pafp following, following | two strangers




From a hollow stone den she has watched the smoke that has billowed up for days, not wanting to go near it just yet. It's a mere precaution as they don't know what is out here. But as days pass it withers ans disappears, letting her at least deem it as safe. With a nod to her companion she makes her way towards the area, careful and calculative. At any sign of danger they will leave from here. Much like the last place. She's weary but her face is a placid neutral. Nothing more and nothing less shows upon her face. Just as empty as these charred lands that ate upon the area. Her flecked looking pelt ripples with muscles, corded along her limbs from her time in the valley. Whers ehe had been born with Silver. Her pelt used to be all ginger with some white splashed here and there but as she aged white began to appear in other places. She doesn't think anything lf it and it isn't a hindrance. It's normal, no one else says anything so she hardely bothers.

Steps bring them to the edge of a forces, charred foliage crumbling underpaw and she glances to Silver. "Seems this is where the fire happened. I wonder if anyone lives in this area." From the valley she has noticed that cats like them tended to band together. Some sought forests and other places and her maw parts to try and pick up scents. Underneath the smell of ash and smoke she can smell something but it's faint and burried deep. "Hopefully we can...settle here instead. I'm weary of walking so much." Her shoulders roll as she steps into the forest, tail trailing against the sides of burnt trees.

War weighin' on my heart but I can't fall
Old memories play like a broken record within the realm of his mind. The thunderous sound of rubble rushing down hill the faint caterwaul of cats down in the valley seemed so fresh. It was not until he heard the sound of Red's voice did he com back to his general senses. Prior to, the charcoal ticked tom had been walking on autopilot, allowing his companion to lead the way. A low huff escapes dark nares as he surveys the charred forest surrounding them. "If there is even anything to settle into..." He voiced. Doubt swam beneath the surface, however his demeanor remained as stoic as ever. The fire they had witnessed from a distance was deadly to say the least and if anyone did still live here he wondered what kept them tethered to such a place. Ashen paws brought him forward several more steps, ears rotating forward at the sound of paws approaching. "I suppose that answers your question." He whispers in regard to her earlier inquiry before raising his voice to be heard by the cat coming their way. "Who's out there?"
Seekin' shelter from the storm on this blank road
There were murmurings near by, not a single voice that he recognizes. Of course, it's not like he knew every voice in Thunderclan; every tone and cadence, every inflection, but still... maybe it's worth investigating, if only to be nosy.

Abruptly, the murmurings stop, and then one of the voice rises above the trees. Who's out there? Definitely seems like they're not supposed to be there. Blinding Star pushes past the undergrowth, pricks his ears to the sound of their voice. He scents the air, nothing familiar. Not another clan trying to invade, at least. "Me," comes the lame answer. His ears flicker, assessing. Just how many of them were there? It'd seemed like a back and forth, before. At least two. "What do you want?" he deadpans.
War weighin' on my heart but I can't fall
Silver eyes watch the undergrowth tip and sway with marked precision, his head lowering only a smidge to take in the sight of an alabaster feline emerging. There was only one? Interesting. It smelled faintly of more cats than just one, but he was not willing to give up on that hunch just yet. "We saw a fire blaze through here not too long ago. From what I could tell it looked like a mass exodus." The ticked tabby mutters, lifting his head back to its usual placement as he rolls tired shoulders. "My friend and I were wondering if that settlement happened to be open to anyone. We too lost our home to a natural disaster." Silver spares a brief glance in the direction of Red before gazing back at the ivory male.
Seekin' shelter from the storm on this blank road

Prickles' voice, hardy and demanding, was his beacon. On walks within their home, where light freckled the ground and flowers vivid-blue peeked from corners, gazing sapphire, it was easy to get carried away with the feeling of it all, the somnambulence. Dreamwalking-yet-awake, sometimsliving could be as captivating as sleep when one took the time to truly experience it. This was why he had never grown tired of his home, even smoke-stained as it was, stinking with the sting of smog. It was the fire that another voice mentioned, asking after their blaze-razed residence.

At his snowy Clanmate's side he stood, stoic expression statuesque as he studied them for a few long, silent moments. Curious, that they should find their way to yet another place affected by natural disaster... was that the fate that those who communes with the stars spoke of? Or was it just that every cat would eventually return to what was most familiar to them, finding comfort in the slightest smidgen of what they knew?

"Our leader or Big Mama let people in... sometimes." The dappled tom's voice was thick with reverie, his eyes having unfocused between the heads of the strangers, clouded by pondering. Their tale, and the little they had given of it, was more captivating then their current escapades... he'd much rather think of that.

/ @emberstar @HOWLING WIND
As if on cue, Howling Wind steps through the undergrowth, eyes narrowed judgmentally upon the two strangers. "You're on ThunderClan territory. If you're hoping to make a good impression, you will wait at the border for our leader." Briefly, she glances over her shoulder. She's around here somewhere - just went off stalking that mouse. Refocusing on the strangers, she scrutinizes them with a firm up-down before striding forward to guide them back to the border. "Why join a clan?" She questions, wanting to get all of the information she could from them. Knowing Emberstar, they'll likely be let in anyway, but she asks for her own comfort. If she had it her way she'd have chased them off by now.
War weighin' on my heart but I can't fall
Another feline decides to grace Red and himself with their presence and Silver adjusts his weight accordingly. Although these cats seemed relatively friendly so far that did not mean they could not turn on a dime. Regardless, his hunch was right, there were more cats and he could smell another one just on the horizon. A low hum vibrates within his throat as he listens to Berryheart's words. "Hmm...alright." Well it was not necessarily promising that they would make it in but at least there was a shot and that was better than nothing. Eventually the other cat he detected earlier emerged and eyes of flint rest upon her. Her expression was hard and judgmental, wearing her emotions openly upon her sleeve, quite an odd thing for him to witness. Being so careless to openly reveal ones feelings for everyone to see was highly frowned upon and unspokenly forbidden where Red and himself came from. But here? It seemed that rule did not apply.

Silver's tail curls in on itself ever so slightly as he stands in a statuesque posture. Thunderclan. At least he now knew what the name of this place was. Silently he followed in behind the molly until they reached the border. The tom's stoic gaze swept around the heavily wooded forest once more before falling upon her. "There's strength in numbers is there not?" Silver rumbles, tapered ears pulling forward ever so slightly. "I believe it would be a mutual benefit. We know how to hunt, to would not be simply taking in more mouths to feed. We can carry our weight. In exchange we're seeking" The loss of their entire group was hard, everyone had been wiped out by the raging mudflow.
Seekin' shelter from the storm on this blank road
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