// hunting patrol with @Sweetpaw @scorchfrost @Willowburn @scalejaw @Ripple~ @ONYXPAW @poppypaw.

Muddy water sprays in all directions as Forestshade pounces, claws sinking into a fat frog and ending its life quickly. Her belly and legs are soaked when she stands up, clutching her catch in her muddied jaws. Satisfaction is clear on her face as she wades back to solid land, her ears flicking to catch where her patrolmates might be. The prey is dropped to the ground and she gives her pelt a big shake, unable to keep even a small smile off her face. This is fun. "This is the most frogs we've ever had," She mews to whoever is nearby, flicking her tail to rid it of the last of the dripping mud.

She jerks her head up just then as another small splash is heard - another hopping frog! "Over there!" She trills, pointing her nose in the direction of the splash. She's too preoccupied with her own catch, but surely a clanmate is near enough to pounce.
I WISH YOU COULD SEE THE WICKED TRUTH — Had this been any other time, Onyxpaw probably would have been filled with dread at the mere prospect of being part of a hunting patrol. However, her recent success in managing to actually grab a huge frog had filled her with a sense of confidence - albeit a rather fragile one. She knew better than to think that one impressive catch meant that she was an amazing hunter, but at least one catch like that meant that she wasn't a totally hopeless one. That was what she had been dreading the most, terrified that she would only end up being a disappointment and a burden to Scorchfrost.

Even though she was in a decent mood, the chimera still couldn't say she was a fan of just how muddy the territory was at the moment. It was a blessing when it came to the frogs, but what about the clumps of it that would inevitably stick to her pelt? Forestshade didn't seem to have the same apprehension, considering the way the lead warrior threw herself forward without hesitation. In the back of her mind, Onyxpaw wondered if it was easier to deal with when you couldn't see yourself - surely you didn't end up as worried about your own appearance, right? Just as she was beginning to think that might be a bit of an offensive thought, she was caught off guard by Forestshade's call, blue gaze darting around until she spotted the frog that was splashing about.

For once she didn't hesitate, tossing herself forward to try and sink her claws into the leaping frog's flesh. Unfortunately she was slightly off in her pounce, paws instead sinking down into the very mud she had been trying so hard to avoid. "Oh, gross! I thought... eugh, I should've adjusted more." Though she had never considered herself to be vain, Onyxpaw did have to admit she was startled by how much more she cared about the mud covering her, as opposed to the fact that she had lost the frog itself. Maybe it was just because there were so many of them hopping about, meaning it wouldn't be long until they found another.

  • 75034637_eiCvVhxv9vQNT6l.png
    shorthaired tortoiseshell point and chocolate point chimera with blue eyes
    7 moons old; ages the 1st every month
    bisexual; crushing on yellowpaw
    daughter of monarchroot and sleetjaw
    shadowclan born; silently loyal to her home
    difficult to befriend; shy to most except yellowpaw
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed
———————————she/her | menacing ——————————
Their patrol leader is soaking wet from the raised water levels, and Scalejaw isn't far off- drenched up to her shoulders in water, and mud caking her paws. She eyed it with a heady amount of frustration, as it would take hours to pick out all of the mud just for them to get all kinds of dirty again tomorrow. Forestshade calls out that it's a lot of frogs, and Scalejaw can't help but silently agree as Forestshade's voice rings out once more.

Scalejaw is quick on her paws, Onyxpaw a hint closer. The apprentice misses the mark, but the experienced warrior isn't hesitant to leap just after the apprentice missed- teeth expertly snatching the frog out of the air. She landed with a wet smack against the mud, which was now up her shoulder like just the water mess had been earlier. A clouded expression settled over her eyes, but she trekked back towards Forestshade, dropping the frog. As soon as her muzzle was free, an exhausted sigh left her. "I should really know better. Mud." Scalejaw murmured in distaste, ears twitching.

"You alright, kid?" She called back towards the apprentice who was now also soaked in mud.

[penned by dallas].
Forestshade waits, listening for the telltale splashes of paws, and instead hears a mixture of grunts and splats and smacks as paws slap against mud. “Did ya get it?” She calls over to Onyxpaw and Scalejaw, the sounds she hears unclear as to whether they were successful or not. She picks up her frog and meanders a few paces closer before she is met with Scalejaw and her own catch.

An amused smirk spreads across her face at the other warrior’s distaste for the mud. “What, hate getting a little dirty?” She teases before scooping a pawful of mud and flinging it lightly at Scalejaw. A chuff of laughter escapes her as she reels backwards, fully expecting retaliation of some sort. She herself doesn’t mind the mud, it’s nothing she can’t clean off later anyhow. And besides, Forestshade has never been one to shy away from getting messy.
How was it that he kept finding himself roped into duties that involved mud? Each and every time it brought him nothing but frustration. Yes, he knew that the clan resided in a more marshy environment, but even still. Sometimes it just felt like a cruel joke.

The tom twitched a single ear as he looked off in the direction of Onyxpaw as the youth missed the latest target. At least now he knew that he wasn't alone in his distain for the murky environment. Though as mud began to be flung about he visibly recoiled with a scowl. "Must you descend into such horrid play?" He huffed before he skulked away to a distance where he hoped to be out of reach of any further mud flinging.

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