border FOR EVERMORE [ riverclan patrol ]

( ) she has sorely missed her daily patrols. she finds herself looking forward to this one as she gathers her group, even as she remembers the exhaustion that comes at the end of a day. her time in the nursery had been sweet and soft, a well needed rest, but the rogue attack and creeping hunger have jumpstarted her desire to work. narrow paws knead the frost-hardened ground just inside of camp as the woman waits for her patrol. pikesplash and nightfish are nice enough cats, even if she hasn't spent much time with them, and their apprentices are cats she knows quite well, one being her daughter, the other a kitten she looked after many a time. plus, she gets to take her own apprentice, robinpaw, out. she's looking forward to this, she's decided.

her group gathers and willowroot sets off, weaving through the territory with grace and ease as she makes her way towards the skyclan border. there is no need to dread the oncoming interactions- all of the clans seem to be fairly peaceful at the moment, especially with the yellowcough and rogue thread only just subsiding. this will be a nice, chill patrol. at least i hope, she thinks, and then curses herself for allowing the thought.

it is a cold, clear morning on the river, and the sharp cries of straggling geese ring through the air as the patrol makes their way to their destination. the air is crisp, the leaves on the trees a brilliant gradient of hues. already, some branches have taken on a skeleton-like structure, scraping the icy sky as they sway in a chilled breeze. the smoke femme pads along, verdant eyes sparkling with contentment as she watches her clanmates explore and scamper about. the border is approaching quickly, so she calls her group back to order. "alright, loves, no funny business. we're marking borders and getting along. do try to say hello if anyone shows up!" it would be a shame for all the unity to fade back into hostility so quickly. willowroot flicks her tail, addressing robinpaw. "now, i know you you know this border," she purrs, slight amusement in her meow. "can you tell me what you know about skyclan? and show me how you mark a border, please!"

// riverclan patrol passin thru! feel free to reply <3
@Nightfish @carawaypaw @PIKESPLASH @NETTLEPAW @robinpaw.


There's a chill in the air, but it isn't too bad. Nettlepaw presses on, sticking close to his mentor for now, carefully taking in the surrounding sounds and scents. He hears the geese, has heard them before, but can't help the blossoming of curiosity within his mind as he considers such creatures.

"What do geese look like?" The apprentice finally asks as they move along the border. "Why don't we eat them?" He's felt birds on the fresh-kill pile before, after all. He had been told that geese were birds, yet he's never eaten goose before. There must be a reason for that, right? Perhaps they tasted bad.

His ears twitch as they finally reach their destination, and he listens to Willowroot quietly. He had plenty of questions about SkyClan, but it seemed Robinpaw had already been prompted to explain the other group. For now, the blind tom chooses to remain silent, and at the side of Pikesplash.
Hmmm how would I explain it? I can just say they're birds that swim, but that's not really helping isn't it. "Geese can be the size of a warrior or bigger. They can float above the water, effortlessly. It doesn't look like they ever get tired from swimming. They have long necks, legs, and even bigger wings. It's hard to catch them and they're also pretty... Violent. Basically, they're just a lot of trouble that it's best to avoid them and make sure not to get them angry." It makes him shiver to think about a geese chasing him down. They're possibly the worst things to be attacked by because not only can they run on land, they can swim towards you with ease quickly, and they can also fly at you. In short, a pain in the neck to run away from. Attacking geese was not banned or anything, it would just be unwise to do it alone. After all these are big birds that can hurt one pretty badly if not careful.

It occurs to him that he should probably tell Nettlepaw what sounds they make so the apprentice is more wary in their presence. The last thing he wants is Nettlepaw to be caught by surprised and attacked by one of them. "You can always tell when geese are near because they make a honking sound. They tell you to back off by hissing. A good rule of thumb is if you hear hissing, you're in danger." Snakes also hiss, so it would be safer to just say hissing in general is bad and you should run? I mean we hiss, but I'm sure he would know if it's a cats hiss or not. With that bit of information given, he makes sure to stay near Nettlepaw as they follow Willowroot's lead. This is the first time he's seen her with an apprentice, but it is clear that Willowroot is nothing but kind.

Pike would be lying to say he wasn't struck with the idea of addressing Nettlepaw with something more endearing, but based on his reaction from their first day of training... That's a pass. When he looks down at Nettlepaw, the tom has chosen to remain silent. It seems like it'll be one of those moments. "Hey Nettlepaw, why don't you mark the border too?"

On his own patrol, Twitchbolt had been relieved to be padding along the RiverClan border. When they'd been staying in SkyClan, camp had felt strangling and suffocating- but in truth a lot of them had become familiar faces, and for that at least he was glad to see them. A few faces twigged in his memory as he drew closer, studying the pelts of those present- there were a good few younger faces, perhaps on their first border patrol. His eyes flecked with recognition.

"Hi," he called, ever-shaking but attempting to maintain a friendly disposition. It wasn't too-too difficult when there were cats he knew. Even if he knew him from forced time spent choked in the same camp. "Had- had some recent apprentice ceremonies?" A flicker of interest resided in his gaze, genuine- his own apprentice ceremony had felt like being set free. And a small spark of childish envy danced at the bottom of his heart for Carawaypaw being alongside her mother on a patrol, doted upon.
penned by pin ✧
Robinpaw relishes the chill seeping into her plush coat as she follows after Willowroot and the rest of the RiverClan patrol. It is a lovely change of pace - meandering to the SkyClan border rather than running with a kit scruffed and the hope that no rogues follow. Perhaps this may be her most peaceful reason yet to be at the SkyClan border. She is here as a RiverClanner, not as a potential joiner or a refuge. And it seems even Willowroot acknowledges such, given the smoke femme's slight amusement tinging her words as she addresses the tortie apprentice.

"SkyClan is led by Blazestar, and his deputy is Orangeblossom. The territory has quite a few trees so many SkyClanners are skilled climbers... SkyClan is also the only clan to have, umm, daylight warriors. Kittypets who spend time both in SkyClan and at their twoleg homes," Robinpaw recites thoughtfully to her mentor and the other RiverClanners, glancing at each warrior present as if to gain a nod of approval for her response. She is certain there is more to say about SkyClan, but perhaps the other mentors will want to quiz their apprentices as well? It wouldn't be polite to hog the entire spotlight, so to speak.

As for marking the border, the fiery chested apprentice approaches one of the autumn changed trees and scratches grooves into the bark. She is highly aware of another way to mark the border but she feels a sudden shyness, especially with Twitchbolt's arrival, so using her paws feels more natural in the moment.
Today carried the smell of stark evergreens and chilled skies promising a frosty night later on. Dogbite lifted their head aimlessly to take in the crisp air. He enjoyed cool mornings the most when the sun painted an eerie glow across the skies. It was as good a day as any to jumpstart being a decent mentor. Which meant having Littlepaw tag along at every opportunity to advance. He owed it to the little tom to be there and if the beginning of this leaf-bear was an indicator of what more was to come - they would be doubly prepared.

They'd already killed for the paw, and if that were the only way to make amends for his absence, then doubt would gladly do it over. Recent flashes of the sad face he'd seen in small bouts of consciousness haunted the warrior. In two other apprentices, he'd witnessed that expression and it shook the tabby to their core. Glancing down at Littlepaw, he held in the urge to wallow in grief. Rather, he gave a warm smile to the youth and nodded. Re-focusing on the approaching Skyclanners and half listening to the other mentor's spiel.

Quietly, he changed course closer to Twitchbolt as his own eye opened with surprise at the number of unfamiliar faces. Putting on a polite expression, he gave a curt nod to the Riverclanners. He had been unaware of his surroundings until his last days in Shadowclan. Excluding the Skyclanner from much of the inter-clan experiences. Leaving them rather neutral on the clan before them. Idly, he awaited the other clan's remark, unwilling to throw it into the conversational ring just yet.

  • ooc ; @LITTLEPAW! apprentice tag!
    prompt evergreen.
  • 1000007505-png.1053

    ✧ 29 moons old
    ✧ skyclan warrior
    ✧ he/they ; single
    ✧ child of npc x npc
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ✧ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ✧ penned by tasmagoric
Last edited:

carawaypaw is enjoying the patrol thus far, how could she not? towing behind her mother to skyclan's border, this time under much nicer circumstances. she remembered how the pines looked through tear filled eyes the first time she had been here, carried then. her expression drains slightly at the memory, but is quickly shifted back at the approach of the skyclan patrol.

subconsciously her paws had her placed closely to willowroot despite her mentor being on the patrol as well. a green gaze flickered over to nightfish momentarily, she doubted she'd find anything other than a blank expression. one of the skyclanners speaks, carawaypaw does not know his name but his pelt is familiar. no one else was leaping to answer his question, apprentices were allowed to talk at the border, right? "hello!" she chirps, feathered tail raising over her back. "yes! me and my littermates are apprentices now," chest puffed with pride, she remembers nettlepaw is also on this patrol. "nettlepaw too." begrudgingly, it is added.

  • CARAWAYPAW she/her, apprentice of riverclan, four moons
    carawaypaw is a pretty longhaired silver tabby with green eyes and a long, lithe frame. born into riverclan, she loves her home and has a deep fascination with becoming a warrior to provide for it. for now, she is heavily focused on her duties as an apprentice and trying to balance them with her enjoyment of less serious activities. she is currently apprenticed to nightfish.
    willowroot x poppysplash ↛ sister to bumblepaw, tidepaw, mosspaw, hazepaw, antlerpaw, and buckpaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ see battle info here
    penned by vayle@vayl3 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

It's nice to see some familiar faces. Even though their time with them was short, it had been nice to see their way of life and how they interacted with their own clanmates. He wouldn't dare to say he was best friends with any of the skyclanners present, but it was very nice to see them and note that despite everything that happened they were doing good. More or less anyway, he wouldn't know unless he was a skyclanner himself. He gives each Skyclanner a nod and flick of his tail in greeting. Just as he's about to answer Twitchbolt, Carawaypaw interrupts with enthusiasm. He can't help but chuckle and smile at her demeanor. Skyclan were their friends so he saw no reason to cuff her or tell her it was wrong to say this things to the Skyclanners.

"H-hey, be nice to Nettlepaw. You also forgot Bristlepaw," he mews to the silver apprentice. The words said are playful but also with a subtle reprimand. Yes, it is nice to be proud for yourself and your kin becoming apprentices, but that didn't mean everyone else was whatever. Anyhow he looks at Twitchbolt and adds, "We've had plenty of apprentice ceremonies and warrior ceremonies. How about Skyclan? Has there been many ceremonies?" By no means is Twitchbolt or any of the Skyclanners present obligated to give them information. However, it would be nice no matter how vague to hear about their allies.
it's not my fault i have my father's eyes .
Following his mentor, Littlepaw remained quiet, not unusual for the small apprentice. He never did like talking much, preferring to listen and stew in seething anger. Today, the black-and-white apprentice was blissfully numb. Gone was the impending rage that bubbled beneath his fur and the terror that grappled his insides to unnerving numbness.

It wasn’t unwelcome, that’s for sure. Littlepaw quite enjoyed the quietness, but he felt raw and exposed making his fur twitch and muscles coiling spontaneously. Blinking languidly, Dogbite offered him a smile, but he made no move to return it, replaced with a slow blink of tired optics, healing scars pulling.

He’d been made an apprentice before them, watching with sudden curiosity, helm pivoting to watch the new apprentices with a twitch of his brow. Ceremonies? Littlepaw blinked. Had they? He hadn’t been—Oh. They did. He glanced over at his mentor as he thought of it. They had one. Happypaw? Peeking a blue gaze at the RiverClanner. “One.” He replied simply.

thought speech


Curious, he listens to his mentor describe the geese, finally feeling somewhat... better, today. Perhaps being on the patrol was soothing to the young tom, who would have far too much time to think otherwise. Staying busy was important after recent events, and it was more productive than brooding. Encouraged by Pikesplash to help mark the border, he initially agrees with a nod, working to do exactly that. He smells SkyClan before he hears them, recognizes some of the voices in the crowd. Ears prick studiously, but flatten almost as soon as Carawaypaw speaks. She's still mad, Nettlepaw thinks bitterly. He barely has time to consider Robinpaw's words with all the blood rising to his ears, making him feel hot and agitated beneath his fur. The boy shoots Carawaypaw a sightless glare.

"Don't bother." He speaks flatly toward his mentor as he requests Carawaypaw be nice. "She hasn't learned to grow up, yet." It's a pointed insult, childish and entirely spiteful, but Nettlepaw directs it at Carawaypaw regardless.
𓆝 . ° ✦ Loner life is easy: there’s no schedule, no obligations but the ones you set for yourself. As long as you manage to stay alive, you’re probably doing it right.

There’s very much a wrong way to do things in a clan, and Nightfish is doing a lot to avoid following that path. Especially with Skyclan right on the other side. If she turns up on a patrol of her own—

He gives every scent marker along this patrol route a very thorough check, furrowing his brows as he rubs his cheek conscientiously against every stone. He tries to show his new apprentice how to go about it — that’s what he’s meant to do, right? — but the slinky little molly only has eyes for her mother, so he shrugs and keeps going. Hey, as long as she’s learning, or whatever.

So perhaps he’s not the most paws-on mentor; doesn’t mean he’s going to let it slide when someone else tries to school his apprentice. Scowling at Pike’s light-hearted reprimand, he feels his tail whip to the side, trying to slap the warrior’s shoulder. He feels a little bad almost immediately, but shrugs it off: it’s not like he got his claws out or anything. And the irritation he feels at the other apprentice overtakes that, anyway: he doesn’t even think before twisting around, snapping his teeth a whisker’s breadth from the blind apprentice’s nose. He has no idea whether Nettle would even feel it.

“Maybe you should mind yourself and do some growing of your own,” he growls, “Could eat you in one mouthful as you are.”

The Skyclanners’ eyes on them prickle on his back, crawling uncomfortably up his spine. His face heats underneath his dark fur; he feels like an idiot for snapping for so little.
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc:
  • Cjwugm2.png
    a large black and lilac chimera with high white and blue-yellow heterochromia and an expressionless face.
  • Love
Reactions: Sheogorath


The air shifts. Something snaps a mere whisker from his nose, the click of fangs, the chomp of jaws. He thinks he smells a rush of the Warrior's breath. Nettlepaw stares, though his eyes are sightless, in that moment they appear piercing, glistening with challenge. With Defiance. He hadn't been expecting such a fierce response to his words, a backlash he'd never thought to experience from his own clan. Naturally, the child responds in kind, with equal ferocity glowing in his eyes as he peels back his lips and bares his teeth. It's probably a terrible idea. He shouldn't be standing with such a challenging expression against a Warrior, but Nettlepaw doesn't care. He wants Nightfish to know that, Warrior or not, he would defend himself. He would fight back.

"Wanna be a rogue? Go ahead and try it." The boy speaks low, a growl, an unmistakable and entirely foolish lack of fear. How dare this cat, RiverClan warrior or not, threaten to eat him? Perhaps it was not meant to be taken literally, but the comment alone was enough to make the boy's neck fur rise in fury. It seemed to be a stand off, for now. Nettlepaw wasn't stepping back. Wasn't backing down. He wonders what Nightfish will do next.

-ˋˏ ˎˊ- carawaypaw's ear flicks in annoyance at pikesplash's correction, be nice. wasn't that ironic! she is about to retort that she hadn't forgotten bristlepaw, if he were here too she would have included him. but nettlepaw speaks of course, insulting her, calling her a kit right in front of skyclan. black ears pin as carawaypaw shifts her glance to willowroot, always so composed, would these words rile her mother as well?

her chin tilts up as nightfish goes to deal with the duo, above this she decides. carawaypaw holds back from encouraging her mentor to try and eat nettlepaw, it wouldn't be right to say out loud that she was not against it. but nettlepaw still doesn't back down, amplifying the display for the poor skyclan patrol. stars, they were probably regretting their hospitality right about now.

"and he says i'm the childish one," she mutters scornfully to no one in particular, paws putting distance between herself and the border. this was... no longer fun. her first patrol ruined with such an efficiency that she could almost give nettlepaw props. "are we almost done? i wanna go home..." it is almost a plead, she couldn't mourn the sour death of this patrol here, on the border.

  • CARAWAYPAW she/her, apprentice of riverclan, four moons
    carawaypaw is a pretty longhaired silver tabby with green eyes and a long, lithe frame. born into riverclan, she loves her home and has a deep fascination with becoming a warrior to provide for it. for now, she is heavily focused on her duties as an apprentice and trying to balance them with her enjoyment of less serious activities. she is currently apprenticed to nightfish.
    willowroot x poppysplash ↛ sister to bumblepaw, tidepaw, mosspaw, hazepaw, antlerpaw, and buckpaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ see battle info here
    penned by vayle@vayl3 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

Yikes, apprentices are something. Nettlepaw has never been the most... Let's just say his apprentice has a way with words. He doesn't reprimand Nettlepaw for his words given the fact that it was Carawaypaw who started this ordeal and it seems like this was a personal problem between the pair. Best to let them figure it out. He merely gives his apprentice a hum before turning his attention to the Skyclanners. The cat who answers is an apprentice, a blue-eyed one sporting a black and white pelt. He doesn't know the apprentices name, which he feels a smidge bad about. He gives the apprentice a smile and opens his maw only for his shoulder to be slapped by a tail. He promptly closes his maw and looks for the source and he comes face to face with Nightfish. The fellow warrior is given an incredulous expression as if to ask why in heck did was he slapped for. It wasn't like he did anything bad. This time when he returns his gaze into Littlepaw's blue eyes, he keeps an eye on Nightfish in case they're in the mood for more slapping.

"One? That's wonderful! Is it an apprentice or warrior?" Littlepaw might look at his as strange considering Skyclan has only had one ceremony while Riverclan had more. However, ceremonies, even just one was a joyous event. It meant either learning the ways of the warrior or earning your place among warriors for all the training you've endured. It's then out of the corner of his eye he sees Nightfish snap at his apprentice mind you. Immediately he whips around and is pleased to see that Nettlepaw is defying the warrior in question. He dares feels pride towards the young tom for barking back at his senior. Carawaypaw pipes up and demands they should go home.

What a mess. Willowroot would be displeased. Even more so that Pikesplash himself can't let this go. "Both of them are childish, although one of them is supposed to be a warrior," he mews coldly in Nightfish's direction. Don't you dare lay a claw on him.
( ) "very good, robinpaw," willowroot purrs, giving her apprentice an approving nod. she turns to greet the approaching skyclanners as robinpaw moves off to mark the border. "good morning, twitchbolt!" she calls, pricking her ears forward in a friendly manner. the tomcat examines the contents of their patrol and wonders about apprentice ceremonies and a twinge of pride fills the warrior's chest. carawaypaw answers with a bubbly tone, adding nettlepaw in as an afterthought. willowroot was under the assumption the childhood grudge had worked itself out- she supposes maybe it'll take more time. as nettlepaw snaps back at the other apprentice, she rolls her eyes and turns back to the other clan cats.

opening her mouth to congratulate skyclan on their supposed ceremony, she is interrupted by a spat breaking out as nightfish jostles pikesplash's side and snaps close to nettlepaw's snout. displeasure is clear in the way willowroot's tail lashes against the ground, and she huffs a small growl. "apologies for my patrol. mentors are very protective of their apprentices," she gives a snort that could be mistaken for laughter or anger. "we'd best be off," she will order, flashing icy green eyes towards nightfish and then pikesplash. robinpaw has acted more of an adult than either of them. sweeping her tail to beckon her apprentice, the smoke turns away from the border. "best of luck in the coming moon!" she throws over her shoulder, words genuine and friendly as she moves to leave the situation.

once far enough away from the border, willowroot turns with a small hiss. "some of us are newly learning how to patrol, and i am aware of this," she begins, eyes narrowing on her daughter and nettlepaw. there is little malice at their actions, although annoyance is clear in her vocals. "however, others have been given their warrior names, and have been trusted to train apprentices. we do not threaten to eat our clanmates, and certainly not when in front of other clans." tipping her head, she focuses on nightfish, eyes softening only slightly. "am i understood?"

tufted ears twitch as the molly gives a sharp nod. "apprentices, i hope this patrol was enlightening for you. let us head home now." with this, the smoke stalks to the head of her patrol and moves towards camp.

// out <33 ic opinions only mwah
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Reactions: Sheogorath
𓆝 . ° ✦ Well he certainly feels like an idiot now. More than usual, that is. Pike’s cold tone annoys him, at first, before it’s washed out by embarrassment — the other tom is right, it’s stupid to get like that over an apprentice. He follows woodenly as their patrol leader gives them marching orders, muttering something polite in the Skyclanners’ vague direction, too low to actually be heard by them.

Her reprimand, once they’re away from the other patrol, feels like getting dumped in the river in the middle of Leafbare. Her annoyance closes over his spine like teeth, making his head hang and his ears pin back, stuck between shame and anger.

“Understood,” he echoes, followed by a muttered: “Sorry” as he follows her away.
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc:
  • Cjwugm2.png
    a large black and lilac chimera with high white and blue-yellow heterochromia and an expressionless face.

There had been nothing that the spotted tabby wanted or needed to say to the RiverClanners, SkyClan blood unintentionally falling upon their fishy paws after the incidents with the rogues. His opinions were ones that bubbled under the surface, the longer he dwelled, the less he knew if he was angry at those across the border or if he was angry at himself for trying to rationalise the irrational. Black-tipped ears twitched at the behaviour of the RiverClan apprentices and warriors alike, a side-eyed glance offered to his clanmates. The patrol left quickly once dissension had started, the Lead Warrior giving a stern nod 'goodbye' to them. When he was certain they were out of earshot, the tension left Silversmoke's shoulders, his tail lashing behind him more madly than a rabbit. "Seems like a lovely clan," he remarked sardonically to his patrolmates in a huff, the idea of SkyClanners acting in such a way among themselves on the borders incredulous. It seemed like a conversation best saved for pre-patrol, especially when border patrols were meant to be a display of unity. Silversmoke shook out his fur. "Let's hope we don't see these cats on the borders again for a while." They clearly needed more lessons before they were fit to patrol so far out.


When Willowroot, a kind and familiar face, greeted him personally- Twitchbolt felt almost as if he might throw up his stomach. For some reason, that hello had given him the lurch of a lifetime. He didn't know how he was still getting surprised by the fact that cats he had learned to hold some level of respect for actually acknowledged his existence. Thankfully, he had kept enough composure to offer the patrol-leader a flustered but genuine grin in return.

What order had dwelled in this.. very fresh-faced patrol dissipated quite quickly. It was easy for any idiot to see that two of the new apprentices didn't quite get on. And... well, one of the warriors was apparently getting irritated enough by them to snap something back. Second-hand embarrassment washed over Twitchbolt like heavy rainfall, especially when Willowroot gave a quick apology. "Fff- first patrol, and all that, hah..." he offered weakly in return, waving a crooked tail goodbye.

Nearby, Silversmoke's shoulders depressed in a loosening of tension. "I'm at least g-glad for their sake that didn't happen in front of WindClan," he uttered, voice quivering. Better to show a couple loosening threads in front of an ally rather than an enemy...
penned by pin ✧