, assumed to be taught to the snow-furred tom.

Such a lesson would have been useful right about now, as RiverClan appears, one by one. He opens his mouth to greet them, but their questions begin before he can even speak.

They ask about SkyClan's missing cats, but it's RiverClan's missing medicine apprentice that he was told to share news of. Cosmosbloom shakes his head, a solemn look on his face.

"I'm sorry," he starts, as another appears, asking of a Gloompaw. That sounds vaguely familiar, and the warrior thinks he can piece this into what he remembers being told. "Your... Gloompaw... We couldn't find them. We've looked, and there's no sign of them. Ours remain missing, too."

He's lost count, at this point - lost the faces that have disappeared from their own camp. Cosmosbloom can only hope, just as everyone else, that they turn up soon, both SkyClan's missing and RiverClan's too.
Tallulahwing lifts her tail in greeting to the RiverClan patrol, though she waits as they pepper her Clanmates with questions. Cosmosbloom answers with the cold truth: No, they've found none of the missing cats, including RiverClan's medicine cat apprentice. The smoky-pelted she-cat dips her head. "StarClan willing, we'll find them all soon," she says gravely.

She brushes against their young patrol leader, giving him a warm look. "You're doin' just fine, darlin'. You'll be a master in no time." She waves with a dark forepaw to the swimming cats, a cheery goodbye as she continues on her way to mark the border.

Their clanmates are quick to join them at their side—they shift away from Ravenpaw’s presence, but Crawlingroach and Boneripple are appreciated. Even if Crawlingroach forgets to ask about Gloompaw, which the ex-ShadowClanner must make up for by mentioning Gloompaw herself. The leader of the SkyClan patrol says that they have not found the missing RiverClanner, and that their own clanmates remain missing as well. "I hope that you can find your missing clanmates soon," they offer, but their words do not sound as sincere as they wish they would. They do not care much about the affairs of SkyClan, not when their friend is still missing and their clan has suffered as a result of Blazestar’s inaction.

"Maybe Gloompaw is gone for the same reason that the SkyClanners are gone?" Their question is directed toward their own clanmates, thinking aloud more than anything else. They miss their friend. They hope, foolish as it feels to cling to, that their pine-dwelling neighbors will make up for Sunningrocks by at least bringing Gloompaw home safe.
[ dancing in the panic room ]