pafp FOLLOWED ALL THE WAY ✧ competition

It’s a hot day, and the water levels are still frightfully low. Iciclefang finds herself yearning for a gentle greenleaf rain or even a tempest, but there’s not a cloud in the sky. There won’t be much fishing sitting on the bank and swiping at the water today, but she is better at the second method anyway. Her skills beneath the water is considerably better, and she finds herself parking herself for a moment near the deepest part of the water—what’s left of it, anyway. There are Clanmates milling nearby, but one bright ginger pelt catches her eye in particular.

Barleybee,” she says, half-lidded eyes attempting to catch the other she-cat’s. “How would you feel about falling into the water on purpose today?” She flexes her claws, sitting upright and scanning the water depths again. “I’ll be fishing, to be clear, not pulling burrs out of my pelt… but you’re welcome to participate.” She throws the other a look over her shoulder. “If you’re up to it.

  • please wait for @BARLEYBEE
  • iciclekit . iciclepaw . iciclefang
    — she/her ; warrior of riverclan
    — lesbian ; single
    — short-haired tortoiseshell with white markings and ice-blue eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Pin
YOU SAW ALL THE WORLD WAS YOURS ✧°. ☽ ————————————
With her thick fur, Barleybee was ever victim to the harsh heat. The result of today's warmth found the warrior belly up, allowing their white fur up towards the sun instead of the darker colors that would only suck up more of the heat. At the sound of their own name, her head pops up, quick to shake away her mid-day dozing. "Well since you asked so kindly," replied the warrior, leveling the other with a playful glare.

Rolling over onto their paws, they stand up with a snort. "I could go for a swim," Green eyes make contact with the other's gaze, paired with a smirk. "And, I'll make sure to leave a couple fish for you."

[penned by rexaraneo - ]
———————————— ☾ .°✧ BUT YOU DON’T HAVE THE SAME EYES

Fernpaw still- perhaps rightfully- felt often quite hesitant to approach groups of warriors, sure that despite his age he did not particularly fit in beside them. And really, he didn't. Without his name, one he still was not ready to earn but at last felt closer to every day... he was not one of them. Still. And though he was sure the lot of them judged him for it, he felt a little better about leisure when his sister was there. Though she bore a warrior name alongside the rest of his siblings, she was still his littermate first, and with that came a certain innate comfort that was difficult to place.

"Oh, you're confident, Barleybee!" Fernpaw said, amused but impressed. In truth, if there was a competition truly sparking... he was excited to see it. To watch, to learn. He was already a good swimmer, had always been, and his fishing skills were sharper now too- but knowing himself, there could always be something he was missing. "You're not gonna take that, are you Iciclefang?" A somewhat mischievous grin found its place on Fernpaw's face- for he could not deny, if he was taking sides, which one he stood on.
penned by pin

Dipperpaw is not a cat who understands banter, if she were being honest. To her, it was just as pointless as sarcasm. She was more of a fan of being direct, honest. If she truly thought that a cat was bad at swimming and fishing she would just tell them. They wouldn't get better unless they knew they were bad at it, after all. She wonders if this is what Iciclefang is hinting at now and she looks up from her place sprawled in the sun to rest her ice blue eyes on the two she cats as they speak to one another, their words layered with hidden meaning. It almost manages to make a scowl appear on the blue she cats face. Almost.

Fernpaw interjects now and with the red toms words she is certain that Barleybee had insulted Iciclefang in some way (right?) She still isn't entirel certain but her head swings to look at Iciclefang with a curious look. Would she take it? "If someone insulted my abilities, I certainly would have to show them a thing or two" and she means it. Would Iciclefang feel the same? She wonders.
Iciclefang’s ears flick forward at Barleybee’s response. She smirks back, cool and collected. “That won’t be necessary, though I thank you for your kind offer.” She tosses her head, adding, “I wouldn’t want to deprive you of the only catch you make this moon.” The other warrior is clearly not hurting for confidence either, which only amuses Iciclefang. She’s earned her attitude, she thinks—and she’s interested to see if there is any merit to Barleybee’s ego, too.

The tortoiseshell gives her brother and then Dipperpaw an appraising look. “I’ll take it and make her eat her words,” she responds airily. With a leap toward the subdued waters, Iciclefang is submerged. The shadows shift—moss and river debris mingle with fish, and with a push of her back limbs, she darts toward the biggest and swiftest one. It’s not much, she can feel the weight of it in her jaws even before breaching the surface, but it’s a start. She bursts back through, a small silver fish flipping about until she spits it onto the shore and smacks it with a paw.

Iciclefang pierces Barleybee and the other cats with a pale eye. “Your move.

  • rolled a d20, got a 9
  • iciclekit . iciclepaw . iciclefang
    — she/her ; warrior of riverclan
    — lesbian ; single
    — short-haired tortoiseshell with white and ice-blue eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Pin