The addition of @PRIMROSE. to her daily work has been unexpected but pleasant; the silken - furred chimera has made the title of shadow a reality, trailing Doeblaze quietly alongside @cloudypaw~ . The three of them make a bit of an odd trio on their jaunts about the territory—her older shadow standing taller than her, with great drifts of dramatically split fur, a quiet follower; Cloudypaw, bright - eyed and chatty in his adolescence; and herself with her slumped shoulders and husky - voiced lessons. She finds no desire for complaint, though—the addition of iron - dredged weights to the yoke draped across her back is cause for appreciation, and Doeblaze is growing to discover that she enjoys teaching.

" Climbing is the most important aspect of a SkyClanner's life, " she mrrows as she leads her odd pair to one of the more forgiving trees—its bark is craggy and welcoming of claws, and its lower branches not too high, softening any falls to the earth. Most SkyClanners, anyways, she thinks bemusedly; some among their ranks, Slate for one, and her deceased mate for another ( it is pleasant to note the thought only bears a trace of the pain it once carried ), are not nearly so proficient in the trees. She lets the white - crowned tufts along her cheeks be ruffled by a late - summer breeze, stirring her from constant introspection. " It's how we hunt and fight, and what sets us apart from the other Clans. "

She thinks for a moment of her own introduction to the skill, nearly a full turn of the seasons ago now. Stammering and bright - eyed she'd been, voice warbling in her requests for Orangestar to please show her how to even get up a tree. It's not quite pride she feels now, no, but a brief sort of mourning—for competence had its price in flesh. The insistent paw of the wind pullls her from thought once again and she clears her throat, standing at the base of the tree.

" You'll keep your claws unsheathed, and make sure to hold your own weight rather than depend too much on your claws' grip or the tree, " she mrrows as she circles the trunk, looking for a slice of it that bears low and forgiving clawholds. " Look for grooves in the trunk that you can grab onto, like right here. " Doeblaze indicates a crook in the bark that should be good for beginners to grasp onto. " And when you jump, place one of your forepaws there. Then, just keep hooking onto clawholds, using your own momentum and weight to push yourself up. "

It's a bit of a technical onslaught, she knows, and so she flicks her tail for them to watch as she half - crouches, feeling a surge of power in her well - trained limbs. The warrior springs, hooking herself onto the aforementioned clawholds, and moves fluidly up the tree, albeit slower than she normally would. It's a matter of thoughtless autopilot and muscle memory, and it's no trouble for her to pull herself onto the lowest branch. She tilts her head, jade - burnished eye peering down at her pupils as she calls, " Want to give it a try? "

OOC : Chill training priv! No pressure to reply quickly :)
𓆝 . ° ✦Cloudypaw may have gotten a bit more socially confident, but ability-wise he was floundering. The young tom felt like he was significantly behind his peers. Considering his late joining and scrambling to try to remember... gosh, anything about clan life. There were so many confusing customs and rituals and great gods was it spilling out his ears! He stared at Doeblaze dumbly as she went through the technicalities of climbing. I'm supposed to what?

His paws moved of their own accord, unsure in their trajectory. Up wasn't exactly his thing. He remembered the sloppy jump he'd had over his fence to even get here and gulped audibly. These cats were officially insane. What were they going to do about it though, they made their choice. They stood with a paw on the trunk, looking up into the seemingly never-ending branches. Great. He gathered his legs under him. They took a deep breath. They started to jump-

Nope, he was still on the ground. Some odd half-hop he'd given. His ears burned in embarrassment.
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc:
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    lanky and tall light brown tabby with high white and green eyes. Big ol' himbo.