sensitive topics for eternia ;; signs of sickness + relaxing.


Sep 7, 2022

content warning for cancer and detailed description of a cat body after it begins to develop. do not read if you are sensitive.
tdlr; leopardcloud has bone cancer, and will most certainly die from this fairly quickly within her next few threads.
skip to after the divider for after the warned parts.

She'd known something was wrong with her for moons, ever since she was an apprentice. She had been strong, before then; able to run across the moors as if she was made for it. But over time, she'd known that something was wrong. First, she had started getting sick easily. Food didn't smell too good, and she had blamed it on having a small stature- a small stomach was a good excuse, but to be honest, the smell of food made her want to gag. She hadn't eaten a lot since then, but managed her toned figure through shoveling it down and hoping she wouldn't regret it. Then, came the muscle weakness- she wasn't as strong as other cats, she couldn't pull down a hawk if she needed to help her clanmates. It developed as she got older, the cold making her bones ache- she'd find lumps in places, often, too. It wasn't until after she had given birth to her two kits (Mossy and Coyote.. Bless them.) that the lumps started to get bigger, popping up in more visible places. They're moles, she'd explain, and nobody would question it. She hadn't been in SkyClan long enough for too many people to notice, and she's thankful for it. Worrying cats were annoying ones.

When she'd arrived to SkyClan, she was expecting to be turned away- scorned for being WindClan, as if she had any choice to be until she could escape. She'd hated the SkyClan cats then, for looking at her children like they were parasites. But now, Coyotepaw was an apprentice of SkyClan. He was one of them, and so was Mossy. The truth of their father was Blazestar's burden to bare now, and while she felt bad for dropping this ton of weights on him, along with the reality of her sickness, she knew her kits would be safe. Safe with him, where they could run amongst the stars and truly be protected by StarClan. Where they could experience live freely as SkyClan cats. She only hoped WindClan wouldn't come looking for them.

She hoped her children would forgive her when she told them their true identity. She was not their sister, she was their mother- and they had the right to know when the time came.

Leopardcloud seats herself outside of the medicine cat den, watching the many apprentices and kits run about the camp. She presses a paw against her stomach, attempting to soothe the aching tension there. She'd been resting there, enjoying the sounds of play and laughter. SkyClan was peaceful, and the sun shone just right on her face. She loved it here; rabbits weren't impossible to find, just smaller here. She loved the lizards she finds on the ground, the smell of the air in the morning after a fresh rain. She smiles as she watches Dawnglare organize and reorganize herbs not far behind her.

Speaking to nobody, the molly speaks. "Do you think it will be a harsh leaf-bare? I sure hope we've got what it takes to survive it."
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Amanita was enjoying the sun herself when the molly spoke. She enjoyed the way it shone on her fur, the way it made her glow. She hadn't thought too much about the coming winter. But it was worth worrying about, she knew how difficult it could be.

"We'll just have to see! I think we can survive it just fine." She said, confident in the clan's ability. She hadn't been here long, but she knew they were capable of surviving a winter. "We just have to do our best to prepare, and surely we will get through it."

She was optimistic, this would be her first winter with company rather than by herself. She had high spirits, but with caution. With winter came sickness and little prey, and that was something nobody could control.

I won't apologize for being who I am
Cream colored paws carried the spotted tabby over to where his "sister" happened to be lounging. A toothy smile graced his features as he came to a stop in front of her, gifting the molly with a gentle headbutt to the cheek. His ears perked as he caught the tail end of Amanita's comment, nodding his head in agreement. "Yeah, I think we'll be fine this winter. Honestly I don't think there is anything to be worried about." He chimes in, taking a seat beside Leopardcloud. His head tips to look up into the sky and his brows pull together just a little bit in wonder. "I overheard some cats taking about white stuff that falls from the sky during leaf bare...I wonder if we'll get any." He murmurs softly, leveling his gaze again.
Tryna throw shade on me say a lot 'bout you

"Do you think it will be a harsh leaf-bare?"

Squallmist looks up as the question is spoken, stormy eyes landing on the mottled warrior who asked it. Leopardcloud. Though he doesn't know her all too well, the silver warrior's aware of her presence, aware of her WindClan origins, as well as her younger siblings she brought with. One of them, Coyotepaw, answers her question, another answer in Amanita near by. Both who have yet to experience a winter in the pine forest.

"I sure hope we've got what it takes to survive it," Leopardcloud speaks again. Something seems... something seems a bit off about her. Squallmist just can't place what exactly it is, silently hopes that his mind is playing tricks on him.

"The Pine Group survived leaf-bare well enough, last season," the warrior speaks, an attempt at reassuring the trio. Though, this leaf-bare, it will not be the Pine Group surviving it, rather, SkyClan. "SkyClan has grown in numbers. We're strong. Thriving. I'm sure we'll survive far better, this time around."

He hopes so, anyway.

Amanita is the first to arrive, the molly beautiful beneath the sun's rays- she finds herself enamored with the sight, blinking with her distraction. She voices her belief in the Clan's ability to survive, and it makes her confident. Leopardcloud smiles at the femme, before her attention is snatched up by Coyotepaw, as always. He seats himself next to her, and she shakily tries to get up and scooch over to give him more space to sit with her. "I believe we'll be fine, you are all excellent hunters after all. Dawnglare might be strange, but he is good at his duty." She meows with a grin, hoping the medicine cat wouldn't take offense to her statement.

Next to arrive is Squallmist, and Leopardcloud dips her head in greeting to the tom. He seems to hold himself calmly, something Leopardcloud found interest in. Under pressure, she was known to panic- but she always made decisions when she needed to. Would he be the same, in the future? Or would he change? She blinks as he mentions the Pine Group, and she nods her head in agreement. She was in the Marsh group back then, but she doesn't have very fond memories of those times. The Great Battle wasn't a memory she wanted to relive again. "You've got some eager apprentices, they will help you all." She remarks, coughing softly into a ball of moss she kept around. Clearing her throat, she turns back to the growing group. "Do you like the cold? I used to, it was comforting. The chill, I mean. Until it ate at your bones and all. Elders complain often."