private FOR DEAR LIFE ☽ chrysaliswing


a poison to erase my existence –
Feb 7, 2024

The time since they had come into their warrior name was a strange one. With their old name, a piece of themself had been shed; although their past was one that would be better off treated this way, a skin outgrown, they were still enshrouded by a sense of loss, an aimlessness that the feeling of knowing their old self had seemingly vanished into thin air, despite how in the past moons before they'd journeyed to this place, they'd desired such a thing. It was odd, that when confronted with something that they'd thought that they wanted, after all of the things that they had seen, that this feeling still arose. They should've accepted their new name with grace and bravery, and it should have fit easily the first time they were called it, but it did not. As they walk along, they glance into a puddle of still water left from previous rains to make sure that they really were the same after all, and turn their face away.

With their new membership in SkyClan came some additional duties, or duties without restrictions, rather. Harmony is a wanderer, and it seems that Moonseeker is as well. They don't mind patrols - they would actually much prefer border patrols over hunting patrols, and enjoy exploring the territory that SkyClan had, casting their gaze across the scent lines that marked the borders between clans and wondering what the land looked like in that direction, how long it carried on before it ended, morphing into something entirely new as the land often seemed to after many paces, and what kinds of things lived there, both plant and animal alike. The chimera drifts phantom-like across the grass, under the canopy of the pines, mentally noting nearby plants that they recognized, and the features of the forest that they may not have noticed before, seen with new eyes.

As much as they liked their time alone, naturally as a warrior, they would have to work with others, which they were slowly beginning to grow used to. Most of the cats now did not seem to mind them so much, given that their presence was not very apparent, though with that came the fact that it was unlikely any cat had much particular fondness for them, either - which did not bother them, really, as nor did they. That, of course, may very well change, despite their hesitance to grow close to anyone.

They're aware that Chrysaliswing is alongside them, but the silence, however temporary, is comfortable, and they can't find the need to speak first with things in the forest as apparently peaceful as they are.


  • 77721058_M07Hu3DIqUr2fr7.png
  • HARMONY they/them, skyclan warrior, 22 moons
    LH blue/black chimera with high white and brown-green heterochromia, 50% maine coon
    ex-leader of a loner group
    speaks with a strange lilt; eyes are without highlights and are dull or even dead-looking
    peaceful & healing powerplay permitted
    penned by harmoniafind me in the skyclan server!

Amber hues flit soundlessly through the shadows of the forest, as though a little spitfire rustling through the pillars set by giants, a mere speckle of a star against a vaster canvas. The Skyclan warrior had known nothing except for the pines, not even the colonies that had come just before, so to say that he knew every winding path around the enclave would be an understatement. The longhaired feline had traversed the undersides of upturned knolls and bowed boughs more times than he could count the strands of fur on his pelt. Chrysaliswing marveled at how quickly the Skyclan territory had bounced back, for what hunger besieged the starvelings now had loosened its claw, and what scourge befell the land now had faded in a heartbeat. The flame-brushed feline always hated leafbare. In the astounding lack of shadowy sanctuary of the alabaster, he found himself stumbling and seen before he had even blinked. Whiskers twitched as a keen nose caught upon a string of a scent trail, though it had become frayed and worn within the other entanglements. With a huff, he decided not to follow it, and instead peroused through the others that flitted through his senses. A good hunter always took their time, after all. He had learned that lesson of patience the hard way.

Heterochromatic gaze turned towards Moonseeker, one of the other felines on this patrol with him, though a mysterious face to see regardless. The tom knew they were a loner of some sort, but not of where they had been before their paws reached Skyclan's borders. They bore a similar patterning to Chrysaliswing, though theirs appeared more akin to a half-moon's poised display. "What made you want to join Skyclan?" The question came with reposure, as though it came from the maw of a fangless serpent, bearing naught of its venom nor its spittle. He had gotten better at controlling his poison, letting it dwell and ferment inside him. He liked loners and rogues just a tad bit than kittypets, too. "You could have gone anywhere in the world. So, why here?" The succeeding statement had a little more point, though he allayed his animosity for now, baying his blade until he felt the need to brandish it once more. A twinge of jealousy hewed the edges of his inflection, though it could not be gleaned as such by one so unfamiliar with the conflictions of the chimaera's mind. What he wouldn't give to move to a place where nobody knew his name.

  • OOC:
  • eUVAhNL.png
  • —— CHRYSALISWING / He/They / 23 Moons
    —— Warrior of Skyclan / Mentoring n/a
    —— A long-haired tomcat with chimaeric patterning. His left side is fully black and his right side is black splotched with sunset-orange. He has complete heterochromia, with his right eye being a bright green and his left eye being a glowering yellow.
    —— Abrasive, temperamental, and critical. Approach at your own risk and engage at your own cost. Despite this, he is a hard worker and quick to call out what he finds wrong.
    —— Penned by Tempest. Contact on Discord (naruk4mi) for plots and threads.


When the silence breaks, it catches them off guard, as does Chrysaliswing's interest in them. Oddly enough, as far as they could recall, since they'd set foot across the SkyClan border that day no one had asked them about their origins. Not a word of it - and things were easier that way. Given the nature of SkyClan, they could only assume that at least a fraction of the other former loners and kittypets had come out here for similarly dismal reasons as they had - or they could at the very least hope that they were not the only one that had left out of necessity rather than because they had a taste for adventure.

The distance from their "home" was not negligible, not in the least, but it was still hard to feel at ease here in these woods after all that had happened. Time and space hand in hand separated them from that place - two moons and several day-cycles, and it certainly seemed as though no one had been trailing them, or else they'd have been discovered by now, surely. Or perhaps not - the world was endlessly wide, they had found as they set foot into grass, into the forest for the very first time, sky and ground both stretching in all directions for countless pawsteps. Days of travel were, however, perfectly calculable, and their scent could be traced, accidentally left on anything that they'd passed.

Things should be as they left them. There should not be shadows snaking through the undergrowth tracing their movements, and there was no sign that that was the case at all, but the thought makes them glance over their shoulder to make certain, as if there was suddenly a reason to fear every shuffle of leaf litter and every snap of nearby twigs, discarded by the pines sometime over the course of leafbare. After a few moments, the chimera returns to the present suddenly, having realized that they did not answer initially, distracted by the albatross around their neck and the rising foul taste on their tongue.

They are usually honest, because they must be, but for a few heartbeats they consider lying. It was likely that they would be able to get away with it, at least for now until the clock ticks down, and that no one knows them is precisely the reason. But they lie only by omission. "I did not know of SkyClan," they say at last, gaze turned out across the forest, "it is coincidence and luck that I came across the SkyClan border before those of the other clans, though I am now aware it is likely they would have turned me away. One night.." The verbiage is important, and it makes them hesitate. "I opened my eyes, and I followed the brightest star through many moon rises and sets."


"The brightest star, huh?" Curiosity twinkled upon Chrysaliswing's tongue, and for a moment did dull eyes sparkle agog with wonder, though it faded as quickly as the blink of Silverpelt beneath the pallid veil. The chimaeric tom wondered if Harmony's old home had been any spectacle to behold, as though the lands beyond the treeline were those crafted in callous fantasy, a world beyond the understanding of a simple warrior like he. Many outsiders had hailed from different lands, each bearing different scents that ribboned from their pelts and tangled into his. He would be lying if he said that he had never been inquisitive of faraway follies. The half-toned tortoiseshell hardly comprehended the Twolegplace, the concrete jungle of gabion flesh and smoke breath, and he wondered if the other chimaera's once-home had been anything foreign like that. Chrysalis despised the loners and the rogues for their lack of conformity into his worldview, but perhaps they were much braver for daring swim into his territory. Starclan knew he had never wandered far past the woodlands.

"Your kin must have also looked upon Silverpelt if you were so inclined to follow it. That, or you like following bright things. Which isn't the smartest thing to do, 'cause you don't know if it'll lead you to a ditch or to a fox burrow." He snorted as footfall busily wove through the twisting roots and armlike boughs, not exactly waiting for the other warrior to catch up. Whiskers twitched once more, but his nose caught upon nothing past the turning thickets. A snort escaped him as feathery tail whipped behind him. There was little use hunting now, he supposed. Heterochromatic gaze glinted in the meager light of the pine forest, bated by the gentle combs of newleaf's grace like it had not ever waned from the winter. Leafbare had been harsh for Skyclan, before Harmony's due arrival, and he briefly muse if the black-and-white feline had also experienced the brunt of the season's wrath. Perhaps it was part of the reason why they decided to rest in the embrace of Chrys' home. "I'm sure there's a reason why you joined, though, other than chasing after a star. Was it because you knew you'd find free food and shelter where there were many cats?" Impertinent tone, double-edged in caustic steel blade, sounded through the shadows. He knew of outsiders as nothing but honorless, meek-willed cats who followed wherever the aroma of a free meal and a free nest was. They followed no diligent code and fought with no glory.

  • OOC:
  • eUVAhNL.png
  • —— CHRYSALISWING / He/They / 23 Moons
    —— Warrior of Skyclan / Mentoring n/a
    —— A long-haired tomcat with chimaeric patterning. His left side is fully black and his right side is black splotched with sunset-orange. He has complete heterochromia, with his right eye being a bright green and his left eye being a glowering yellow.
    —— Abrasive, temperamental, and critical. Approach at your own risk and engage at your own cost. Despite this, he is a hard worker and quick to call out what he finds wrong.
    —— Penned by Tempest. Contact on Discord (naruk4mi) for plots and threads.